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Although the proportion of network prime‐time programs with sexual images decreased somewhat during the 1990's, the overall message about sex did not change. Sex is often found in a humorous context—four often programs include humorous sexual references. Sex is most often found in dramas, followed closely by situation comedies. Moreover, one‐fifth of prime‐time programs have sexual content that is categorized as gratuitous (unwarranted) to the plot. Viewers do not seem to favor programs with sexual content — there was no support for the hypothesis that programs with sexual content would have higher Nielsen ratings than programs without sexual content.  相似文献   


This study explores the relationship between several structural level variables and repeat viewing of prime‐time public television programming. A strong positive correlation was found between audience ratings and repeat viewing. Analyses of variance were performed on repeat viewing using program scheduling, presence/absence of continuing dramatic story line, and household cable status, and significant effects for repeat viewing occurred for all. A regression model utilizing these variables accounted for a moderate degree of variance in repeat viewing.  相似文献   


Mass observation and survey data reveal how family position and family communication patterns influence the selection of television programs under naturalistic conditions at home.  相似文献   

This article elaborates on research suggesting that the VCR is a time shifting device leading to more selectivity. It argues that time shifting can lead to time reduction or time filling and that selectivity can entail diversification or concentration of the TV diet. In both cases, however, no significant difference in TV viewing may occur as well. Data from a representative sample of 909 Flemish respondents showed no evidence of time‐reduction. The VCR is mainly used as a time‐filling device. VCR‐use does not seem to lead to concentration, but rather to diversification of the TV diet. Authors have claimed that the VCR is a device which allows better management of the viewing experience and which liberates viewers of the constraints of viewer or program availability. This article suggests instead that it may be more productive to look at the VCR as another channel (albeit it with peculiar characteristics). It influences the viewers’ TV consumption only to the extent that it is part of the viewers’ “channel repertoire” for selecting programs.  相似文献   

This study examined negative events and conflict response in individuals’ “closest”; relationships. Sillars’ (1980a,b) typology of conflict responses (avoidance, distributive, integrative) with roommates was applied to individuals ‘ closest relationships. Individuals reported romantic partners, same‐ or opposite‐sex friends as their “closest”; relationship. Results indicated that negative events varied by relationship‐type and that individuals in romantic relationships felt closer to their partner than those in same‐ or opposite‐sex friendships. Participants in this study reported using integrative strategies most across relationship‐type in response to conflict. Individuals using integrative strategies reported significantly higher current relational intimacy than those who used avoidance or distributive strategies. Discussion and implications follow.  相似文献   

In higher education levels of resource provision are becoming increasingly important. Within this context academic libraries are required to evaluate their services and ensure that they meet the needs of users. Sensitivity to customer requirements must be extended to include different categories of customer and in light of the changing composition of the student population, serving the needs of part time students should be a priority for academic librarians. The aim of this study was to evaluate the levels of satisfaction with library facilities among part time students in the University of Ulster at Jordanstown (UUJ). A postal questionnaire was administered to two hundred part time students within the Faculty of Business and Management obtaining a response rate of 45%. Factor analysis was used to identify factors underpinning user satisfaction. These reflected two general dimensions of staff and facilities. A clear trend emerged suggesting that part time students rated satisfaction with staff more highly than satisfaction with facilities. Significance testing concluded that there were no differences in levels of satisfaction between regular and irregular users of the library. Clearly further research is needed in the area but this study indicates that efforts at improvement should be directed primarily in the direction of facilities to raise part time students’ satisfaction.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):208-214

This study focused on patterns of verbal behavior embedded in the interview process rather than on externalfactors as predictors of outcome. A Markov model was used to map the relationships between interviewer styles, time, and patterns of communication. Each interview was conceptualized as a system, and the categories of verbal behavior were treated as the finite number of states the system could ocupy. Thirteen‐state and three‐state models of the interview systems were constructed which displayed both state probabilities and transition probabilities of the system's states. The basic finding was that although each interview system had different probability structures, the structure of any one system was quite stable over time.  相似文献   

The following article is one of the first fruits of a million dollars’ worth of research by some two dozen investigators that was sponsored by the Surgeon General's Scientific Advisory Committee in an attempt to examine the possible links between the mass media and violence. The research upon which this particular publication is based was performed pursuant to Contract No. HSM 42–70–32 with the National Institute of Mental Health, Health Services and Mental Health Administration, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Dr Greenberg, associate professor in the Department of Communication at Michigan State University, and a frequent contributor to the Journal, was the principal investigator. Mr. Gordon, a Ph.D. candidate, was senior research assistant in the same department.  相似文献   


The following paper is a case study analysis of the Sony Corporation; a leading transnational media corporation in the production and sale of consumer electronics, music and film entertainment and videogame technology. There are two main parts to this study. Part I, examines the history and development of the Sony Corporation. This paper argues that the business strategies and corporate culture of a company are often a direct reflection of the person (or persons) who were responsible for developing the organization and its business mission. Part II. examines the Sony Corporation from the standpoint of business strategy. Special attention is given to the subject of organizational culture and strategic decision‐making. A second argument of this paper is that while Sony is a transnational media corporation, the organization is decidedly Japanese in its business values. The significance of this research lies in its revelations concerning the complex changes facing a company that was once historically Japanese in its origins but is tecoming increasingly transnational ïn scope and operations.  相似文献   


The purpose of the article is to provide a first exploration of success drivers and inhibitors of mobile business start‐ups in Germany. Based on this objective we reviewed various written sources and interviewed specialised venture capital managers. This led to the identification of about 50 m‐business start‐ups in Germany. Most of these new ventures address business rather than residential customers. Our preliminary analysis suggested nine general hypotheses on internal success factors likely to be of particular importance for m‐business start‐ups. Among these factors were the pursuance of a fo‐cussed differentiation and pioneering market entry strategy or the ability to adapt services to the variety of mobile devices in the market. Young m‐business ventures follow different business models (e.g. application infrastructure provision, application service provision or mobile portal operation), which possess model‐specific success drivers or inhibitors. Further, more long‐term research with larger samples is needed to validate and to specify the article's rather general hypotheses on success factors of German m‐business ventures.  相似文献   

Based on agenda‐setting research, this study focused on the links between media coverage, real‐world indicators, and public opinion about abortion. We conducted a content analysis of coverage of the abortion issue in two prestige newspapers, The New York Times and the Washington Post, between two key Supreme Court rulings. We hypothesized that amount of coverage would (a) increase during election years, (b) be related to number of abortions performed, and (c) be related to public opinion about abortion rights. We found mixed support for our hypotheses. Abortion coverage did peak during election years but was not related to the number of abortions performed, and was related negatively to public acceptance of abortion rights.  相似文献   

This article synthesizes the findings of two empirical surveys carried out in 1986 and 1990 in Malaysia. It also presents a brief historical background of the political process in the country, as well as an overview of the Malaysian media. Finally, it touches on the latest general elections in Malaysia, held in 1995, and their implications.  相似文献   


This article reviews the application of the Industrial Organization (10) framework of Structure‐Conduct‐Performance (S‐C‐P) in media market research. The constructs and premises of this economic model are restated, and the orthodox economic notions of market performance and the logic that underlies the model are clarified. Alongside these elucidations, this article discusses common conceptualizations and interpretations found in media market studies. Media issues such as content diversity and media concentration, which are often studied through the S‐C‐P approach, are also re‐examined. These deliberations are intended to contribute toward a more consistent framework for the study of media industries and markets.  相似文献   

This article draws attention to a segment of the Russian literary market that is underrepresented in American research library collections, namely light popular fiction and particularly the titles that belong to the detektiv genre. The results of an informal survey of scholars and bibliographers are presented and collection patterns are briefly discussed. Following an exposition of the available collection development tools for Russian light fiction, the article concludes with a call for greater emphasis on collecting these materials in North American research libraries.  相似文献   


The mushroom growth of radio and television instruction taking place since the end of World War II has left in its wake a patch‐work guilt of academic programs in colleges and universities from coast to coast. The importance of trying to answer the question ‘Where are we going?”; indicates a need for realistic stock‐taking and thorough curriculum evaluation.

In keeping with its policy of seeking to advance the field of knowledge as to education for broadcasting, the Journal presents a special report on the current state of the curriculum which, it is hoped, will prove of value to all those interested in education for broadcasting.  相似文献   

This study concerned how coaches’ efforts to solicit better performance from athletes related to male athletes’ perceptions of their coaches’ communication and to athletes’ self‐reports of satisfaction and performance. Data were collected from 192 former male high‐school athletes. Results indicated that when male athletes perceived that their coaches used more aggressive tactics athletes evaluated their coaches communication unfavorably and that when male athletes evaluated their coaches’ communication unfavorably they reported less satisfaction with their coaches, less team success in terms of win‐loss percentage, and less sportsmanship.  相似文献   

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