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This article provides an annotated list of 326 journals in criminal justice and criminology. After consulting the “notes for contributors” sections of each journal, the authors mailed a self-administered survey to all journal editors soliciting their input on their editorial policies. Journal websites were also consulted to construct the journals' mission, scope, and editorial focus. A total of 221 editors returned the survey for a return rate of 68%. The following entries present an annotation that summarizes the mission, philosophy, and editorial policies of each journal. Following the annotations, the chart documents contact information for the editors and editorial policies concerning submissions to each journal.  相似文献   

Research has explored multicultural teacher education from multiple, sometimes divergent perspectives; yet, these studies agree that what passes for multicultural education fails to address issues of educational inequity. This paper is part of a larger evaluation study of Reduction of Stigma in Schools (RSIS) – a professional development program aiming to empower educators to create affirming environments for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning (LGBTQ) youth. Interview data indicate that though workshops utilized a critical approach, what teachers embraced was a call to understand and “protect” LGBTQ students through the “safety” discourse – a form of understanding and valuing the “cultural other” – and investment in one time “visibility” or “celebration” events as symbols of improved school climate. Further, educators framed LGBTQ issues as “risk” issues rather than as equity issues, which continue to mark LGBTQ students as “victims” or “problems” in need of saving or solving. We posit that responses to RSIS content reflect educators’ understanding of their obligation to “diversity” as presented during their teacher preparation programs and that workshop content which resonated with them was that which they could easily fit into these familiar frameworks.  相似文献   

学术期刊编辑网络媒介素养提升   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学术期刊编辑网络媒介素养包括注意力、参与力、协作力、信息识别力、联网的智慧,还包括网络安全意识、网络道德保障等。学术期刊编辑作为网络信息传播的“把关人”,必须从信息整合者向用户整合者转变,树立增强网络媒介素养的意识,使编辑素养由单一型向多媒体复合型转变。政府应创新体制,注重编辑队伍建设,搭建学习和交流平台,进行系统化的网络化培养。加大期刊社数字出版的转变力度,切实有效地提高编辑的网络素养。  相似文献   

There is no apparent relationshipd bettwen the outcome of 1993 CQAHE quality ratings and universities’ standing on several measures of equity performance. Further, there is no relationship between the overall quality ratings and the content of universities’ submissions referring to equity issues.  相似文献   

在加快普及高中阶段教育的要求下,需要全面而科学地认识我国普及高中阶段教育的主要问题。必须科学审视高中教育"普及"含义,科学决策普及高中阶段教育中的"收费"政策,把实现教育公平与提高教育质量作为加快普及的要求内容。  相似文献   

When evaluating equity, researchers often look at the “achievement gap.” Privileging knowledge and skills as primary outcomes of science education misses other, more subtle, but critical, outcomes indexing inequitable science education. In this comparative ethnography, we examined what it meant to “be scientific” in two fourth‐grade classes taught by teachers similarly committed to reform‐based science (RBS) practices in the service of equity. In both classrooms, students developed similar levels of scientific understanding and expressed positive attitudes about learning science. However, in one classroom, a group of African American and Latina girls expressed outright disaffiliation with promoted meanings of “smart science person” (“They are the science people. We aren't like them”), despite the fact that most of them knew the science equally well or, in one case, better than, their classmates. To make sense of these findings, we examine the normative practice of “sharing scientific ideas” in each classroom, a comparison that provided a robust account of the differently accessible meanings of scientific knowledge, scientific investigation, and scientific person in each setting. The findings illustrate that research with equity aims demands attention to culture (everyday classroom practices that promote particular meanings of “science”) and normative identities (culturally produced meanings of “science person” and the accessibility of those meanings). The study: (1) encourages researchers to question taken‐for‐granted assumptions and complexities of RBS and (2) demonstrates to practitioners that enacting what might look like RBS and producing students who know and can do science are but pieces of what it takes to achieve equitable science education. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., Inc. J Res Sci Teach 48: 459–485, 2011  相似文献   

Despite calls for a more nuanced approach to issues of gender and equity that recognizes how broader relations of gender and power continue to produce injustices for many females, essentialized accounts expressing concern about boys’ poor educational performance remain the most common refrain in dominant equity discourses across Western contexts. This common refrain characteristic of current large scale gender reforms, such as Australia's parliamentary inquiry into the education of boys, Boys: Getting it right, is driven by a standards rather than social justice focus and thus creates silences around issues of gender injustice, power, and constructions of hegemonic masculinity. In this paper, I present “Sally's” story as a disruption of these silences. Sally is a young English teacher at “Penfolds College”, an all boys Catholic school in a large urban centre in Queensland (Australia). Her story, in illustrating how particular boys draw on broader discourses of masculinity to sexually harass and intimidate her, highlights the inadequacies of dominant public and policy discourse in terms of its failure to locate boys’ educational issues within broader contexts of inequitable gender relations.  相似文献   

The new technology (such as ScholarOne) used for submitting papers to academic journals (such as this one) increases the possibilities for gathering, analysing and presenting summary data on stages in the refereeing process. Such data can be used to clarify the roles played by editors and publishers as well as referees—roles less widely discussed in the previous literature. I conclude, after a review of related issues, that refereeing should be “open” in this information age—i.e. correspondence between editors, referees and authors should be open and available, and not private. Some of the issues involved in achieving this are outlined and discussed.  相似文献   

民族地区教育贫困治理是我国教育治理的重要组成部分。回顾历史,民族地区教育贫困治理目标实现了物质层面与精神层面的全面脱贫,治理理念实现了从区域公平向群体公平的回归,治理方法凸显了智力层面与能力层面的共同帮扶。在新的时代背景下,民族教育贫困治理目标需从全面补齐短板转为教育优质发展,治理理念需从群体公平转向个体权利公平,治理方法需从外部被动给予转向内部需求关照。面向未来,民族教育不仅需要着眼教师培养,积极构建教师教学共同体,促进民族地区教育优质发展,而且需要关照教育过程公平,重视“小微学校”建设,促进学校育人功能发挥,更需要关照民族学子的需求,开展文化认同教育。  相似文献   

Reports of the use of behavior modification in the classroom are reviewed, with special attention given to the question of whether or not generalization of the effects of the behavior modification programs was obtained. Those programs in which generalization across time, settings, or behaviors was observed were found to differ from other programs in several important ways. These differences were utilized in formulating a set of 15 proposed “rules” for obtaining generalization of the effects of behavior modification procedures. It is suggested that these “rules” be used to make behavior modification more effective, both clinically and practically.  相似文献   

In our reflective essay from our multiple perspectives as journal editors, peer reviewers, and published authors, we present ideas about editorial support, democracy, and innovation in the publishing process. As four tenured professors who work in universities in the states of Illinois, Virginia, Texas, and Kentucky, we are a community of editors who are committed to a transparent, service-oriented support process. Our collective experience has allowed us to shape numerous academic bodies of work, culminating in an experiential point of view that reflects a political take on the support role of editors. We include lengthy, databased statements from journal editors in the form of vignettes that underscore the importance of community-based, democratic editorial practices that are themselves simultaneously personal testimonials and political statements. Our call is intended to foster large-scale social change within the academic editorial culture through global understanding about the sensibilities of editors and reviewers as well as authors and publishers engaged in the complex work of publication review. Our academic goal is to enhance fair practices and inclusive opportunities, worldwide, through more relational, equitable, and supportive editorial practices.  相似文献   

Nationally and internationally equity in education has become a key goal. In Norway, a White Paper has been tabled to address how equity can be improved through education. In this paper the pedagogic and knowledge orientation of the initiatives are analyzed and discussed in relation to two models of equity: “equity through equality” and “equity through diversity.” The paper finds that although contradictions are present, the Norwegian ministry clearly favors the equality model. The author claims that the presented policies can be understood as a response to the global educational trend that Apple refers to as “conservative modernization.” This can further be related to Bernstein's “Totally Pedagogised Society,” where the adaptable, trainable individual is a key notion. The paper concludes that the lack of attention given to the diversity of citizens may be a major shortcoming, as lack of recognition is in many ways what causes educational failure in the first place.  相似文献   

Panel discussion   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The question “Is Creativity a Plausible Educational Goal?” is central to any discussion of creativity from an educational vantage point. In the period from the 1960s until now, it has been more or less taken for granted that creativity is a realistic goal of education. However, there is a variety of issues which this presupposition can cause to arise. One is the issue of the early identification of “creative” individuals independent of their ever creating anything. Another is the question of fostering creativity as opposed to the fostering of actual creation. The strategies range from the early identification of the creative and “leaving them alone” to the refusal to make the identification and the fostering of creativity in Everyman. Others deny that there is any way of either identifying creativity or of fostering it. Virtually all these positions are represented in the following panel discussion.  相似文献   

由于教学过程中的公平易被人忽视,所以中小学长期存在的精英主义教学倾向难以引起教师及社会的应有关注。中小学精英主义的教学倾向主要表现为"因材施教"的曲解、"勤能补拙"的隐喻及"圈子文化"的排斥。克服中小学精英主义的教学倾向需要教师、社会及家长通力合作,以多元视角看待学生智力,促进学生群体间平等对话,给予"非精英"更多关照,从而保证每位学生都得到更好的发展。  相似文献   

基础教育生均经费支出的公平性影响着教育过程公平和教育结果公平。文章基于1995—2018年基础教育生均经费支出数据和在校生数据,通过计算Gini系数和Theil指数测算了中国基础教育生均经费支出公平性的变化规律。研究发现,1995—2018年中国基础教育生均经费支出公平性总体上处于"比较公平"和"相对合理"水平,且整体上更加公平了;基础教育生均经费支出的省际差异大于区域差异;东部地区基础教育生均经费支出省际差异较大,公平程度较低;全国高中生均经费支出的公平性有降低的趋势。基于以上研究发现,文章提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

Given the recent interest in attention difficulties or deficits, it is legitimate to enquire what would be considered “normal” in terms of the length of time on task that one would expect of an individual of a given age group.

This paper explores the issues surrounding selective attention and attention “types”, and conclude by setting down tentative guidelines for making judgements.  相似文献   

文化存在论教育学理论是在教育学这门学科究竟主要是一门以哲学运思为主的精神科学,还是一门方法至上的实证科学这一历史性交锋中应运而生的。文化存在论教育学的提出是对实证主义范式在教育学领域过度宣扬的匡正。教育学是一门有着浓郁的强烈的丰富的人文性、艺术性、审美性、价值性和伦理性的学科。从学科嬗变史、学科本质、学科研究方法借鉴路线图等来考察,我们可以得出这样的结论,教育学作为一门“成人”的学科所具有的境遇性、生命性、个殊性、复杂性等特质无法被完全数据化的定量研究所把握。文化存在论教育学分别从教育本质、教育目的及教育方法出发,聚焦三个根本性问题:儿童“是”什么?儿童会成“为”什么?儿童之所以会成“为”社会与文化所期望的那个样子,需“要”什么?针对这三个根本问题,文化存在论教育学提出了理想的教育应确立的四项重要原则:首先,教育要关注儿童的“精神”或者“生命”成长,关注儿童的心灵世界、精神世界、生命世界;其次,教育是“相遇”的历程,是一场充满“境遇”的人生旅程,多元、丰富、奇幻的教育孕育着儿童各种生长的可能性,教育既关怀当下,又指向未来的生活;再次,教育要注重“关系”的营建,魅力在于生活世界中诸般“关系”的和谐与共融,儿童与教师在美好的教育“关系”中相濡以沫,砥砺前行;最后,儿童是“文化”的存在,教育要关注文化在陶冶滋养儿童的向善、求真、育美中的重要作用。  相似文献   

This article provides a review of some important milestones in the history of reliability, some current issues concerning reliability, and some likely prospects for reliability, from the perspective of one central question: “What constitutes a replication of a measurement procedure?” Special attention is given to the fixed/random aspects of facets that characterize replications.  相似文献   

莎剧《哈姆莱特》中的著名独白"To be,or not to be,that is the question:"的翻译,历来是译者关注的焦点,由此产生了众多不同的译文。本文试图通过对众多译文的比较分析,进一步探讨这句独白的翻译方式。  相似文献   

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