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We present design, characterization, and testing of an inexpensive, sheath-flow based microfluidic device for three-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamic focusing of cells in imaging flow cytometry. In contrast to other 3D sheathing devices, our device hydrodynamically focuses the cells in a single-file near the bottom wall of the microchannel that allows imaging cells with high magnification and low working distance objectives, without the need for small device dimensions. The relatively large dimensions of the microchannels enable easy fabrication using less-precise fabrication techniques, and the simplicity of the device design avoids the need for tedious alignment of various layers. We have characterized the performance of the device with 3D numerical simulations and validated these simulations with experiments of hydrodynamic focusing of a fluorescently dyed sample fluid. The simulations show that the width and the height of the 3D focused sample stream can be controlled independently by varying the heights of main and side channels of the device, and the flow rates of sample and sheath fluids. Based on simulations, we also provide useful guidelines for choosing the device dimensions and flow rates for focusing cells of a particular size. Thereafter, we demonstrate the applicability of our device for imaging a large number of RBCs using brightfield microscopy. We also discuss the choice of the region of interest and camera frame rate so as to image each cell individually in our device. The design of our microfluidic device makes it equally applicable for imaging cells of different sizes using various other imaging techniques such as phase-contrast and fluorescence microscopy.  相似文献   

In this work, we demonstrate an integrated, single-layer, miniature flow cytometry device that is capable of multi-parametric particle analysis. The device integrates both particle focusing and detection components on-chip, including a "microfluidic drifting" based three-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamic focusing component and a series of optical fibers integrated into the microfluidic architecture to facilitate on-chip detection. With this design, multiple optical signals (i.e., forward scatter, side scatter, and fluorescence) from individual particles can be simultaneously detected. Experimental results indicate that the performance of our flow cytometry chip is comparable to its bulky, expensive desktop counterpart. The integration of on-chip 3D particle focusing with on-chip multi-parametric optical detection in a single-layer, mass-producible microfluidic device presents a major step towards low-cost flow cytometry chips for point-of-care clinical diagnostics.  相似文献   

Understanding biomolecular gradients and their role in biological processes is essential for fully comprehending the underlying mechanisms of cells in living tissue. Conventional in vitro gradient-generating methods are unpredictable and difficult to characterize, owing to temporal and spatial fluctuations. The field of microfluidics enables complex user-defined gradients to be generated based on a detailed understanding of fluidic behavior at the μm-scale. By using microfluidic gradients created by flow, it is possible to develop rapid and dynamic stepwise concentration gradients. However, cells exposed to stepwise gradients can be perturbed by signals from neighboring cells exposed to another concentration. Hence, there is a need for a device that generates a stepwise gradient at discrete and isolated locations. Here, we present a microfluidic device for generating a stepwise concentration gradient, which utilizes a microwell slide''s pre-defined compartmentalized structure to physically separate different reagent concentrations. The gradient was generated due to flow resistance in the microchannel configuration of the device, which was designed using hydraulic analogy and theoretically verified by computational fluidic dynamics simulations. The device had two reagent channels and two dilutant channels, leading to eight chambers, each containing 4 microwells. A dose-dependency assay was performed using bovine aortic endothelial cells treated with saponin. High reproducibility between experiments was confirmed by evaluating the number of living cells in a live-dead assay. Our device generates a fully mixed fluid profile using a simple microchannel configuration and could be used in various gradient studies, e.g., screening for cytostatics or antibiotics.  相似文献   

A barrier in scaling laboratory processes into automated microfluidic devices has been the transfer of laboratory based assays: Where engineering meets biological protocol. One basic requirement is to reliably and accurately know the distribution and number of biological cells being dispensed. In this study, a novel optical counting technique to efficiently quantify the number of cells flowing into a microtube is presented. REH, B-lymphoid precursor leukemia, are stained with a fluorescent dye and frames of moving cells are recorded using a charge coupled device (CCD) camera. The basic principle is to calculate the total fluorescence intensity of the image and to divide it by the average intensity of a single cell. This method allows counting the number of cells with an uncertainty ±5%, which compares favorably to the standard biological methodology, based on the manual Trypan Blue assay, which is destructive to the cells and presents an uncertainty in the order of 20%. The use of a microdevice for vertical hydrodynamic focusing, which can reduce the background noise of out of focus cells by concentrating the cells in a thin layer, has further improved the technique. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation and confocal laser scanning microscopy images have shown an 82% reduction in the vertical displacement of the cells. For the flow rates imposed during this study, a throughput of 100–200 cells∕s is achieved.  相似文献   

The mechanical behavior of cells offers insight into many aspects of their properties. We propose an approach to the mechanical analysis of cells that uses a combination of electromanipulation for stimulus and capacitance for sensing. To demonstrate this approach, polystyrene spheres and yeast cells flowing in a 25 μm×100 μm microfluidic channel were detected by a perpendicular pair of gold thin film electrodes in the channel, spaced 25 μm apart. The presence of cells was detected by capacitance changes between the gold electrodes. The capacitance sensor was a resonant coaxial radio frequency cavity (2.3 GHz) coupled to the electrodes. The presence of yeast cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and polystyrene spheres resulted in capacitance changes of approximately 10 and 100 attoFarad (aF), respectively, with an achieved capacitance resolution of less than 2 aF in a 30 Hz bandwidth. The resolution is better than previously reported in the literature, and the capacitance changes are in agreement with values estimated by finite element simulations. Yeast cells were trapped using dielectrophoretic forces by applying a 3 V signal at 1 MHz between the electrodes. After trapping, the cells were displaced using amplitude and frequency modulated voltages to produce modulated dielectrophoretic forces. Repetitive displacement and relaxation of these cells was observed using both capacitance and video microscopy.  相似文献   

A manual syringe drive has been found to fulfil the requirements for a high driving force and a small disturbance to the electro-optical system. A syringe bore has been selected with due regard for the force-speed characteristic of the hand and flow velocities of 25 m./sec. have been obtained in this manner. A direct comparison of a manual and an electric drive has been made and it has been found that the mechanical and electrical effects of the latter upon the photoelectric system greatly reduce the possible range of the electric drive method.  相似文献   

The capability of 3D printing technologies for direct production of complex 3D structures in a single step has recently attracted an ever increasing interest within the field of microfluidics. Recently, ultrafast lasers have also allowed developing new methods for production of internal microfluidic channels within the bulk of glass and polymer materials by direct internal 3D laser writing. This review critically summarizes the latest advances in the production of microfluidic 3D structures by using 3D printing technologies and direct internal 3D laser writing fabrication methods. Current applications of these rapid prototyped microfluidic platforms in biology will be also discussed. These include imaging of cells and living organisms, electrochemical detection of viruses and neurotransmitters, and studies in drug transport and induced-release of adenosine triphosphate from erythrocytes.  相似文献   

A novel microfluidic device which consists of two stages for particle focusing and separation using a viscoelastic fluid has been developed. A circular capillary tube was used for three-dimensional particle pre-alignment before the separation process, which was inserted in a polydimethylsiloxane microchannel. Particles with diameters of 5 and 10 μm were focused at the centerline in the capillary tube, and the location of particles was initialized at the first bifurcation. Then, 5 and 10 μm particles were successfully separated in the expansion region based on size-dependent lateral migration, with ∼99% separation efficiency. The proposed device was further applied to separation of MCF-7 cells from leukocytes. Based on the cell size distribution, an approximate size cutoff for separation was determined to be 16 μm. At 200 μl/min, 94% of MCF-7 cells were separated with the purity of ∼97%. According to the trypan blue exclusion assay, high viability (∼90%) could be achieved for the separated MCF-7 cells. The use of a commercially available capillary tube enables the device to be highly versatile in dealing with particles in a wide size range by using capillary tubes with different inner diameters.  相似文献   

In December 2019, coronavirus disease 2019 became a pandemic affecting more than 200 countries and territories. Millions of lives are still affected because of mandatory quarantines, which hamstring economies and induce panic. Immunology plays a major role in the modern field of medicine, especially against virulent infectious diseases. In this field, neutralizing antibodies are heavily studied because they reflect the level of infection and individuals'' immune status, which are essential when considering resumption of work, flight travel, and border entry control. More importantly, it also allows evaluating the antiviral vaccine efficacy as vaccines are still known for being the ultimate intervention method to inhibit the rapid spread of virulent infectious diseases. In this Review, we first introduce the host immune response after the infection of SARS-CoV-2 and discuss the latest results using conventional immunoassays. Next, as an enabling platform for detection with sufficient sensitivity while saving analysis time and sample size, the progress of microfluidic-based immunoassays is discussed and compared based on surface modification, microfluidic kinetics, signal output, signal amplification, sample matrix, and the detection of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. Based on the overall comparison, this Review concludes by proposing the future integration of visual quantitative signals on microfluidic devices as a more suitable approach for general use and large-scale surveillance.  相似文献   

This paper presents a mathematical model for laser-induced rapid electro-kinetic patterning (REP) to elucidate the mechanism for concentrating particles in a microchannel non-destructively and non-invasively. COMSOL®(v4.2a) multiphysics software was used to examine the effect of a variety of parameters on the focusing performance of the REP. A mathematical model of the REP was developed based on the AC electrothermal flow (ACET) equations, the dielectrophoresis (DEP) equation, the energy balance equation, the Navier-Stokes equation, and the concentration-distribution equation. The medium was assumed to be a diluted solute, and different electric potentials and laser illumination were applied to the desired place. Gold (Au) electrodes were used at the top and bottom of a microchannel. For model validation, the simulation results were compared with the experimental data. The results revealed the formation of a toroidal microvortex via the ACET effect, which was generated due to laser illumination and joule-heating in the area of interest. In addition, under some conditions, such as the frequency of AC, the DEP velocity, and the particle size, the ACET force enhances and compresses resulting in the concentration of particles. The conditions of the DEP velocity and the ACET velocity are presented in detail with a comparison of the experimental results.  相似文献   

In sexual assault cases, forensic samples are a mixture of sperm from the perpetrator and epithelial cells from the victim. To obtain an independent short tandem repeat (STR) profile of the perpetrator, sperm cells must be separated from the mixture of cells. However, the current method used in crime laboratories, namely, differential extraction, is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. To achieve a rapid and automated sample pretreatment process, we fabricated a microdevice for hydrodynamic and size-based separation of sperm and epithelial cells. When cells in suspension were introduced into the device''s microfluidic channels, they were forced to flow along different streamlines and into different outlets due to their different diameters. With the proposed microdevice, sperm can be separated within a short period of time (0.5 h for a 50-μl mock sample). The STR profiles of the products in the sperm outlet reservoir demonstrated that a highly purified male DNA fraction could be obtained (94.0% male fraction). This microdevice is of low-cost and can be easily integrated with other subsequent analysis units, providing great potential in the process of analyzing sexual assault evidence as well as in other areas requiring cell sorting.  相似文献   

Particle focusing is an essential step in a wide range of applications such as cell counting and sorting. Recently, viscoelastic particle focusing, which exploits the spatially non-uniform viscoelastic properties of a polymer solution under Poiseuille flow, has attracted much attention because the particles are focused along the channel centerline without any external force. Lateral particle migration in polymer solutions in square channels has been studied due to its practical importance in lab-on-a-chip applications. However, there are still many questions about how the rheological properties of the medium alter the equilibrium particle positions and about the flow rate ranges for particle focusing. In this study, we investigated lateral particle migration in a viscoelastic flow of DNA solution in a square microchannel. The elastic property is relevant due to the long relaxation time of a DNA molecule, even when the DNA concentration is extremely low. Further, the shear viscosity of the solution is essentially constant irrespective of shear rate. Our current results demonstrate that the particles migrate toward the channel centerline and the four corners of a square channel in the dilute DNA solution when the inertia is negligible (elasticity-dominant flow). As the flow rate increases, the multiple equilibrium particle positions are reduced to a single file along the channel centerline, due to the elasto-inertial particle focusing mechanism. The current results support that elasto-inertial particle focusing mechanism is a universal phenomenon in a viscoelastic fluid with constant shear viscosity (Boger fluid). Also, the effective flow rate ranges for three-dimensional particle focusing in the DNA solution were significantly higher and wider than those for the previous synthetic polymer solution case, which facilitates high throughput analysis of particulate systems. In addition, we demonstrated that the DNA solution can be applied to focus a wide range of particle sizes in a single channel and also align red blood cells without any significant deformation.  相似文献   

An electrochemical hexavalent chromium concentration sensor based on a microfluidic fuel cell is presented. The correlation between current density and chromium concentration is established in this report. Three related operation parameters are investigated, including pH values, temperature, and external resistance on the sensor performance. The results show that the current density increases with increasing temperature and the sensor produces a maximum regression coefficient at the catholyte pH value of 1.0. Moreover, it is found that the external resistance has a great influence on the linearity and current densities of the microfluidic sensor. Owing to the membraneless structure and the steady co-laminar flow inside the microchannel, the microfluidic sensor exhibits short response time to hexavalent chromium concentration. The laminar flow fuel cell sensor provides a new and simple method for detecting hexavalent chromium concentration in the industrial wastewater.  相似文献   

Aptamers are promising cell targeting ligands for several applications such as for the diagnosis, therapy, and drug delivery. Especially, in the field of regenerative medicine, stem cell specific aptamers have an enormous potential. Using the combinatorial chemistry process SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential enrichment), aptamers are selected from a huge oligonucleotide library consisting of approximately 1015 different oligonucleotides. Here, we developed a microfluidic chip system that can be used for the selection of cell specific aptamers. The major drawbacks of common cell-SELEX methods are the inefficient elimination of the unspecifically bound oligonucleotides from the cell surface and the unspecific binding/uptake of oligonucleotides by dead cells. To overcome these obstacles, a microfluidic device, which enables the simultaneous performance of dielectrophoresis and electrophoresis in the same device, was designed. Using this system, viable cells can be selectively assembled by dielectrophoresis between the electrodes and then incubated with the oligonucleotides. To reduce the rate of unspecifically bound sequences, electrophoretic fields can be applied in order to draw loosely bound oligonucleotides away from the cells. Furthermore, by increasing the flow rate in the chip during the iterative rounds of SELEX, the selection pressure can be improved and aptamers with higher affinities and specificities can be obtained. This new microfluidic device has a tremendous capability to improve the cell-SELEX procedure and to select highly specific aptamers.  相似文献   

Lin CH  Wang YN  Fu LM 《Biomicrofluidics》2012,6(1):12818-1281811
An integrated microfluidic chip is proposed for rapid DNA digestion and time-resolved capillary electrophoresis (CE) analysis. The chip comprises two gel-filled chambers for DNA enrichment and purification, respectively, a T-form micromixer for DNA/restriction enzyme mixing, a serpentine channel for DNA digestion reaction, and a CE channel for on-line capillary electrophoresis analysis. The DNA and restriction enzyme are mixed electroomostically using a pinched-switching DC field. The experimental and numerical results show that a mixing performance of 97% is achieved within a distance of 1 mm from the T-junction when a driving voltage of 90 V/cm and a switching frequency of 4 Hz are applied. Successive mixing digestion and capillary electrophoresis operation clearly present the changes on digesting φx-174 DNA in different CE runs. The time-resolved electropherograms show that the proposed device enables a φx-174 DNA sample comprising 11 fragments to be concentrated and analyzed within 24 min. Overall, the results presented in this study show that the proposed microfluidic chip provides a rapid and effective tool for DNA digestion and CE analysis applications.  相似文献   

以盐酸、硝酸对镍铁合金进行分解试样,高氯酸除碳及氧化杂质元素,氢氟酸挥硅,以柠檬酸三钠为掩蔽剂,在碱性条件下(Ph8~9),用丁二酮肟络合镍元素生成稳定的沉淀,该沉淀经120℃烘干后称量得出镍含量。本方法操作简单,分析速度快,结果准确,且分析成本低,适合开展大批量样品的高效分析。  相似文献   

We discuss the ability to perform fluorescent immunocytochemistry, following cell fixation, using a microfluidic array of primary, nonadherent, single CD34+ stem cells. The technique requires small cell samples and proceeds with no cell loss, making it well-suited to monitoring these rare patient-derived cells. The chip allows us to correlate live cell dynamics across arrays of individual cells with post-translational modifications of intracellular proteins, following their exposure to drug treatments. Results also show that due to the microfluidic environment, the time scale of cell fixation was significantly reduced compared to conventional methods, leading to greater confidence in the status of the protein modifications studied.  相似文献   

We describe a technology based on lamination that allows for the production of highly integrated 3D devices suitable for performing a wide variety of microfluidic assays. This approach uses a suite of microfluidic coupons (“microfloupons”) that are intended to be stacked as needed to produce an assay of interest. Microfloupons may be manufactured in paper, plastic, gels, or other materials, in advance, by different manufacturers, then assembled by the assay designer as needed. To demonstrate this approach, we designed, assembled, and characterized a microfloupon device that performs sodium-dodecyl-sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis on a small sample of protein. This device allowed for the manipulation and transport of small amounts of protein sample, tight injection into a thin polyacrylamide gel, electrophoretic separation of the proteins into bands, and subsequent removal of the gel from the device for imaging and further analysis. The microfloupons are rugged enough to handle and can be easily aligned and laminated, allowing for a variety of different assays to be designed and configured by selecting appropriate microfloupons. This approach provides a convenient way to perform assays that have multiple steps, relieving the need to design highly sophisticated devices that incorporate all functions in a single unit, while still achieving the benefits of small sample size, automation, and high speed operation.  相似文献   

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