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教师教育者在教师教育乃至整个教育发展中发挥着至关重要的作用。他们是专门从事教师教育工作的人,是帮助师范生实现正式社会化的人,是教师教育实践者和教师教育研究者的统一。教师教育者应该根据自身劳动任务的基础性和艰巨性、劳动对象的成人性和期待性、劳动过程的复杂性和创造性、劳动方式的师范性和示范性、劳动价值的潜在性和长效性等方面特点,通过树立专业理想增进身份认同、开展自我研究融合教学和科研、增进合作交流创建教师教育者发展共同体等方式积极促进专业发展。  相似文献   


Teacher attrition is a perennial problem in many countries around the globe. With attrition especially pronounced amongst early career teachers, efforts to retain and sustain these teachers have highlighted the importance of effective mentoring and support programs within schools. However, less is known about the perceptions and experiences of graduates of initial teacher education (ITE) programs who choose not to enter the teacher profession, therefore not benefiting from such mentoring and support, and subsequently being lost to the profession, potentially forever. Therefore, this paper reports on a qualitative case study that investigated the reasons why one group of graduates from an ITE program in Hong Kong chose not to teach. Using in-depth interviews and grounded in a theory of teacher identity construction, the results reveal how the participants struggled to construct their preferred professional identities, in particular during a teaching practicum, and the role this played in their decision not to enter the teaching profession. Implications for how teacher educators can better support preservice teachers as they struggle to construct their professional identities are considered and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

In recent years teacher educators have witnessed an increase in the number of alternative pathways to university‐based teacher education for prospective teachers. One option is for second‐career teachers to enter post‐baccalaureate programs in education; however, the experiences of second‐career teachers are largely unexplored in the international literature. The purpose of this study was to investigate the teaching beliefs that post‐baccalaureate students brought into a graduate level teacher certification program, and the extent to which those beliefs persevered or changed during their first year of teaching. Written philosophy statements and semi‐structured interviews from the three participants were analyzed to identify emerging themes. Outcomes, presented in the form of vignettes, suggested that second‐career teachers experienced many of the same contextual pressures as baccalaureate teachers and struggled adapting to the teaching profession and implementing their stated teaching beliefs. Implications include continued research on second‐career teachers as they represent a distinct population entering the teaching profession.  相似文献   

Many countries in Europe use some kind of competence framework to define the quality of teachers. They typically formulate one level of teaching quality which defines the competence level that teachers must have acquired after completing initial teacher education. In addition, most countries provide limited career structures that define career opportunities within the teacher profession itself, resulting in a profession where often the only option for career progression is to move to leadership positions. Competence frameworks that create opportunities for vertical and horizontal career structures can make being a teacher a more attractive profession. They offer teachers opportunities for ‘career crafting’ and professional growth and supply school leaders with tools for more elaborate career guidance. In this article, we present a framework that was developed in the Netherlands to support teacher growth and teachers' career development. It has been used as a starting point for creating a shared language and understanding of the teacher profession and as a catalyst for dialogue between teachers and school leaders on professional growth. We elaborate the main characteristics of the resulting model, its limitations, the feedback that has been collected and how this feedback has been incorporated in how the model is used and discussed by teachers, school leaders and teacher education institutes. Finally, we argue that the strength of the framework can be explained by the way it acts as a boundary object, inspiring mutual learning and dialogue between different activity systems (of teachers, school leaders and teacher educators).  相似文献   

In this article, the researchers report findings from a recent national study of teacher education in China, in comparison to similar data from national and case studies in the United States. The study aims at understanding and comparing the profiles and entry perspectives of Chinese versus American teacher candidates. The researchers demonstrate that there are both similarities and differences in the demographic characteristics of the Chinese and American teacher candidates. The Chinese education students come from less privileged backgrounds in socioeconomic status and academic preparation. Although they share some of the noble ideas about becoming teachers, the overwhelming majority of the Chinese students do not intend to commit to teaching as a lifelong career. They cite the low status of the teaching profession and the poor benefits for teachers as primary reasons for leaving teaching. The researchers urge Chinese and American policy makers and teacher educators to revise their policies and practices in light of the study findings in order to recruit qualified young people into teacher education programs and more importantly to retain good teachers in the profession.  相似文献   

In this article, the researchers report findings from a recent national study of teacher education in China, in comparison to similar data from national and case studies in the United States. The study aims at understanding and comparing the profiles and entry perspectives of Chinese versus American teacher candidates. The researchers demonstrate that there are both similarities and differences in the demographic characteristics of the Chinese and American teacher candidates. The Chinese education students come from less privileged backgrounds in socioeconomic status and academic preparation. Although they share some of the noble ideas about becoming teachers, the overwhelming majority of the Chinese students do not intend to commit to teaching as a lifelong career. They cite the low status of the teaching profession and the poor benefits for teachers as primary reasons for leaving teaching. The researchers urge Chinese and American policy makers and teacher educators to revise their policies and practices in light of the study findings in order to recruit qualified young people into teacher education programs and more importantly to retain good teachers in the profession.  相似文献   

在设计教师的职业生涯时,首要解决的一个问题是对自己的职业生涯要有一个明确的价值认识,其次是设计好教师职业生涯的内容,对于高校教师来说主要是三个方面:即精心教学;潜心研究;诚心育人。  相似文献   

Exploring the direct and indirect effects of pre-service teachers’ sense of personal responsibility on their professional aspirations through affective (i.e., career choice satisfaction) and cognitive (i.e., time perspectives) variables may enable teacher educators and policy makers to better describe the factors influencing teacher development in an era of teacher accountability. Indeed, current teacher accountability movements rather neglect the ‘teacher’ as a person who has professional aspirations, a sense of personal responsibility, career choice satisfaction and time perspectives within which these professional aspirations are contextualized and/or interpreted/reinterpreted. This indicates that it is important to consider pre-service teachers’ professional intentions together with their sense of responsibility, professional satisfaction, and time perspectives in order to inform current accountability movements more comprehensively. Thus, the current study examined whether pre-service teachers’ sense of personal responsibility, time perspectives, and career choice satisfaction were significantly related to their professional aspirations, with a particular focus on the mediating roles of their time perspectives and career choice satisfaction. A total of 511 pre-service teachers voluntarily participated in the study. Correlation, multiple regression, and structural equation modeling analyses were conducted in order to analyze the data in a comprehensive manner. The results showed that aspects of pre-service teachers’ sense of personal responsibility were significantly and positively related to their professional aspirations, career choice satisfaction, and future time perspective. The results also showed that career choice satisfaction and future time perspective played significant mediating roles in the relationships between personal responsibility and professional aspirations. Notably, the mediating role of career choice satisfaction was stronger than that of the mediating role of future time perspective. Overall, the results of the study reveal that the correlational patterns, derived from the links between pre-service teachers’ sense of personal responsibility, career choice satisfaction, future time perspective, and professional aspirations, have clear potential to inform teacher educators and policy makers regarding the factors influencing pre-service teachers’ engagement with the teaching profession and professional development aspirations.  相似文献   

The time has come to re-assess the role that Philosophy has to play in the education of teachers, both at the beginning of and during their careers. The currently fashionable craft conception of teaching is inadequate as a preparation for a career in teaching. Philosophy of Education has an important role to play in preparing for a career in teaching. First, it enables teachers to acquire a grasp of the conceptual field of education and an ability to find their way around the often contested views within that field, which in turn impinge upon the normative structure of particular education systems. Second, it enables them to understand better the conceptual debates that involve the subjects that they are teaching. Third it enables teachers to understand the scope and limits of empirical research in education and the relationships between that research and conceptual issues in education. These claims are discussed with examples, and recent government statements about standards and competences in teaching are looked at through the perspective of a conceptually informed, career-oriented profession of teaching. Reasons for the past decline of philosophy of education in teacher education and how they might be avoided in the future are also reviewed.  相似文献   

职业生涯规划是高职生实现职业生涯成功的第一步,是树立、形成和实现正确职业理想的关键。为更好地发挥职业生涯规划教育的作用.使其真正成为促进学生成长与发展的综合性实践教育活动,高职学校应把开展职业生涯规划教育贯穿在学生就业指导全过程,让学生正确认识社会需求与个人价值实现的关系,提高暨业素质,获得终身受益的能力——职业生涯设计能力,实现顺利就业。  相似文献   

Teacher educators seem to agree that, to be able to support their student teachers' learning, they themselves should be good models of the kind of teaching they are trying to promote. However, it is clear from the literature that this congruent teaching is not self‐evident in teacher education. In the present article, we describe a small in‐depth study, in which we attempted to establish whether teacher educators begin to teach more congruently when supported, and the factors influencing the occurrence or non‐occurrence of such congruent teaching. To do so, we organised a workshop on the subject. Before and after the workshop, we interviewed the participating teacher educators, using videotapes of their lessons. To discover the possible contribution of the workshop to their congruent teaching, we later compared both interviews. We found that a particularly important aspect of congruent teaching, i.e. the teacher educators' ability to link their own teaching to theory, had improved. Our conclusion is that the acquisition of a language enabling them to talk about congruent teaching helps teacher educators to overcome problems with congruent teaching.  相似文献   

选择和承诺:中美两国教师候选人比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在中美两国进行的一项全国性调查和个案研究的结果表明 ,中国师范生的家庭社会经济地位和学业基础均较低。虽然他们认为教师职业是崇高的 ,但是绝大多数学生 ,特别是少数民族学生并不准备终身从事教育事业 ,其重要原因是教师地位低下、经济待遇太低。因此 ,中美两国的政策制定者都应重新考虑、评价和制定各自国家的教育政策 ,以吸引优秀的年轻人接受师范教育 ,从事教育事业  相似文献   

The pace of change in today's society means that there is an ongoing need for teachers to learn, have new knowledge and use new pedagogical approaches to meet the needs of their pupils. For many teachers, this requires redefining their identity as teachers and what ‘teaching’ means in 21st century learning environments. These changes also require teachers to be supported in learning to ‘teach’ in different ways that are relevant to their own individual needs and to the contexts in which they work throughout their career. In this article, it is argued that a more integrated and collaborative approach to teacher education is needed with better understanding of those who take up the roles of teacher educator across a teacher's career. With a particular emphasis on ‘teacher educators’ working in school to support teachers' career-long professional learning it is argued that currently many do not recognise themselves as teacher educators nor are they recognised by those they work with as teacher educators. Drawing on an empirical study carried out with mentors in schools in Scotland, it is suggested that these teacher educators may be ‘unrecognised’ and remain ‘hidden professionals’ because of the identities they construct for themselves, the values and priorities that they or others attach to their roles or because of the institutional structures and cultures in which they work. It is concluded that it will be difficult to recognise and value these ‘hidden teacher educators’ and the distinctive contribution they can make to teachers' career-long professional learning without further clarification by them and others of the roles and responsibilities they hold.  相似文献   

Public debates about the role of teachers and teacher performance place teachers at the center of a range of national and local discourses. The notion of teacher professional identity, therefore, framed in a variety of ways, engages people across social contexts, whether as educators, parents, students, taxpayers, voters or consumers of news and popular media. These highly contested discourses about teachers' roles and responsibilities constitute an important context for research on teachers and teaching, as researchers and educators ask how changes to the teaching profession affect teacher professional identity. This article investigates the identity talk of three mid‐career teachers in an urban, public school in the USA, to better understand how the teachers used language to accomplish complex professional identities. Research approaches to teacher identity often focus on teacher narrative as a key tool in identity formation. The analysis presented here extends our understanding of language as a resource in teacher identity construction by using discourse analysis to investigate how speakers use implicit meaning to accomplish the role identity of teacher. The analytical lens draws on an interdisciplinary framework that combines a sociological approach to teacher as a role identity with an investigation of language as a cultural practice, grounded in the ethnography of communication. The analysis focuses on how teachers use specific discourse strategies – reported speech, mimicked speech, pronoun shifts, oppositional portraits, and juxtaposition of explicit claims – to construct implicit identity claims that, while they are not stated directly, are central to accomplishing teacher as a role identity. The analysis presented here focuses on the particular implicit role claim of teacher as collaborator. Findings show that, in their identity talk, the teachers strategically positioned themselves in relation to others and to institutional practices, actively negotiating competing discourses about teacher identity by engaging in a counter discourse emphasizing teachers' professional role as knowledge producers rather than information deliverers, collaborative, rather than isolated, and as agents of change engaged in critical analysis to plan action. Awareness of how these counter discourses operate in the teachers' conversation helps us better understand the cultural significance of identity talk as a site for the negotiation of the significances for the role identity of teacher. In addition, the notions of role identity and implicit identity claims offer an accessible way to talk about the complexity of teacher identity, which can be helpful for increasing awareness of the importance of teacher identity in teacher education and professional development, and in bringing teachers' voices more prominently into the debates over education.  相似文献   

Enhancing resilience is key to reducing teacher attrition and addressing the challenges of the profession but scant research exists on resilience in regional and remote settings, where there is a shortage of quality, specialist and lead teachers. The aim of this study was to combine ecological and relational perspectives on resilience to examine pre-service and early career teacher resilience in the remote context of central Australia. The findings suggest that beginning teacher resilience in central Australia involves a particular set of enablers and constraints which are characterised by teachers’ capacity to build connections to place, connections as a learner and connections in relationships. A transactional systems model is presented that articulates the dynamism of the resilience processes and offers a way to better understand the ecological interdependencies unique to a particular context and culture. This understanding will enable teachers, initial teacher educators, school leaders and policy makers to better address the challenges facing this profession.  相似文献   

The aim of the study is to discursively identify student teachers’ perceptions of the teaching profession early in their education and their motives for this career choice. Students wrote a letter sharing thoughts on why they want to become a teacher, how they regard the teaching profession and if someone inspired them in their career choice. The empirical data consists of 259 student texts from three Swedish teacher education programmes. The study employed a qualitative method denoting different categorizations compared to previous studies, emphasising the idea of multiple motives for career choice and the link to student teachers’ evolving pedagogical identity. Major differences can be distinguished among the programmes, emphasising different main motives and shifting incipient pedagogic identities. The results indicate the value of organising teacher education programmes drawing on multiple motives, which is expected to contribute positively to completion of teacher education and teacher retention in future profession.  相似文献   


Constructivism is a theory of learning that has become increasingly accepted by educators. Yet translating a theory of learning into practical instructional strategies has proven to be quite difficult for teachers. A qualitative study was recently completed that examined primary grade teachers’ understanding of constructivism and its influence upon their teaching practices. Analysis indicated that the teachers had several misconceptions of constructivism and were at varying levels of understanding, based upon their experience and professional development in constructivist education. This study has implications for the teacher education field, and early childhood teacher educators can play an important role in helping preservice and inservice teachers gain a deeper understanding of constructivism and implement teaching practices based upon this understanding. Suggestions for colleges of education are given.  相似文献   

The growing political, social and scientific attention that is being devoted to the moral aspects of teaching has implications for teacher education. This paper reports on a study of the actual moral education practices of 54 teacher educators within one institution. We encouraged these teacher educators to make their values explicit and to explain how they put them into practice. Nine teacher educators were studied in detail. These teacher educators were then stimulated to reflect on their values by completing charts to analyse the moral aspects of their practices. In addition, one of their lessons was videotaped and discussed. An important conclusion of this study is that whilst the responsibility for preparing student teachers for moral education rests with individual teacher educators, this process is largely implicit and unplanned. This is due in part to the lack of a language for expressing the moral dimension in teaching. Both teacher educators and students emphasise the importance of the role that attitudes play in the expression of values by teacher educators.  相似文献   

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