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This paper presents a rheology-based approach to animate realistic face model. The dynamic and biorheological
characteristics of the force member (muscles) and stressed member (face) are considered. The stressed face can be modeled
as viscoelastic bodies with the Hooke bodies and Newton bodies connected in a composite series-parallel manner. Then, the
stress-strain relationship is derived, and the constitutive equations established. Using these constitutive equations, the face
model can be animated with the force generated by muscles. Experimental results show that this method can realistically
simulate the mechanical properties and motion characteristics of human face, and performance of this method is satisfactory.  相似文献   

要制作出一个优秀的三维动画模型需要具备艺术修养和软件技术,同时不能忽略制作方法及工作流程的总结和提炼。本文分析了各种制作方法,初步提出混合建模的工作流程,以探索三维动画模型的制作方法。  相似文献   

浅谈maya三维动画教学改革与实施对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着影视动画的迅速发展,三维动画技术正以全新的视觉面貌出现在观众面前。Maya作为一款优秀的三维动画制作软件,深受广大动画艺术家的青睐,也逐渐成为动画时代的主流,作为高职院校的三维动画专业其目标是培养出专业素质高,具有三维模型制作、广告和影视动画的专业人才,因此三维动画的专业教育仍要求我们在教学上不断进取和探索。  相似文献   

三维动画软件MAYA教学改革探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在高职动漫专业人才培养过程中,熟练掌握MAYA软件是重要的培养目标。这涉及到多个相关课程模块的教学任务。该文从开发动画片的工作过程出发,结合自身教学实践,提出以完整动画项目贯穿多门课程教学的项目教学法,以提高实践能力的培养。并在教学方法、教学手段等方面进行一系列的探索。  相似文献   

Within the framework of cognitive learning theories, instructional design manipulations have primarily been investigated under tightly controlled laboratory conditions. We carried out two experiments, where the first experiment was conducted in a restricted system-paced setting and is therefore in line with the majority of empirical studies in the learning sciences. However, the second experiment was done in an ecologically more valid classroom setting, with students working at their own pace with the instructional material embedded in a professional hypermedia learning environment. Both dealt with the same topic in the domain of biological education, namely the structure and functioning of the enzyme ATP-Synthase. In both experiments, the educational value of three- versus two-dimensional animations as well as of visual cues was investigated in a 2 × 2 factorial design. Students’ understanding was facilitated by the presence of a 3D-representation format under tightly controlled conditions only. Regarding the ecologically more valid classroom setting, the 2D format tended to foster understanding more efficiently than the 3D format. The implementation of visual cues enhanced the amount students remembered in both experiments. Our results indicate that the results of tightly controlled laboratory conditions may not be easily generalized to naturalistic classroom settings.  相似文献   

新时期,动画片已然成为娱乐节目中必不可少的重要内容,吸引着大批的儿童受众群,其吸引力不容忽视。动画片的形成,是运用计算机技术通过相应的动画模拟而形成的,主要包含二维与三维技术,是动画制作不可或缺的重要技术支撑。在本文中,以二维为研究对象,对二维动画制作技术予以分析与探究,以求为后续的二维动画制作提供重要借鉴。  相似文献   

三维动画课件制作例谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
3ds max是一款行业专用软件,它不仅能制作出逼真的物理模型,还能创作精巧的三维空间动画。文章以中学物理教材中太阳系行星运动为例,介绍了用3ds max制作三维动画课件的建模、动画设计、渲染的一些具体方法。  相似文献   

Animated graphics are extensively used in multimedia instructions explaining how natural or artificial dynamic systems work. As animation directly depicts spatial changes over time, it is legitimate to believe that animated graphics will improve comprehension over static graphics. However, the research failed to find clear evidence in favour of animation. Animation may also be used to promote interactions in computer-supported collaborative learning. In this setting as well, the empirical studies have not confirmed the benefits that one could intuitively expect from the use of animation. One explanation is that multimedia, including animated graphics, challenges human processing capacities, and in particular imposes a substantial working memory load. We designed an experimental study involving three between-subjects factors: the type of multimedia instruction (with static or animated graphics), the presence of snapshots of critical steps of the system (with or without snapshots) and the learning setting (individual or collaborative). The findings indicate that animation was overall beneficial to retention, while for transfer, only learners studying collaboratively benefited from animated over static graphics. Contrary to our expectations, the snapshots were marginally beneficial to learners studying individually and significantly detrimental to learners studying in dyads. The results are discussed within the multimedia comprehension framework in order to propose the conditions under which animation can benefit to learning.  相似文献   

Questionnaire data concerning spelling and reading self-assessment, habits, and school history were obtained for 79 adults (54 women and 25 men). The items were used to predict affectedness as defined on the basis of psychometric tests. For this purpose, two different discriminant analytical approaches (linear discriminant analysis and hierarchical classification with CART) were compared using a cross-validation design. 86.8–92.6% of the learning sample and 87.5–88% of the cross-validation sample were classified correctly. The CART model was preferred due to a balanced relation of sensitivity and specificity. Our results support the conclusion that self-report data are appropriate to substitute psychometric tests if these cannot be administered.  相似文献   

This paper suggests four data structures, one based on the other, for a geometric modeller suitable for computer vision. The structures are the key to advance from two-dimensional to three-dimensional automatic picture processing. Three application areas are indicated: one in semisynthetic design of materials, another in measurements of large three-dimensional industrial constructions, and the third one in robotics. There are comments on the software development needed.  相似文献   

本文采用JAVA3D语言,对三维空间表面上的数据进行直观地可视化显示,显示的结果是交互式的,可以改变观测角度及任意缩放,本文通过一个具体模型,说明了该方法的可行性,并给出了具体实施过程及相应的具体程序。  相似文献   

Letter names are stressed in informal and formal literacy instruction with young children in the US, whereas letters sounds are stressed in England. We examined the impact of these differences on English children of about 5 and 6 years of age (in reception year and Year 1, respectively) and US 6 year olds (in kindergarten). Children in both countries spelled short vowels, as in bag, more accurately than long vowels, as in gate. The superiority for short vowels was larger for children from England, consistent with the instructional emphasis on letter sounds. Errors such as gat for words with long vowels such as gate were more common among US children, reflecting these children’s use of vowels’ names as a guide to spelling. The English children’s performance on a letter knowledge task was influenced by the fact that they are often taught letter sounds with reference to lowercase letters and letter names with reference to uppercase letters, and their spellings showed some effects of this practice. Although emphasis on letter sounds as opposed to letter names influences children’s patterns of performance and types of errors, it does not make the difficult English writing system markedly easier to master.  相似文献   

按劳动力价值分配的内涵及其现实意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
按劳动力价值分配就是在劳动力商品化条件下,个人收入的分配以劳动力价值为尺度,遵循价值规律的要求,通过市场交换获取劳动报酬的分配方式。劳动力价值的构成要素不仅包括生活资料、教育培训消耗等部分,还要包括学习性劳动的消耗。按劳动力价值分配具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

以"原电池实验"为例,诠释了应用交互仿真智能性课件在培养学生"问题意识"方面的作用和方法.  相似文献   

在地质工程教学中,需要讲授地质体的三维形态与结构特征,而传统的语言描述、图片展示、录影介绍不够直观明了。为充分满足课堂直观教学需求,基于3D数字扫描、3D数字重建、3D打印技术,对野外地质体结构进行扫描、重建和打印,用重建的3D数字模型和3D打印模型表征野外地质体,用于课堂教学的实体展示。  相似文献   

介绍了利用OpenGL实现三维图形绘制的基本编程框架和方法,对OpenGL中光照、材质、投影等关键技术的应用方法进行了重点阐述。简要介绍了利用3D Studio Max构建复杂模型,以降低用OpenGL构造复杂模型难度、减少建模工作量的方法。  相似文献   

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