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互动实践教学是MBA教育方法和过程的重要内容,包括课堂内与理论相结合的互动实践性教学,校园内实践性与互动性的活动,校企互动实践的拓展。文章在总结分析国内MBA互动实践教学研究的基础上,以苏州大学为例,展示了互动实践教学改革在苏州大学MBA教育过程中的具体做法,以及对提高MBA互动实践教学的质量保障进行了探讨。  相似文献   

我国MBA教学方法改革趋势与对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
专业学位扩招给MBA教育发展带来新的机遇和挑战。本文通过对MBA项目外部环境的显著变化进行分析,依据心理学关于情境认知的相关理论,提出MBA教学改革模型,并据此预测MBA教学方法改革的趋势,提出我国现阶段MBA教学方法改革的对策。  相似文献   

章针对目前我国MBA教育存在的问题,教学,教学三个方面提出了发展和完善中国MBA教育的建议,改革考试形式和内容,花大力气组织教材的编写,采用现代化的教学方法;改善教学设施,开展等级评估等等。  相似文献   

MBA教育在我国已经发展了20多年,为我国培养了一大批高级管理人才。然而,当前国内的MBA教育教学还存着师资力量不足、教学形式单一、教学内容匮乏等相对滞后的现象。如果能在MBA教育中发挥朋辈教育的作用,可以在一定程度上去弥补这些不足,从而促进国内MBA教育教育教学水平快速提升。当然,要使朋辈教育在MBA教育中能够真正发挥作用,还得注意遵守朋辈教育的“朋辈性”、榜样性和奉献精神等基本规律。  相似文献   

本文从分析MBA教育中的例教学法的产生,内涵,价值及其衍生方法入手,简要谈了对我国师范院校学科教育的一些启示。比如编制好的案例教材,改变教师传统的知识结构,将案例知识纳入到教师的知识体系等。  相似文献   

许民利 《高教论坛》2007,(2):175-176,F0003
根据在英国Cardiff大学商学院的访问学习,分析了英国MBA教育在招生、课程设置、教学方法等方面的特点,提出我国MBA教育应该在招生方面尽可能地多元化,在课程设置上应该更细更有针对性,在教学上应该多方法结合,强调实践教学和团队合作训练,加大学生的学习压力,而学校还应多收集实际企业的资料,为MBA学员提供学习企业经验的机会。  相似文献   

我国从1991年起开始试办MBA教育。在国务院学位委员会和教育部的领导下,在社会各界的大力支持下.通过各MBA培养试点院校和全国工商管理硕士教育指导委员会的努力,我国的MBA教育事业得到了长足的发展。MBA培养试点院校从1991年的9所扩大到现在的56所,分布在全国19个省、市.覆盖了20个部、委系统。  相似文献   

中国MBA教育的国际化和本土化——基于要素分析法的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于要素分析法的视角,应用质量管理学的工程质量五要素分析了中国MBA教育的国际化,以特色三要素分析了中国MBA教育的本土化,以辽宁大学MBA教育的实践对中国MBA教育国际化和本土化的有机结合进行了有益的探索和思考.  相似文献   

介绍了绿色MBA项目的背景与内涵,指出绿色MBA旨在培养具有社会责任和商业伦理、绿色思维,践行绿色和可持续发展理念的工商管理人才。阐述了绿色MBA培养体系的构建及其国际化,认为完善的绿色MBA培养体系包括绿色师资团队建设、绿色课程设计、绿色教材编著、绿色案例选择与开发、绿色实践经验交流和实战演练。以北京林业大学MBA项目为例,分析并总结了绿色MBA培养体系构建的经验,以期完善和提升当前国内绿色MBA项目的建设。  相似文献   

论中国的MBA教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国的MBA教育起步较晚,人们在认识上是仁者见仁,智者见智。特别是2003年MBA报名工作结束以来,由于报名人数较2002年有所下降。那么MBA这个“外来品”进入中国仅仅12年的时间,是进入死胡同还是处于蓄势待发状态呢?  相似文献   

依据目前我国MBA教育发展的特点与存在的主要同题,从办学定位策略、教学内容改革、教学方式三个方面提出深化改革的思路:在定位发展上,提出特色办学是未来MBA教育的主要竞争手段,各办学单位应立足于特色办学,并把提高教学质量作为基本办学理念;在教学内容改革方面,提出改革现有课程结构,增加职业道德与伦理等道德修养课程,同时扩大实务课程的比重的设想;在教学方式改革方面,提出定制化教学、启发教学、教师角色转变等一系列改革新设想.  相似文献   

我国产学研合作教育的政策分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
影响企业参与产学研合作教育的因素很多,但有关政策法规不完善,并不是最主要原因,高校也存在认识不到位的地方.由于每个企业接受产学研合作教育的学生数量有限,即便是有一定的减免税政策,企业获利不多,难以成为企业追逐的动力源.高校只有在宣传和推进产学研合作教育时,努力把握企业利益重点,才能被企业认同并被接受.制定有关法律法规明确规定企业为教育服务的责任和义务,实现减免一定的税额或其他优惠政策,固然是十分必要,但如果把政策的重点放在支持学校上,通过项目和经费支持,引导高枝走出校门主动与企业合作,效果会更好.  相似文献   

How can teacher education seminars be arranged in such a way that theory is integrated with student teachers’ practical experiences? In order to study this key question, we first present a theoretical framework on the sources of teacher behaviour, and discuss its implications for practices within teacher education. Next, we describe our development research study, which led to the identification of three approaches that can help to integrate student teachers’ experiences with theory. We introduce a five-step procedure characteristic of all three of them illustrating each approach with real-life examples of interventions and their effects.  相似文献   

Conclusion To educate teachers who have adequate content knowledge, possess the necessary skills to implement effective teaching strategies, and are confident and have positive attitudes toward science and the teaching of science, alternative teaching models are necessary. The University of Wyoming model provides such an alternative. Based on observations and interviews of students and the mentor teachers, it is apparent that it has created a very positive response in prospective teachers who have participated in it. The Wyoming model provided an effective process to train future elementary teachers. Even though it focused on science, the basis is general enough that it could be successfully extended to other disciplines with only minor modifications; however, all of the major components of the Wyoming model are vital to its success. Content courses designed specifically for prospective teachers have been successful in giving the students the content knowledge and providing opportunities for effective modeling. The seminars provide strong mechanisms to connect content to methodology and make the content relevant to teaching and to children. Because of their modeling, peer coaching, and sharing their time and students, the mentor teachers are essential partners in helping the university educate future teachers. Finally, the cooperation of all partners—district administrators, teachers, science content and science education university faculty, and students—is necessary to provide early and continuous experiences to prospective teachers. This material is based upon work supported in part by a grant from the National Science Foundation (Grant No. TTE-8851105). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, and/or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the NSF.  相似文献   

研究生心理健康教育中存在的问题及解决对策   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
当前研究生的心理健康教育存在着形式化、德育化和医学化、独立化倾向,教育方法体系缺乏创新,有效性差等问题。分析和探讨解决这些问题的对策对于推动研究生心理健康教育的发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

In this article, we set out from the challenge that globalising synchronisation – usually exemplified by Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and World Bank initiatives – presents for education to argue that the time–space compression effected by globalisation must educationally be dealt with with caution, critical vigilance and a broadening of educational theoretical outlooks. We focus on the demands this raises upon the teacher as a researcher and a critical thinker and claim that meeting such demands presupposes some curricular enrichment of teacher education. We suggest two theoretical frameworks that can effect such enrichment and be made relevant to a critique of the globalising educational synchronisation, namely, the charge of developmentalism and the capabilities approach (Sen, Nussbaum) to equality. We conclude with some indications of the need for a reformulated notion of cosmopolitanism that should be contrasted with those globalising practices that often appear in cosmopolitan guise.  相似文献   

高等教育生师此实证研究:以河北省为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对1998-2003年河北省普通高等教育生师比进行实证研究,并在与全国平均水平和高校评估标准比较的基础上,提出2015年以前,河北省应大力压缩非教学人员比例,采取较高水平的生师比政策,可确定在16-21之间,以加快河北省高等教育大众化的步伐.  相似文献   

我国现在教育事业的飞速发展对教师的教育技术提出了挑战,师资队伍的整体教育技术水平需要满足我国现今教育发展的需要。奥尔夫教学法其独特的教育理念和教学原则符合了现代素质教育的要求,将此种教学方法的先进特点和策略在教育领域的其它学科加以运用,必将取得良好的效果。在教师教育技术培训中运用奥尔夫教学法,引进此教学法的优势功能,在提高教师的职业素质和教育技术上是一个全新的突破,取得良好的培训效果。  相似文献   

This paper reports on research that suggests a new view of assessment of the practicum in teacher education. By transcending the stereotypes of “failing” student teachers who do not achieve traditional benchmarks, this new lens highlights the complexity, diversity and inequality of experiences through listening to the voices of the student teachers and their mentors. By valuing context and focusing on progress and development rather than absolute attainment, teacher educators are challenged to reflect on their own role as mentors and educators through guiding principles of practicum learning. These guiding principles of practicum learning are the result of significant observation in the practicum classroom followed by critical analysis of data provided as narrative. A more humane, trusting and respectful attitude towards assessment is suggested.  相似文献   

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