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2008年8月29曰十一届全国人大常委会第四次会议对《专利法修正案(草案)》进行了初次审议。根据十一届全国人大常委会委员长会议关於全国人大常委会审议的法律草案原则上都予以公开、广泛徵求意见的决定精神,全国人民代表大会常务委员会将《专利法修正案(草案)》在中国人大网上予以公布,向社会公开徵集意见。  相似文献   

“国培计划”是教育部、财政部从2010年起实施的“中小学教师国家级培训计划”。本文先简要介绍我校“国培计划”置换培训项目的实施情况和我校的教育实习,然后阐述我校如何利用“国培计划”平台促进教育实习改革,最后总结“国培计划”顶岗实习对我校教育实习改革的促进作用。  相似文献   

山东半岛国家自主创新示范区创新能力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山东半岛国家自主创新示范区是我国首个以海洋经济为特色的国家高新技术示范区,基于示范区的战略定位和区域特点,选取创新支撑能力、自主创新能力、产业集群与国际化3个目标层领域7个准则层因素共24个指标层指标,对示范区内6个高新区的创新能力进行评价。从总体创新水平来看,青岛市科技创新水平的发展较为成熟,处于6市首位,其次是济南,接下来是潍坊、淄博、烟台、威海。示范区内各地应以涉海高新技术产业为重点,汇集区域优势资源,实现六大高新区产业协同、错位发展,从而提高示范区的整体创新能力。  相似文献   

国家天文台怀柔太阳观测站“1.08-2.04GHz太阳射电频谱仪”所观测的2003年 10月27日太阳射电爆发事件中,发现有非常明显的尖峰辐射群。在对这些尖峰辐射应用小 波分析的基础上,分别用记录尺度和特征检测两种方法计算出其最小带宽和平均带宽,并对 结果作了分析比较。  相似文献   

I. IntroductionChina is located in the East Asianmonsoon region. Since theinterannual and interdecadal vari-abilities of East Asian monsoon aresignificant, climatic disasters occurfrequently in China. Especially sincethe 1980s, calamities such asdroughts and floods over large ar-eas have wrought ruinous damageto Chinas agricultural and industrialproduction. The economic lossesdue to droughts and floods can reachover 200 billion yuan (US$ 24billion), accounting for 3 6% ofChinas GDP. In …  相似文献   

在我国,调整能源结构,建立能源可持续发展体系的任务已提上日程。在最近形成的二十一世纪上半叶我国能源可持续发展体系的构想基础上,对发展大规模非水能可再生能源的重大意义与面临的困难进行了研究分析,建议设立国家重大专项,采取长期、持续稳定的有力措施,有步骤、分阶段地推进。当前应做好充分的前期准备工作,期望能正式列入十二五国家计划。  相似文献   

姜纪红  汤燕冰 《科技通报》2007,23(6):790-794
杭州西溪湿地地处杭州西郊,是目前国内第一个也是唯一的集城市湿地、农耕湿地、文化湿地于一体的国家湿地公园。2005年5月,西溪湿地被国家林业部批准为首个国家湿地公园。根据国家气象局的生态气象监测规范,结合杭州西溪湿地特征,并根据实际观测需要和方案实施的可行性,在监测项目上分别从地面气象要素监测、大气成分要素监测、湿地物候观测等三大类中选取了本地主要观测项目并实施建设,希望能为各地气象部门在湿地生态监测基地的建设方面起一个抛砖引玉作用。  相似文献   

With the support of the National Program on Key Basic Research Projects (dubbed the "973Program"), researchers from the CAS Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) have developed the first high-power Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) accelerator in China.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2003,32(4):679-691
Science and technology (S&T) indicators are widely used in policy documents as well as in science and technology studies. This paper traces their origins and shows that it was the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) that first imagined and developed science and technology indicators. In the 1960s, the debate on technological gaps between the United States and Europe gave the OECD the opportunity to develop the first world-wide indicators on science and technology. The National Science Foundation (NSF) followed in the 1970s and improved the methodology of indicators on science and technology with its publication entitled Science Indicators. Science and technology indicators remain contested however, because centered on inputs rather than outputs, and because preoccupied mainly with the economic dimension of science and technology.  相似文献   

国家科技基础条件平台的系统动力学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文利用系统动力学的定性分析与定量分析相结合的原理和方法建立了国家科技基础条件平台的仿真模型,并通过所建模型的动态模拟,讨论分析了国家科技基础条件平台的系统结构及运作机制,并以平台制度体系建设为例进行了政策实验。本文的研究结果表明:系统动力学方法是研究国家科技基础条件平台中各种因素之间的错综复杂关系的有效手段,平台的政策实验为平台建设决策提供了科学的依据和有力的支持。  相似文献   

文章从“科学—技术—产业”创新价值链横向和“实力—效力”创新价值链纵向构建了“三横二纵”的“国家创新力测度框架”,实现了考虑科学、技术和创新活动差异性及规模和效率差异性的国家创新系统的不同角度和不同维度的全视角分析,以支撑创新政策与战略的分类研究和差异性实施。文章基于笔者研究完成的《国家创新力测度与国际比较》报告,在对35个主要国家进行分析的基础上,深入研究了2006—2020年我国和10个典型国家的创新力演化趋势,刻画了35个主要国家的创新力竞争格局,揭示了我国国家创新力的竞争优势与劣势。研究发现,35个主要国家的创新力竞争格局稳中有变,我国创新力排名稳步上升,但仍有较大提升空间。通过对10个典型国家的比较分析发现,美国、日本、德国、英国、法国、韩国6个主要发达国家的创新实力排名稳定于上游,但创新效力排名近年从上游下降趋于中游,致使英国、法国等国家近年的创新力排名逐渐下降;南非、印度、巴西和俄罗斯4个金砖国家的创新实力排名处于中下游,创新效力排名普遍较低,制约着创新力排名提升。我国创新实力优势明显,在35个主要国家中处于上游;创新效力排名波动提升,趋向于中游,但仍显著滞后于创新实力排...  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies played a key role in the development of the biotechnology industry of the 1980s and 1990s. Investments in the sector and commercial returns have rivaled those of recombinant DNA technologies. Although the monoclonal antibody technology was first developed in Britain, the first patents were taken out by American scientists. During the first Thatcher government in Britain, blame for the missed opportunity fell on the scientists involved as well as on the National Research and Development Corporation, which had been put in place after World War II to avoid a repeat of the penicillin story, when patent rights were not sought. Instead of apportioning the blame, this essay suggests that despite past experiences and despite the new channels that were in place, Britain was not in a "patent culture" in the 1970s. It traces the long and painful process that made a commercial attitude among publicly funded British research scientists and in a civil service institution like the Medical Research Council both possible and desirable. In this process the meaning of the term "public science" also changed dramatically.  相似文献   

本文以129家国家工程技术研究中心的数据为样本,通过2007-2010的运行数据,以网络构建的不同地理位置为视角,探讨了国内协同创新网络规模、国际协同创新网络规模以及两者之间的平衡度对创新绩效的影响。研究结果显示,国内协同创新网络规模和国际协同创新网络规模与创新绩效之间的关系均呈现"倒U型"结构;同时,地理位置网络平衡度对创新绩效存在显著地正向影响。本文通过国内和国际不同的协同创新网络刻画组织间的多元关系及其对创新绩效的影响,并首次验证了地理位置网络平衡度对创新绩效的正向作用。这为协同创新提供了不同的视角,也为企业如何构建协同创新网络提供了指导。  相似文献   

数理科学国家杰出青年科学基金的实证调查与政策思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以国家自然科学基金委员会数理科学部资助的“国家杰出青年科学基金”获得者的研究工作与成果为调查对象,结合管理工作的发展需要,首次从微观层面对国家杰出青年科学基金开展实证调查与分析,并提出相应的政策与管理建议。  相似文献   

马辉洪 《现代情报》2010,30(11):113-115
韩国国立中央图书馆数字图书馆(Dibrary)2009年5月25日正式开放使用。本文首先回顾Dibrary的构思和建设,然后分述Dibrary门户网站和信息广场两项主要的服务,并介绍韩国国立中央图书馆创新的宣传方法,最后指出Dibrary是结合虚拟与实体空间的数字图书馆。  相似文献   

This forum presents Thailand's National Information Technology (IT) Plan and comments on the plan by three international experts: Seymour Goodman, Heinrich Reinermann, and G. Russell Pipe. The plan, which was prepared for Thailand's National IT Committee by the National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, is striking for its explicit consideration of social as well as economic goals in its specific objectives and implementation proposals. Agenda item 1 of the plan is to 'Invest in an Equitable Information Infrastructure: To Enhance Human Ability and Enhance Life Quality.' Implementation of the plan is proceeding well, although somewhat more slowly than anticipated, and support for the original goals and objectives remains strong.  相似文献   

企业社会绩效与经济绩效相互关系的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用上海国家会计学院发布的我国首个上市公司企业社会责任指数计量企业社会绩效,从企业的销售绩效、盈利绩效、市场绩效三个方面计量企业经济绩效,实证分析了企业社会绩效与经济绩效的相互影响关系。结果发现:前期与当期的企业销售绩效对社会绩效具有显著的正向促进作用;企业社会绩效对后期的盈利绩效具有显著的正向促进作用;企业市场绩效在社会绩效与经济绩效的相互关系中均无显著影响。  相似文献   

This forum presents Thailand's National Information Technology (IT) Plan and comments on the plan by three international experts: Seymour Goodman, Heinrich Reinermann, and G. Russell Pipe. The plan, which was prepared for Thailand's National IT Committee by the National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, is striking for its explicit consideration of social as well as economic goals in its specific objectives and implementation proposals. Agenda item 1 of the plan is to ''Invest in an Equitable Information Infrastructure: To Enhance Human Ability and Enhance Life Quality.'' Implementation of the plan is proceeding well, although somewhat more slowly than anticipated, and support for the original goals and objectives remains strong.  相似文献   

人才是第一资源,结合全国人才会议精神和陕西省实际情况,对陕西省科技人才环境进行了初步调查分析,揭示其特色优点和不足之处。针对分析结果,在科技人才环境建设中可以在社会、制度、硬件、发展、管理和服务环境等方面加以改善。  相似文献   

We introduce a novel concept of National Systems of Entrepreneurship and provide an approach to characterizing them. National Systems of Entrepreneurship are fundamentally resource allocation systems that are driven by individual-level opportunity pursuit, through the creation of new ventures, with this activity and its outcomes regulated by country-specific institutional characteristics. In contrast with the institutional emphasis of the National Systems of Innovation frameworks, where institutions engender and regulate action, National Systems of Entrepreneurship are driven by individuals, with institutions regulating who acts and the outcomes of individual action. Building on these principles, we also introduce a novel index methodology to characterize National Systems of Entrepreneurship. The distinctive features of the methodology are: (1) systemic approach, which allows interactions between components of National Systems of Entrepreneurship; (2) the Penalty for Bottleneck feature, which identifies bottleneck factors that hold back system performance; (3) contextualization, which recognizes that national entrepreneurship processes are always embedded in a given country's institutional framework.  相似文献   

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