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This selective annotated bibliography is a guide to scholarly articles, books, and websites about felony disenfranchisement and published or updated between 1999 and 2018. Felony disenfranchisement affects more than 6 million Americans and disproportionately impacts African Americans. This annotated bibliography is intended to be used by scholars and practitioners to inform them about the origins and impact of felony disenfranchisement and to aid them in developing arguments against the practice.  相似文献   

Collectors of children's books use Harry K. Hudson's bibliography of American boys' series books as a source list in expanding their personal collections. Scholars of popular culture use the bibliography as a tool in locating books that reflect everyday trends and mores of the general American public. The bibliography, now in its third edition, has undergone considerable change over the years; and this change reflects the evolution of a simple finding aid for personal collectors to a bibliography used for scholarly research.  相似文献   

A select bibliography of publications focused on sustainability, walkability, and the overall philosophy of “being green” within the urban environment is presented. The publications include a mix of scholarly, trade, and popular titles. The same categories of information are present for each entry. This bibliography is the second in a series dedicated to examining the broad subject matter of urban studies within a more focused lens. The first bibliography, examining housing policy, was published in The Serials Librarian, 65(2).  相似文献   

姚名达先生名著<中国目录学史>中插页<四部分类源流一览表>,以表格的形式,把中国古代从<七略>到<四库全书总目>等十三部重要目录的分类汇成一表 ,使我国古代目录分类变化情况一目了然,成为目录学研究和文献学教学的重要参考资料. 但是,该表中有些类名、序号及排列顺序等存在一些讹误.文章对这些讹误予以订正,从而还原其分类的本来面貌,以期对学术研究和教学有所裨益.  相似文献   

Describes the position claiming that the contemporary technological, sociopolitical, and socioeconomic environment gives us pause to consider the core theory and practices of bibliography, combining bibliography of the work (in library and information science), bibliography of the text (in textual studies and scholarly editing), and bibliography of the artifact (in book history and now digital forensics), and calls for collaborative multidisciplinary research at the intersection of these fields to ask, is there a new bibliography?  相似文献   

A bibliography of periodicals focused on planning within the urban studies field is presented. The bibliography contains scholarly, trade, and popular titles. Each entry contains identical categories of information (where each category is applicable), including an annotation. The bibliography is meant to aid in collection development in this subject area.  相似文献   

梁启超认为目录具有传播知识、传播思想、唤起民众的社会作用,主张目录学为社会服务。他编撰的《西学书目表》,是首创以科学分类为基础的书目分类法。他重视书目的阅读指导功用并把它上升到学者自立和国家自强的高度。他发表《佛家经录在中国目录学之位置》一文,对研究佛经目录卓有成效。他对近代中国目录学的广泛深入研究及其目录学理论和实践的巨大成就,带动了目录学研究,开一代研究之新风。  相似文献   

赵涛 《图书情报工作》2014,58(17):143-148
编纂于清代乾隆时期的《四库全书总目》,在对子部典籍的总结和评介中,系统地表现出诸子学思想和价值判断。其诸子学思想与清代的文化政策有关,和清代前期学术思潮有关,同时也和乾嘉时期学界的学术理念紧密相连,反映了清代前期学术发展的状态,在一定程度上彰显了社会思潮发展的趋向,对推动清代诸子学的复兴起到积极的推扬作用。  相似文献   


This is a second part of a bibliography of books and articles on women in Russia, published in the early 1990s. While the first part dealt with the women's issues of the 1990s, the second part concentrates on the evaluation and re-evaluation of Russian history as related to the woman's question. The emphasis has been on scholarly works.  相似文献   


To commemorate the 150th anniversary of their institution, Illinois State University librarians are developing an online bibliography of scholarly works by campus faculty. The bibliography will be a permanent, searchable record of campus scholarship from 1857 to the present. The bibliography is intended to serve the needs of researchers interested in the history of the institution as well as the changing roles of college faculty over the last 150 years. The project is an alternative to and potential foundation for an institutional repository. The authors describe their experiences with the project and their plans for its expansion and enhancement. doi:10.1300/J106v14n03_01  相似文献   

随着国际互联网的发展与普及,网上学术信息的可信性成为大家所关注的一个问题。本文根据在我国大学生中对网上学术信息可信性认识的调查数据,结合美国有关的调查结果,进行了具体的分析和比较。  相似文献   

This is an update of the authors’ annotated bibliography of Iranian peer-reviewed scholarly journals that was published in 2010 in the Serials Librarian. The total number of scholarly journals published in Iran increased from 503 to 1,176 journals in 2017. The forty top journals ranked by impact factor from eight different disciplines are presented in this article. The entry for each journal includes the following information: title, subject, date founded, frequency, editor, language, publisher, address, phone number, FAX number, web address, International Standard Serial Number, indexing/abstracting sources, impact factor, ministry, and an abstract/annotation.  相似文献   

Commonly referred to asRILM Abstracts of Music Literature orRILM, theRILM database is published in printed, online, and CD-ROM formats. This international musicological bibliography of scholarly writings in 202 languages on music and related disciplines is classified by topic and includes original-language titles; title translations in English; full bibliographic information; abstracts in English; author, journal, and subject indexes; and a thesaurus.  相似文献   

This is an annotated bibliography of peer-reviewed scholarly journals that are currently published in Iran. The titles included are a selective and representative sampling. The entry for each periodical includes the following information: title, subject, date founded, frequency, editor, price, language, publisher, address, phone number, FAX number, Web address, ISSN, circulation, indexing/abstracting sources, impact factor, ministry, and an abstract/annotation.  相似文献   

强化编目工作中的读者服务理念   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文分析了编目工作与读者服务的关系,并从完善读者检索体系的角度,强调编目员在工作中应强化读者服务理念,加强与读者的沟通,将编目规则与读者的阅读心理、检索需求及检索习惯有机结合,进一步拓展编目工作的深度与广度,提供高水平的读者服务.参考文献14.  相似文献   

叶德辉其人不足道,但其学却有可取.其目录学、版本学、校勘学思想对我国近现代目录学、版本学、校勘学的发展产生了深刻的影响.本文主要论述了叶德辉的一些主要校勘思想和校勘方法及对我国校勘学的贡献,特别是他的三大校勘之法,即"死校"法、"活校"法和"避讳"法,在我国校勘学史上起到了承前启后的作用.参考文献4.  相似文献   

基于机器学习的中文书目自动分类研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
面对与日俱增的图书出版量,图书馆编目人员的手工书目分类显得力不从心,如何实现由计算机自动完成图书分类成为数字图书馆建设中亟待解决的关键问题之一。本文尝试将BP神经网络和支持向量机等机器学习算法引入到书目分类中,建立了面向中图法的基于机器学习的书目层次分类系统模型,提出了采用特征加权方式描述书目和浅层次分类体系构建的设计思路,并通过大规模实验验证了该模型的可行性和合理性,基本上解决了没有主题标注情况下书目的自动分类问题。图9。表5。参考文献14。  相似文献   

影响书目是用以记录和揭示对某一时间段的历史 ,或某一特定的群体或个体产生重大影响的文献的目录。影响书目对史学界、出版界、图书馆和读者都有意义。  相似文献   

一种全新的学术出版模式:开放存取出版模式探析   总被引:118,自引:0,他引:118  
开放存取是一种学术信息共享的自由理念和出版机制。其产生背景主要是:基于订阅 的学术期刊传统出版模式带来了严重的学术交流障碍;网络的运用使学术期刊出版和传播成本 大大降低。近年来相关的机构和项目已出现并初步取得成效。参考文献12。  相似文献   

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