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This study was designed to assess the effects of a specifically designed perceptual-motor training program on the level of perceptual-motor development, self-concept, and academic ability of kindergarten children. Subjects for the study were 40 kindergarten children randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups. Each group received the same kindergarten program with one exception, the experimental group was exposed to a specifically designed perceptual-motor program 30 min daily for 5 mo, while the control group received a free play period for 30 min daily. Results of the study indicated that the data tended to support the specificity of training concept. The variables showing the greatest change were the perceptual-motor tests which measured changes on specific aspects of the training program. There appeared to be some immediate transfer to academic abilities but this was not pronounced enough to suggest that perceptual-motor training was of real benefit in developing academic abilities for normal kindergarten children. In addition the follow-up test indicated no long term effects on academic performance.  相似文献   


Purpose: Chinese female international students (CFIS) have been identified as one of the least physically active groups in the United States. In an effort to better understand this situation, this study's purpose was to examine CFIS in American higher education in terms of the meaning they assigned to physical activity and facilitators and barriers they experienced with regard to physical activity participation. Method: Twenty CFIS from a university in the Northwest region of the United States were recruited and interviewed. All of the interviews were conducted in Mandarin Chinese and translated and transcribed into English. The 1-on-1 semistructured interviews lasted between 45 min and 60 min each. Data were analyzed by NVivo8. Results: In terms of meaning, physical activity provided the participants with a break from their academic work, allowed them some alone time, and taught them a process for accomplishing other things in their lives. Major facilitators included social influences, ample available resources, their changing perceptions of femininity, and the need to improve or maintain health. Barriers included a lack of time, low self-efficacy, limited social support, cultural barriers, and a lack of “how-to” information. Conclusions: Understanding the physical activity experiences of CFIS is an important step in the process of promoting their long-term health and well-being. It may behoove universities with growing Chinese international student populations to add more cross-cultural content into their curriculums and fitness programs, increase awareness of cultural differences on campus, and increase accessibility to information in an effort to remove physical activity participation barriers experienced by CFIS.  相似文献   

体育活动对情绪健康的影响   总被引:51,自引:1,他引:51  
陈大为 《体育与科学》2002,23(2):46-47,36
有关体育活动对人的情绪的影响的研究成为当今体育锻炼心理学领域中的热点课题。本文介绍了有关参加体育活动对个体情绪健康的积极作用,很多对照研究结果都表明,参加一定强度的体育锻炼能够使个体保持良好的心境,可以减轻个体的抑郁和焦虑状态,对人的心理健康有积极意义。  相似文献   

高校学生健身运动意识与城市居民健身关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对韶关学院学生的健身活动意识、习惯和韶关市城镇居民参与全民健身情况的调查 ,来验证大学生在全民健身活动所起的生力军与带头人的作用。结果认为 ,大学生健身运动意识的增强与淡化 ,是导致他们是否形成健身习惯的直接原因 ;而大学生的健身运动观念与习惯 ,又直接影响着他们周围城镇居民健身习惯的形成。  相似文献   


The published data on the reliability of self report measures of physical activity most commonly used in the cardiovascular disease epidemiology literature revealed high test-retest reliability coefficients for two of the measures, and modest to nonexistent intertest correlations. Validity coefficients were low to modest. The published data on the accuracy of the self report measures, however, revealed memory decay, memory of rare events alone, and lack of motivation in memory recall. An information processing model, composed of encoding, storage, and retrieval processes is proposed to understand the memory of physical activity, and to identify necessary skills for accurate self report identified at each step in the process. Questions requiring further research to specify this model and, in turn, improve accuracy of recall, are raised.  相似文献   

Purpose: The aim of this research was to assess the association between university-based instructional physical activity (PA) courses and changes in overall PA levels and negative mood and their interrelations. The study also sought to determine the amount of change in PA required to significantly improve mood in course enrollees. Method: Participants were university students initially completing PA below the level recommended for health who were either presently enrolled in an elective instructional PA course (treatment group, n = 52, 69% female) or not presently enrolled in such a course (comparison group, n = 32, 69% female). Validated surveys assessed volumes of PA completed per week and overall negative mood from baseline to course end. Mediation analyses assessed group effects on mood through PA changes and reciprocal relations between PA and mood changes. Results: There was a significantly greater increase in PA and significantly more reduction in negative mood in the treatment group. Change in PA completely mediated the relationship between group and change in negative mood, and change in mood completely mediated the relationship between group and PA. These findings indicated a reciprocal, mutually reinforcing relationship between changes in PA and mood. An increase in PA of at least 2 days/week was associated with a significant reduction in negative mood, with no greater effect for more increase. Conclusions: Results provided an improved understanding of the effects of university-based instructional PA courses and how they might be leveraged to improve students’ mental health and possibly contribute to their academic success.  相似文献   


Purpose: The purpose of the meta-analysis was to examine the effectiveness of physical activity interventions on physical activity participation among preschoolers. A secondary purpose was to investigate the influence of several possible moderator variables (e.g., intervention length, location, leadership, type) on moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA). Method: Nine databases were systematically searched for physical activity interventions. Studies were included if they contained statistics necessary to compute an effect size (ES), were written in or translated into English, examined physical activity in preschoolers, incorporated a physical activity intervention, and targeted preschool-aged children. Fifteen studies satisfied these criteria. ESs were calculated using a random-effects model. Results: Results indicated that overall, interventions had a small-to-moderate effect on general physical activity (Hedges g = 0.44, p < .05, n = 73 ESs) and a moderate effect on MVPA (Hedges g = 0.51, p < .05, n = 39 ESs). The greatest effects for MVPA were identified for interventions that were less than 4 weeks in duration, were offered in an early-learning environment, were led by teachers, involved outdoor activity, and incorporated unstructured activity. Conclusions: This meta-analysis provides an overview and synthesis of physical activity interventions and highlights effective strategies for future interventions aimed at increasing physical activity levels among preschoolers.  相似文献   

Purpose: The aims of this study were to analyze the intensity of emotions (positive, negative, or ambiguous) produced when players took part in traditional games with a different social structure and to examine the explanations given by those participants for these emotional experiences. Method: Participants (N = 556) were recruited from 4 Spanish universities. After taking part in each of the games, they were asked to complete the Games and Emotions Questionnaire to indicate the intensity of their emotional experiences and to explain what, in their view, had led to the strongest emotion felt. Results: The application of a mixed-methods approach identified statistically significant differences in relation to 3 variables. These were (a) the type of emotion, (b) motor domain, and (c) type of result (win, loss, and noncompetitive). The intensity of positive emotions was higher in cooperative games and lower in individual games. Comments referring to negative emotions were more frequent as the social structure of games became more complex (minimal presence of individual games and predominance of cooperation-opposition games). Winning was associated with the highest intensity ratings of positive and ambiguous emotions, whereas being defeated produced the highest values for negative emotions. The intensity ratings for negative emotions were lower in noncompetitive games than in games where players lost. Conclusion: The results confirm that traditional games can play a key role in relation to the emotional facets of physical education.  相似文献   

以沈阳市在校肥胖大学生为研究对象,采用问卷调查、测量和数理统计等研究方法,探讨肥胖大学生体育锻炼差异下的体质特征,以及影响肥胖大学生的体质因素。  相似文献   

体重污名对超重和肥胖人群的心理和行为具有显著负面影响,损害了个体的心理健康和生活质量,诱发了个体饮食障碍、回避体育锻炼等异常行为。体重污名通过行为改变、心理应激效应、社会关系改变、歧视的结构效应和消极归因模式等作用机制对超重和肥胖人群产生影响。心理干预和媒体宣传对消除体重污名的效果不一,体育锻炼干预对消除体重污名具有稳定的显著作用。今后的研究需要从研究群体和方法上进一步改进,提高研究的科学性和实践指导价值。  相似文献   

体重污名对超重和肥胖人群的心理和行为具有显著负面影响,损害了个体的心理健康和生活质量,诱发了个体饮食障碍、回避体育锻炼等异常行为。体重污名通过行为改变、心理应激效应、社会关系改变、歧视的结构效应和消极归因模式等作用机制对超重和肥胖人群产生影响。心理干预和媒体宣传对消除体重污名的效果不一,体育锻炼干预对消除体重污名具有稳定的显著作用。今后的研究需要从研究群体和方法上进一步改进,提高研究的科学性和实践指导价值。  相似文献   

运用文献综述法研究身体活动对超重和肥胖的预防作用,认为只有先从小树立运动预防超重和肥胖的意识,才能在以后的人生中主动将运动进行下去。  相似文献   

王竹影 《体育与科学》2003,24(6):48-50,63
研究目的:探讨体力活动运动处方对预防65岁以上老年妇女冠心病易患因素的作用。研究方法:借鉴日本65岁以上老人行动能力和体力测定的最新方法与评价标准,对我国部分65—75岁老年妇女行动能力及体力进行测定,对体力状况不同的两组老年妇女,分别进行三个月不同体力活动方式的运动处方锻炼,并于锻炼前后对她们的身体成分、血脂含量等指标进行测试分析。研究结果:锻炼后,两组受试体重明显下降;血清甘油三脂(TG)和低密度脂蛋白(LDL—c)显著下降,虽未见胆固醇(TC)显著下降和高密度脂蛋白(HDL—c)的显著上升,但LDL—c/HDL—c和TC/HDL—c显著下降;血压下降。表明针对行动能力和体力不同的两组老年妇女所制定的两套运动处方,能有效控制老年妇女的体重,降低血压,改善血脂代谢,预防冠心病的发生。  相似文献   


Confusion still exists about the relationships between sociodemographics and adult physical activity behavior. In this paper, data from a national sample of 19,110 adults is examined to determine which of the sociodemographic variables are associated with physical activity behavior, their relative importance, and why these associations may exist. Once one controls for multicollinearity among the sociodemographic variables only age, education, and income maintain any substantive correlation. However, the amount of variance explained is small (R 2 adj = 8%). Two causal models are presented to account for the education: physical activity variance. The relationship is believed to be a spurious one in that there is some other third variable(s) which is speculated to affect both schooling and physical activity behavior. Exposure to sports and physical activity in the schools, though, may enhance the skills necessary for many activities providing an argument for a direct effect of education. Understanding this spurious/direct association is important for policy decision making and further research is warranted.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查的方法,对967名大学生的锻炼承诺和锻炼坚持性进行调查,并分析不同体育锻炼情况的大学生在锻炼承诺与锻炼坚持性上的不同,结果表明,锻炼时间、锻炼方式、锻炼效果和身体自我感觉的不同在锻炼承诺和锻炼坚持性上存在差异。  相似文献   

通过对南京10所高校健康弱势学生课外体育锻炼现状的调查,发现他们普遍对集体活动有畏惧感,自卑心理严重,对体育锻炼缺乏积极性,使本就处于健康弱势的他们在体育方面更加劣势。建议高校能建立一体化的健康弱势学生群体健身管理体系,更好地为健康弱势学生提供健身指导。  相似文献   

本文以温州大学经常参加有氧锻炼的100名女大学生为实验组,同一年龄段无锻炼基础的100名女大学生为对照组,研究不同锻炼方式对女大学生身体形态、体脂的影响。结果显示:经常参加有氧锻炼的女大学生,在身体形态上发生变化,胸围增大、腰臀比缩小;瘦体重增加,体重指数(BMI)和体脂%明显小于对照组。表明经常参加有氧锻炼,有助于改善女大学生的身体形态和体脂成分,塑造更加完美的身材。  相似文献   


The paper presents a method of estimating the emotional factor in flarimeter tests on athletes, by analyzing an index of responses to standard stimulus  相似文献   

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