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采用德国Novel公司的Pedar鞋垫式(in-sole)足底压力测量系统,对40名中学生赤足与穿着慢跑鞋在1.5m·s-1、3.0m·s8-1和5.0m·s-13个速度下的步态周期、最大地面反作用力、最大足底压强、平均足底压强和力量-时间积分值进行分析,探讨赤足运动与穿鞋运动的生物力学特性,以及引起赤足和穿鞋运动之间差异的原因,为指导青少年健康运动提供科学、可靠的参考依据.研究结果证实,赤足运动与穿鞋运动在步态、用力方式、压力分布上都存在显著差异,穿着慢跑鞋运动可有效降低运动损伤出现的几率,为青少年的健康运动提供基础保障.  相似文献   


Purpose: Trampoline parks are becoming popular in many countries, providing recreational facilities for children and adults. This study investigated the effects of trampoline training on knee muscles strength and balance in young adults. Methods: Twenty-six participants (14 males, 12 females) were randomized into trampoline training (TT) and resistance training (RT) groups to undergo a 6-week supervised intervention program (2 × 30 min per week). TT group performed basic trampoline exercises while the RT group performed resistance training targeting lower extremities muscles. Peak knee extension and flexion torque, postural sway characteristics, and Y balance test (YBT) performance were evaluated before and after the intervention. A mixed model analysis of variance (group × time) was applied. Results: After training there were significant improvements in knee extension torque (mean differencepost-pre [95% CI], TT: 0.27 [0.00, 0.54] N?m/kg, RT: 0.31 [0.09,0.54] N?m/kg, p = .001), knee flexion torque (TT: 0.25 [0.17,0.33] N?m/kg, RT: 0.21 [0.08,0.34] N?m/kg, p < .001), and dynamic balance (YBT composite scores, mean differencepost-pre [95% CI], TT: 4.9 [?0.3, 10.2]%, RT: 5.2 [2.4,8.0]%, p = .001). No difference between groups was found. Conclusion: Trampoline training can be as effective as resistance training for improving knee muscles strength and dynamic balance in young men and women.  相似文献   

Despite the growing interest in minimalist shoes, no studies have compared the efficacy of different types of minimalist shoe models in reproducing barefoot running patterns and in eliciting biomechanical changes that make them differ from standard cushioned running shoes. The aim of this study was to investigate the acute effects of different footwear models, marketed as “minimalist” by their manufacturer, on running biomechanics. Six running shoes marketed as barefoot/minimalist models, a standard cushioned shoe and the barefoot condition were tested. Foot–/shoe–ground pressure and three-dimensional lower limb kinematics were measured in experienced rearfoot strike runners while they were running at 3.33 m · s?1 on an instrumented treadmill. Physical and mechanical characteristics of shoes (mass, heel and forefoot sole thickness, shock absorption and flexibility) were measured with laboratory tests. There were significant changes in foot strike pattern (described by the strike index and foot contact angle) and spatio-temporal stride characteristics, whereas only some among the other selected kinematic parameters (i.e. knee angles and hip vertical displacement) changed accordingly. Different types of minimalist footwear models induced different changes. It appears that minimalist footwear with lower heel heights and minimal shock absorption is more effective in replicating barefoot running.  相似文献   

This experiment was designed to investigate whether and how decreasing the amount of attentional focus invested in postural control could affect bipedal postural control. Twelve participants were asked to stand upright as immobile as possible on a force platform in one control condition and one cognitive condition. In the latter condition, they performed a short-term digit-span memory task. Decreased center-of-gravity displacements and decreased center-of-foot-pressure displacements minus center-of-gravity displacements were observed in the cognitive condition relative to the control condition. These results suggest that shifting the attentional focus away from postural control by executing a concurrent attention-demanding task could increase postural performance and postural efficiency.  相似文献   

随着现代羽毛球运动训练手段的日趋科学化,在提高专项技术水平的同时,人们已经开始高度重视发展羽毛球运动员的各项素质,特别是灵敏素质。文章运用文献资料法和专家访谈法,根据羽毛球运动的特点和生物学原理指出灵敏训练对羽毛球运动训练的重要性,并且从不同的角度对羽毛球运动员运动训练中的灵敏素质的训练内容和方法进行了阐述,以期为专业羽毛球运动员身体灵敏素质训练提供参考,增进其羽毛球运动水平。  相似文献   

排球专项灵敏素质的研究现状及其训练方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用文献资料研究法,总结了国内外有关排球专项灵敏素质的研究动态及现状,提出四类排球专项灵敏素质的训练方法,即变向移动类,动作转换类、综合类及大脑反应类。  相似文献   

Purpose: Acute benefits of aerobic exercise on executive functioning have been reported frequently under laboratory conditions. However, to date, a beneficial effect on long-term memory has been less well supported and no data are available regarding nonlaboratory conditions in young adults. The aim of the current study was to investigate acute effects of aerobic exercise on cognitive functioning in a university classroom setting. Method: Using a cross-over design, 51 participants performed a bout of moderately intense running (RUN) and read an article while seated (CON). Afterwards, they completed free-recall tests, followed by a Flanker task and an n-back task. Results: Participants in the RUN condition compared with those in the CON condition showed shorter reaction time on the inhibition task, F(1, 50) = 5.59, p = .022, η2 = .101, and recalled more words in the immediate- and delayed-recall tests, F(1, 50) = 8.40, p = .006, η2 = .144. Conclusion: The present findings suggest that a moderately intense bout of aerobic exercise benefits verbal short-term and long-term memory as well as inhibitory control among students in a classroom setting.  相似文献   

灵敏性是篮球技能的灵魂,篮球运动员脚步动作灵敏性决定脚步移动能力,灵敏性是决定运动员反应速度、脚步移动速度以及移位能力的重要因素。为研究绳梯训练对篮球运动员脚步移动能力的影响,运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、实验法等对篮球运动员进行8周绳梯训练和常规脚步移动训练的灵敏性对比实验研究。实验结果表明,采用不同训练手段进行灵敏训练的效果存在显著性差异,采用绳梯训练手段的实验组脚步动作灵敏性和脚步移动技术能力获得大幅度提高,绳梯训练对发展篮球运动员的灵敏性具有更好的效果。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the test-retest reliability and concurrent validity of the Flemish Physical Activity Computerized Questionnaire (FPACQ) in employed/unemployed and retired people. The FPACQ was developed to assess detailed information on several dimensions of physical activity and sedentary behavior over a usual week. A triaxial accelerometer, the RT3 Triaxial Research Tracker (RT3), in combination with a written 7-day activity record, was used as the objective criterion measure. In employed/unemployed people, 2-week test-retest reliability for several activity variables calculated from the FPACQ was good to excellent with intraclass correlations (ICCs) ranging from .67 to .99. In retired people ICCs were lower but, except for time spent eating, still fair to excellent, ranging from .57 to .96. Except for time spent in leisure time activities for men and the average energy expenditure related to sports participation in women, correlations between the RT3 and the FPACQ generally supported the relative validity of the FPACQ for employed/unemployed people (r ranging from .37 to .88). Values for retired people were somewhat lower (r ranging from .15 to .85), but most variables still reached at least moderate correlations. Concerning absolute validity, the FPACQ generally overestimated physical activity and underestimated sedentary behavior compared to the RT3. From this study, it can be concluded that the FPACQ is a reliable and reasonably valid questionnaire for assessing different dimensions of physical activity and sedentary behavior.  相似文献   

文章通过对国内知名体能专家、教练员进行了访谈,认真听取他们对选择足球专项体能评价指标的观点和建议,选取立定跳远、30米冲刺跑、6×5米折返跑、Illinois测试(速度敏捷性测试),采用相应的训练方法和手段对29名运动员进行为期八周的训练,研究表明10岁-12岁的儿童少年采用适宜的训练内容、方法、手段也会受到很好的训练效果。  相似文献   

由于受平衡木器械特点和技术特点所制约,所以,在女子竞技体操比赛中,平衡木的失败率一直居其它三个项目之上。为此,笔者认为加强运动员平衡木项目的稳定性训练是非常必要的。试图从心理学的角度谈谈运动员平衡木的训练方法。  相似文献   

赛艇是一项力量耐力性运动项目,在全程2 000m比赛过程中,高质量的力量和耐力水平,对取得优异的比赛成绩,具有极其重要的作用。人们对于机体能力的关注,经历了一个漫长的阶段。从持续训练法到法特莱克训练法,从间歇训练及其机制的不断探索到赛艇专项代谢基础研究,从乳酸阈模式到两极化模式,到现在的高强度间歇性训练,耐力训练方式的不断更新,推动着运动员能力的不断提升。因此,如何最大限度地提高赛艇运动员力量和耐力,是赛艇项目教练员一直以来最为关注的问题。  相似文献   

论青少年的武术基础训练   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
培养优秀的青少年武术人才,良好的基础训练起着至关重要的作用。重视基本技术训练,特别是在基础阶段进行全面、系统、严格、规范的训练,能够有效的发展专项能力,为青少年以后掌握复杂技术打下扎实的基础。  相似文献   

拉玛西亚青训模式的成功及启迪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
拉玛西亚青训模式的主要成功经验为:先进的理念是青少年足球人才培养得以成功的前提,坚决的执行力决定青少年足球人才培养的成败,权威性与专业性并举是青少年足球人才培养得以成功的保障,执行系统的高效运作及辛勤付出,则能够为青少年足球人才的成功培养打下坚实基础,独到的育人模式能够保证青少年足球人才的培养质量。  相似文献   

本文以山西省体操队女一组为研究对象 ,提出了选择同类型动作在多年训练中的积极意义。体操动作的分类依据不仅在于动作外部形态的相似性 ,更重要的是取决于动作包含的基本技术和主要技术环节的一致性。这种分类法是制定、实施多年训练计划的重要依据之一  相似文献   

人体平衡能力测试方法及平衡能力训练的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
平衡能力是确保人类保持稳定的站立、行走,以及完成复杂动作的基本能力。在国外无论是医学或者体育领域,平衡能力的相关研究开展十分广泛。但国内研究多关注于老年人或有平衡障碍的特殊人群的平衡能力;相比之下,平衡能力与人体运动能力的研究才刚刚起步,其研究范围与应用的成熟性与国外相比还有很大的差距。在电脑平衡仪等新的技术手段开始出现的今天,加大该领域的研究力度,对大众健身及竞技体育运动具有重大的指导意义。  相似文献   

武汉体育学院体操女队曾输送了程菲、李珊珊、黄秋爽等一批世界顶尖的优秀女子体操运动员,从武汉体育学院体操女队管理理念、训练理念、训练方法等方面进行归纳分析,进而总结出具有科学性、实效性的经验,旨在为优秀女子体操运动员的培养提供借鉴。  相似文献   

结合少年标枪运动员训练实践,运用文献资料法对少年投掷运动员专项力量训练进行分析研究,探求少年标枪运动员专项力量特点、专项力量训练内容、方法和手段,指出少年训练阶段,应重点发展全面力量、最大力量、快速力量和爆发力量,并要对有关训练方法根据不同的训练目标和对象进行合理的组合,在进行力量训练时要与专项技术有效地结合,以达到最佳训练效果。  相似文献   

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