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峰值摄氧量(pVO2)是国际公认的青少年有氧能力评估标准,尽管有近八十年的青少年数据,但对它的解释以及它与青少年儿童成长和成熟过程中其他健康相关变量的关系,仍存在争议。有关青少年有氧能力可训练性的争论从未停止,仍然需要解决训练导致变化的因果机制以及根据年龄、生物性成熟、性别等因素进行调整。青少年日常体育活动的特点是间歇性进行和强度的迅速变化,但大多数青少年很少进行用来确定峰值摄氧量的强度和持续时间的体育活动。在这个背景下,肺部摄氧量的瞬态动力学就可以最好地反映青少年的有氧能力。对不同强度运动开始时青少年肺部摄氧量动力学的严格研究非常少,而在运动强度的阶跃变化中,实足年龄、生物性成熟和性别因素的影响并没有得到充分证实。了解青少年肺部摄氧量动力学参数的可训练性主要基于对运动员和非运动员的少量比较研究,对训练导致变化的根本机制仍需进一步探索。文章的目标是对成长和成熟过程中的有氧能力提供简要概述,提高对其评估和解释争议的认识,找出知识差距,提出10个相关的研究问题,并指出未来研究的潜在领域。  相似文献   

针对Dotan对《与青少年有氧能力相关的10个问题》的点评和后续讨论而得的《儿童有氧运动能力可训练性及相关问题》一文进行反馈,对Dotan提出的“现有的最大耗氧量数据的有效性”“儿童有限的有氧运动可训练性——是事实还是虚构?”“缺乏长期、纵向训练研究”“没有对儿童成年人的训练进行直接比较”“对儿童们声称的可训练性较低的合理解释”“训练质量”“其他可能的影响”“缺乏VO2稳定期”“肺部VO2动力学(pVO2)”“未来研究”几方面问题进行逐一解答,以强调《与青少年有氧能力相关的10个问题》(下简称《10个问题》)一文的讨论重点为青少年有氧适能的发展,而非儿童—成人差异。以成年人为研究对象的部分相关文献并未收录入《10个问题》中,因此Dotan的许多评论对于《10个问题》一文属于次要意见,需要在此特定背景下加以考虑。  相似文献   

参加有组织的体育运动和休闲活动存在发生严重伤病甚至死亡的内在风险。虽然造成体育运动或体育活动中猝死的原因有很多,但运动医学和循证标准治疗方面的进展已使临床医生得以更有效地预防、发现和治疗可能致死的伤患。随着研究与技术不断发展进步,当前的治疗标准正在不断发展以更好地改善患者的治疗效果。本文提出了10个与运动和体育活动中猝死的主要原因及其治疗手段有关的关键问题,未来开展的研究将提高运动员和休闲运动爱好者参与运动的安全度。当前证据表明,如采取正确的预防策略或最佳治疗方案,绝大多数的死亡案例是可以避免的。  相似文献   

Participation in organized sport and recreational activities presents an innate risk for serious morbidity and mortality. Although death during sport or physical activity has many causes, advancements in sports medicine and evidence-based standards of care have allowed clinicians to prevent, recognize, and treat potentially fatal injuries more effectively. With the continual progress of research and technology, current standards of care are evolving to enhance patient outcomes. In this article, we provided 10 key questions related to the leading causes and treatment of sudden death in sport and physical activity, where future research will support safer participation for athletes and recreational enthusiasts. The current evidence indicates that most deaths can be avoided when proper strategies are in place to prevent occurrence or provide optimal care.  相似文献   


Oxygen uptake (VO2) and heart rate (HR) kinetics for submaximum exercise were compared in prepubescent boys (mean age ± SD = 10.2 ± 1.28 years, N = 21) and adult men (30.0 ± 5.64 years, N = 21). Standard open circuit spirometric techniques were used to determine VO2 and a bipolar ECG was used to measure HR. The kinetics of VO2 and HR were determined for each subject using graphic procedures. Subjects performed submaximum exercise on the bicycle ergometer at an intensity of 42 ± 1.3% (mean ± SE) of VO2 max for the children and 39 ± 0.7% of VO2 max for the adults (p = .07). There were no group differences in VO2 t1/2 (children t1/2 = 18.5 ± 0.75 secs and adults t1/2 = 17.4 ± 0.39 secs, p = .18) and HR t1/2 (children t1/2 = 11.4 ± 1.86 secs and adults t1/2 = 13.6 ± 1.66 secs, p = .38). These data suggest that children and adults do not differ in cardiorespiratory adjustments during low intensity exercise. This is in contrast to suggestions of other investigators that children have a faster cardiovascular adjustment to exercise.  相似文献   

This qualitative case study used tenets of critical race theory and a single focus group and individual interviews with 4 African American football athletes at a predominantly White institution of higher education (PWIHE) in an effort to bring the voices of this marginalized group into the dialogue on issues concerning institutional integrity in college sport. Institutional integrity involves an athletic program's actual commitment to the educational interests of college athletes as expressed through their structures, functions, and activities. Three themes emerged from the data: (a) there is a need for more African American role models in leadership positions within the athletic departments of these PWIHE; (b) there is a need for more financial support for athletes; and (c) African American athletes should be given a platform to voice concerns. These findings have implications for those educational stakeholders and researchers who are genuinely concerned with institutional integrity in college sport.  相似文献   


Graded exercise tests are commonly used to assess peak physiological capacities of athletes. However, unlike time trials, these tests do not provide performance information. The aim of this study was to examine the peak physiological responses of female outrigger canoeists to a 1000-m ergometer time trial and compare the time-trial performance to two graded exercise tests performed at increments of 7.5 W each minute and 15 W each two minutes respectively. 17 trained female outrigger canoeists completed the time trial on an outrigger canoe ergometer with heart rate (HR), stroke rate, power output, and oxygen consumption ([Vdot]O2) determined every 15 s. The mean (± s) time-trial time was 359 ± 33 s, with a mean power output of 65 ± 16 W and mean stroke rate of 56 ± 4 strokes · min?1. Mean values for peak [Vdot]O2, peak heart rate, and mean heart rate were 3.17 ± 0.67 litres · min?1, 177 ± 11 beats · min?1, and 164 ± 12 beats · min?1 respectively. Compared with the graded exercise tests, the time-trial elicited similar values for peak heart rate, peak power output, peak blood lactate concentration, and peak [Vdot]O2. As a time trial is sport-specific and can simultaneously quantify sprint performance and peak physiological responses in outrigger canoeing, it is suggested that a time trial be used by coaches for crew selection as it doubles as a reliable performance measure and a protocol for monitoring peak aerobic capacity of female outrigger canoeists.  相似文献   

湖南省大学生有氧耐力评价标准研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对湖南省文、理、工、医、农 5类专业 6 0 0名二年级与四年级男、女大学生进行 12min跑测验 ,并用RPE值对运动负荷进行监控。结果显示 ,用 12min跑间接测定大学生的最大耗氧量是可行的 ,据此制定了湖南省大学生有氧耐力评价标准。  相似文献   

为了研究最大吸氧量与其他有氧耐力相关因素的关系,评估运动员有氧耐力水平,作者测量了包括国家队队员在内的46名优秀速度滑冰运动员的最大吸氧量、身体成分和血红蛋白,并进行相关性分析。结论:(1)绝对最大吸氧量与身高、体重和脂肪含量成中度正相关关系,相关度均无显著意义,相对最大吸氧量与上述身体成分指标成显著负相关关系;(2)我国优秀男子速度滑冰运动员血红蛋白水平偏低,女子正常。最大摄氧量与血红蛋白值有显著的正相关关系,相关度有显著意义。  相似文献   

随着社会经济快速发展,人民生活水平得到改善,社会和个人对自身健康水平的要求进一步提高,全民健身逐渐成为一个热点。然而,全民健身工作的现状还不能令人满意,健身的参与人数不够多,而且健身者普遍缺乏健身的知识和专业的指导,不能有效、有计划地进行锻炼,获取理想的锻炼效果。但是,健身跑这一独特的运动却为全民健身事业注入强大的推力,成为全民健身最大的助推器。该文通过文献资料法、访谈调查法、问卷调查法、数据统计法等研究方法,获取有氧健身跑的运动特点、发展状况及参与者对健身跑的认识和评价,进一步了解和开发这一运动项目,推动当地全民健身事业的发展。  相似文献   

揭示武汉男子职业足球运动员有氧能力现状及对不同水平足球运动员有氧能力差异性的研讨,旨在为科学评定我国足球运动员专项有氧能力训练方法的实用价值及我国职业足球运动员有氧能力的现状水平提供理论参考依据.以湖北武汉职业足球俱乐部一队(2004年度中国甲级职业联赛冠军已晋升为中国超级职业联赛球队)的18名球员为研究对象,采用递增负荷跑台运动方式,测定反映最大有氧能力的相关生理指标.武汉男子职业足球运动员递增强度运动时有氧能力的测定及分析比较.武汉男子职业足球运动员递增负荷运动时测定的反映有氧能力的生理指标数值低于大量文献报道的国内、外优秀球员水平.  相似文献   

高原训练对优秀自行车运动员有氧能力的影响   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
本文对参加11届亚运会的15名男女公路自行车运动员于1989.7和1991.8—9,分别在青海多巴(2366米)和昆明安定(1820米)进行了为期三周高原训练的观察研究。初步掌握了不同海拔高原训练时的生理机能适应规律和效应,取得了高原训练运动最和强度合理分配的经验,为今后制订和实施高原训练计划,提供了客观依据。  相似文献   

采用文献资料研究法,分析了拉丁舞对人体的心肺功能、体脂成分、肌力、肌耐力和柔软性的影响,提出拉丁舞对健康体适能具有促进作用,旨在为指导科学健身提供依据。  相似文献   

以中国皮划艇激流回旋队9名国际健将级运动员为研究对象,对其最大摄氧量、心率、乳酸、卧推与卧拉的最大力量(1RM)及力量耐力(40% 1RM,120 s)、静水300 m直线速度、静水8 km长划等指标进行测试,采用SPSS25.0对测试结果进行描述统计,并与世界优秀选手相关体能指标进行比较,诊断我国优秀激流回旋运动员体能问题,并提出相应训练对策。结果表明,我国优秀激流回旋运动员有氧能力、专项力量、基础速度与专项速度不同程度落后于国际优秀选手。为提升我国优秀激流回旋运动员体能水平,建议采用水上与陆上相结合的有氧训练方法发展运动员有氧能力,提高全年有氧训练比例,科学安排有氧训练的负荷量与强度;采用陆上基础力量训练发展运动员上肢爆发力、力量耐力与躯干稳定性力量,采用水上专项力量训练发展运动员划桨的峰值桨力与功率;既要重视运动员静水划船的基础速度,也要强化其高强度、高速度的激流专项竞速能力。  相似文献   

采用实验测试法、文献资料法和数理统计法,对湖南理工学院非体育专业30名女大学生12周健美操训练后进行有氧适能、身体形态等指标的测试,说明健美操对女性改善有氧适能、身体形态与心理健康中的作用。  相似文献   

运动处方是健身锻炼科学化的要求,本文对28例大学生实施不同强度(男75%VO_(2max),女65%VO_(2max))和不同内容(篮球和健美操)的运动处方前后进行PWC_(170)、VO_(2max)、RPQ等生理指标的测定,评价运动处方健身效果,也为探讨应用PWC_(170)、VO_(2max)、RPQ指标对运动处方效果进行评价的可行性提供实验依据。  相似文献   

The System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time (SOFIT) is commonly used to measure variables related to physical activity during physical education (PE). However, SOFIT does not yield detailed information about teacher practices related to children’s moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA). This study describes the modification of SOFIT (referred to as SOFIT+) to measure teacher practices related to students’ MVPA during PE lessons. Teacher practices that (a) promote and (b) limit children’s MVPA were identified and operationally defined via a literature review and Delphi Method. Reliability and validity data for SOFIT+ were obtained from 20 video recorded elementary PE lessons. Validity of teacher behaviors included in SOFIT+ was established using students’ accelerometer-derived MVPA. Twenty-seven teacher practices were identified. Inter-rater agreement ranged from 75.8% to 99.1% across 724 reliability scans. Six and seven practices were independently related to girls’ and boys’ MVPA, respectively. For example, during elimination activities, boys and girls were less likely to engage in MVPA. Boys were up to 1.51 times more likely to engage in MVPA while girls were up to 2.86 times more likely to engage in MVPA when a greater number of teacher practices were observed concurrently. Findings provide preliminary reliability and validity for SOFIT+, an instrument to comprehensively measure teacher practices related to children’s MVPA during PE.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、体质测量、数理统计等研究方法,对高职院校学生的身体形态、机能和身体素质三个指标进行测试。结果表明,实验组通过12周的运动干预,其健身效果显著,验证了运动干预内容、方法和手段能有效地达到增强青少年体质的目的。  相似文献   

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