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In collaboration with a strategy professor, a research librarian at a four-year SACS and AACSB-accredited Southern college transitioned from the one-time library instruction model to the role of an embedded librarian within a senior-level capstone course over a multi-year transition period. Through the use of multiple quantitative and qualitative assessment instruments, as well as anecdotal comments, and finally pre- and post-test student satisfaction and learning surveys, the library instruction and course requirements were revised. This course's implementation formed the basis of a campus-wide effort to embed librarians within on-campus and online/hybrid courses. Conclusions, discussion and areas for future research are included.  相似文献   

Higher education is moving to offer more fully online programs, and the health science fields are no different. These programs are either hybrid or completely online. It is up to the health sciences librarian to adapt services offered by the academic library to these types of courses. This column discusses the multiple ways a librarian can be an embedded librarian in a course using a learning management system (LMS). The process of creating a customized embedded librarian program, results, and lessons learned from the different embedded librarian roles are also discussed.  相似文献   


A new librarian offers advice and insights about what she has learned from working at a library within a health science center. The librarian earned her MLIS in spring 2015, and while she had previous teaching experience, she realized there was much more learning needed to properly teach medical, graduate and allied health students, faculty, and residents. In this “one-year on the job” column, the librarian describes the different teaching experiences today’s librarians encounter, and reflects on what she has learned from them and how they shape her view of the profession.  相似文献   

泛在图书馆环境下嵌入式馆员的泛在化服务   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍泛在图书馆是一种全新的图书馆理念,是未来图书馆存在的重要形态,也是一种新的信息环境。而嵌入式馆员是泛在图书馆环境下图书馆服务的主要服务模式,在详述泛在图书馆及嵌入式馆员的概念和特征的基础上,分析泛在图书馆与嵌入式馆员之间的关系,并重点论述泛在图书馆环境下嵌入式馆员的泛在化服务。  相似文献   

Remote access to library resources has liberated students and faculty from the brick and mortar library, giving rise to an intense “whither the library” debate. A necessary corollary to this discussion of the future of the library building on campus is the future deployment of the reference librarian cadre. University libraries have been increasingly experimenting with outreach and outpost arrangements that situate librarians in alternate venues, often embedding them among their natural clientele. Librarians have repositioned themselves in student unions, residence halls, and faculty departments to promote information literacy among the diaspora. This review of the literature traces the path that culminated in the outreach model and explores the variations that have evolved at different institutions.  相似文献   

This article describes how the reference department at a large academic health sciences library evolved to address the clinical and research information needs of the parent organization without losing its close connections to the classroom and curriculum. Closing the reference desk, moving to on-call and house call models, designing positions such as clinical research librarian and basic biomedical sciences librarian, finding alternative funding to grow the department, providing technology and training to facilitate librarians' work, and developing programming for and taking advice from library clients facilitated efforts to create a relevant presence and solidify the library's place in the university community.  相似文献   

This article explores how a model that represents the thoughts and actions of a school librarian responding to clients’ inquiries can be used in the creation of a framework to either promote reflection among intermediaries on their own practice or afford a means of evaluating a library’s reference service. Against a background of pertinent studies by Taylor and Kuhlthau, this article traces how the proposed strategy initially developed from a typology addressing the ways adults seek to meet young people’s requests for information and outlines issues for consideration by professionals intent on using the framework in their own organizations.  相似文献   

Three new librarians highlight their varied pathways into health sciences librarianship and offer insight into how they are navigating the challenges and successes of being new to the profession. The authors define a new health sciences librarian as a person who has fewer than five years of experience in health sciences librarianship specifically, having either recently graduated from library school or entered the health sciences from another type of librarianship. Jamia Williams speaks about her journey from new MLS graduate to health science librarian; Kelsa Bartley details her transition from library professional to health science librarian; and Jahala Simuel shares her experiences moving from academic librarian to health science librarian. This commentary provides strategies, tips, and tricks that new health sciences librarians may use to hone their craft and explore opportunities for professional development.  相似文献   

馆员职业发展与个人因素、组织因素和社会因素形成多种性质、多层次、不同程度的嵌入关系。嵌入关系中,嵌入因素、嵌入结构以及嵌入程度等的不同,馆员职业发展受到的影响与作用也不同。通过嵌入理论在馆员职业发展中的应用,使人们能够以新的视角对嵌入性问题进行分类研究,构建分析模型以及实施有效的职业生涯管理。  相似文献   

The curricular reform movement within education has called for the development of critical thinking skills within the academy. At the authors’ university, the outreach librarian has successfully facilitated several face-to-face book clubs with the goal of honing members’ analytical skills and fostering lifelong learning. As a means of expanding this effort to a formal academic learning objective, the outreach librarian was also virtually embedded into the course management system for several business classes. This article discusses a collaborative faculty/librarian use of online course-related book clubs as a tool for advancing higher level critical thinking skills such as evaluation and reflection.  相似文献   

文章以文献传递的业务活动为例,搜集了部分图书馆对文献传递岗位的入职条件,比较了全职馆员与社会兼职人员在文献传递上的业绩差别,并分析全职馆员存在业绩差时需反思的图书馆管理问题。  相似文献   

A librarian with more than forty years of experience reflects on the experience of being the most senior in organizations that primarily value youth. Being engaged and enthusiastic about work is an important responsibility for older librarians. They provide their library organizations with experience and expertise, which are indispensable to effectively utilizing the automation in the library workplace. Finally a model for the librarian is outlined.  相似文献   

泛在图书馆与学科化服务   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
泛在图书馆意为无所不在的图书馆,是图书馆服务的泛在化,被认为是未来图书馆的重要型态和发展模式。从泛在图书馆的角度认识今天的图书馆服务,本文提出,必须从基于物理图书馆的传统服务,转变为基于用户的学科化服务。为此,学科化服务需要确立如下工作目标和工作重点:从图书馆的学科馆员到用户的学科馆员;从以利用图书馆为目标到以利用信息和知识为目标;从各自为战到协同工作;从信息中介到科研合作伙伴;从提供资源利用的指导到充当用户的信息环境顾问。  相似文献   

Many nondirector academic law librarians publish and teach legal research classes. Some hold faculty status as well. Law librarians have expertise in the development and delivery of legal research instruction methodologies and are developing a body of literature documenting their efforts to create and share a pedagogy of legal research instruction. Principles of shared faculty governance entitle library faculty to contribute to the development and delivery of a curriculum of legal research instruction. Encouraging law librarian participation in the shared governance of law schools should lead to increasing opportunities for the successful reform of legal education curricula with respect to legal research instruction.  相似文献   

杰出的榜样人物对于群体发展有着重要的意义。《应对变革:30年来美国图书馆楷模人物撷英》一书,聚焦美国“年度图书馆员”和“年度辅助图书馆员”获奖者这一楷模人物群体,通过讲述他们的成长故事和取得的成就,帮助图书馆工作者理清思路,减少路径选择的茫然、困惑与盲动,为图书馆从业者提供可资参照的职业标杆,为推动图书馆事业发展找到行之有效的解决方案,值得每一位图书馆员阅读。  相似文献   

行鲜玲 《晋图学刊》2012,(1):48-50,63
信息化时代图书馆馆员职业形象塑造,是图书馆组织形象建设的核心内容。它包含内在素质、外在形象两个内涵;服务理念、服务行为、服务环境、服务效率四个要素;主体、客体、主客体关系三个维度。图书馆员要用自身的魅力与智慧,感染启迪读者,塑造出符合时代要求的职业形象,以提高图书馆社会地位和发展竞争能力。  相似文献   

Online instruction is a hot topic at academic medical centers. Seizing the opportunity to join the online movement at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC), the McGoogan Library created an open access course made up of six learning modules. The modules addressed three issues: 1) supplementing one-shot library instruction, 2) offering opportunity for instruction when a librarian is not embedded in a course, and 3) showcasing the library as an online instruction supporter. This article discusses the planning process, technology used, how the modules were received, and how this initial project increased McGoogan Library's involvement in the UNMC online movement.  相似文献   

This is a case study at Mississippi State University where a business librarian taught a one-credit financial literacy course for undergraduate freshmen during the 2010 Fall term. In this case, the librarian acted as a faculty teacher and an instructional librarian to teach the students financial literacy as well as information literacy. The course curriculum was embedded with a library orientation to introduce the library services. Pre- and post-course assessments were conducted to analyze the students’ learning level in financial knowledge and the level of familiarity with various library services.  相似文献   

张蒂 《图书情报工作》2015,59(14):90-97
[目的/意义] 了解学科馆员的工作现状,对于揭示学科服务的变革过程和提高工作水平有重要意义。[方法/过程] 采用纪实方法,跟踪 2009-2013年南开大学图书馆学科服务的具体内容,通过逐年展示学科馆员的重点实践案例, 解读学科馆员服务从"联络"到"嵌入"的转变过程中的理论思考和实践探索。[结果/结论] 根据学科馆员的学科服务纪实,总结南开大学图书馆学科服务模式变革过程中的学科服务三原则、嵌入式学科服务的方式、学科馆员的角色转换等,勾勒出包括联络院系、日常咨询、学科资源建设、学科信息推送、嵌入式服务和专项高端服务等六大板块在内的行动路线图。  相似文献   

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