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李晓秋 《科研管理》2011,32(3):130-136
摘要:商业方法的可专利性一直是个颇有争议的话题。本文研究美国商业方法可专利标准的历史变迁及其典型案例,探讨美国商业方法专利的实践对我国的启示和建议。案例研究结果表明:为了产业发展和国家利益的需要,美国法院再次否定“商业方法除外原则”,肯定商业方法可专利性。进一步研究发现,我国商业方法专利制度存有不足。在实施国家知识产权战略的过程中应当借鉴美国的做法,构建适合中国实际的商业方法专利制度。  相似文献   

对支持或反对商业方法专利学者们争论的主要问题进行了归纳总结,简介了Bilski案及关国商业方法专利的最新政策.在此基础上,提出赋予商业方法专利权可以促进相关部门的技术创新,解决美国商业方法专利问题应当是积极寻求改进专利审查的方案,同时中国应主动借鉴国外的立法与实践,建立起商业方法专利保护制度.  相似文献   

2010年6月28日,备受关注的Bilski案终于尘埃落定。美国联邦最高法院判定维持联邦巡回上诉法院对Bilski案的判决,认定案件所涉专利运用对冲原理规避能源市场风险的方法是不可专利性主题。至此,关于此案是否为可专利性主题的长达十几年的争论以不可专利性划上了句点。鉴于美国的影响力,Bilski案得到了世界各国的广泛关注,中国也不例外。本文通过对Bilski案的案情介绍,简单梳理美国法院对专利性主题的研究动态,进而总结该案对我国可专利性主题审查和研究的启示。  相似文献   

2008年10月30日,盖联邦巡回上诉法院(CAFC)经过全席审理(en banc),维持了专利上诉及冲突委员会(BPAI)关于Bilski专利申请不予授权的决定。  相似文献   

美国State street bank案之后商业方法专利频繁出世。商业方法专利并不是新兴产物,它的出现不但与美国的重视知识产权政策和战略有关,还与飞速发展的计算机技术和网络技术、电子商务体系息息相关。尽管美国、日本和中国在商业方法专利的分类上稍有不同,但是,商业方法专利的特征却有其共通性。商业方法专利给世人带来的是专利意识的革命。  相似文献   

2002年底、2003年初中国国家知识产权局先后授权了两件美国花旗银行商业方法专利,引起了媒体和知识产权业界的重视和较大的社会反响。本文介绍了商业方法可专利性的评判原则,并通过实际申请案例展示了商业方法可专利性的评判方法。  相似文献   

试论商业方法的专利保护   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
高山行  胡海平 《情报杂志》2004,23(8):5-7,10
企业通过知识产权保护商业竞争非常普遍,但申请商业方法专利却是中国知识产权法律所没有明确的。通过追溯商业方法专利的产生过程,探讨了商业方法可专利性上的不同观点;在商业方法授予专利“三性”分析的基础上,重点讨论了其“创造性”的审查标准;还就我国对待商业方法专利的态度和商业方法专利审查标准提出了建议。  相似文献   

一、引言 商业方法专利源于美国,随着高科技和经济的发展,逐渐被许多国家的专利制度所接受和保护,但世界各国的可专利性判断标准却存在很大差异,即便在美国,法律界、学术界对商业方法的可专利性的争论也是持续不断。  相似文献   

商业方法专利是服务业知识产权保护的一种新形式,随着其在美国和日本等国的兴起以及对网络经济的贡献日益增多,全球对于商业方法专利的关注程度也逐渐提高.本文首先对商业方法专利的概念进行界定,然后运用美国专利商标局C1ass705类别检索到的数据,计算美国、日本、德国、英国、韩国和中国的商业方法专利比较优势指数,据此总结主要国家在商业方法专利方面的发展态势,分析其中的原因,并给出研究展望.  相似文献   

商业方法专利是保护服务业知识产权的一种新方法,本文从理论研究出发,阐述服务创新的主要内容和知识产权保护方法,以中国国家知识产权局检索到的商业方法数据进行现状分析,利用趋势曲线模型预测法进行前景预测,最后用trend函数对预测结果进行检验。结果表明中国应顺应趋势、与时俱进,通过专利法的及时修订,尽快将商业方法专利纳入到中国专利法的可专利主题范畴以及专利制度的保护框架之内。  相似文献   

张玉蓉  袁春生  余翔 《科研管理》2010,31(4):119-126
摘要:为探讨金融商业方法专利诉讼策略,本文研究了专利价值和专利公开程度对金融企业专利诉讼行为的影响。实证研究结果表明:价值越大的专利或公开越多的专利,诉讼的可能性越大;进一步研究发现,专利公开对诉讼行为的影响因专利价值不同而有所差异。当专利价值较低时,该专利引证的专利技术文献越多,专利权利人提起诉讼的可能性越大。  相似文献   

基于专利计量法的核心业务测度研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
孙大鹏  苏敬勤  仲小云 《科研管理》2006,27(2):122-127,101
本文针对目前核心业务测度方法不系统的问题,运用专利计量法,提出了分别从专利和销售收入两个指标对企业的业务进行评价假设。通过以国内外公司近五年的专利和销售收入数据为样本进行实证检验,证明了这种方法的客观性和有效性。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(10):104590
The market for patent licenses, despite its paramount importance for technological innovation, has various inefficiencies. A particular problem with widely used technical standards such as LTE and Wi-Fi is the lack of information regarding which patents are “essential” to implement the standard. This information is crucial because it simplifies determining infringement and implies specific “FRAND” licensing rules. While many standards-developing organizations stipulate that such patents are explicitly declared, little is known about which are actually essential. The absence of publicly available information on essentiality incurs significant social costs due to the resulting friction in the licensing market. With the growing use and importance of standards to mobility and energy markets, and to the Internet of Things, these costs are likely to rise. Responding to calls from industry, courts and policymakers, commercial and academic studies have attempted to assess essentiality, but they all have limitations. This paper reports on the technical feasibility of a system of expert assessments for patent essentiality. Based on a factorial design, we conducted a field experiment with 20 patent examiners performing over 100 assessments. Comparing the outcomes to a high-quality reference point shows that sufficiently accurate expert assessments, at a price level that allows large scale testing, are technically feasible, and we identify routes to further improvement.  相似文献   

基于专利地图的R&D联盟专利战略制定方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在对专利地图的发展历程分析和文献回顾基础上,从不同于单个企业专利战略管理的视角出发,提出专利地图应用于RD联盟专利战略分析与制定的流程,设计基于专利地图的RD联盟专利战略制定的总体思路、原则、战略框架与制定方法,旨在为RD联盟专利战略管理提供参考。  相似文献   

本文基于专利资产的价值分布特性,通过分析比较国内外专利价值评估的关键指标和专利价值的影响因素,构建了用于专利价值的“二元分类评估方法”。该方法采取定量指标评价和专家打分的主客观相结合方式分别得到专利定量指标价值度和定性指标价值度,两者结合得到专利综合价值度,这可综合评估专利价值高低,进而为知识产权管理和专利运营提供参考。  相似文献   

为促进提高创新专利质量,更好地服务于企业创新工作,提出一种基于犹豫模糊平衡参考解的专利评价方法.考虑到专利质量评价需多群组参与的实际情况以及评价问题本身的模糊性,将犹豫模糊集作为评价信息载体;鉴于人类评价事物时热衷于列出优劣势项的习惯,借助TOPSIS和EDAS参考解思想,构造一种平衡参考解的集成模型;此外,考虑到传统距离测度无法在同一水平直接衡量具有差异性的数据,构建一种基于Bray-Curtis距离的犹豫模糊测度方法;最后,以W企业的四类专利质量评价为实例以验证该方法的可行性,为企业的专利质量评价提供新思路与技术支撑.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(6):104759
We analyse the effect of country-specific regulatory changes consistent with mandates included in the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement on patenting activities in Latin America (LA) with the aim of contributing to the ongoing debate on patent regimes, innovation and development. TRIPS implied tight negotiations between developed and developing countries. By analysing national legislation on IPR in 36 countries, we build a variable that captures when each country exhibits “the spirit of TRIPS”, which may occur before or after signing TRIPS. We follow two goals: i) to assess whether the impact of changing regulation was different in LA in contrast to developed countries; ii) to analyse specifically the impact on patent activities of residents and non-residents in LA in contrast to developed countries. Our results show that regulatory changes aligned with TRIPS increased patent activities in LA more than in developed countries, but only by non-residents. This is consistent with the political economy argument stating that the international agenda on intellectual property rights was pushed by large multinational corporations headquartered in developed countries as part of their globalisation strategies. Our results are also consistent with the economics of innovation literature that suggests that stronger patent regimes only have positive effects on innovation after some national income threshold is attained.  相似文献   

Company business models are vulnerable to various contingencies in the business environment that may unexpectedly render their business logic ineffective. In particular, technological advancements, such as the Internet of things, big data, sharing economy and crowdsourcing, have enabled new forms of business models that can effectively and abruptly make traditional business models obsolete. By disrupting or even diminishing companies’ revenue streams, environmental contingencies may present a significant threat to business continuity (BC). Evaluating the resilience of business models against these contingencies should therefore be a core area of BC. However, existing BC approaches tend to focus on the continuity of the resources and processes through which a particular business model is accomplished in practice but omit the business model itself. We argue that in order for BC approaches to become holistic and strategic, business models need to become a part of the BC considerations, entailing an expansion of the scope of BC from value preservation to value creation. We propose an approach of Strategic Business Continuity Management, which consists of two parts: (1) sustaining the continuity of the company business model (value preservation) and (2) evaluating and modifying the business model (value creation). We illustrate conceptually the value creation part with an example drawn from the sharing economy.  相似文献   

喻燕刚  邬家瑛 《科研管理》2005,26(Z1):118-122
选择专业化还是多元化是家族企业面临的现实问题.本文通过分析实行多元化需要具备的条件以及家族企业的赢利模式和相应的管理制度,论述了专业化比多元化更适合于现阶段的家族企业.  相似文献   

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