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中国山矾科的初步研究(续)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is a preliminary study on the morphology, taxonomy and geog- raphy of Symplocaceae, following the system of H. P. Nooteboom and H. Handel-Maz- zetti et E. Peter-Stibal, who divided the genus into two subgenera according to the floral characteristics.  But I disagree with Nooteboom's unduly broad specific concept, and adopt Handel-Mazzetti et Peter-Stibal's concept, which usually treated the species of this family according to their habitats in regions in a relatively narrow sense.  The ge- nus is divided in the present paper into two subgenera, six sections, among which two are new.  Nine new species and three new varieties are described in this paper.  Discus- sions on some taxa are also presented.      The family Symplocaceae consists of 300 species in the whole world.  They are dis- tributed mainly in tropical and subtropical Asia, Oceania and America.  In China there are about 77 species widely distributed in the  south-western and south-eastern parts, with only one species, namely Symplocos paniculata (Thunb.) Miq. extending northward to north-eastern part.  相似文献   

描述了采集于湖北巴东县的金丝桃属Hypericum L.的3个新分类群,即湖北小连翘H. hubeiense L. H. Wu & D. P. Yang、恩施小连翘H. enshiense L. H. Wu & F. S. Wang和长萼小连翘H. erectum Thunb. ssp. longisepalum L. H. Wu & D. P. Yang。湖北小连翘与H. asahinae Makino相似,表现在叶无柄,基部心形抱茎,花萼和花瓣上具黑色腺条;区别在于叶近边缘腺体全为黑色,叶片上部无腺体  相似文献   

描述了中国云南北部的金丝桃属Hypericum L.(藤黄科)两个新种,即楚雄金丝桃H. fosteri N. Robson和漾濞金丝桃H. wardianum N. Robson。二者均与短柱金丝桃H. hookerianum Wight &; Arn.相近。楚雄金丝桃为一地方特有种,目前仅在模式地点发现;漾濞金丝桃在缅甸东北部还有分布。二者主要以蒴果伸长,非卵状近球形,萼片无中脉而有别于短柱金丝桃。此外,将宽萼金丝桃H. latisepalum (N. Robson) N. Robson从亚种提升为种;将变异较大的纤枝金丝桃H. lagarocladum N. Robson划分为两个亚种,即叶较宽、具有开张习性的原亚种纤枝金丝桃H. lagarocladum ssp. lagarocladum和叶较窄、更为直立的新亚种狭叶金丝桃H. lagarocladum ssp. angustifolium N. Robson。  相似文献   

中国桫椤科植物的分类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文记载了我国14种和2变种桫椤科植物及其分布。根据叶柄基部的鳞片,叶轴背面 两侧的气囊体,叶轴的颜色,囊群盖以及孢子数目等性状,把它们安排在2属2亚属中,并讨论了各类群之间可能的演化关系。  相似文献   

本文对国产石松科(狭义)进行了分类学研究,共记载本科植物6属15种3变型。文中引用新建 立的1属,即拟小石松属Pseudolycopodiella Holub,并包含1个新命名:Lycopodium neopungens H.S.Kung et L.B.Zhang,1个新变型:Palhinhaea hainanensis C.Y. Yang f.glabra H.S.Kung et L.B.Zhang和9个新 异名:Lycopodium annotinum L.var.brevifolium Christ(=L .zonatum),L.annotinum L.var.aciculare Christ (=L.zonatum),L.alticola Ching(=L.zonatum),L.simulans Ching et H.S.Kung ex Ching(=L.japoni- cum),L.interjectum Ching et H.S.Kung ex Ching(=L.japonicum),L. taliense Ching(=L.japonicum),L.pseudoclavatum Ching(:=L.japonicm.),L. pseudoclavatum Ching var.yunnanense Ching(=L.japonicum),及L. centro-chinense Ching(=L. japonicum).本文还记述了有关分类群的地理分布,并认为中国没有Dipha- siastrum wightianum(Wall.ex Grev.et Hook.)Holub的分布。  相似文献   

对于在额仁陶勒盖银矿中发现的X矿物本文用电子探针获得其化学成分(重量%):Pbo(27.20),AS2O5(14.69),FeO(28.41),CaO(0.07),P2O5(0.17),ZnO(0.18),Sb2O3(0.23),CuO(0.25),K2O(0.56),SO3(13.61),Al2O3(0.67),SiO2(0.06),合计(86.10)。X衍射主要谱线1.499(12),1.979(16),2.243(16),2.267(39),2.308(8),2.374(8),2.541(21),2837(82),2.972(26),3.078(100),3.536(17),3.671(38),5697(27),5.972(75)。这些结果证明了它是砷菱铅矾,在我国属首次发现。  相似文献   

中国虎耳草属的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了一个中国虎耳草属系统,确认我国有2亚属,8组,7亚组(包括1新亚组),31系(包括23新系),4亚系(新亚系)和203种(包括2新种和4新变种)。  相似文献   

Five new taxa of the family Umbelliferae are described  from China They are Pimpinella filipedicellata S. L. Liou,  Acronema yadongense S. L. Liou, Sinocarum  bijiangense S. L. Liou,  Hydrocotyle salwinica var.  obtusiloba  S.  L. Liou, Cryptotaenia japonica f. pinnatisecta S. L. Liou.  相似文献   

中国毛茛科植物小志(十五)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 在本文中澄清了一些错误鉴定;一些学名证实不能成立,成为异名;对偏翅唐松草的种下分类 群做出修订,并给出新的区别特征;做出锐棱铁线莲系的分种检索表;对渐尖铁线莲群各种的亲缘关 系进行了初步讨论;描述了1新系,3新种,3新变种,2新变型;做出1新组合,4新等级,并拟出1新名;报道了拳距瓜叶乌头、星果草和直梗高山唐松草的国外分布。  相似文献   

吕红燕 《科技广场》2005,(11):65-67
管理咨询业已成为知识密集型产业,在现代企业管理中日显重要。本文通过对我国管理咨询业的历史回顾和现状分析,阐述了我国管理咨询业现存的问题,提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

 The Menispermaceae is a well-known alkaloid-rich family within the flowering plants.  Because of the therapeutic value and pharmacological actions of the alkaloids, contents of its members it has, besides taxonomists also attracted the attention of chemists, pharmacists and other research workers.  In the present work, the menisper- maceous medicinal plants of this country are dealt with from their taxonomical, phy- tochemical and therapeutic aspects.      As a result of our preliminary study, out of 18 genera with some 70 species so far found in China, 15 genera with 51 species and 2 varieties are known to possess medicinal value, of which some are famous Chinese drugs, viz. Stephania tetrandra S. Moore (粉防己), Tinospora callipes Gagnep. (金果榄), Sinomenium acutum (Thunb.) Rehd. et Wils. (青藤); some are important folk remedies, e.g. Archangelisia loureirii (Pierre) Diels (古山龙), Stephania cepharantha Hayata (金线吊乌龟); and some are raw materials for the preparation of medicines,  e.g. Fibraurea tinctoria Lour. for tetrahydropalmatine, Stephania sinica Diels for rotundine, etc.       After a careful taxonomic examination, two new species,  Cocculus mokaingensis Lien, Pericampelos omeiensis Lien, are found and herewith discribed.       Isoquinoline alkaloids are widely distributed in the whole family.  The Trib. Aniamirteae consisting of genus Arcangelisia,  the  Trib.  Fibraureae  consisting  of genera Tinomiscium and Fibraurea, as well as the  Trib.  Tinosporeae consisting of genera Tinospora and Parabaena are charaterized by the presence of proberberine alkaloids,  e.g.  berberine,  palmatine,  jatrorrhizine,  columbamine,  etc.  and  such alkaloid-bearing plants are commonly used as antiperiodic, antidote, antibiotic, anti- malarial,  etc.  On  the  other  hand,  the  Trib.  Menispermeae  elaborates  mainly bisbenzylisoquinoline-type alkaloids, and these plants are usually used in the treatment of rheumatism, and often as an anodyne, diuretic etc.      To facilitate identification, 10 plates are here provided.  相似文献   

This paper presenta a brief introduction to the taxonomy and geographic distribu- tion of the genus Wendlandia.       The genus Wendlandia in tribe Rondeletieae of the family Rubiaceae was proposed by Bartling in 1830. There are now more than ninety species throughout the world. It is distributed mainly in tropical and subtropical Asia. Thirty species, ten subspecies and three varieties are recorded in the paper. Among these, nine species, two subspecies and one variety are new. They are distributed mainly in Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Guangdong, Xizang and Taiwan Provinces. Only one species, namely W. longidens (Hance) Hutch. Extends northward to Hubei and Sichuan.       The classification of the genus in this paper is based on Cowan's system. It is divided into four series mainly by their stigmatic and staminal characters, namely Euexsertae, Subinclusae, Montigenae and Clavigerae. The first two series are each subdivided according to the stipule feature into two subseries, designated as Cuspidatae, Orbiculares, Tinctoriae and Paniculatae.       From the distribution patterns of the genus in the flora of China, we may understand:       1.  The genus has the most species in China, where is its distribution centre, and Yurnan is the province richest in species of the genus.       2.  There are twenty-one species, five subspecies and three varieties endemic to China. Most of these endemics have their distributional area confined to a single province, and some of them are confined to an even narrower district, with only a few of them extending beyond province boundaries.       3.  The series Subinclusae Cowan has the most species not only in China but also in other regions of the world, whereas the series Montigenae Cowan has fewer species and they are all restricted to China.       The new species, new subspecies and the new varieties described in this paper are as follows: W. brevipaniculata W. C. Chen, W..villosa W. C. Chen, W. tinctoria  (Roxb.) DC. subsp. affinis How, W. laxa S. K. Wu, W. uvariifolia Hance subsp. pilosa W. C. Chen, W. guangdongensis W. C. Chen, W. parviflora W. C. Chen, W. scabra Kurz var. pilitera How, W. pubigera W. C. Chen, W. jingdongensis W. C. Chen, W. brevituba Chun et Howand W. oligantha W. C. Chen.  相似文献   

The genus Burmannaia is one of the largest genera in the Burmanniaceae, of which 12 species have been recorded in China.  It is mainly a tropical genus.  The species in China are all confined to the region south of Yangtze River. They are distributed chiefly in the provinces Guangdong (9 species) and Yunnan (6 species). After having studied the areas of all the species in China, we are able to classify them into follow- ing 4 area-types:      1.  Area-type of Tropical Asia to Tropical Australia. The two non-saprophytic species (Burmannia disticha, B. caelestis) and one saprophytic (B. championii) belong to this area-type.  It is an ancient type.  The plants of this type mostly have a wide ecological amplitude, for example, B. disticha may be found in tropical and subtropical regions.  The plants occur not only in evergreen forests, in bushs, but also in rather arid herbosa and on the side of streams (Fig. 2).     2. Area-type of Tropical SE Asia.  In the type are 3 saprophytic species i.e. B. oblonga, B. wallichii and B. nepalensis.      3. Area-type of E. Asia.  (Fig. 3) Burmannia in China with E. Asian distribu- tion is poor in species.  There are only 2 saprophytic species. B. cryptopetala is distri-buted in Haina (China), Kyushu and Honshu (Japan); B. itoana occurs in Taiwan (China), Riukiu and Kyushu (Japan).  They are known only on the islands of E. Asia. Such a pattern of distribution may suggest connection of these islands once in the prehistoric time in spite of their present isolation.      4.  Endemic area-type. (Fig. 4).  Here are 3 saprophytic species and one variety with green leaves.  B. nana occurs only in E. Taiwan.  One of the two new species described by present author in this paper, B. fadouensis, is known from Xichou Xiao, S. E. Yunnan, to Longzhou Xian of the province Gaunxi; the other one, B. pingbien- ensis occurs only in Pinbien Xian of S. E. Yunnan. The last species is endemic to China. B. pusilla var. hongkongensis is non-saprophytic and known from the province Guang- dong and its bordering islands.  Both B. fadouensis and B. pingbienensis are characte- rized by the axillary bulbils, which enable them to adapt to rather arid and cold condi-tions in northern part of the tropical region.  相似文献   

浅析资产质量   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王生兵  谢静 《软科学》2000,14(4):17-19
资产的数量可以反映一个企业的生产经营规模。但是 ,等量的资产往往不能带来等量利润。这是因为资产不仅有量的规定性 ,还有质的规定性。因此 ,必须重视资产质量的管理。在实践中 ,从固定资产按使用情况分为在用、不需用、未使用等几类 ,到对存货提取“商品削价准备”“存货跌价准备”再到资产重组中的“剥离不良资产 ,注入优质资产”都是资产质量管理的具体手段。因此 ,本文拟对资产质量的几个理论与实务问题进行初步探讨。一、资产质量的概念资产质量是企业资产盈利性、流动性和安全性的综合水平。资产的盈利性是指资产获取未来经济利益的…  相似文献   

 Parmelia is a genus of economical importance.   According  what  was  recorded, Meyen & Flotow were the first foreigners to study Chinese lichens in 1843.  Up to the present time 74 species, 24 varieties and 11 forms have been described from China.      The majority of specimens reported in this paper were collected by many Chinese botanists and collectors from 21 provinces from 1928--1962, while a few of them were collected by Licent from 1916 to 1917 and by Poliansky in 1957.      The system of classification adopted here is that held by A. Zahlbruckner in 1926. But in section Hypotrachyna, the two subsections-Myelochroa and Myeloleuca proposed by Asahina are adopted and Parmelia xanthocarpa which has not been properly placed before, is here referred to the subsection Myelochroa.      In the subgenus Hypogymnia the writer discovers that the length of spores of two species are longer than 10μ, especially  Parmelia macrospora reaches  17.5μ long.  So far as the writer knows, the upper limitation of the spore length  recognized  by  many lichenologists has been 10μ in this subgenus.  The spore measurement of this subgenus needs, therefore, to be revised in future.       In this paper 78 species, 14 varieties and 6 forms are presented.  Among them, 5 species, 5 varieties and 1 forms are considered as new and two new combinations have been made.  Out of all these, 31 species, 6 varieties and 2 forms are first recorded from China.  All the materials cited are deposited in the Mycological Herbarium of Instituteof Microbiology, Academia Sinica, Peking.  相似文献   

中国学术期刊发展遇到了瓶颈-优秀稿源流失.学术期刊要想继续发展,最重要的途径是走国际化道路.学术期刊国际化道路可以考虑以下四点:第一,争取SCI收录;第二,作者国际化;第三,编委国际化;第四,审稿专家国际化;第五,编辑国际化.以上五点互相影响,互相制约.只有全面发展,中国学术期刊才可能实现真正的国际化.  相似文献   

本文报道了中国产10种凤尾蕨属植物和2种蕨属和栗蕨属植物的细胞学研究结果。  在凤尾蕨   属中,8种是多倍体或具有多倍体细胞型,4种是无性孢子繁殖的后代,6种实际上是种复合体或种复合   体成员,单纯有性生殖的二倍体只有2种。凤尾蕨至少具有9条孢子发生路线,在其同一个体上除了产   生二倍孢子外,还可能产生少量加倍或多倍孢子;广义的蜈蚣草实际上是个种复合体,其祖先的二倍体   细胞型广泛分布于中国亚热带地区说明这里可能是该复合体的起源中心;岩凤尾蕨具有不寻常的染色  体数目n=55,这说明在本属和本科中可能存在着非整倍体进化。  相似文献   

组织设计理论研究贯穿于组织理论发展的全过程,是研究组织问题的重要切入点。我国近30年来,组织设计研究的关注热点发生了重大变化。通过CiteSpace软件对检索于中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)的相关文献数据,绘制组织设计理论研究的关键词共现网络图谱。借助文献计量指标和直观动态的科学知识图谱,探析国内组织设计理论研究的聚焦问题、热点领域和尚存在的问题,从知识内源性探讨、项目驱动型组织研究、中小企业组织设计研究和研究方法趋势等方面,探讨组织设计理论的未来研究对策。  相似文献   

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