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Process mapping is both an analytical tool and a process intervention that performance technologists can use to improve human performance by reducing error variance. In contrast to reengineering, process mapping is used for both incremental and radical change. The benefits of process mapping include simplified work flow, reduced cycle time, lowered costs, and improved job satisfaction. Process mapping involves constructing a macro‐map, identifying and prioritizing bottlenecks in the existing process, constructing a micro‐map to identify the root causes of the bottlenecks, and iterative redesign. Several critical success factors include organizational readiness, time commitment by participants, and the availability of a qualified facilitator. HPT practitioners add value to organizations by providing unique competence in task and needs analysis. To succeed in process mapping, however, the HPT professional must also possess sophisticated skills in facilitation as well as business knowledge, self‐confidence, and interpersonal skills for interacting with senior management.  相似文献   

Maximization of training influence on individual performance through changes in employee knowledge, skills, and abilities is a paramount concern of organizations. However, training without implementation in a work setting cannot achieve its goals. In this article, the author maps the primary factors that influence transfer of what is learned in training to work settings and provides some evidence‐based recommendations and implications for improved performance.  相似文献   

Improved organizational efficiency can only be accomplished if the employees within an organization have developed the skills, competencies, knowledge, and attitudes to perform at the highest possible levels. To a limited degree this can be accomplished via training, but employees develop the fundamental skills, competencies, knowledge, and attitudes related only to their current job. As a result, the organization is only indirectly impacted. This refers to the micro perspective of improved organizational efficiency. Organizational efficiency can also be accomplished through organizational development, but the individual employee is often overlooked during this process. Without employee commitment to improve efficiency, it will be short-lived. This approach refers to the macro perspective of improved organizational efficiency. Both the micro and macro perspectives of improved organizational efficiency have their weaknesses. Thus, a combination of the two processes is necessary. Career development is that combination. Career development is a process which enables employees to develop beyond the fundamental skills, competencies, knowledge, and attitudes required for their present job assignments. It is a process which is focused on improving organizational efficiency while relying on the development of the individual employee. Performance improvement practitioners can provide learning activities which improve employees' skills, competencies, knowledge, and attitudes by viewing improved organizational efficiency from an individual (micro) perspective while remaining dedicated to the overall enhancement of the organization (macro). However, many performance improvement practitioners fail to see the connection between training and overall organizational development. These terms are often used interchangeably which leads to the increased confusion and misapplication of each process. It is necessary, therefore, to arrive at an acceptable definition in order to communicate effectively the intent as well as the similarities and differences of the processes. This will enable performance improvement practitioners to better understand the commonalities of each process. It is this understanding that serves as the basis of this article and the forthcoming recommendations.  相似文献   

教师工作倦怠与管理策略   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
越来越多的研究表明,教师工作倦怠现象普遍存在,而且范围和强度呈增长趋势。工作倦怠的表现有三个方面,即情绪衰竭、人格解体和个人成就感降低。工作倦怠如果不能得到及时、有效的调适,将会对教师的教学质量和生活质量都产生很大的负面影响。教师工作倦怠不是对某一特定事件的过度应激反应,而是在较长时间内,对来自各个方面压力和事件所产生的累积的过度反应。总体上分析,教师工作倦怠的产生存在社会因素、组织因素、职业因素和个人因素。教师工作倦怠的防治可以从学校组织管理和教师个人管理两个层面展开。学校应当采取科学的、人性化的管理方式,积极预防教师工作倦怠的产生。教师应当在意识到自身处于负性的情绪和倾向时,通过主观的调适,化解这种不良倾向,转而形成正向的工作动力。  相似文献   

EPSS是为了提高工作绩效利用计算机技术开发的一种电子绩效支持系统,这种系统具有信息集成性、工作情境性、学习自主性、知识共享性等特点。职工利用它既可以实现在工作中学习,又可以实现在学习中工作的职业教育功能。在EPSS逐渐成为促进职业技能发展,提高企业组织或个人绩效的干预措施之后,EPSS的开发成为实现职业教育功能和绩效支持的关键。乔尼(Nguyen)和沃尔(Woll)创建了一种EPSS开发模型,该模型从绩效角度和学习角度提出开发EPSS要经过绩效分析、EPSS分析、EPSS设计、EPSS开发、EPSS的实施与评价等几个阶段。乔尼和沃尔创建的EPSS开发模型将职工培训、工作绩效以及技术支持有效地融合于整个开发过程中,对设计、开发EPSS的实践者提供了一个简洁、便于操作的参考模型。  相似文献   

Improved organizational efficiency can only be accomplished if the employees within an organization have developed the skills, competencies, knowledge, and attitudes to perform at the highest possible levels. To a limited degree this can be accomplished via training, but employees develop the fundamental skills, competencies, knowledge, and attitudes related only to their current job. As a result, the organization is only indirectly impacted. This refers to the micro perspective of improved organizational efficiency. Organizational efficiency can also be accomplished through organizational development, but the individual employee is often overlooked during this process. Without employee commitment to improve efficiency, it will be short-lived. This approach refers to the macro perspective of improved organizational efficiency. Both the micro and macro perspectives of improved organizational efficiency have their weaknesses. Thus, a combination of the two processes is necessary. Career development is that combination. Career development is a process which enables employees to develop beyond the fundamental skills, competencies, knowledge, and attitudes required for their present job assignments. It is a process which is focused on improving organizational efficiency while relying on the development of the individual employee. Performance improvement practitioners can provide learning activities which improve employees' skills, competencies, knowledge, and attitudes by viewing improved organizational efficiency from, an individual (micro) perspective while remaining dedicated to the overall enhancement of the organization (macro). However, many performance improvement practitioners fail to see the connection between training and overall organizational development. These terms are often used interchangeably which leads to the increased confusion and misapplication of each process. It is necessary, therefore, to arrive at an acceptable definition in order to communicate effectively the intent as well as the similarities and differences of the processes. This will enable performance improvement practitioners to better understand the commonalities of each process. It is this understanding that serves as the basis of this article and the forthcoming recommendations.  相似文献   

Still‐rising national jobless rates are surpassing 8.9%. This translates to millions of ill‐prepared job seekers, raising complex questions about how to manage layoffs. Even if workers receive severance benefits, most struggle with how to move on and find jobs. Rather than focusing primarily on work skills and practices within individual organizations, we need to rethink employment and learn to understand how to negotiate continuous changes in the work environment and in the workplace.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of work engagement on the relationships among job resources and job performance and turnover intention in Korean organizations. A total of 571 complete responses from Korean organizations were used for the purpose of data analysis, and structural equation modeling (SEM ) was used to examine the proposed research hypotheses. The results showed that job resources had a direct and positive impact on employees’ work engagement. Also, employees’ work engagement had a direct and positive relationship with their job performance and a direct and negative relationship with their turnover intention. In addition, the study revealed that work engagement had significant partial mediating effects, not only on the relationship between job resources and job performance but also on the relationship between job resources and turnover intention within organizations. Research implications, limitations, and recommendations for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Leaders work at all levels in organizations, but few of them are truly empowered. Why don't organizations do a better job of empowering them? Four factors obstruct organizations' efforts. Most leadership development programs (a) are offered out of context of other organizational development efforts; (b) are generic and not specific to organizations' needs for change; (c) do not last long enough; and (d) are based on either a skill development model or a personal development model, instead of personal development interweaved with skills development. An effective program to empower leaders might overcome these obstacles by drawing on initial and continuing support from top management; implementing an articulated plan including training, reward systems to encourage leaders to develop others, appropriate process and outcome performance appraisal objectives, and regular channels for feedback among individuals across many organizational levels; linking process goals (e. g., building community, envisioning) to organizational outcome goals; developing mechanisms to institutionalize long–term leadership and organizational development goals; and ensuring that training addresses skill and personal areas of development as much in concert as possible.  相似文献   

企业数字化学习与员工发展相结合,将会极大提高员工的学习积极性.发展企业数字化学习需要与企业人力资源政策相结合.本文以案例研究法,在深入实践调研的基础上,分析了中国电信的"大规模在线岗位技能认证"项目的设计与实施,评判其项目效果.并结合中国电信的企业背景和文化特殊性,总结其成功策略,推广其最佳实践,为其它企业的数字化学习提供借鉴与参考.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of individual, environmental, training design, and affective reaction factors on training transfer and transfer motivation. To determine the relationship between these factors and their influence on training transfer and to test the model, the researchers collected data from employees in the Malaysian banking sector. Structural equation modeling with Amos 16 was used to test the model and determine the relationship. The study suggested that training stakeholders should manage the training program effectively. Transfer is maximized when trainees have social support, high performance self‐efficacy, and transfer motivation. Stakeholders (e.g., trainers, trainees, supervisors, and peers) are important to the training transfer process, as are learner readiness, trainee reaction, instrumentality, and training retention. This study revealed that perceived content validity and transfer design work together and influence the trainee's performance self‐efficacy. In other words, if trainers want to improve the performance self‐efficacy level of trainees, they need to explain how the trainee can transfer the learned skills at the workplace and make sure the content of the training is similar to the actual job. The main objective of training programs is to align the employee's expertise with organizational goals. Organizations can achieve their desired objectives only when employees transfer the learned skills on the job. Unfortunately, employees often transfer only a small percentage of skills they have learned in training. To effectively manage their training programs, organizations need to identify and focus on the factors that resist effective training transfer.  相似文献   

在当前就业形势严峻的情况下,高职院校应实施创业教育,采用多种形式和方法,对学生进行创业意识、创业知识与技能、创业心理素质、创业的社会常识等方面的教育,以提高学生的整体素质,提升学生的就业能力。  相似文献   

This article explores the background, current state, and emerging trends in transfer of training. Transfer of training can be denned as, ensuring full application of new skills and knowledge to the workplace. Typically, past training efforts have focused on ensuring learning by trainees, and not on supporting the transfer of that learning to performance on the job. Today's organizations recognize effective workforce performance as a strategic asset in the global competitive economy but face problems in attaining high performance. Experience of successful organizations shows that key stakeholders (managers, trainers, trainees, and others) must be closely involved in all phases of the design, development, and implementation of training and other performance improvement efforts, to achieve and maintain effective workforce performance. However, both managers and human performance professionals frequently overlook the need to gain stakeholder involvement to support full transfer of new skills to the job. A successful program in a government agency, and recommendations for transfer strategies for technology-based learning, illustrate the collaboration of stakeholders which is necessary to achieve high levels of transfer of skills to the workplace.  相似文献   

员工一直是企业最重要的资产,员工所累积的技术与经验是无法被复制的,为了使企业的员工提升工作的动机与用心态度,即是工作绩效观点,另外在员工的薪资福利制度,也可以激励及改善员工并提升整体对企业的向心力,则是工作满意度最主要的影响因素。工作绩效与员工福利对于工作满意度有正向显著关系;工作绩效与员工福利对于组织承诺有正向显著关系;工作满意度对于组织承诺正向显著关系。研究结果可知,企业为了留住人才、降低员工流动率、盼望员工能多一些绩效及责任,利用福利制度,激励员工并达成组织目标。未来企业的部分单位更可能采用人力外包制度,相同单位下会出现同工不同酬的现象,在薪资制度无法调整之下,企业必顸提升员工潜在的知觉感受,才能留住高素质员工及保持良好工作效率。  相似文献   

大学生作为高校辅导员教育、管理和服务的对象,对辅导员的工作表现有直接的感受,学生评价辅导员是最直接、最有力、最重要和最客观的评价方式。基于组织管理理论,通过开展辅导员工作学生评价问卷调查,分析影响辅导员工作效能的组织和个人因素.结合存在的问题,提出辅导员工作效能提高的有效策略:组织上要严格选聘,加强培训,科学管理,建立激励机制,引入竞争机制;个人要加强学习,提升修养,关注重点,严格教育管理,防范管理失误。  相似文献   

This study examines how organizational procedural justice affects team performance through team‐level knowledge creation practices and the extent to which these practices mediate the association between organizational procedural justice and team performance. The target samples were drawn from six organizations in Korea. A total of 348 cases were used for this study. Structural equation modeling was used to test the proposed research framework. The results indicate that all the direct paths among the research variables were statistically significant. In addition, this research confirms the mediating effect of knowledge creation practices in the relationship between organizational procedural justice and team performance. Conclusions, implications for human performance technology, limitations of the study, and further research also are discussed.  相似文献   

组织薪酬差距与组织绩效的关系问题一直是实践界和理论界关注的焦点所在。基于薪酬差距“两分类法”的研究视角,采用问卷调查法考察可解释的薪酬差距和不可解释的薪酬差距对组织绩效的不同影响,并在此基础上检验个体工作绩效对薪酬差距与组织绩效之间关系的中介作用。回归分析的结果表明:(1)可解释的薪酬差距对组织绩效存在显著的正向影响,而不可解释的薪酬差距对组织绩效的影响为负向的但不显著;(2)未加以区分的薪酬差距对组织绩效存在显著的正向影响,但剔除掉个体工作绩效之后,这种影响变得不再显著;(3)员工的个体绩效对全部薪酬差距与组织绩效的关系存在中介作用。  相似文献   

高校辅导员胜任特征结构模型的实证研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高校辅导员胜任特征是其履行工作职责的关键要素。基于辅导员工作岗位职责和高校组织环境特征,高校辅导员胜任特征在知识、技能、社会角色、动机和特质五个方面都有特殊的要求。根据职责-素质匹配的研究思路和高校辅导员的内隐观调查发现,高校辅导员胜任特征由职业态度与品质、专业知识、人际沟通与协调、自我调节、问题解决能力、外倾性六个因素所构成。  相似文献   

Proponents of the learning organization acknowledge that leaders and managers must assume roles as coaches in organizations that aspire to become learning organizations. The concept of the manager as coach is becoming increasingly popular as a way to facilitate learning and improve employee performance. Yet, despite the research that has been done on coaching, studies generally focus on characteristics of good coaches, requisite coaching skills, and employees' perceptions of the improvement in managers' coaching skills following such training programs. This article describes some of the findings from a larger qualitative critical incident study. Specifically, the triggers for coaching and the outcomes of coaching interventions for the individual employee, manager, and organization are examined and reported here. This study identifies gaps and discrepancies, political, and developmental issues as the primary triggers for coaching. Additionally, this study suggests that managers' commitment to coaching has the potential to impact performance at the individual employee, manager, and organizational level.  相似文献   

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