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国外发展性教师评价的发展趋势   总被引:53,自引:0,他引:53  
适应时代的要求和教师角色的转变,发展性教师评价成为发展的趋势。通过在评价中突出教师的主体地位,促进教师积极参与到评价中,正确处理业绩评估和发展性评价的关系,以及明确评价的标准并关注教师个体差异,教师评价的主要功能正在由简单的评判转向促进教师不断发展。  相似文献   

美国教师评价制度的改革与发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪80年代以来,很多国家大力改革教师评价制度,力图通过教师评价制度的改革,提高教师质量,调动教师的积极性,达到提高教育质量的最终目的。本文以美国得克萨斯州的教师评价制度改革为例,介绍美国教师评价制度的发展动向与趋势,以资借鉴。在美国,对于教师的评价,自20世纪20年代起就开始实行“业绩工资制”,直至50年代。所谓“业绩工资制”,是指依据业绩评价来确定教师的工资和津贴的方法。当时主要依据校长对教师的评价及书面测验等方法。但最终因在“评什么、如何进行评价”等有关问题未形成统一的理念而废止。其中…  相似文献   

仔细分析我国师范院校现行评价机制,不难发现虽然我们在不断地改进评价方法和制度存在,在道德评价过程之中内容与形式往往相脱离,在职称评定、职务评审中存在"资历"制约着"努力"、"人际关系"制约着"个人努力"诸多的问题。因此,我们应该立足当前实际,建立"质"与"量"相结合、充分考虑教师个体差异的综合评价机制。  相似文献   

教师评价研究的缘起、问题及发展趋势   总被引:58,自引:0,他引:58  
教师评价研究作为教师管理制度建设的首要环节,其发展经历了一个长期的过程。目前,这一领域的研究表现出的主要问题有:不同功能类型的评价常常被混用;教学效能评价仍然占主导地位;评价内容结构不明确;评价内容的理论依据不足;过度注重学生学习结果等。教师评价研究的发展过程可以概括为三个阶段,其发展表现出一个基本趋势:更加重视教师在教育教学过程中的行为,并且更关注教师的教学反思过程和工作中的主动性等方面。  相似文献   

教师教育是教育改革的重要组成部分,提高对教师专业化的认识和加快专业化的步伐是教师教育发展的基本趋势,因此,要以开放的心态和观念完善教师教育的理论建设和实践活动,使我国的教育事业与世界教育研究实践保持同步发展。  相似文献   

传统性教师评价与发展性教师评价的比较研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
一、传统性教师评价与发展性教师评价的比较传统性教师评价是以奖惩、排序为目的 ,面向过去 ,只注重结果的一种终结性评价。传统性教师评价认为 :要调动教师的积极性 ,只有通过外部的奖励才能实现 ;要促进教师群体的提高 ,也只有通过对优秀教师的奖励来实现。建立在这样一种仅以奖惩、排序为目的的狭隘的教师观基础上的教师评价 ,其弊端有 :其一 ,对教师没有激励作用。由于受客观因素的影响 ,资金不足 ,涉及奖励的面极为有限 ,因而只能吸引少数教师 ,导致绝大多数教师对这种评价产生反感。其二 ,无法吸引教师的积极参与。参加评价的教师普遍…  相似文献   

本文通过对教师评价和发展性教师评价的定义、必要性等方面的论述,揭示了发展性教师评价对于教师和学生乃至整个教育教学活动的重要意义,同时探讨了发展性教师评价的原则,并针对发展性教师评价方案的制定和实施提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

解放教师:实行发展性教师评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
教师评价是促进教师素质和专业水平发展的重要举措。从对教师形象的隐喻性陈述来看,传统的教师评价主要是受“工具理性”的指导,忽略了教师自身的主体价值,不仅没能充分发挥评价应有的导向功能,甚至严重阻碍了教师的发展。为此必须实行发展性教师评价制度,使教师从传统评价的桎梏中解放出来,真正实现自身的发展,从而带动我国教育事业迅速发展。  相似文献   

如今,技术性人才的需求日趋增多,培养这类人才的高职院校从种类和数量上都在增加,高职教育中,教师的能力水平直接对学生的学习质量起关键作用。本文从职业教育的培养目标入手,通过对高职教师的发展方向和趋势进行分析,提出了几点有效提高高职教师能力的措施,旨在给高职院校培养教师的方面提供方向和借鉴。  相似文献   

We report one teacher’s response to a top-down shift from external examinations to internal teacher assessment for summative purposes in the Republic of Ireland. The teacher adopted a comparative judgement approach to the assessment of secondary students’ understanding of a chemistry experiment. The aims of the research were to investigate whether comparative judgement can produce assessment outcomes that are valid and reliable without producing undue workload for the teachers involved. Comparative judgement outcomes correlated as expected both with test marks and with existing student achievement data, supporting the validity of the approach. Further analysis suggested that teacher judgement privileged scientific understanding, whereas marking privileged factual recall. The estimated reliability of the outcome was acceptably high, but comparative judgement was notably more time-consuming than marking. We consider how validity and efficiency might be improved and the contributions that comparative judgement might offer to summative assessment, moderation of teacher assessment and peer assessment.  相似文献   

Learning to become a teacher is a developmental process, part of which is learning to become a reflective practitioner. The authors have implemented a structured approach to developing the habits of critical reflection, the purpose of which is to guide their university students (who are pre-service teachers) to progress through the stages of teacher development and to facilitate self-motivated professional growth. Their attempts to incorporate into these pre-service teachers' learning the ‘practice’ part of reflective practice have included the development of different kinds of practical and applied tasks. In turn, their attempts to incorporate the ‘reflective’ part of reflective practice have involved the embedding in assessment activities of different scaffolds for metacognitive reflection. Their innovative processes of embedding reflection in assessment have been guided by Dewey's and Schön's views of reflection, their own views of the teacher education process, and Brookfield's conception of ‘critical lenses’ which can be used as a scaffold to structure professional growth and development.  相似文献   

This exploratory study of elementary school science examines questions central to policy, practice and research on formative assessment: What is the quality of teachers’ content-pedagogical and assessment knowledge? What is the relationship between teacher knowledge and assessment practice? What is the relationship between teacher knowledge, assessment practice and student learning? Drawing on multiple measures, hierarchical linear modelling and path analysis, results suggest that despite weaknesses in teachers’ content-pedagogical and assessment knowledge, teachers’ formative assessment practices are positively related to student learning. Relationships between teachers’ knowledge and assessment practices are mixed. Findings underscore both the potential and challenge of bringing effective formative practice to fruition as well as the need for continued research.  相似文献   

As part of a cross-cultural collaboration, a teacher performance assessment (TPA) was implemented during 2009 in three Malaysian institutes of teacher education. This paper reports on the TPA for graduating primary teachers in Malaysia. The investigation focused on the pre-service teachers’ perceptions about whether the TPA provided them with an opportunity to document successfully their professional learning and professional practice. Successful completion of the Malaysian TPA was closely aligned to successful relationships, support and collaboration between Malaysian lecturers and pre-service teachers, and between pre-service teachers and their classroom teachers. Overall, the TPA did provide pre-service teachers with an opportunity to focus on the connection between theory and professional learning during field-work, and to become reflective evidence-based practitioners. Recommendations for improving the assessment of pre-service teachers are discussed.  相似文献   

Teachers’ agency has an effect on their own learning process at the workplace. In this study we explored the extent to which teachers participating in a formative teacher assessment procedure developed a sense of agency. We investigated not only whether teachers participating in a such an assessment procedure experienced agency and thus felt in control of the learning process and able to pursue their learning objectives, but also whether agency was visible, by looking at decision-making in real time: did teachers take an active role in their own assessment, especially regarding the learning objectives to be pursued, during the assessment meetings? We found that teachers experienced a high level of agency while participating in the assessment procedure, but did not consistently show this during the assessment procedure.  相似文献   

通过对高职院校现有的教师绩效考核制度的分析,指出了存在的将教学绩效评价等同于教学绩效管理、绩效考核标准不明确、绩效考核缺乏沟通与反馈等问题,提出要实施绩效考核,应明确职责、确定考核定位、确定考核体系、严格执行考核程序、设置考核申诉程序等解决办法.建立科学合理的教师绩效考核制度的原则是:使所设工作量科学、客观,并考虑单位内外的公平性,同时使所设指标具有可测性、全面性、可比性和可行性等.在制度实施过程中应注意对评价者的选择及权重的确定,所设体系应具有高弹性,充分考虑指标的导向性并合理使用评价结果等问题.  相似文献   

Although self-assessment of foreign language skills is not a new topic, it has not yet been widely explored in the Turkish English as a Foreign Language (EFL) context. The current study investigates the potential of self-assessment of foreign language skills in determining proficiency levels of Turkish learners of EFL: 239 learners participated in the study. Their receptive language skills were tested with an objective placement test, and the results were compared with the grades assigned by their instructors and the results of criterion-referenced self-assessment scores. Multiple regression analysis revealed that teacher and self-assessment scores were significantly correlated with each other; however, teacher assessment, compared to self-assessment, appeared to be a much stronger predictor of the actual proficiency levels of the participants. In addition to this, participants at lower level of proficiency revealed a common tendency of overestimating their language skills, while with the higher level learners there were clear signs of underestimation.  相似文献   


The paper reports on a study that clarifies the challenges that a teacher in Swaziland faced in using continuous assessment (CA) as a self-initiated professional development tool. Drawing mainly on post-Fordist ideals we analyse the assessment tasks she gave to learners to establish the degree of agency, reflectivity and creativity she invested in the choice, adaptation and re-design of assessment tasks that were suggested to the teachers by education authorities. Items within these tasks and how they were employed to serve the lesson objectives are drawn on to illustrate how she took advantage of the professional autonomy the CA programme afforded her to judge the appropriateness of what was officially suggested. The curriculum expertise that informed her choice of items to reinforce or remedy learning is understood in terms of how she conceptualised CA as a tool to track learners’ cognitive competence and as a resource for a self-directed professional development strategy. In conclusion, an attempt is made to provide cues for the conditions under which the self-empowering elements of CA can function to improve learning and teaching.  相似文献   

This article aims to highlight how a scientific and critical approach is used in assessment dialogues during the last period of a practical, school-based teacher education programme. The result is based on 13 assessment dialogues conducted in a course at a Swedish university, where one of the course objectives is to, ‘in a scientific way, analyse teaching situations based on learning theories’. The assessment dialogues were analysed drawing from Bernstein’s concepts of ‘classification’, ‘framing’, ‘horizontal knowledge’ and ‘vertical knowledge’. The result shows that only in a minority of the assessment dialogues are students expected to use theory as an analytical tool and to critically examine their teaching practice. The theory is used in a more instrumental way to legitimize what is considered the ‘right way’ to teach. One conclusion is that the critical tradition of academia is seldom observed despite being clearly stated in the learning goals. The link between general academic knowledge and more school-based contextual knowledge is often missing or not made visible by the students or the teacher educators, and normative content is still clearly prominent.  相似文献   

To identify teacher candidates' needs for training in inclusive classroom assessment, the present study investigated teacher candidates' beliefs about inclusive classroom assessments for all students educated in regular classrooms, including those with special needs and English language learners. An innovative theoretical assessment model, consisting of four concepts of assessment for, as, of learning as well as accommodations and modifications, was built to compare with questionnaire responses from a group of Canadian teacher candidates (n?=?295). Our data yielded five factors: (1) beliefs about accommodations and modifications for students with diverse needs (ACC), (2) assessment of learning, (3) assessment as learning, (4) misconceptions of inclusive assessment, and (5) negative beliefs about assessment for learning (NAFL). Contrary to expectations, assessment concepts are not fully interrelated with each other in teacher candidates' belief systems. In addition, participating teacher candidates may have some misconceptions about inclusive assessments given that they possessed positive beliefs towards them. The implications for teacher education programmes and professional development were also discussed in this study.  相似文献   

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