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一直以来,利率市场化成为我国金融改革中长期争论不休的热点问题。从1996年至今的十年中,我国先后针对利率市场化诸多方面采取了改革措施:放开了同业拆借利率、国债利率和其他债券利率;放开外币贷款利率;上调金融机构存贷款基准利率等等。但是利率市场化进程中的突破点和进程安排问题仍然没有一个明确的答案。我国实行利率市场化改革仍然面对诸多问题,将就我国实行利率市场化中的若干问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

中国高校助学贷款的现状、问题和政策建议   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
本描述了中国三种形式的助学贷款的发展历史和现状,指出了国家助学贷款中在本金、利率、贷款偿还、操作机构等诸方面存在的问题,提出了改进问题的政策建议。  相似文献   

我国的国家助学贷款实施以来,在利率方面还存在着可完善的地方.世界上许多国家和地区在助学贷款利率方面的情况各有特点,了解这些国家和地区的助学贷款利率情况,并与我国国家助学贷款利率进行一些对比分析,有利于我们的借鉴改进.  相似文献   

利率市场化改革与银行风险控制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利率市场化改革充满各种风险,对中国而言、银行风险是这一改革过程 中最主要的金融风险,因此,对利率市场化过程中的银行风险控制,就显得尤其必须和重要,借助金融约束理论为分析框架,能够对这一问题作出比较深入有用的解释。政府控制利率市场化过程中银行风险的主要措施是通过存款利率控制对银行进行租金激励,辅助手段是加强银行外部监管等,并应注意这一改革过程中出现的一些其他问题。  相似文献   

最近,美国次级债危机在资本市场上搅起了不小的风波。就其对西方七国的金融市场乃至整个经济活动的影响而言,不亚于“9·11”。 其实次级债危机的源头是美国房地产市场的次级抵押信贷。美国的社会信用体系健全,银行根据个人信用记录的好坏将个人购房的按揭贷款级别分成三六九等,信用好的就给予优质抵押信贷,信用一般的就给予Alt—A贷款,信用差的就给予次级抵押信贷。相比普通抵押贷款6%~8%的利率,次级房贷的利率有可能高达10%-12%,而且大部分次级抵押贷款采取可调整利率的形式,所以在房地产市场稳定发展之时,银行该项业务获利丰厚。银行在放贷后,为了降低风险提高收益,又进行了大胆的金融创新,将次级抵押贷款合约打包成金融投资产品出售给投资基金等。这种金融产品就是“次级房贷债券”。[编者按]  相似文献   

国家助学贷款的运行效率与其利率的均衡水平有关,而贷款均衡利率由还贷期限、贷款风险和宏观经济变量决定.我国的国家助学贷款利率低于均衡利率水平,并由此导致了银行惜贷、贷款成本增加、社会福利流失等问题.如果提高利率水平、降低违约风险,再通过改善银行管理,使国家助学贷款利率回归均衡水平,从而可改善国家助学贷款利率政策的实施效应.但是,利率提高之后,必须辅之以政府对借贷学生的利率补贴以及其他配套政策,以达到学生贷款助学之目的.  相似文献   

利率是决定信贷市场出清的重要因素,但不是唯一因素,信贷风险是银行必须考虑的一个重要因素。银行的理性行为应该是:以低于市场利率的最优利率贷款,同时以配给方式部分地满足市场对贷款的需求。  相似文献   

利率市场化是指利率的数量结构、期限结构和风险结构等均由经济交易主体根据自身营成本自主决定,央行调控基准利率间接对市场利率实施影响,实现货币政策目标,引导资金流向。从1993年明确了利率市场化改革的基本设想后,央行将利率市场化作为一项重要内容提上金融体制改革的日程,目前我国的某些利率如外币利率和银行间市场利率已经开始在一定范围内浮动。2002年扩大农村信用社利率改革试点范围。央行对利率市场化改革方向是先扩大贷款利率浮动幅度,然后逐步实现存款利率控制上限、贷款利率控制下限,最后实现银行利率随市场供求和中央银行的基准利率而波动。该文通过分析中小商业银行在承受利率市场化影响的基础上,提出中小商业银行面对今后利率市场化进程应采取的对策。  相似文献   

国家助学贷款实施以来,受到了广大高校和贫困生的欢迎,同时也存在一些问题,通过相关调查,对存在问题进行分析和探索,提出了助学贷款必须在政府、银行、高校的共努力配合下,才能发挥更好的作用。  相似文献   

抗战时期,为了恢复农村经济,国民政府极力推行农村合作贷款。"国家农贷机关→合作金库→合作社→社员"的农村合作贷款模式最终形成了国家银行利率、合作金库利率和农村合作社利率的三级贷款利率体系。尽管农村合作贷款利率随着物价上涨会有所上浮,但相对于农村传统借贷而言,合作贷款不仅利率较低且利率上涨幅度也较小。尽管如此,关于农村合作贷款是贱利还是高利仍存在着较大争议。抗战时期,一些农村经济学家指出,如果考虑到农民的还贷能力以及农业的经营利润,合作贷款的实质仍然是高利贷。然而,放贷机构却认为,正是由于贷款利率太低才导致了合作金库普遍亏损,纷纷要求提高合作贷款利率。  相似文献   

Students undertaking a final year elective subject in transportation planning at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, worked on a practical project for which there was an interested outside 'client'. From the students' perspective, this was essentially a 'simulated' consulting project which focused on transport planning issues faced by an inner metropolitan municipality in Melbourne. The overall experience, from everybody's perspective, proved to be so positive that the model for the project will be used in the course in future years. This paper has been written to inform engineering educators of how the project was implemented and to highlight some of the educational issues which this type of experience raised. Of particular interest to educators are issues associated with the functioning of some of the student groups and the opportunities provided by projects of this nature to establish strong links with industry.  相似文献   

This paper examines the criticisms made of multicultural education and argues, with some reference to American experience, that the possibility exists of exploiting such a focus to raise important issues of racism and inequality. It is argued that the crucial test of multicultural education will come with the fight to see it as relevant to the training of all teachers. Teachers ought to be trained in suck a way that they understand the complexity of the society in which they will teach in order to counteract the tendency to reduce educational, social, political and economic problems to a matter of cultural differences and deficiencies.  相似文献   

根据社会对人才需求结构的变化和高等教育教学改革要求,华东理工大学实施了电子产品设计技能训练创新基地建设项目.就电子产品设计技能训练创新基地建设的目的、组织模式、实施效果及存在问题等作深入探讨.  相似文献   

科研项目管理是科研管理工作中的重要环节,是一个系统工程,贯穿于项目活动的全过程,渗透在项目的申报立项、实施、验收鉴定每一环节中,每一个环节的管理工作都对项目的顺利实施完成产生一定的影响。本文着重分析了当前影响高校科研项目申报质量的主要原因,提出如何加强科研项目在申请过程中的筛选、审核与立项等问题。  相似文献   

互联网作为各类新兴商业行为的交易载体,其消费行为有很多新的特点,例如在网络中的交易行为都由各相关节点之间的信息传递来完成,而非传统的面对面交易。互联网中的产品体验以产品价值理论为基础,具有系统性和复杂性的特征。任何产品或服务所提供的价值都包括功能性价值、社会性价值、情感性价值、认知价值和情景价值。结合网络消费的特点,实证发现,产品的情感价值体验对消费购买决策的影响不显著,这与互联网的交易环境有关,在线上购买中,消费者购买决策往往更加关注于产品在其他方面的体验效果。产品的功能价值、社会价值和网络价值对购买决策的影响较为显著,说明了互联网特性及产品功能、社会性因素在网络购买中承担了重要的作用。  相似文献   

项目管理是企业经营管理的重要内容。认清项目管理的实质 ,分析存在的问题并探讨解决方法 ,是提高投资效益的前提。对项目管理存在的问题进行了讨论  相似文献   

从体验营销视角探索旅游体验设计与开发   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
旅游突出的体验性,使旅游体验营销成为研究热点之一。在旅游体验营销的众多环节中,旅游体验设计的成败又直接影响着旅游体验的效果。从分析旅游体验和旅游体验营销的内涵和相互关系入手,以整个营销过程为视角,纵向分析了旅游体验设计的过程和步骤并从旅游产品构成角度横向分析了旅游体验设计应注意的要点。最后,在此基础上尝试构建了顾客化旅游体验设计模型。  相似文献   

Putting textbooks to work: empowering religious education teachers   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
In 2002 a paper entitled Writing Church‐sponsored Religious Education Textbooks by Engebretson was published in the British Journal of Religious Education. This paper reported on and analysed some aspects of the development, by the Catholic Archdiocese in Melbourne, Victoria, of a series of religious education textbooks to be used in all Catholic schools in the Archdiocese. The paper contextualised the series, entitled To Know, Worship and Love, in the field of literature on textbooks in the classroom. It discussed some local issues that had led to the decision to produce religious education textbooks, explained and justified the choice of content for the middle secondary books, and discussed the presentation of the books. In the final section of the paper, it was indicated that future papers would report on the evaluation of the series and its implementation, as a three‐stage research project was completed. The first stage of the research project collected responses from teachers and Religious Education Co‐ordinators (RECs) to the Years 7 and 9 books, that is those books written for students of 12 and 14 years respectively. This paper discusses a significant finding that emerged from this stage of the research, that is the relationship between textbook use and level of qualifications and experience in the teaching of religious education. This major finding is of interest in relation to a range of educational issues in religious education, including the role and use of resources, the mandation of resources by Church hierarchies, creativity and flexibility in teaching religious education, teacher confidence and experience and the important issue of content knowledge. Further papers will explore evaluations of the Years 8 and 10 books, and overall issues that have emerged from this Archdiocesan curriculum project.  相似文献   

旅游产品是旅游经济学研究的出发点,对于旅游产品及其相关问题的研究是旅游经济学理论研究的起点和重要基础,学界多年来一直在探讨旅游产品的概念及其相关问题,视角各异,尚未达成一致。笔者在对目前旅游产品理论进行分析研究的基础上,尝试在体验经济的视角下分析与理解旅游产品概念,认为在体验经济时代旅游产品是旅游经营者提供的旅游体验,旅游者的旅游经历与旅游经营者提供的旅游体验是对等的,旅游产品的核心是旅游体验,体验经济中旅游产品的本质特征具有毋庸置疑的无形性与显著的参与性。  相似文献   

Women who develop bulimia in college are often not prepared for the strenuous and conflicting demands of the college experience, which may reawaken and demand new, phase-appropriate resolution of separation-individuation issues and test the individual's stable sense of self. Bulimia may be seen as a coping mechanism for many young women who have failed to find healthy resolution of early conflicts over separation-individuation and who have failed to develop the "self structures" necessary for the further development of the sense of self which college demands. In this paper I will utilize clinical examples to illustrate some of the ways in which bulimia may be a "solution" for college women who are struggling with problems of separation, intimacy, and self-esteem.  相似文献   

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