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新的传播科技带来新的媒介生态,新的媒介生态需要新的监管政策。目前世界各国正在加速传媒监管模式变革以应对媒介融合趋势。不同的监管模式适用于不同的传媒经营格局,发挥着不同的效力。但随着媒介融合的不断深入,未来传媒监管模式的变革将是一个持续不断的过程。  相似文献   

传统的人际传播活动在社交媒体这一传播媒介的发展之下出现了一些新的变化,用户在通过社交媒体开展传播交流活动时展现出一些与以往线下人际传播相异的特点.本文主要以微信为例来研究网络人际传播的具体表现和存在的弊端.作者认为:我们应该了解基于社交媒体的网络人际传播的便利性,也应该意识到其中存在的一些问题,辩证地看待这种传播活动并对它有一个全面客观的认识.  相似文献   

随着传播科技的发展,广播电视、电信和互联网的行业藩篱日益打破,许多国家对传媒监管模式进行变革,其中比较典型的有英国和美国。从其变革的路径来看主要体现以下两个趋势:一是从分业监管到统一监管。1996年美国议会通过的《电信法案》授权联邦通讯委员会对广播电视、电  相似文献   

为贯彻<高等学校档案管理办法>,我校对档案工作考核进行了改革,积极探索和尝试新的档案工作考核模式,为建构新型高校档案工作监管模式作了实证研究.  相似文献   

美国麻省理工学院媒体实验室的博士生普拉纳夫(Prarnav Mistry)于 2009年2月发明的"第六感运算装置"标志着虚拟世界与实体世界互动结合的时代即将开始.新加坡是技术决定论的拥护者,预计互动数字媒体将在未来世界产生颠覆性的影响,开始向资讯通信产业价值链的上游--互动数字媒体的研发领域挖掘.本文且以新加坡当前的互动数字媒体生活化、高速宽带网全国化为例,一窥虚拟世界和现实世界的全面融合,以运用在生活上的实例解释数字化生活的真正意义.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]科学知识网络中知识单元呈现出一定的集群性与社区性,揭示科学知识网络扩散时序变化过程中的社区扩张与收敛的基本模式与特征,对于拓展、深化科学知识扩散与传递规律研究具有一定的意义。[方法/过程]首先,基于引用关系建立邻接矩阵进而构建学科知识网络,采用复杂网络分析中的Louvain社区探测算法对领域知识网络进行社区划分;然后利用网络表示学习技术进行社区扩张与收敛特征表示与计算;最后以时间序列为逻辑线索,对不同社区的扩张、收敛演变过程进行动态跟踪建模,从而揭示科学知识网络时序变化过程中社区扩张与收敛的基本模式与特征。[结果/结论]以医疗健康信息领域进行案例研究,研究发现社区扩张模式的发展趋势符合S形曲线函数中的Logistic模型,社区收敛模式的发展趋势符合S形曲线函数中的BiHill模型。  相似文献   

“网络素养教育”,是指提升网络使用者“网络素养”的教育.“网络素养”则是指对网络信息的辨识能力、避免网络沉迷的自我控制能力,以及防范网络有害信息的自我保护能力等.新加坡公益组织在网络素养教育中起到独特的作用,体现在如下三大方面:首先,公益组织扮演了网络素养教育先行者的角色;其次,公益组织是新加坡政府大力推进网络素养教育的重要合作伙伴;再次,新加坡公益组织还承担起网络素养教育领域“无冕导师”的职责,培训了大批从事网络素养教育的师资和相关人员.  相似文献   

倪洋 《视听》2016,(6):25-26
网络自制剧作为社会公共资源,影响力在不断加大,但是对于网络自制剧的管理仍不完善。国家新闻出版广电总局在2016年再次对网络自制剧加强了监管,但也引发了争论。立足于公共利益原则进行思考,本文从是否满足表达者的自由、是否保证公众知晓权、是否让网络自制剧发挥其教育职能、是否保护青少年的权益四个角度分析了监管政策。  相似文献   

高等院校图书馆建设的主要目的就是为了实现资源共享和资源利用的最大化。以河南大学图书馆建设为例,探讨图书馆建设在办馆模式与现代技术手段结合应用上存在的问题,为达到图书馆资源有效利用的目的,提出了将网络层次结构的思路应用于河南大学图书馆建设,以期对类似兄弟院校的图书馆建设提供有益的参照。  相似文献   

媒介变局中的中国广播   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国广播在面对信息的全球化传播背景下,进行了全方位改革。这一年,中国广播表现出了诸多创新,广播产业发展出台了新政策,为广播的健康改革营造了良好的外部环境。传播内容和传播形式不断丰富,广播更加关注民生、关注农民。广播的经营状况进一步好转,创收渠道开始增加。中国国际广播电台的互联网在线广播在全球同类网站中影响力提高,已超过某些发达国家而名列全球同类网站第四。中国广播仍需要下功夫:广播的主流媒介功能再强化,产业化的生存空间再扩大,跨媒体、跨行业、跨地域的联合再拓展。  相似文献   

This study extends past research on news repertoires by examining how individuals combine news exposure across an array of media platforms and content. Results from a national survey reveal 6 distinct news repertoires. While some respondents have clear ideologically driven repertoires, others have repertoires that are best described as medium-centric. A closer look at socio-demographic factors and participation levels among the 6 news repertoires are also explored. Results shed light on the democratic implications of the high-choice media landscape and research on news exposure and effects.  相似文献   


A constant theme in strategic media management literature is the transformational impact that digital media technologies and deregulation have had on shaping media firms’ corporate strategies. Whilst the role of corporate strategy is to encapsulate a firm’s long-term direction and scope of activities, it will also give a strong indication of how the firm will compete and be positioned in an industry. However, the transformative effects of a highly technological media environment have changed our traditional view of how the media industry is defined, and so developing a strategic recipe for competing in an ill-defined industry becomes more challenging. This paper examines a single media firm’s corporate strategy and perimeter and considers this in the context of a changing media industry. The paper takes a practice-led approach by undertaking a longitudinal analysis of a firm’s acquisition and divestment activities in order to understand its corporate perimeter and by implication the industry or industries where it competes. We argue that by exploring a media firm’s corporate strategy and perimeter over time, scholars will not only be able to better understand the dynamics of media practice and strategy, but also gain an insight into the changing nature of the media industry. The paper concludes that the 'five forces framework' on industry structure, profitability and attractiveness remains a relevant form of strategic analysis that can help media management researchers to conceptualize and understand the evolution of media firm corporate perimeter and the industries in which they compete.  相似文献   

The only long term trend data on trust in the American press comes from the General Social Survey (GSS). The erosion of trust in the press as measured by the GSS indicator is indisputable, but its implications for the functioning of American democracy depend on what, precisely, is being measured. In this study we use an experimental design embedded in a representative national probability sample to shed light on what people are thinking of when they say they trust or distrust the American press. Are they thinking about the sources they themselves use for news? The sources that are most popular with the population at large? An average of all possible media sources? We find that individuals express much greater trust in the press when they are asked to consider specific news sources than when they are asked to evaluate a generic news media. Our results suggest that an accessibility bias combined with the proliferation of news sources in recent years may lead individuals to think of distrusted sources when asked to answer generic media trust questions. We therefore argue that different measurement strategies are needed to successfully address trust in the press in the current news environment.  相似文献   

The Internet has emerged as a dynamic new communications medium at an astounding pace in recent years. It enables the exchange of text, sound, video and images between millions of individuals from all around the world in a manner not possible via traditional media. But along with the growth of these services and the benefits they can provide for enhanced communication, entertainment and educational services, concerns have been raised around the world about the content of these services. The nature of these concerns often reflects the different cultural, religious and political values of the international community. The paper outlines the preliminary findings of a pilot study presently carried out by ABA. It considers the issues related to the content of on-line services, the impact of recent technical developments such as Platform for Content Selection (PICS) and content labeling. It compares regulatory responses in four countries and identifies areas of potential international co-operation.  相似文献   

The Internet has emerged as a dynamic new communications medium at an astounding pace in recent years. It enables the exchange of text, sound, video and images between millions of individuals from all around the world in a manner not possible via traditional media. But along with the growth of these services and the benefits they can provide for enhanced communication, entertainment and educational services, concerns have been raised around the world about the content of these services. The nature of these concerns often reflects the different cultural, religious and political values of the international community. The paper outlines the preliminary findings of a pilot study presently carried out by ABA. It considers the issues related to the content of on-line services, the impact of recent technical developments such as Platform for Content Selection (PICS) and content labeling. It compares regulatory responses in four countries and identifies areas of potential international co-operation.  相似文献   

在竞争中共同发展——论网络出版物与传统出版物的关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
匡文波 《图书馆》2001,(4):20-24
本文在阐释网络出版物概念、类型的基础上,论述了网络出版物的优越性,回答了传统纸质出版物不可能被淘汰的原因,指出网络出版物与传统纸质出版物将在竞争中共存与发展,它们既是竞争关系,又是互补关系。  相似文献   

浅谈网络媒体的发展及其对传统媒体的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文着重探讨了网络媒体的发展及其对传统媒体的影响,分析各种传播方式的特点,以实现网络媒体与传统媒体的相互促进与和谐发展.  相似文献   

媒介转型时期新闻教育再思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今美国报业面临巨大的挑战和变革。正如美国铁路运输的衰败一样,报业面临着与当时铁路业类似的困境和危机。正因为这些变革和挑战才使当今的报业变得更加激动人心。现在的新闻记者工作在不确定的媒介环境下,也使新闻工作变得更富于挑战和充满激情。  相似文献   

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