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我国现行听证制度之缺陷及其完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1996年我国移植听证制度后,其现已成为程序法律制度中的核心制度,在立法上得以确立,在实战中得以广泛施行。但因制度的不成熟,尚存在许多缺陷:如听而不证;听证代表权利得不到应有保障;听证范围过于狭窄且不明确等。对此,我们应当加强对听证的内外监督,制定规范听证代表权利和义务的单行法规,采取正式听证、非正式听证、事前听证、事后听证、结合听证等多种形式相结合的听证形式,扩大听证的适用范围。  相似文献   

《行政许可法》的颁布施行是我国行政法治发展的又一个里程碑。作为其重要部分的听证程序 ,更是发展和丰富了我国现有的听证制度。该法不仅细化了立法听证程序、首创主动听证程序 ,还明确地规定了案卷排他性原则 ,使我国的行政程序向前迈进了一大步  相似文献   

听证是公正行使权力的基本内容,最初只是司法审判中的必要程序,后来在英国普通法上运用于行使司法性质权力的行政裁决,最后被移植到立法程序中.听证制度的变迁历程体现了利害关系人权利的不断扩张,程序保障的不断完善,适用范围的不断扩大,这对于我国建立健全的听证制度有一定的启示作用.  相似文献   

立法听证公告制度是立法听证程序不可或缺的一部分。一方面,2000年颁布的《立法法》仅就听证会作了粗糙的规定,并没有提及任何有关听证公告等细节性问题;另一方面,各地立法听证规则中的"公告条款"基本模式和内容大体一致,创造性空间有限。针对实践中存在的问题,基于对我国立法听证公告制度的实证分析,研究立法听证公告程序的基本原则和必要性选择,提出将听证公告的要素分为必要性要素、可补充性要素和选择性要素三个部分,对于完善我国立法听证公告制度具有理论价值,为立法听证实践提供策略方向。  相似文献   

在完善我国的立法听证制度方面,各地权力机关及政府进行了有意义的探索,许多学者也借鉴了国外的先进经验提出了具体设想。对立法听证的内涵与外延予以界定,并分析立法听证制度在我国确立的理论基础,对完善我国的立法听证制度有一定的积极意义。  相似文献   

从当前我国立法来看,对行政决定听证主体的规定呈现出明显的缺陷,导致许多听证的实际操作出现偏差和失误,建立完整的行政决定听证主体制度尚需要进一步探讨。可以借鉴美国的行政法官制度,结合我国国情和听证现状,完善我国行政听证制度,使行政听证这一体现现代公正、民主精神的法律制度在我国法制建设进程中起到更大的推动作用。  相似文献   

立法听证是程序的正义诉求,它为实体正义的实现提供了正当性基础。立法听证充分体现了公民权利与国家权力平衡的宪政理念,是公民有序政治参与的一种创新和探索,是“无知之幕”宪政规则的深层体现,是社会组织表达自己利益诉求和弥补地域代表制不足的制度化安排,它为违宪审查权的行使提供了客观依据。立法听证与宪政具有高度的正相关性。因此,从宪政视域研究如何完善我国现行的立法听证制度具有极其重要的理论与实践价值。  相似文献   

郑刚 《高教探索》2012,(1):110-114
中国学位制度是模仿、移植西方教育的产物。在中国学位制度的萌芽、确立和定型的发展进程中,教育立法发挥了重要作用。通过立法手段,政府履行了对学位建设的宏观管理职能,并从法律制度层面,保障和促进了学位制度的发展。学位制度的立法过程,展现了近代中国学位制度由最初学习日本,到转向模仿欧美,再到逐步和本国国情相结合的探索过程。  相似文献   

文章通过对美国环境法立法案例的介绍,引入美国立法听证制度,同时对比我国目前立法听证现状.分析立法听证在立法程序中应产生的作用。  相似文献   

行政听证制度在我国的行政和立法部门决策中得到广泛应用,是我国公共决策体制的一次巨大变革。当前我国的行政听证制度在保障行政相对人的合法权益,提高行政机关决策的民主科学性,保障政府公信力等方面发挥了重要作用。但与此同时,由于起步晚,发展时间短等因素,我国行政听证制度还存在着诸多问题,这严重削弱了行政听证制度应有的作用,需要去完善和解决。本文于立足我国行政听证制度发展现状,针对我国行政听证制度中存在的公开透明性不足、适用范围不全面、听证代表遴选机制不完善、听证笔录效力不明确等问题,在分析内在原因的基础上,从强化行政听证信息的公开透明度、扩大行政听证的适用范围、转变法制观念和强化公民权利意识、完善听证代表人制度、明确行政听证笔录的法律效力、建立行政听证的监督救济制度入手等六方面提出了作者就完善我国行政听证制度的几点建议。  相似文献   

听证制度已成为当今世界各个法治国家行政程序法的一项共同的,同时也是极其重要的制度。在我国,这一公正的决策程序,已经在全国范围内、在一定程度上介入丁我国经济和社会生活。不过它由于处于发育、发展阶段,还存在着许多问题和不足,需要从法律上、行政程序上对听证于民的实践进一步加以规范与总结,以不断推进我国听证制度的形成和完善。  相似文献   

The U.S. Congress mandated due process hearings in special education disputes to ensure parental involvement in educational decision making and to promote individual justice. The present study explored two kinds of justice, defined as objective and subjective fairness, and examined parent and school officials' subjective experience of the fairness of their hearings. Findings indicate that hearings are not achieving subjective fairness. Neither school officials nor parents felt positively about the experience. Supplements to hearings, such as mediation and negotiation, should be studied to see if they are more effective vehicles for achieving congressional intent and for avoiding costly and emotionally draining hearings.  相似文献   


Twenty‐eight states and the District of Columbia currently provide due process for gifted students. When parents or administrators cannot settle a dispute at the local school board level, some states by law and/or regulation offer aggrieved parties the right to mediation or due process. Seven states reported holding 26 due process hearings during the years 1992–1995. This article examines these due process hearings describing the types of issues involved and the outcomes of the hearings. The authors report that disparate issues are handled in due process hearings, and they conclude that due process hearings are an inexpensive and relatively expeditious way to resolve disputes in gifted education in comparison to going to court.  相似文献   

This essay explores how rhetorics of diabetes management informed Sonia Sotomayor’s judicial persona during her ascent to the Supreme Court. Sotomayor’s confirmation hearings were clouded famously by institutional racism and sexism. She was accused repeatedly by congressional Republicans of being intemperate, emotional, and illogical in a judicial sphere that prizes circumspection, deliberateness, and collegiality. As part of a larger strategy to counter such claims, the Obama administration forwarded her lifetime of managing type-one diabetes as proof of personal control, and by extension judicial prudence. This strategic invocation of intersectionality, using a disability to rhetorically “contain” race and gender, helped to successfully resituate universal notions of wisdom and secure Sotomayor a seat on the nation’s highest court.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine which factors were significantly associated with court outcomes for drug exposed infants in dependency court. METHOD: A longitudinal study of 118 drug exposed infant social services and juvenile court files of petitioned cases through all court hearings, using chi-squares and logistic regressions data analysis. RESULTS: There was an overrepresentation of minority mothers who were poor, unemployed, undereducated, and single, with prior referrals to the dependency system and criminal records. The chi-square analysis suggested that variables such as ethnicity, past referrals, and criminal record were significantly associated with court outcomes for all hearings, with minority cases less likely to receive family maintenance orders, and more likely to have their children placed out of home. The regression analysis however showed a different pattern. Ethnicity and prior referrals disappeared as significant risk factors altogether. Only at the initial dispositional hearing did a criminal record significantly influence court decisions. In subsequent hearings, mothers' compliance with court orders and attending court hearings became the significant factors associated with court outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Mothers' behavior was more important for court outcomes than ethnicity, past referrals, and criminal record. It is therefore imperative that mothers are motivated to successfully comply with court orders by offering culturally appropriate services and facilitating attendance at court hearings.  相似文献   

This study advances a conceptual framework to examine how students who had transferred into a four-year institution described their transition experiences. We used phenomenology as a source of theoretical constructs to interpret their experiences and as a research method. Key themes included the importance of online resources in facilitating the transfer process, the importance of supportive institutional agents, the importance of academic and career goals, and the comparative lack of emphasis on having a more social “college experience.” We discuss implications of these findings for future research, policy, and practice. This study contributes to a better understanding of (a) transfer students’ experiences in an understudied institutional setting, (b) the factors distinguishing persisting and non-persisting transfer students, and (c) ways that receiving institutions can be more responsive to the needs of transfer students.  相似文献   

作为一种社会公共组织,危机已经成为高校一种存在的常态,所以危机决策成为高校亟待研究的前沿课题。高校常规决策中存在着如纵向的机构权利划分、横向的部门职能配置、政策执行行为的监督制度和现行的干部管理制度等各种制度性因素,而这些因素却不能适应危机环境,给高校造成重大隐性危机。通过建立科学民主的决策中心、改进行政职能的配置制度、强化监督制度和完善现行干部管理制度可以有效改善目前面对危机的制度缺失状况。  相似文献   

推动民口高科技成果、产品适时地向军用领域转移,是贯彻落实"寓军于民"方针、实现国防资源优化配置、提高国防建设效益的重要途径.而目前我国民转军处于有效制度供给不足、无效制度供给过剩的制度非均衡状态.要改变这种状态,就要进行民转军制度变迁,从正式制度与非正式制度人手,增加有效制度供给,废除、修订无效制度供给,为民转军的发展营造良好的制度环境.  相似文献   

A sample of practicing school psychologists was surveyed regarding their experiences with and views of the due process hearing system. Thirty‐eight percent of those surveyed reported that they had been called upon to testify at one or more due process hearings. Of those who had testified they reported that they were on the stand for an average of approximately 1 hour and that they spent an average of 7.5 hours in preparation. Most common issues on which school psychologists testified were assessment and appropriateness of placement. Both schools and parents were represented by attorneys in 70% of the hearings. Parents requested the hearing 72% of the time but prevailed in only 32% of the hearings. Respondents indicated that they agreed that their hearings had been conducted in a largely professional and fair manner. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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