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这是一个当今大热的词汇,因为对它一知半解所以充满幻想,以为通过“职业生涯规划”的圣手可以为自己指点一条未来的光明大道。“职业生涯规划”并不是无所不能,它只是一种科学的规划职业的理念和方法。了解它、掌握它对未来有促进作用,可以使寻求发展的大学生排除迷茫,少走弯路。本期策划在“职业生涯规划”的概念上为大学生做了解答,还汇集了一些有合理职业生涯规划的例子,希望对还在困惑中的朋友有所帮助。职业规划 寻找最佳职业路径  相似文献   

胡文龙  王秋梅 《文教资料》2011,(15):187-188
高校职业生涯规划可以帮助大学生改变生活迷茫、学习动力不足的状态.根据学生的具体情况引导如何确立自己的职业目标,进而采取行动.对学生职业道路会起到积极重要的作用。因此,本文根据社会发展需求、当代大学生自身的特点和高校职业生涯规划体系等特点进行分析,为职业生涯规划体系的进一步完善提供芒干j聿议.  相似文献   

职业生涯规划是职业人提升自身竞争力的重要手段,大学生就业竞争力培养需要职业生涯规划教育。职业生涯规划教育应与学业、就业和创业规划相协同,校企合作是完善大学生职业生涯规划教育的重要平台,采取“顶岗实习”的方式可以改变目前实习教学弱化状况,在“进”、“出”互动过程中修订、完善职业生涯规划。  相似文献   

占伟 《中国科教创新导刊》2009,(17):103-103,105
职业生涯教育是有目的、有计划、有组织地培养个体规划自我职业生涯的意识与技能,促进个体职业生涯发展的活动,是以引导个体进行并落实职业生涯规划为主线的综合性教育活动。在高职生中开展“职业生涯规划”教育,能促进大学生自我科学定位;指导大学生明确自我的职业奋斗目标。上好“职业生涯规划”必修课,必须加强职业生涯规划教育的机构建设;把职业生涯规划教育纳入到新生入学教育之中;把职业意识的培养贯穿在高等职业教育之中。  相似文献   

随着一波又一波毕业生就业大潮的来临,大学生“就业难”已经是全社会都在关注的问题。造成大学生就业难的原因是多方面的,从内因方面来看,是因为毕业生对职业的自我定位存在一定的问题。有很多大学生毕业就业时没有什么求职目标,也没认真思考过将来要从事什么工作,就业时带着很大的困惑和迷茫,这会影响大学生职业生涯的发展。因此大学生在大学阶段必须要思考自身的职业定向问题。  相似文献   

“大学生职业生涯设计”,就是大学生根据社会的客体需要和自己的未来职业追求,在学校的指导下,对自己在大学不同阶段的发展目标及其实现途径进行具体设计和全面规划,并在大学学习和生活中付诸实践。对学生而言,大学生职业生涯设计遵循以下步骤:一是自我评估,明确“我能做什么”,从而激发主体的自觉意识与责任意识。二是环境评估,明确“大学的要求是什么”。三是明确志向,明确“我要做什么”。四是目标设定,在明确人生志向和大学阶段任务的基础上,制定发展规划,设定发展目标。五是路径选择,围绕大学发展目标的实现,提出自己在思想修养、业务…  相似文献   

刘茜 《湖南教育》2009,(12):6-6
大学毕业之后要从事什么职业,你们开始规划了吗?11月19日,湖南省“天翼杯”大学生职业生涯规划大赛决赛在湖南中医药大学举行,20多所院校的41位选手参与角逐。  相似文献   

职业生涯规划对于大学生尤其是地方高校大学生是来说,关系到未来职业的成功,具有战略意义,因此,对湖南省地方高校大学生职业生涯规划进行研究和分析,十分必要。湖南省地方高校大学生必须对自己的水平、能力、薪资期望、心理承受度等进行全面分析,做出合乎自身实际的比较准确的定位,解决职业生涯规划中“干什么”、“何处干”、“怎么干”等...  相似文献   

杨平 《考试周刊》2009,(45):187-189
“她”时代,女大学业生需要职业生涯规划。本文作者采用问卷调查法,以本校部分女大学生为样本,对她们的职业生涯规划意识等内容进行了调查。结果显示,女大学生的职业生涯规划意识逐年增强,但对于其的重要性认识不足,缺乏学习的主动性:大多数女生缺乏对职业生涯规划知识系统的了解:学生接受职业生涯规划教育主要是通过学校课堂;不同年级的女大学生对职业生涯规划需求存在一定的差异;大部分女生认为女性的职业发展规划与男性有别,但其职业发展不弱于男性。由此可见,女大学生职业生涯规划教育的工作亟待加强与完善。  相似文献   

大学生学业规划研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
一“、大学生学业规划”概念的由来及含义大学生学业规划,是一个近年来才提出的全新理念,是一种新型的人才成长观念,是具有战略意义的全新观念。其根源于职业生涯规划的概念与理论,是职业生涯规划在大学阶段的阶段性体现。1.职业生涯的阶段划分根据职业生涯的理论将职业生涯发展划分为四个阶段:职业准备和选择阶段、职业生涯早期、职业生涯中期、职业生涯后期[1]。由于每个阶段处在不同的职业状况,因而各阶段面临不同的职业发展任务。大学时期正处在职业准备和选择阶段,根据这个阶段的主要特点和任务,理论界便提出了大学生学业规划的概念。2…  相似文献   

2002年河北师范大学毕业生生涯规划的调查研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用分层整体取样,应用高校毕业生生涯规划调查问卷,调查了河北师范大学2002年300名毕业生,应用SPSS10.0软件对数据进行了分析研究。调查显示只有45.6%的学生认为所学专业是个人兴趣,73.1%的学生已经确定职业方向,87%的人将“待遇好”作为首要的择业标准,85.9%的人很少或从来没有接受过学校关于生涯规划的辅导。  相似文献   

本文通过心理测量来研究高职院校学生的职业倾向,研究结果表明高职大一学生的职业倾向与高中所学的知识、所受的训练有关;高职院校毕业生的职业倾向基本符合高职院校的培养目标,但学生缺乏自知力;高职院校毕业生在就业中显示出偏高的期望值、盲目性及理想化的倾向。  相似文献   

大学生就业形势变化与高校就业指导模式的变革   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
随着高校扩招的毕业生陆续进入求职市场 ,大学毕业生的就业压力也在不断增大。在政府部门努力扩展就业渠道的同时 ,高校在提高大学生求职成功率方面是否可以有所作为 ?本文认为 ,与仅仅注重对大学生进行“成品包装”的就业指导模式相比 ,促进大学生的生涯发展辅导能更加有效地提高毕业生的“可就业性” ,有助于实现我国人力资源的优化配置  相似文献   

职业生涯是人生极为重要的方面,是社会与个人、整体与个体的联结点。职业生涯规划对于任何人都是一件非常重要的大事。而对于大学生这样一个高素质的团体,每个人如何做好自己的职业生涯规划,于己,于集体,于社会都有着非常重要的意义,对于社会发展和个人进步都发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

A successful transition from university to working life requires that graduates are able to employ their education and academic competences in real working-life contexts. Our previous research showed that graduates varied in how they were able to reflect on their competences at the time of graduation. The present longitudinal mixed-method study follows the same graduates and explores their evaluations of the usefulness of university education and career success, three years after graduation. The follow-up data consisted of 57 graduates’ survey answers analysed by quantitative and qualitative methods. The results showed that graduates who were able to describe and evaluate more competences at the time of graduation perceived their current jobs to correspond more to their education. Graduates with more limited evaluations of their competences, on the other hand, had experienced more challenges related to employment and were more uncertain of their goals. The results also showed that having diverse competences and an ability to recognise them at the time of graduation is important for later career success and may also be related to what kind of challenges graduates face in working life.  相似文献   

What do art and design graduates and postgraduates do once they have completed their courses, and how well do they feel those courses have equipped them to realise their career ambitions? This paper firstly examines the available data on the career paths of art and design graduates, and considers to what extent this data is able to represent their success. It would appear that much of the national data presents a pessimistic view of the career prospects of these graduates and postgraduates. Secondly, the methodology and results of the Ambitions and Destinations project are outlined. The purpose of the project was to determine the career paths of graduates from the Birmingham Institute of Art and Design, and to discover the retrospective views about the courses on which they had studied, in the light of their subsequent careers. A postal questionnaire was used to survey all those who had graduated from a cross-section of undergraduate and postgraduate courses 1991–1995 inclusive. The career outcomes of the first-degree respondents are compared with those of the postgraduates, including their respective participation in the areas of paid employment, further study, self employment and unemployment. Respondents’ propensities to remain involved with art and design, and the likelihood of their entering teaching or lecturing are also examined. Some of the key points which emerged from respondents’ comments about the career usefulness of their courses are presented. Finally, the extent to which the career paths of these BIAD graduates and postgraduates are consistent with those obtained from national data is considered.  相似文献   

The Career-related Programme (CP) is an innovative education programme by the International Baccalaureate (IB). Designed to promote college and career readiness equally in the last two years of high school, the CP combines rigorous university preparatory coursework with targeted career-related studies. This study examines the patterns of higher education enrolment, destination and persistence of all CP graduates from high schools in the US between 2013 and 2015. The results indicate that CP graduates enrol in higher education at higher rates than do all high school graduates nationally and career and technical education concentrators specifically: 81% versus 68% versus 70%, respectively. They persist for 1 year at higher rates than do all high school graduates: 89% versus 72%, respectively. Results of logistic regression show that the number of IB exams and the completion of the CP certificate are significant predictors of postsecondary enrolment and that higher mean IB exam scores predict higher odds of a student attending a 4-year institution over a 2-year institution. The results suggest that students who engage in career and technical education alongside rigorous university preparatory coursework within the CP are well-prepared to succeed in higher education.  相似文献   

Students in middle grades are making decisions that greatly affect their future educational and career paths. Many times students do not have the necessary information or assistance to help them make decisions that would engender success in their educational and career paths. For students to be able to think about their career plans with any depth, they must have a foundation of career awareness and career exploration experiences. These experiences can help students realize what is required of them when interested in a certain career or career cluster and help them form realistic career plans. Implementation of a six-year plan of study, curriculum infusion, and job shadowing are just a few of the critical elements that need to take place in the career exploration phase. These elements, along with others found in a comprehensive career guidance program, can help assure students are cognizant of the many educational and career opportunities available to them and how to capitalize on these opportunities.  相似文献   

随着人才需求和市场的不断变化,越来越多的高职院校将"精细化"就业服务与就业方向引导等宏观调控作为就业工作的主导,做有针对性的精细服务,既服务于毕业生,同时又为用人单位选拔优秀人才进行服务。文章通过"开展职业指导的紧迫性和重要性"、"职业教育催生‘精细化’就业服务"、"职业指导在高职院校‘精细化’就业服务中具有极其重要的作用"三个方面,对职业指导在高职院校"精细化"就业服务工作中的作用和重要性进行了论述,通过学生信息资源库和企业信息资源库的建立、职业指导队伍建设、就业指导课程建设及就业实训演练、建立就业跟踪调查和质量评价体系的意义对职业指导在高职院校"精细化"就业服务工作中的作用进行了重点分析。  相似文献   

研究团体沙盘游戏对大学生职业决策自我效能的影响,探索提高大学生职业决策自我效能的途径,可以为大学生的职业指导提供一套可行的实施方案。经过沙盘游戏辅导,大学生在自我评价、收集信息、选择目标、制定规划、问题解决等维度上的得分有了显著的提高。  相似文献   

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