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当今社会,文学经典话语权力在消费文化的语境下不断嬗变,依靠大众媒介掌握了商业意识形态话语大众读者,已成为建构文学经典的一个不可缺少的力量。文学经典建构的也形成新的形态:文学经典的"戏仿"和"商业化",进一步体现出大众读者掌握着话语权,这对于文学经典的建构无疑是一种新的趋势。  相似文献   

"十七年"战争小说是伴随着新政权的诞生,为确立无产阶级意识形态的合法地位而创作的一种革命战争题材小说。"十七年"战争小说的文学史意义主要在于,它是在一个需要规范叙事的年代,合理运用既定的创作原则,从敌我对立双方四维叙事角度,立体建构了一个典型的正义战争叙事模式,并在集权政治的运作下逐渐经典化为一种战争文化写作范式,不仅影响和规范着十七年其他类型文学,甚至在某些方面开"文革"文学之先河。  相似文献   

"文学经典意识"是人们关于文学经典及如何创作出文学经典的认识。在中国古典诗学中,文学经典意识的发展有一个过程,它与文学观念的自觉、艺术精神的独立与否是相伴相行的。文学经典意识的最早形态应是文化经典意识,接着是汉以来的经学式的文学经典意识,再发展到以纯粹文学观念为基础的文学经典意识。文学观念发展的不同阶段,人们所具有的"文学经典意识"的内涵也有不同,这又深刻影响了中国古典诗学的建构。  相似文献   

从巴金小说创作的社会历史语境、作品文本的内在质量以及民国时期的主要批评文本来看,巴金的现代文学经典地位主要是通过群选经典—国家意识形态—文学史定论这样的途径得以确立的,是一种被特定时代潮流和主流意识形态话语等非文学因素所建构的,相对来说比较笼统、模糊的"经典",而不是其思想性和艺术性真正达到了文学经典的水准。期待着相关研究能够回到历史空间,将巴金及其创作置于产生文学文本的特定社会文化语境和读者不断向前延伸的视野来进行全新的理解和阐释,促使一种或多种具有全新文化意义与价值的"巴金"出现。  相似文献   

文学经典作品具有超越族群、阶级、经济状况、性别、时代的诗学价值、审美价值、思想价值、道德价值、可读性等内部要素,但同时受到意识形态、主流诗学、历史文化、社会政治等外部要素的影响。剖析影响文学经典建构的错综复杂的诸多要素,以布尔迪厄关于场域的社会学理论分析文学经典场域中场域、资本和文学经典建构之间的关系,从另一个角度审视文学经典建构问题。  相似文献   

文学经典问题的论争起源于美国上世纪70年代,至今仍是一个分歧很大的学术话题.在当下中国的学术界,对于文学经典是如何建构的没有达成一致的意见,甚至在文学经典的一些基本的概念上亦莫衷一是.文学经典的探讨有多种不同的视角,分别可以从不同的历史环节加以论证,从文学经典研究的梳理出发,试图以一种话语实践的视角,以阐释为核心而贯穿文学经典流通的各个环节,进而沟通审美本质论和权力建构论的沟壑,并进一步重申文学经典研究的意义.  相似文献   

历史叙述是构建意识形态的重要手段,历史人物是人们借以建构意识形态的最有价值的材料。作为历史人物的王昭君,她的故事也可作如是观。她的形象不断出现在剧作家笔下,但她的文学形象在不同作家的笔下却是不尽相同的,而且还经历了一个明晰的转变过程。这一转变投射着中国现代知识分子在现实社会秩序中的地位和精神构成的变化,透露着创作主体个人及其所代表的群体对现实和未来的诉求与想象。  相似文献   

文学的意识形态性是建构在马克思主义把人看成是一切社会关系的总和基础之上的文学理论界说,是文学承载并传递一定社会群体的相对稳定的综合观念时所表现出的共性特征;而文学的审美意识与意识形态有着实质的不同,文学的审美意识与文学所承载的意识形态成分并不能整合,文学的审美意识在具象化过程中没有被抽象化和观念化。  相似文献   

建国后十七年,文学批评的主流意识形态话语通过掌握文学经典的解释权力而取得了主导地位,其具体方式是:颠覆原有经典,重新确认经典,文学经典重释,强化原有经典。简言之,通过共时态的文学经典建构与历时性的经典评价从而实现文学批评的经典化。由于文学经典的形成受他律性因素的支配,文学批评的经典化与非经典化范围总是处于流变之中,其流变的复杂过程呈现了建国前后文学批评观念的转型态势,也预示着建国后主流批评话语的建构方向。  相似文献   

一个时代的文化和文学无论以何种方式处理身体,在其对身体的叙事中都呈现出那个时代的意识形态征兆。身体在中国当代"红色经典"中经历了从"在场"到"不在场"的过程,这个过程体现出:在新中国建立后,文学作为建构新的意识形态的重要组成力量逐步成为一种神圣不可亵渎的意识形态形式。  相似文献   

桑德拉·吉尔伯特和苏珊·古芭是当代美国女权主义文学批评的创始人之一.两人长期合作,撰写了<阁楼上的疯女人>、<诺顿妇女文学选集>、<没有男人的地带>等女权主义批评论著,其中<阁楼上的疯女人>当之无愧地成为当代美国文论中的经典.两位批评家试图从新的视角去理解19、20世纪独特的妇女文学传统及其共性,批判菲勒斯中心的父权制和男性文学传统,挖掘妇女的文学创造力,恢复长期以来经常被人忽视了的妇女文学史,修正文学史思想中一些最基本的术语,从而建构一种新的女权主义文学典律,并在伊莱恩·肖尔沃特"女性美学"的基础上大力倡导"女权美学"批评.  相似文献   

Inspired by Friedrich Nietzsche's idea of philology and William Gass's concept of transreading, Huiwen (Helen) Zhang employs “transreader” to suggest the integration of four roles in one: reader, translator, writer, and scholar. “Transreader” recognizes that close reading, literary translation, creative writing, and cultural hermeneutics are interdependent activities with intertwined goals: to transfer, transvalue, transform, and transcend the canon. From this perspective, Lu Xun, China's Nietzsche, is a twentieth‐century transreader of the canon, and his prose poem “Revenge (The Second)” delivers a self‐referential ethics of transreading. Zhang's transreading of this poem shows why slow reading is today more necessary than ever, in what sense translation is a universal dilemma, how humanity grows when its expression grows more subtle, and that transreading opens a space for genuine communication.  相似文献   

Writing journal articles is essential for academics and professionals to develop their ideas, make an impact in their fields and progress in their careers. Research assessment makes successful performance in this form of writing even more important. This article describes a course on writing journal articles and draws on interviews with participants one year after the course in which they identified persistent challenges. These writers’ accounts make visible some of the processes of writing for publication that are often tacit and identify key writing strategies. However, they also identify barriers to writing in academic workplaces and those professional workplaces where academic writing is produced. This article concludes by suggesting that while research assessment values written outputs over almost everything else, it is equally important to legitimise writing processes—and to be able to articulate the development of these processes—in communities of research practice.  相似文献   

Opportunities to read and analyze others?? writing or to observe readers as they analyze writing might enhance one??s own sense of audience and improve one??s own writing. This mixed-methods study investigated whether reader and observer activities in comparison to writing practice activities affected fifth-grade students?? persuasive writing and revising. After writing a first draft of a persuasive letter, 87 fifth-grade students were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: being a reader, observing readers, or practicing writing. The reader group read and discussed three persuasive letters, considering whether they were persuasive and why and selecting the most persuasive. The observer group listened to the reader group??s discussions and took notes; then they had their own discussion to generate a list of criteria for what made the letters persuasive. The practice-writing control group practiced writing persuasive letters. Afterwards, all groups revised their first drafts. The reader group produced second drafts that were of better quality and contained more evidence of audience awareness than the control group. The observer group did not differ from either group. The groups did not differ on a transfer task occurring 1-week later. The authors discuss implications for designing writing curriculums that utilize reader and observer activities.  相似文献   

The economic, social, cultural, technological and labour changes experienced by Spanish universities in the last 40?years have had their impact on the professional lives of the university teachers. Our methodological decision to study, through the construction of life histories, how scholars cope with social and institutional changes in their professional lives led us to start by writing our professional autobiographies which were followed by a resonance practice in which each of us wrote a response to a partner’s autobiography. Results show that our responses appeared to have three different functions: give some feedback to our partners, tell our group our position about our partner’s autobiography and make sense of it for us. It became clear that writing about our resonance responses is a difficult task for academics like us and that our texts were bound by the position each one occupied in the research group and at the university. Our experience lets us rethink the interweaving of reflexivity, personal practical knowledge and resonance. The tension between our academic rationality and our efforts to give spontaneous resonance responses shows that even with narrative researchers, changing one’s personal practical knowledge may conflict with a rationalist point of view.  相似文献   

英国批评家弗兰克·克莫德有四本书专门论述经典,其中《愉悦与变迁》是其探讨西方文学经典的精髓所在。克莫德提出了评判经典的两个重要标准:经典作品必须包含一种哲学层面上的独特的庄严,并带给读者"愉悦"的感觉;在不同的时代,经典作品必须创造新意实现"变迁"。克莫德的经典观和美国批评家布鲁姆的西方正典理论异曲同工,成为西方文学经典观中和谐的二重奏。  相似文献   

我国方志撰著的历史非常悠久,到清代达到鼎盛。形成了以戴震为代表的地理派和以章学诚为代表的文献派。二者对地理沿革的地位的迥异,成为二者争论的焦点。  相似文献   

布鲁斯是美国黑人民族文化的象征,也是黑人文学文本研究的原始依据和文化源泉。拉尔夫·埃利森的著作《看不见的人》以其独特的风格和艺术魅力成为当代美国小说的经典之作。埃里森创造性地将黑人布鲁斯音乐融会贯通于整部作品之中,以布鲁斯精髓深刻地阐释出黑人寻求自我身份及其文化身份的小说主题。本文介绍了布鲁斯所包含的三个相对独立又彼此相关的概念,并着重分析了布鲁斯哲学在小说中的体现,指出布鲁斯不仅是美国黑人苦难的生动诉说,更是其坚韧不屈、勇往直前的力量之源。  相似文献   

《峨眉山月歌》是李白离开故乡的当年在渝州(今重庆市)所写的一首思乡诗,对于该诗的主题和艺术手法的理解,包括写作年份、写作地以及是怀人还是思乡,“思君不见”的“君”究竟何指,诗中的“三峡”究竟是大三峡还是小三峡等等,历来众说纷纭,莫衷一是。笔者认为写作地的确认,是理解全诗思想内容和写作手法的关键。作者思念故乡,寄情于峨眉山月,不是说我思山月,而是说山月思我,特地来到渝州是望。  相似文献   

Gender Meanings in Grade Eight Students' Talk about Classroom Writing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study examined the ways in which gender influences students' choices in their classroom writing. Data sources included the students' writing, small group conversations, classroom observations, and interviews with teachers. For the most part, students attempted to maintain a widely recognized gender order in their talk about girls' and boys' writing. The students' writing choices were constrained or extended by the range of discourses available to construct their gender and literate identities. The boys generally positioned themselves within powerful hegemonic masculine discourses. Some boys, however, wrote about relationships between male friends within competitive environments. Taking up the more powerful masculine discourses, some girls wrote about personal experiences playing team sports. Students made one boy aware that he had positioned himself as incompetent within the social order when he wrote about a gay character.  相似文献   

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