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古希腊数学在几何方面的发展取得了令人瞩目的成就,并极大地影响了随后的数学发展.其中,关于尺规作图的规定和问题,因其具备极高的思维价值和文化价值而备受关注.对古希腊人关于"数"与"形"的认识历史进行梳理与考察,从哲学的角度分析由此折射出的古希腊人的数学观.这一历史给数学和数学教育的发展带来诸多启示.  相似文献   

古希腊教育思想强调社会和个人的协调发展。建国以来对高等教育的理解和定位在传统的“非黑即白”的思维模式下都存在一定偏颇。重视高等教育的社会功能,以促进政治与经济的可持续发展;重视人性和个人价值的培养,实现高等教育的和谐发展;重视个人创造力的培养,树立“以人为本”的教学观是古希腊教育思想对高等教育发展的启示。  相似文献   

古希腊教育化对艺复兴以来的欧洲教育传统产生了深刻的影响,成为后世西方和谐教育理论的历史渊源。因此,古希腊教育化对当今世界教育仍具有借鉴价值。本拟对古希腊的两种教育体制、教育化的特征及其形成的原因进行探讨。  相似文献   

西方哲学史上的古希腊哲学、唯理论哲学以及经验论哲学,由于对经验的认识偏差而造成了身与心的分离和对立。杜威对传统哲学中的经验进行了改造,确立了一种自然主义的经验观:经验是有机体与环境交互作用的产物,经验具有内在的整体性和连续性,经验具有实验探究的性质。杜威的经验观超越了传统哲学经验观之下的身心二元划分,对教育产生了巨大影响:重建了身心涵融一体的认识关系;恢复了教育中人的主体性;使探究成为了教与学的基本方式;为民主社会和教育的形成铺就了道路。  相似文献   

自发存在于家庭内外的艺术教育现象是古希腊艺术教育的开端。雅典是古希腊艺术教育的典范。雅典的艺术教育与社会生活密切联系并贯穿于各层次教育中,强调艺术教育的教化功能。柏拉图和亚里士多德是古希腊艺术教育思想的集大成者,他们关于艺术教育的主张,基本上反映了古希腊艺术教育实际,主要体现在他们对于艺术教育的目的、价值、内容以及方法和途径等方面的论述。  相似文献   

伊壁鸠鲁是古希腊伟大的哲学家。他所提倡的生活方式,包括生活快乐观、社会和谐观及个性自由选择观等三方面,对教育教学有着重要的启示,值得研究和借鉴。  相似文献   

经过新时期二十年来对语文学科性质的反复争鸣、讨论和研究,我们终于得出了一致的性质观,即“语文教育是工具性、人文性和审美性诸特性和谐统一的教育。”  相似文献   

科学观是对科学的本质、社会功能的哲学反思。西方哲学的科学观经历了四个历史阶段:古希腊自然哲学中的科学观,文艺复兴之后的近代科学观,现代科学观,后现代科学观。20世纪初,“科学”取代“格致”开始在中国流行。马克思、恩格斯从唯物史观的角度把人类对科学的性质和作用的认识推进到了新的阶段。随着后现代社会的到来,科学的价值、科学精神、科学与道德等问题引起越来越多的人的关注。  相似文献   

马健芬 《华章》2007,(11):109
柏拉图是古希腊著名的大哲学家、思想家,也是一位著名的教育家.其教育思想丰富而深刻,对古希腊和后世的教育都产生了深远的影响,他的关于教育的价值取向观点、重视德育教育的思想、教育平等的观念、以及全面发展的教育理念对当前我国正在进行的基础教育改革具有一定的启示.  相似文献   

从产品的观念出发,职业院校的产品——教育服务,既具有一般服务产品的性质,又具有教育产品的特性。基于教育产品观,职业院校的教育质量有一个产生、形成和发展的过程,决定了其教育服务质量具有过程性、多样性、主观性和发展性等特征。  相似文献   

以往对希腊神话的研究,常常被局限在文艺领域。从希腊神话分析其价值倾向,对理解当代西方教育文化具有重要意义。本文从教育内容、学校文化和人性特质等方面,揭示了希腊神话对于西方教育文化理念乃至当代人生活的深远影响。  相似文献   

"自由教育"涵义的演变   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自由教育是一种古老的教育思想 ,但直到今天它仍然在教育领域发挥着影响力。在自由教育思想从古至今的发展中 ,它的涵义经历了一系列的变化。古希腊的自由教育思想重视理智、德性和审美修养 ,鄙视知识的实用价值 ;中世纪 ,古希腊人创造的自由学科被用作神学教育的基础 ;赫胥黎认为 ,自然科学应成为自由教育的重要内容 ;在 2 0世纪 ,人们致力于使自由教育与自由民主制度相适应。  相似文献   

论古希腊音乐教育的历史地位和现实影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
古希腊音乐教育内容丰富,几乎包括了除体育以外的所有科目。古希腊人有一套特色的音乐教育理论,音乐教育被纳入哲学范畴里进行理解和定义。西方艺术音乐的历史渊源是古希腊音乐。古希腊音乐教育对人的素质形成和社会发展起到巨大的推动作用,它给现代教育体系和教育内容改革以启迪。  相似文献   

The reality of Greek education presents a dissension in relation to the global trends regarding the existence and use of a single textbook per school subject. This reality also influences the orientation of education research. Thus, the international trend to study how textbooks affect the uptake of knowledge by the student, which is followed by Greek researchers as well, starts from a different basis, given the free choice between numerous school textbooks. However, what even Greek teachers ignore nowadays is that the one-textbook policy has not been unique in the Greek education reality; since 1969/70 the politics of multiple textbooks was dominant, at least in primary school. This paper attempts to present the particular Greek education policy related to the publication of school history textbooks, and secondly embarks on diachronic, historical research of school history textbooks that have been used in primary and secondary education from 1952 to 2010 and their inherent ideological discourse, both its continuities and discontinuities which form the cornerstones of the modern Greek identity.  相似文献   


Comparative education was established in Greek universities in the 1980s, with the creation of pedagogical departments and two laboratories, and the publication of a journal. There was an early emphasis on education policy analysis, in terms of assumptions about the ‘semi-peripherality’ of Greece within Europe. Later, the emphasis shifted to what was also called ‘modernisation’ – framed by entry to the European Economic Community. There was an emphasis on education policies in other European countries, and the educational policy of Europe, in contrast with Greece which had not yet absorbed what was becoming ‘a European discourse’. There was a continuing motif – reflections on methodology – but the changing concepts of modernisation, the more or less permanent anxiety about reforming Greek education, and the theme of education within the European Union dominated academic work in comparative education in Greece – even after 2010 and the major new economic crisis. An optimistic view is that comparative education will continue to develop in the Greek university through teaching and research. There is, however, a question to be asked about the silences within Greek comparative education.  相似文献   

In the literature concerning Greek special education teachers, there is little evidence regarding the perceived levels of burnout, job satisfaction, and job‐related stress factors. The present study focused on the above issues. A sample of 127 Greek special education teachers at the primary school level was tested with the Maslach Burnout Inventory, the Employee Satisfaction Inventory, and the Inventory of Job‐related Stress Factors (an instrument created for this study). Results indicated that Greek special education teachers reported average to low levels of burnout. They reported moderately high levels of satisfaction with their job, the principal, and the school organisation as a whole; they also reported average satisfaction with work conditions and low satisfaction with prospects of promotion and pay. Four factors were identified on the job‐related stress factors: teaching in a multi‐category classroom, programme organisation and implementation, assessment of students, and collaborations with other special education experts and parents. The special education teachers perceived none of these issues as particularly overwhelming. Moreover, few significant effects of age, gender, and family status were identified. The above results are consistent with other studies that have focused on Greek regular education teachers, which have indicated that, in general, this group do not experience high levels of occupational stress.  相似文献   

Dyslexia is defined as a disability that primarily affects reading and writing. Internationally, the number of dyslexic students entering higher education is on the rise. It is estimated that students with dyslexia represent a small but significant minority. Many English-speaking countries have developed support services and teaching practices to accommodate dyslexic students' educational needs. In Greece, research on dyslexia is very limited. The purpose of this study is to define the incidence of dyslexia among the Greek student population and to examine dyslexic students' age, gender and major field of study. Data were collected from a total of 406 departments at all Greek public institutions of higher education (n = 32). The existing practices for identifying and provisions for supporting dyslexic students were also examined. The incidence of dyslexia in Greek higher education was estimated to be 0.16%, which is far below the estimated incidence in the general population. Interesting results were yielded regarding the variability of higher education institutions' responses to dyslexia. In almost all Greek institutions, provision takes place in the form of oral examinations and generic counseling. technological education institutions (TEIs) seem to be more aware of the educational needs of dyslexic students, possibly because they have three times more dyslexic students than higher education institutions (HEIs). All Greek universities deal with the needs of dyslexic students on an individual basis, making provision reactive rather than proactive. The results of the present study are discussed in the light of inclusive education and equality of opportunity for students who learn in a different way but do not differ from their counterparts in terms of intelligence or general abilities.  相似文献   

贺拉斯肯定了文艺既具有教育功能,又具有娱乐功能,并对二者采取了并重的态度。“教”,从广义的范围来说,应该包括当时特定历史条件下社会意识和个体意识的综合。诗,就是审美价值发生、展开与实现的中介,在诗人的思想与感情熔铸的“一度审美”的“教与乐”,此时,也在欣赏者的“二度审美”中重现为“教与乐”,在读者的头脑得到价值的传承.《诗艺》是理解罗马文学创作原则的主要来源,也是理解古希腊文学的参考。  相似文献   

西方通识教育起源于古希腊自然主义的萌芽式教育,而发端于中世纪末。并且受到来自西方中世纪启蒙主义运动的影响。受到来自科学革命、经济发展以及西方社会三大运动的影响。文章旨在发掘启蒙主义运动对西方通识教育所产生的作用以及影响,分析出通识教育的意义,并探索出通识教育的本质。  相似文献   

学校剧除了对中国戏剧的发展有重要影响以外,其实在教育上亦有独特的价值,但它的发展受制于社会传统,故而有点曲折,特别是在东方社会。在制度化教育以前,古希腊人已经注意到教育与戏剧有着极为重要的关联;夸美纽斯将演剧带入了学校教育,并在课程上给它一定的地位;杜威则赋予了它更新的内涵,由此学校剧经历了从宗教手段之一到艺术教育最高级形式的转变;如今更发展为教育戏剧,用以辅助普通学科的教学。  相似文献   

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