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This study examined the effects of audio and video self-recording on preservice teachers' written reflections. Participants (n = 201) came from a secondary teaching methods course and its school-based (clinical) fieldwork. The audio group (nA = 106) used audio recorders to monitor their teaching in fieldwork placements; the video group (nV = 95) used video recorders. Qualitative methods (content analysis) of the reflections found that preservice teachers gave varied attention to curricular decisions, question/response patterns, wait time, mannerisms, nervousness, and use of praise. Quantitative analyses (chi-square tests for independence) indicate the recording format did not lead to significant differences in participants' reflection on their various instructional behaviors except for two aspects: the video group gave more attention to non-verbal behaviors and movement around the classroom (α = .05). Implications are discussed, including methods for enhancing the habit of teachers recording and reflecting in teacher education.  相似文献   

在移动互联网等信息技术手段影响下,大学生群体出现了去中心化的学习共同体。为了解这种学习共同体的构成要素、运行机制,效率与成果,文章以湖北某高校具有代表性的ICC学习共同体为例,采用实证研究方法,追踪其五年成长过程,分析其取得的成果与学习效率。研究表明,大学生学习共同体产生的背景是基于某个具体的学习目标,得以持续生存的条件则依赖于组织或社团,发展的过程具有学习资源、学习场所、学习组织去中心化特点,学习成果的获得与传承则具有不稳定性。  相似文献   

网络时代背景下,社区教育必须要跟上时代,推崇社区网络教育。社区的网络环境、服务是应用于社区教育的重要条件。社区教育需要搭建良好的学习平台,平台要有丰富的电子学习内容,主要包括网络环境的教学模式和良好的学习支持等。开展社区网络学习包含多方面的意义,如克服社区用户的心理弱势、加强思想交往、跨越知识鸿沟、增强文化情操、实现思想意识的再社会化等等。推广社区网络教育时,要对一些不良因素进行规避,在社区推广网络化运用时,有几个要点值得思考:网络教育的开放与社区教育的区域性问题;网络学习的自主性与社区教育的社会性的协调;网络学习的目的性与技术性的协调;网络教育在社区教育中的应用核心问题。  相似文献   

International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education - The Community of Practice framework has been used theoretically and empirically to describe the diverse ways people learn from one...  相似文献   

This article describes how a preservice early childhood program collaborates with a local agency in a community engagement project. The project was implemented in a family–community partnership class for preservice teachers. There were three purposes for this project. First, to build a partnership between the University of Alaska Anchorage Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood (BAEC) program and a local child care center; second, to provide support for the child care center’s administration and teachers based on their needs and interests; and third, to offer authentic opportunities and experiences for preservice BAEC students to work with the children and their families. This project was a semester-long endeavor, which evolved through rich collaborative experiences.  相似文献   

Community tools are technologies designed to foster social processes of learning through active inquiry, project-based learning, and related collaborative pedagogical approaches. Current research and development in this field are moving from generic tool design towards the development of sociotechnical systems that address learning in relation to specific domains of knowledge or activity and social issues such as equitable access to learning opportunities.  相似文献   

Journal of Science Education and Technology - The purpose of the present study was to investigate, compare, and characterize interactive VR-based preservice science teacher clinical teaching...  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the use of peer learning teams creating annotated video-based portfolios to improve the quality of teacher–child interactions of undergraduate majors in early childhood and family studies. We used the intentional teaching framework (Hamre et al. in Handbook of early education. Guilford Publications, New York, 2012a) to create a course that moved students through the process of “knowing,” “seeing,” “doing,” and “reflecting & improving.” Forty-four undergraduate early childhood students formed eleven peer learning teams of four. We started the course by teaching the teacher–child interaction skills that are considered to be high-quality and linked to positive child outcomes (knowing). After learning to reliably identify (seeing) high quality instruction using the Classroom Assessment Scoring System, the students created video portfolios featuring their own adult-child interactions (doing). These portfolios, featuring short salient examples of six different dimensions of quality instruction, were posted to a website and shared with their peer learning team. Each team member then commented on the extent to which she or he believed the students’ example was high quality. The portfolios and the peer coaching learning team (PCLT) process have improved our ability to document change in interactions as well as the students’ abilities to see their own growth (reflecting & improving). Further, it allows us to tighten the connection between course content and practical application as well as providing us with an alternative to on-site supervision of practicum students, which can be challenging due to budget constraints. Finally, we hope that sharing this activity will encourage others to integrate video-based technology into their coursework as a means to demonstrate positive change in students’ learning.  相似文献   

基于课程的教育虚拟社区实践与反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍教育虚拟社区的涵义,通过对基于“学习科学与技术”课程在教育虚拟社区实践中出现的问题和反思,阐述影响社区学习交往活动的主要因素——目标因素、教师因素、学生因素、技术平台因素和社区文化因素,提出学习交往活动的设计必须注重交往准备、交往过程、交往成果与评价和交往后继四个阶段,才能有利于基于课程的教育虚拟社区的完善和发展。  相似文献   

"网站+项目+基地",基层电大开展社区教育的实践与构想   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
近年来,电大系统逐步明确了自身在促进终身学习、建设和谐社会中的定位与目标,各地基层电大也通过创办社区大学积极融入到终身教育体系的建设中.文章分析了基层电大开展社区教育工作所面临的困难和自身的优势,介绍了佛山电大以"网站+项目+基地"为突破口,构建"C to C"网上学习社区和虚实结合的"社区教育超市"等做法,并对基层电大开展社区教育提出了一些思考与建议.  相似文献   

Despite the body of literature around practicing teachers and policy (Knapp, Ferguson, Bamberg, &; Hill, 1998; Kumar &; Scuderi, 2000; Lortie, 1975/2002), little is known about the involvement of their preservice counterparts. Preservice teachers have limited exposure to policy-related coursework in their professional training (Floden &; Meniketti, 2005) and scholarship is relatively silent regarding preservice teachers' experiences with educational policies and their sense-making process (Spillane, 2004; Weick, 1995; see Heineke, Ryan, &; Tocci, 2015, for a notable exception).

This paper examines preservice teachers negotiating and making sense of a particular policy, the Massachusetts' Rethinking Equity and Teaching for English Language Learners (RETELL). It addresses the following questions: First, what do preservice teachers know about policy in general and the RETELL language policy in particular? Second, how do preservice teachers make sense of the implementation of the RETELL policy in the various settings of their professional training? Third, in what ways do preservice teachers' experiences with the policy influence their orientations toward teaching emergent bilingual students? This analysis demonstrates that preservice teachers have limited general knowledge of educational policy process, and limited specific knowledge around the RETELL language policy. Yet, they learn important lessons about how to “do” policy from their field supervisors and play an important role in policy implementation. The impact of the RETELL policy on preservice teachers' beliefs about teaching emergent bilingual students is mediated by the lack of policy information they receive and by their experiences in the field. This paper adds to the limited literature around preservice teachers involvement in policy and offers recommendations for highlighting the importance of policy education in teacher training.  相似文献   

开展社区教育,搭建全民学习、终身学习大平台是基层电大服务社会功能的扩展和延伸,是电大发展的重要走向.长沙市依托长沙电大办学系统,积极开展社区教育实践,在构建社区教育保障体系、培训体系、支持服务体系和精品课程体系方面进行了初步的实践和探索,取得了比较明显的成效.但社区教育是一个逐步发展、不断推进的过程,在实践中还存在不少...  相似文献   

职前外语教师的反思性实践研究文献述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章借鉴国外反思性实践理论和研究的成果,讨论反思性实践对职前外语教师专业发展的重要意义,通过对国内、外职前外语教师教育中对反思性实践展开的各种定性实证研究的讨论,揭示了反思在职前外语教师专业发展中的重要作用,作者提出了如何为我国职前外语教师创造有利的专业发展环境,促进其在反思中理解教学、在学习教学中发展反思能力的建议。  相似文献   

现实的社区模式——对“单位型社区”批评的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单位制曾在很长一段时间内构成我国城市社会特有的城市基层社会管理的方式,随着中国社会的全面转型,城市基层社会管理的方式也由单位制向社区制转变。从单位到社区是社会发展的基本方向,但在制度性建设中遇到不少现实问题。然而,单位制下形成的社区由于其先天的特点,本身就具备了现代社区的某些特征。在对单位制一边倒的批评中,忽视了单位型社区在制度建设过程中的积极意义,可以从这个角度来探讨社区建设的另一种途径。  相似文献   


The interruption of the school-to-prison pipeline has had a greater presence in many educational policies across the nation, many of these outlining Restorative Justice as a step toward the deconstruction of that system. In looking at policy asks, a question comes up as to how a culture change can be funded that can allow restorative practices to thrive in communities. The practice of storytelling sets valuable foundations for how restorative practices can thrive in groups on a microlevel while moving communities at-large toward potentials of social transformation. By examining transformational justice and the deconstruction of anti-Blackness in communities, best practices that form storytelling development, and their relationship to the current state of identity politics, we can find new ways to see restorative practices and their ability to grow within communities.  相似文献   

如何有效地促进优秀教师突破专业发展瓶颈?文章试图通过名师工作室跨学科活动的几大实践亮点阐述促进教师专业化发展和推动区域性教师整体发展的实践举措,对跨学科骨干教师学习共同体建设进行了较为深入的思考。  相似文献   

The transformation of talented youngsters into senior world-beaters is a topic of interest for practitioners and researchers alike. Unfortunately there is a dearth of research to guide the optimization of this process. Accordingly, this paper offers an overview of key themes apparent in the literature that have relevance to the effective development of talent. The five key generic features that emerge consistently include long-term aims and methods; wide ranging coherent messages and support; emphasis on appropriate development rather than early selection; individualized and ongoing development; and finally, integrated, holistic, and systematic development. In addition to the review, exemplars of current worldwide practice are used to further highlight both the need and direction for further research and more broad education of an effective talent development model.  相似文献   

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