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We studied the relationship between rapid serial naming (RSN) and orthographic processing in Russian, an asymmetrically transparent orthography. Ninety-six students (M age = 13.73) completed tests of word and pseudoword reading fluency, spelling, orthographic choice, phonological choice, phoneme awareness (PA), and RSN. PA was a better predictor of orthographic skills and pseudoword reading accuracy than RSN, which accounted for more variance in word and pseudoword reading fluency. Controlling for pseudoword reading fluency washed out RSN’s contribution to word reading fluency. These results extend previous findings questioning the role of RSN as an index of orthographic processing skills and support the idea that RSN taps into automaticity/efficiency of processing print-sound mappings.  相似文献   

The dominant narrative for assessment design seems to reflect a strong, albeit largely implicit undercurrent of purpose purism, which idealizes the principle that assessment design should be driven by a single assessment purpose. With a particular focus on achievement assessments, the present article questions the tenability of purpose purism, explaining how critical decisions—concerning whether to assess, how to specify an assessment construct, and many other design characteristics—require the coordination of multiple perspectives on assessment purposes. It argues the case for purpose pluralism—which idealizes the principle that assessment design should be driven by a multiplicity of assessment purposes simultaneously—not as an occasional, unavoidable concession, but as an organizing principle. The point of explicitly distinguishing between perspectives is to help assessment designers to establish a full complement of design requirements, representing a full range of stakeholder voices; as well as to manage more effectively the trade‐offs and compromises that inevitably arise.  相似文献   


The effects of praise and blame upon quality and quantity of themes produced as well as upon children's attitudes toward creative writing were investigated. The 105 elementary pupils who served unknowingly as S's were divided into groups and given (a) praise without correction, or (b) criticism with correction for all theme writing efforts.

Results support the assumption that praise without correction in the classroom is superior to blame. While both groups improved equally, the praised but uncorrected group produced significantly more work, exhibited more favorable attitudes, were more highly motivated, and appeared to be more independent than those subjected to blame and correction.  相似文献   

人口城市化滞后导致了经济结构失衡,乡镇企业布局不合理,城乡就业矛盾突出,内需不足等后果。从云南省省情出发,发展小城镇乃是云南经济社会发展的重要途径。  相似文献   

Existing evidence suggests that children, when they first pass standard theory‐of‐mind tasks, still fail to understand the essential aspectuality of beliefs and other propositional attitudes: such attitudes refer to objects only under specific aspects. Oedipus, for example, believes Yocaste (his mother) is beautiful, but this does not imply that he believes his mother is beautiful. In three experiments, 3‐ to 6‐year‐olds' (N = 119) understanding of aspectuality was tested with a novel, radically simplified task. In contrast to all previous findings, this task was as difficult as and highly correlated with a standard false belief task. This suggests that a conceptual capacity more unified than previously assumed emerges around ages 4–5, a full‐fledged metarepresentational scheme of propositional attitudes.  相似文献   

量的研究和质的研究是社会科学研究领域的两大基本研究范式。长期以来,量的研究一直占主导地位。20世纪50年代以来,质的研究开始崛起并取得了重大进展。我国心理学研究长期以来也主要以量的研究为主导。自80年代以来,在我国心理学两大权威刊物——《心理学报》和《心理科学》上发表大量文章是以量的研究为主要研究范式,但质的研究也越来越成为人们关注的对象。文章从两者的差别和联系方面来阐述两者结合的可能性和必要性。  相似文献   


This special issue bundles a set of eight empirical studies and one review article that explore the role of statistical learning (SL) mechanisms (both domain-specific and domain-general) in supporting word reading and spelling development, and vice versa. In this introduction to the special issue, we worked to summarize the extent to which studies support our hypotheses relating SL to reading and spelling development while pointing out inconsistencies across studies that require us to refine and rethink our hypotheses.  相似文献   

教育公益是质与量的统一.以往的研究主要集中在对教育公益质的争论上,忽视了对教育公益量的探讨.教育公益的质由政府(或个人)免费提供以及教育本身所具有的外部效益来决定;教育公益的量由教育质量的高低来决定,而教育质量由教育的投入水平和教育效率来决定.因此,一切加大教育投入力度和提高教育效率的政策措施都可以认为是提高教育公益量的途径.  相似文献   

国民素质化,是指人类在社会历史发展的实践过程中,逐渐形成的具有鲜明的民族智慧和民族精神,是人类素质的发展在化方面的积淀,并通过与人的个体素质意识的有机结合,直接作用和影响人的自身素质的发展和提高,国民素质化是人们对自身素质认识和实践活动和反映与表现,是作用和影响国民素质发展的“校正器”。国民素质化的内涵随着化的发展而丰富,是由化观念的变革而调整的;国民素质化从诸多学科理因子研究国民素质理论问题,力争探索研究国民素质理论的新方法,建设有中国特色社会主义化,极大地丰富了当代国民素质化的内涵,是提高当代中国国民素质的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

研究生教育是研究型大学人才培养的重心,是研究型大学的最主要的特征要素。发展研究生教育能有效提升研究型大学的水平。因此研究型大学都把发展研究生教育放在首要位置。发展研究生教育应坚持“质”、“量”协调发展原则,在学科建设、导师队伍建设等方面都要把握好“质”、“量”发展的度。  相似文献   

通过实验探讨了四种任务类型对非英语专业学生意义协商质量的影响.实验结果表明,任务类型对意义协商的准确度、复杂度和流利度有着显著的影响.研究发现,认知难度低的任务,意义协商的准确度和流利度较高;而认知难度高的任务,则降低了意义协商的流利度和准确度,获得了较高的复杂度.最后,文章提出了在任务教学中提高意义协商质量的建议.  相似文献   

选优评估:我国高教质量保障的重要内容和特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选优评估的本质在于"遴选优秀,择优支持,促进竞争,提高水平."无论是我国院校的整体性选优评估,还是名目繁多的单项选优评估,都呈现出弥散性、广布性、与合格评估并行和政府主导等基本特征.选优评估符合我国高教评估发展的效率取向和资源集中使用的政策取向,也集中体现了我国高教评估的内在特质和基本价值取向,成为高教质量保障的重要内容和特色.  相似文献   

创业素质培育:高校思想政治教育的重要内容   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
大学生严峻的就业形势催生出中国的创业教育,而处于起步阶段的创业教育存在诸多问题与不足.高校不仅需要专业教育来夯实创业技能,还需要思想政治教育发挥其固有的育人功能,培养学生的创业素质.思想政治教育在培育学生的创业素质中应遵循以下原则:实事求是原则,主体性原则,渗透性原则,示范性原则.在此基础上有针对性地采取一些措施来落实创业教育.  相似文献   

Often program administrators are interested in knowing how students benefit from participation in programs compared to students who do not participate. Such comparisons may be sullied by the fact that participants self-select into programs, resulting in differences between groups prior to programming. By controlling for researcher-identified–self-selection variables, propensity score matching enables researchers to create comparable matched groups. However, when employing propensity score matching, researchers are faced with a plethora of matching options. In the current study, we compared the quantity and quality of matches obtained when applying common matching techniques to real data. The methods produced matches of varying quantity and quality. Moreover, group comparisons on the outcome led to different conclusions depending on the matching method employed.  相似文献   

学生的在线参与度作为影响在线学习效果的重要因素之一,成为研究的热点问题。文章提出从数量和质量两个角度,对学生的在线学习参与度进行考量,并介绍了数量和质量的具体实施方法。最后将这些方法在实际教学中进行了验证,实践表明此考量方法能够提高在线学习参与度。  相似文献   

马丁.特罗的高等教育大众化概念是"质"的规定性与"量"的规定性的统一,不仅有数量的指标,还有质量的内涵规定。全面、准确、完整地把握高等教育大众化理论的内涵和实质,对我国高等教育的健康发展有指导意义。  相似文献   


Parental involvement research has greatly expanded over the past decade, but findings are mixed, reflecting in part the conceptual and methodological limitations of many studies. On the basis of longitudinal questionnaire data from 1,685 sixth-grade students, the authors studied parental help with homework because it is the most common and most controversial type of parental involvement. Distinguishing between the quantity and quality of parental homework involvement, the research shows that completely different conclusions about the effectiveness of parental homework involvement will be reached if its quantity is assessed instead of its quality: How often parents helped with homework was negatively associated with the development of achievement, whereas homework help that was perceived as supportive had positive predictive effects, and homework help perceived as intrusive had negative effects. Moreover, the results show that effect sizes would be overestimated if students' prior achievement and family background were not controlled.  相似文献   

加快普通高中发展、提高普通高中教育质量是我国普通高中教育发展的基本主题。我国普通高中教育在战略目标上存在着只重视升学功能、强调应试教育、强化规模效益等价值缺损问题。要改变我国普通高中教育战略目标仅追求规模效益的现实困境,应通过积极开展研究性学习、鼓励高中学校间在开展平等竞争中打造"品牌学校"、探索普通高中与大学间的合作伙伴关系等路径来实现数量与质量的权衡。  相似文献   

表征系统中的东方主义凝视、土著话语权缺失和东西方想象地理空间划分等殖民主义视角人为地在殖民者与土著之间设置界限,实现彼此隔离。后殖民主义支配性表征中的权力与种族、主流与边缘、支配与被支配在《野草在歌唱》中找到现代注脚。白人殖民者将自身观念和附加想象强加到处于边缘族群的南罗得西亚土著身上,使其沦落为边缘地势上的他者,流放于自己的国土之内。  相似文献   

中国俗语称:三句话不离本行。我是一个历史学者,所以我的这篇说教育的小文要从上海的一则历史往事开始。  相似文献   

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