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This paper reports on some aspects of a refresher training program for experienced physics teachers that is based on Dewey's idea of reflective teaching. The program introduces experienced teachers to a reflective lesson planning model, and a more constructivist approach to physics teaching, and provides them with the opportunity to develop and experience their own strategies during micro-teaching sessions. Three instructional strategies developed by participants in the program and the corresponding suggestions/comments made by their peers in follow-up discussions are presented and analyzed in this paper. The authors, who have coordinated or taught the course, are convinced that the program provides considerable impetus for experienced teachers to redevelop their innovative capacity.  相似文献   

This research note is a brief summary of a survey carried out into the training of teachers in one area of science where recruitment to courses in Britain is extremely difficult: physics (see Fig. 1). The summary is based on information received from physics tutors in university departments of education (UDE) of England, Wales and Ireland. All figures refer to replies received (just over 80 per cent of the sample), and to the 1979‐80 year only. The courses referred to are one year professional preparation courses for university graduates leading to the Post Graduate Certificate of Education (PGCE).  相似文献   

Program evaluation may be described as a tri-level process. At one level there is diagnostic and developmental evaluation of the learners. At a second level, there is evaluation of the program against its own objectives. And, at a third level, there is evaluation of the program as compared against a criterion program. Traditional programs can be evaluated successfully at each of three levels. However, innovative programs present obstacles to effective evaluation at two levels: (I) learner diagnostic and development; (II) and, (III) relative program effectiveness. It is only at Level II, where the innovative program is judged against its own objectives, that traditional evaluation methods are productive.The purpose of this paper is to describe the tri-level process model used in the evaluation of an innovative secondary program and to discuss the deficits of the model as suggested by the case study reported here. In addition, implications for the evaluation of innovative programs is discussed against a background of the Tyler (1971) model for instructional evaluation.  相似文献   

In spite of our best efforts, our son Andrew did not learn to read until he attended the Jemicy School at the age of 12. Our search for help and eventual success led me to take the Orton-Gillingham approach into the public schools of Delaware, first with volunteers and then with teachers. In 1991-92, the Milford School District did a Pre-Post Design pilot using the Woodcock Johnson Reading Mastery Test for decoding and comprehension and the WRAT Revised for spelling. The results are included. Another pilot with a control group from another school district is being done in 1992-93 and a third pilot is being planned for New Castle County, Delaware in 1993-94. Training for teachers in the juvenile justice system is also planned for 1993-94.  相似文献   

June Cox 《Roeper Review》2013,35(4):30-31
The author presents a longitudinal case study of a mathematically and verbally gifted child from early years to young manhood focusing on communication behavior and the creative use of a unique learning resource.  相似文献   

This is a study of four leadership development programs for minorities to determine whether such programs are more effective when operated by a minority-group-controlled agency or a majority-group-controlled agency, when consisting of internships only or internships and an educational component, when operated as an internship and educational program by an educational institution or by a free-standing voluntary association. The most effective program is one that has an educational component and an internship and is offered by a college or university. An unanticipated finding is the significance of a placement service for minorities who complete such programs.  相似文献   

作为一名生物学教师应多掌握一些相关的物理知识或常识,这对于丰富课堂教学内容,帮助学生对知识的认知和理解往往会起到事半功倍的作用。  相似文献   

独立学院的发展是中国高等教育发展过程中不可或缺的部分,并且在2013年吉林省政府颁发的第十号文件中,明确制定了独立学院相关的发展规定,鼓励保护社会资源办学。因此针对吉林省独立学院的相关发展研究就显得尤为重要,那么对独立学院青年教师的主体地位,青年教师队伍发展现状和教师队伍建设的困境作了深刻的调研分析显得很有意义。  相似文献   

独立学院特定的环境:学生层次不齐,师资队伍中教师教学科研能力薄弱,也缺乏高水平的学科带头人。其中的青年英语教师要成长需要自己摸索学习。本文通过叙述搞科研的必要性及如何培养科研能力,以课堂教学功能为例,展示搞科研对自身素质的提高,课堂教学的帮助。  相似文献   

This paper describes and evaluates aspects of a professional development programme for existing CS teachers in secondary schools (PLAN C) which was designed to support teachers at a time of substantial curricular change. The paper’s particular focus is on the formation of a teacher professional development network across several hundred teachers and a wide geographical area. Evidence from a series of observations and teacher surveys over a two-year period is analysed with respect to the project’s programme theory in order to illustrate not only whether it worked as intended, by why. Results indicate that the PLAN C design has been successful in increasing teachers’ professional confidence and appears to have catalysed powerful change in attitudes to learning. Presentation of challenging pedagogical content knowledge and conceptual frameworks, high-quality teacher-led professional dialogue, along with the space for reflection and classroom trials, triggered examination of the teachers’ own current practices.  相似文献   

卢晓梅 《生物学教学》2005,30(10):61-63
美国本土至今已有超过9000名生物学教育工作者参加美国生物学教师协会,并且与来自全球的同仁共享教学经验与技术。美国生物学教师协会也为广大的生物学教育工作者和学生开设各种栏目和项目介绍并提供易行的生物学教育。其中,为训练中学生物学教师的生物学教育项目具有特殊意义。生物学教师教育项目有两个目的,一是为了提高初中和高中生物学教师的教学指导水平,二是训练大学和学院的学生们将来能从事初中和高中的生物学教学。教学技能的职前培训是十分必要的。一名合格的中学生物学教师,不但要具有渊博的生物学专业知识,而且还应有熟练的教学技能。  相似文献   

This paper reports an evaluation of the physics course at Dickson College (ACT) looking at students' high school experience, their expectations before beginning and their impressions and feelings during the course. In general, students seem to have a fairly negative approach to physics, enrolling for a variety of often vague utilitarian reasons but with little expectation of enjoyment or interest. These opinions were most prevalent in girls who tend to find the content difficult and the course as a whole uninteresting. There is also a significant difference between girls and boys in their response to different types of assessment items. In an attempt to enhance the level of interest and enjoyment in students we have been phasing in a more ‘conceptual’ approach to the teaching of physics. Specializations: senior Physics, Chemistry and Biology.  相似文献   


This article describes the value of Piaget's equilibration theory for understanding characteristics of the young gifted child. Key elements of equilibration theory are discussed. Differences in the equilibration patterns in gifted children are described and application of equilibration to other than cognitive systems is considered. The article concludes with some ideas for teachers and parents to help gifted young children search for equilibrium.  相似文献   

物理教师专业发展是目前我国物理教育理论界关注的热点。诸多学者对物理教师专业发展进行了深入的理论研究,并取得了一定成绩。物理教师专业发展研究的不足之处在于:理论研究水平有待提高;实践研究急需加强;忽视了物理教师的主体地位;物理教师教育与基础教育课程改革脱节。  相似文献   

Conclusion Preservice elementary teachers demonstrated the ability to read and interpret distance-time graphs before instruction. Posttest results suggested the new motion curriculum materials greatly improved students’ abilities to read and interpret velocity-time graphs. Despite conducting only one activity with acceleration, students also showed improvement with acceleration-time graphs. The instruction, which included MBL activities, improved the preservice teachers’ general conceptual understanding of these kinematic topics. Future research might include a means to better measure the cause for the conceptual change. Multiple factors played a role, including positive student attitudes toward using the computers, ability to make abstract concepts measurable and describable, and opportunities for frequent experimentation. The capabilities of MBLs changed the focus of the motion curriculum. An MBL’s capacity to quickly gather data and display it opens the door for a rich variety of activities. Developing new motion curriculum was enhanced with opportunities for experimentation and exploration made possible by this technology. The revision of the curriculum was rewarding and exciting for both the instructors and students. The students learned the content, saw an appropriate use of technology, and enjoyed using the computer. The instructors enjoyed exploring the topics using MBLs and became excited with the possibilities of further usage of MBLs. Using MBLs as the powerful tool they are, motion curriculum will continue to be revised, and the instructors will explore more effective ways of structuring the lessons with ways to better teach. This material is based upon work supported in part by a grant from the National Science Foundation (Grant No. TPE-9050039). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, and/or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

教师是人类文明的传播者和智力资源的开发者,是塑造未来一代的灵魂工程师,是传播科学知识的艺术家。提高教师专业化素养既是时代发展的要求,也是教育改革的需要。提升教师专业素养的核心目标是让教师享受工作,享受学习,享受生活,努力培养高素质的学生。本文就怎样提高物理教师的专业素养进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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