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行为消失是儿童行为矫正中的原理与方法之一,行为消失的成功运用可以减少或终止儿童生活中的问题行为。本文运用具体事例探讨行为消失在儿童教育中的具体运用。  相似文献   

行为消失是儿童行为矫正中的原理与方法之一,行为消失的成功运用可以减少或终止儿童生活中的问题行为。本文运用具体事例探讨行为消失在儿童教育中的具体遥用。  相似文献   

为了研究行为模拟教学在“组织行为学”教学中的效果,在近期教学中,我们作了尝试与研究。教学时,模仿现实情境,在教师的指导下,由学生以小组形式体验角色。实践证明,行为模拟教学方法有利于培养学生的学习兴趣和团队精神,提高解决实际问题的能力。  相似文献   

语言行为是交际的主导因素,非语言行为是语言行为的重要辅助手段。跨文化交际中,保持两者的和谐一致是交际双方都应遵循的原则。文章拟在非语言交际行为及其与语言交际行为之关系论述的基础上,阐述两者之间相互冲突的一面,并对于如何避免冲突、保持两者间的和谐进行深入的探讨和分析。  相似文献   

Plant Behavior     
Plants are a huge and diverse group of organisms ranging from microscopic marine phytoplankton to enormous terrestrial trees. Stunning, and yet some of us take plants for granted. In this plant issue of LSE, WWW.Life Sciences Education focuses on a botanical topic that most people, even biologists, do not think about—plant behavior.Plants are a huge and diverse group of organisms (Figure 1), ranging from microscopic marine phytoplankton (see http://oceandatacenter.ucsc.edu/PhytoGallery/phytolist.html for beautiful images of many species) to enormous terrestrial trees epitomized by the giant sequoia: 300 feet tall, living 3000 years, and weighing as much as 3000 tons (visit the Arkive website, www.arkive.org/giant-sequoia/sequoiadendron-giganteum, for photos and basic information). Stunning, and yet some of us take plants for granted, like a side salad. We may see plants as a focal point during the blooming season or as a nice backdrop for all the interesting things animals do. For this plant issue of CBE—Life Sciences Education, I am going to focus on a botanical topic that most people, even biologists, do not think about—plant behavior.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Plants are very diverse, ranging in size from microscopic plankton (left, courtesy of University of California–Santa Cruz Ocean Data Center) to the biggest organisms on our planet (right, courtesy Arkive.org).Before digging into plant behavior, let us define what a plant is. All plants evolved from the eukaryotic cell that acquired a photosynthetic cyanobacterium as an endosymbiont ∼1.6 billion years ago. This event gave the lineage its defining trait of being a eukaryote that can directly harvest sunlight for energy. The cyanobacteria had been photosynthesizing on their own for a long time already, but this new “plant cell” gave rise to a huge and diverse line of unicellular and multicellular species. Genome sequences have shed light on the birth and evolution of plants, and John Bowman and colleagues published an excellent review titled “Green Genes” several years ago in Cell (www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0092867407004618#; Bowman et al., 2007 ). The article has concise information on the origin and evolution of plant groups, including helpful graphics (Figure 2). Of course, plants were classified and subdivided long before DNA analysis was possible. The Encyclopedia of Earth (EOE) is a good website for exploring biological diversity and has an article on plants (www.eoearth.org/view/article/155261) that lays out the major plant groups and their characteristics. It states that there are more than 400,000 described species, a fraction of the estimated total number.Open in a separate windowFigure 2.Genomic analysis has illuminated the relationship among the many species of plants, as illustrated in this phylogeny of three major plant groups from Bowman et al. (2007 , p. 129).The venerable Kew Gardens has an excellent website (Figure 3) that includes extensive pages under the tab Science and Conservation (www.kew.org/science-conservation). It is a beautifully organized website for exploring plant diversity and burrowing into the science of plants, and includes an excellent blog. Ever wonder how many different kinds of flowers there are? You can find out by visiting their feature titled, “How Many Flowering Plants Are There in the World?” There is an interesting video feature on coffee, which describes how only two species out of more than a hundred have come to dominate coffee production for drinking. As the monoculture in Ireland led to the potato blight, a lack of genetic diversity in today''s coffee plants is threatening the world''s coffee supply with the onset of climate change. The possibility of life without coffee is a call to action if ever I have heard one.Open in a separate windowFigure 3.Kew Gardens has a large and informative website that should appeal to gardeners and flower lovers, as well as more serious botanists and ecologists.Classification of plants is challenging for students and teachers alike. Perhaps understandable, given that plants constitute an entire kingdom of life. For an overview, have students read the EOE article as well as the Bowman Cell article to appreciate the enormity and diversity of the organisms we call plants. The EOE article is reproduced on the Encyclopedia of Life website (http://eol.org/info/449), an excellent context for further exploration of diverse plant species. As we probe the topic of plant behavior, the examples will be drawn from the vascular plants that include the many familiar plants commonly called trees, shrubs, flowers, vegetables, and weeds.Plants do respond to changes in their environment, but is it fruitful or scientifically valid to say that they have behavior? They lack muscles and nerves, do not have mouths or digestive systems, and are often literally rooted in place. A growing number of plant biologists have embraced the term behavior, as demonstrated by the journal devoted to the subject, Plant Behavior. Their resources page (www.plantbehavior.org/resources.html) is a good place to get oriented to the field.As in so many things, Darwin anticipated important questions concerning the movement of plants, despite the difficulties in observing plant behavior, and in 1880 he published The Power of Movement in Plants. The Darwin Correspondence Project website has a good treatment of Darwin''s work on plants, with interesting anecdotes relating to how he collaborated with his son Francis on this work late in his career (www.darwinproject.ac.uk/power-of-movement-in-plants). You can download Chapter 9 of the book and some of the correspondence between Darwin and his son. The entire book is available at http://darwin-online.org.uk/content/frameset?itemID=F1325&viewtype=text&pageseq=1, or in various e-reader formats at the Project Gutenberg website (http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/5605). The PBS NOVA website, has a feature covering several of Darwin''s “predictions,” including one in which he noted the importance of plant and animal interactions. He famously predicted that a Madagascar orchid (Angraecum sesquipedale), which has a long narrow passage to its nectar stash, must have a long-tongued pollinator. In 1903, biologists identified the giant hawkmoth, with a 12-inch-long proboscis, as the pollinator predicted by Darwin (www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/id/pred-nf.html).Darwin recognized that plants mostly do things on a timescale that is hard for us to observe, so he devised clever ways to record their movements. Placing a plant behind a pane of glass, he marked the plant''s position on the glass over time using a stationary reference grid placed behind the plant. Darwin transferred the drawing to a sheet of paper before cleaning the glass for the next experiment (Figure 4). By varying the distance between the plant, the reference points, and the glass, he magnified apparent distances to detect even small plant movements over periods as short as minutes. High-definition time-lapse photography and other modern techniques have extended Darwin''s observations in some compelling directions.Open in a separate windowFigure 4.One of Darwin''s drawings that can be found on the Darwin Correspondence Project Web pages devoted to his book The Power of Movement in Plants. For this figure, the position of the cotyledons of a Brassica was marked on a glass plate about every 30 min over a period of more than 10 h.A recent episode of the PBS Nature series, “What Plants Talk About,” epitomizes the increased interest in plant behavior and, unfortunately, some of the hyperbole associated with the field. The time-lapse video sequences and associated science are fascinating, and the entire program can be viewed on the PBS website at http://video.pbs.org/video/2338524490. The home page for the program (Figure 5; www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/episodes/what-plants-talk-about/introduction/8228) has two short video clips that are interesting. The video titled “Dodder Vine Sniffs Out Its Prey” is nicely filmed and features some interesting experiments involving plant signaling. It might be instructive to ask students to respond to the vocabulary used in the narration, which unfortunately tries to impart intent and mindfulness to the plant''s activities, and to make sensible experimental results somehow seem shocking. The “Plant Self-Defense” video is a compelling “poison pill” story that needs no narrative embellishment. A plant responds to caterpillars feeding on it by producing a substance that tags them for increased attention from predators. Increased predation reduces the number of caterpillars feeding on the plants. The story offers a remarkable series of complex interactions and evolutionary adaptations. Another documentary, In the Mind of Plants (www.youtube.com/watch?v=HU859ziUoPc), was originally produced in French. Perhaps some experimental interpretations were mangled in translation, but the camera work is consistently excellent.Open in a separate windowFigure 5.The Nature pages of the PBS website have video clips and a short article, as well as the entire hour-long program “What Plants Talk About.” The program features fantastic camera work and solid science, but some questionable narration.Skepticism is part and parcel of scientific thinking, but particular caution may be warranted in the field of plant behavior because of the 1970s book and documentary called The Secret Life of Plants (www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGl4btrsiHk). The Secret Life of Plants was a sensation at the time and was largely responsible for the persistent myths that talking to your plants makes them healthier, that plants have auras, and that plants grow better when played classical music rather than rock. While the program woke people up to the notion that plants indeed do fascinating things, the conclusions based on bad science or no science at all were in the end more destructive than helpful to this aspect of plant science. Michael Pollan, author of The Botany of Desire and other excellent plant books, addresses some of the controversy that dogs the field of plant behavior in an interview on the public radio program Science Friday (http://sciencefriday.com/segment/01/03/2014/can-plants-think.html). His article “The Intelligent Plant” in the New Yorker (www.newyorker.com/reporting/2013/12/23/131223fa_fact_pollan?currentPage=all), covers similar ground.The excellently understated Plants in Motion website (http://plantsinmotion.bio.indiana.edu/plantmotion) is a welcome antidote to some of the filmic excesses. The site features dozens of low-definition, time-lapse videos of plants moving, accompanied by straightforward explanations of the experimental conditions and some background on the plants. The lack of narration conveys a refreshing cinema verité quality, and you can choose your own music to play while you watch. Highlights include corn shoots growing toward a light bulb, the rapid response of a mimosa plant to a flame, vines twining, and pumpkins plumping at night. You may have driven past a field of sunflowers and heard the remark that the heads follow the sun, but that is a partial truth. The young buds of the early plants do track the sun, but once they bloom, the tall plants stiffen and every head in the field permanently faces … east! The creators of Plants in Motion curated an exhibit at the Chicago Botanic Gardens called sLowlife (Figure 6). The accompanying video and “essay” (http://plantsinmotion.bio.indiana.edu/usbg/toc.htm) are excellent, featuring many interesting aspects of plant biology.Open in a separate windowFigure 6.sLowlife is an evocative multimedia essay designed to accompany an exhibit installed at the Chicago Botanic Gardens. It features text and video that reveal interesting aspects of plant biology.High-definition time-lapse photography is far from the only tool available to reveal hard-to-observe activities of plants. Greg Asner and colleagues at the Carnegie Airborne Observatory are using informatics to study the dynamic lives of plants at the community ecology level. The Airborne Observatory uses several impressive computer- and laser-enabled techniques (http://cao.stanford.edu/?page=cao_systems) to scan the landscape at the resolution of single leaves on trees and in modalities that can yield information at the molecular level. These techniques can yield insights into how forests respond to heat or water stress or the introduction of a new species. The site has a gallery of projects that are best started at this page: http://cao.stanford.edu/?page=research&pag=5. Here, they are documenting the effect of the Amazon megadrought on the rain forest. The very simple navigation at the top right consists of 15 numbered squares for the different projects. Each project is worth paging through to understand how versatile these aerial-mapping techniques are. They also have six buttons of video pages (http://cao.stanford.edu/?page=videos) that give you a feel for what it might be like to be in the air while collecting the data (Figure 7).Open in a separate windowFigure 7.The Carnegie Airborne Observatory is a flying lab that can collect real-time aerial data on forests at resolutions smaller than a single leaf on a tree.If this Feature seems to have been too conservative about whether plants have behavior, visit the LINV blog (www.linv.org/blog/category/plant-behavior) of the International Laboratory for Plant Neurobiology. The term “plant neurobiology” may be going too far, but the website presents some interesting science. Another fascinating dimension of plant “behavior” is seed dispersal, from seeds that can burrow, to seeds that “fly,” to seeds that are shot like bullets. A couple of websites have some good information and photos of the myriad designs that have evolved to take advantage of air currents for seed dispersal; see http://waynesword.palomar.edu/plfeb99.htm and http://theseedsite.co.uk/sdwind.html. The previously mentioned PBS Nature series also produced a program on seeds, “The Seedy Side of Plants,” which you can view at www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/episodes/the-seedy-side-of-plants/introduction/1268. ChloroFilms, a worldwide competition for plant videos, is now in its fourth season, with some really good videos (www.chlorofilms.org). If you love plants, work with plants, or have insights into plant biology, you should consider submitting a video!  相似文献   

The influence of maternal preseparation behavior on children's separation behavior was investigated. 72 (36 female, 36 male) 15-18-month-olds met with same-gender age-mates for an 8-min play and 4-min separation session. During the play period, mothers were instructed to interact extensively or minimally with their children, or were given no instructions except to interact normally. The noninstructed group was later divided into an extensive and a minimal group. During the separation period, the effect of previous amount of maternal interaction varied according to mothers' instructions and the gender of the children. Children with mothers who were instructed to interact minimally displayed distress sooner and played less with their age-mates than children with noninstructed minimally interacting mothers. Males with minimally interacting mothers spent more time unoccupied and less time playing alone than did females. The findings demonstrate the varying influence that different instructions to mothers may have on children's separation behavior.  相似文献   

问题行为干预中的正向行为支持   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对学生问题行为的干预方法有很多,本文介绍的正向行为支持(PBS)和功能性行为评价(FBA)对学生的问题行为干预具有重要作用。PBS以行为科学为基础,以关注学生的生活质量为目的,从系统观的角度,强调对学生直接观察来建立实践策略。PBS的目标是通过FBA收集资料,创设积极的学习环境和教学环境,以此来增加社会接受的正向行为,减少和消除问题行为。  相似文献   

积极行为支持源起于应用行为分析,最初是在美国特殊教育领域作为对抗厌恶疗法而出现的一种新的行为干预取向,以多元化的理论视角、强调生态效度、注重预防、主张系统性的改变和重视社会效度为核心特征。学校环境中的积极行为支持是积极行为支持这一干预取向在学校环境中的应用。其基本目标,是通过系统化干预,创设良好学校氛围,促进全体学生学业和社会性的发展。本文概述了学校环境中积极行为支持的四个基本要素(可量化的干预目标,结构化的数据收集系统,全校范围内的三级干预体系以及为干预工作提供保障的系统性支持),梳理了在学校环境中开展积极行为支持应遵循的步骤,特别是较为详细地介绍了作为积极行为支持主体的三级干预体系的开展模式。我国中小学心理健康教育可从积极行为支持中获得以下借鉴:明确心理健康教育的理论指导体系,动员全体教师共同参与渗透式心理健康教育,重视对于数据的收集与应用,为心理健康教育的开展提供系统化的支持,引入某些特色化的干预策略。  相似文献   

为了探讨现场的榜样行为对于当代大学生助人行为是否具有促进作用,本研究采用实验观察法,设置4个相似情境来考察大学生在不同情境下的助人行为情况。结果发现,在有榜样行为的前提下能够激发更多的助人行为,而紧急的情境更能加深助人的程度。  相似文献   

导致学生不道德行为发生的原因很多。从教师不道德行为的角度审视学生不道德行为,以期引起教师群体对自身行为的密切关注。鉴于国内教育理论和实践界对不道德行为的认识比较混乱,厘定“不道德行为”概念。  相似文献   

受整个心理学认知发展趋势的影响,80年代以后越来越多的研究者开始从社会认知的角度来研究儿童的攻击性行为,使这个领域重新成为发展心理学中的一个热点。本文主要介绍道奇的社会信息加工理论是如何分析儿童的攻击性行为及其应用和展望。  相似文献   

Where did you go yesterday?Did you hear1at any of thoseplaces?Today in most stores and restaurants you can hear music.Youmight2hear music in an office or on a farm.Scientists believe thatmusicchanges the3of people’s(举止).According to some scientists,the sound of western(古典的)music makes people4richer.When classical music isplayed in a restaurant,people spend5money on food and drinks.When there is6music,people spend less money.With7music,people spend even less.Scientists also8that loud,fa…  相似文献   

课堂环境下的学习行为是学习者进行知识学习的外在表现形式,对学习行为模式的识别有助于教师把握不同学习群体的特征规律,从而设计差异化教学干预方案,以改善学生的学习成效。在文献分析的基础上,文章首先以苏南某地区J中学的初中生为调查对象进行了问卷调查,并基于分析结果对课堂学习行为进行分类与编码;随后,文章采用聚类分析法对不同学习行为进行序列转换分析,并设计了基于课堂表现数据的学习行为模式识别模型;最后,文章采用滞后序列分析法对不同类型学习者的学习行为序列转换进行分析,挖掘了不同类型学习者存在的问题学习行为,在此基础上设计了基于问题学习行为的教学干预机制,以帮助学习者转换学习行为模式,进而提高学习效果。  相似文献   

功能性行为评估是在应用行为分析的基础上逐步发展起来的一种新的评估方法。本文对功能性行为评估的理论假设和基本操作流程进行了介绍,并在此基础上从对待挑战性行为的态度、评估的侧重点以及干预措施等角度比较了功能性行为评估与传统评估方法的异同。  相似文献   

This experiment investigated the effects of progress self-monitoring on children’s achievement and percepts of self-efficacy in the context of mathematical competency development. Children lacking subtraction skills received didactic instruction in subtraction and practice opportunities. Some children (self-monitoring) monitored their own progress after each training session, whereas others (external monitoring) had their progress monitored by an adult. A third group received no monitoring. Results showed that self- and external monitoring led to significantly higher percepts of efficacy, skill, and persistence compared with no monitoring. The two progress monitoring conditions did not differ significantly on these measures. The utility of self-monitoring procedures in actual classrooms is discussed.  相似文献   

The school-wide application of positive behavior support (PBS) is a prevention-oriented approach to student discipline that is characterized by its focus on defining and teaching behavioral expectations, rewarding appropriate behaviors, continual evaluation of its effectiveness, and the integration of supports for individuals, groups, the school as a whole, and school/family/community partnerships. Although school-wide PBS has been implemented in hundreds of schools thus far, many professionals in education and psychology remain, for the most part, unfamiliar with this proactive alternative for increasing positive student behavior. This article reviews the foundations and core components of school-wide PBS, provides a case example of the implementation and preliminary evaluation of school-wide PBS in an urban middle school, and summarizes critical issues and future research directions in this area of considerable importance to professionals in educational psychology and related fields.  相似文献   

教师课堂行为无论是旨在建立课堂秩序,还是为了实现教育目标,都不能违背法律与伦理要求这一前提.然而教师课堂问题行为恰恰背离了这一要求,从而在更一般的意义上引发教育秩序的混乱.避免教师课堂问题行为的发生,需要防止对学生课堂行为意义的偏差性建构,同时也需要充分认识惩罚在建立课堂秩序方面的限度.  相似文献   

人的特定行为必然产生某种统计学上的事件效应,由此,人的行为效果是可以预见的;人可以针对具体目标进行行为控制,增加有效行为,减少精力、时间和财力的无效支出,增大成功的把握。本文创立行为效应理论,提出正行为、零行为和负行为等一系列概念,又利用相类的数学理论对行为效应理论进行阐释,旨在从理论上论证和澄清行为效应对目标的正、负影响,从而得出规范行为可以有效促进目标实现的具有普遍意义的结论。  相似文献   

1有丝分裂中染色体的行为在有丝分裂中,染色体的行为变化主要有以下几个方面: 1.1复制在有丝分裂过程中,染色体的复制发生在体细胞滋长增大的时期,即有丝分裂的间期.设体细胞中染色体数为2n,DNA分子的含量为2c.复制的结果,每条染色体都变成了一个着丝粒连接的两条姐妹染色单  相似文献   

利用广义Riccati变换和平均不等式技巧,研究了一类三阶非线性泛函微分方程的振动性和渐近性,建立了所述方程一切解振动或者收敛于零的两个新的充分条件,推广和改进了一些文献中的结果.  相似文献   

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