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Mandated disciplinary counseling has been a long‐established practice for many college and university counseling centers. Although the practice is well established, practitioners continue to raise questions about its appropriateness and effectiveness. Student dynamics and other issues influencing the efficacy of mandated counseling are explored. Counseling readiness interventions are recommended to mitigate the types of reactance issues that can be barriers to effective counseling outcomes.  相似文献   

Because of belated attention to gerontology, most counselors concerned with older persons seem to require initial professional development rather than renewal. Development calls for enhancement of both knowledge and attitudes; interrelated areas delineated in this article. Knowledge needed includes stages and tasks encountered over the life span, recognition of individual variations on life-span themes, and specific information on such significant phases as career change, retirement, and death and dying. Attitudes, composed of cognitive and affective elements, may require intensive efforts to supplant stereotypes with unbiased views and appreciative feelings. Consideration is given to the relative merits of coursework, fieldwork, and other experiences in effecting attitudinal change. Programs and courses presently available are indicated and future prospects proposed, toward improvement of professional development in counseling older persons.  相似文献   

This article discusses innovative methods for incorporating both live and videotaped counseling sessions conducted by faculty into a graduate counseling program.  相似文献   

This case study describes the experiences of a Mexican American college student addressing difficulties with academic motivation and social adjustment to college. The authors present a counseling intervention that is ecologically focused and designed to help the student develop critical consciousness regarding ethnic and social class identity.  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,由于竞争的激烈会导致人们之间的冲突、差异,解决的办法之一是树立仁爱的价值观,它是人类文明的核心所在。而圣经中充满了仁爱的价值观,我们不但要学习、了解,更要在生活中时时践行。  相似文献   

University counseling center therapists (N = 220) completed an Internet survey about religion/spirituality in therapy, with 200 of these therapists describing therapy with a recent client whose issues involved religion/spirituality. Common client religion/spirituality issues were questioning one's childhood religion, exploring religion/spirituality beliefs, and using religion/spirituality as a source of strength. Similarity of therapist and client religion/spirituality values was not related to the strength of the therapeutic relationship. Therapists with higher levels of religious commitment tended to rate religion/spirituality goals as more important and use religion/spirituality interventions more frequently than therapists with lower levels of religious commitment. Finally, therapists with more religion/spirituality training had higher self-efficacy for working with religion/spirituality issues. Implications for practice, research, and training are discussed.  相似文献   

In this response, I advocate for the value of considering theory in the design‐based research that Gersten describes in “Behind the Scenes of an Intervention Research Study.” I argue that such an emphasis: is consistent with the literature on design experiments, is integral to advancing knowledge building within domains, serves to advance the work of a field, and supports the dissemination of instructional research. I illustrate these points, drawing upon the research described in the article by Gersten.  相似文献   

高职院校的语文教学,越来越重视听说能力的培养和语文整体素质的全面提高。介绍了让辩论赛走进高职语文课堂的意义、价值、操作方法和应注意的问题,并为高职语文老师提供一点参考。  相似文献   

教学限度在教学实施中,具有适用性、有限性、局限性。教学限度是客观存在的,教学限度具有差异性。当前需要转变观念,建立有限度的教学观;师生互动共同寻求教学限度的“阈值”;以生为本,让学生成为教学限度的调控者。  相似文献   

Research establishes a strong link between contact with nature and enhanced human wellness. Given the potential benefits of nature experiences on enhancing mental health, the authors advocate for a greater inclusion of nature-based approaches into professional practice. A case example and implications for practice are presented.  相似文献   

As they explore counseling theories, students are encouraged to examine their own values, attitudes, and beliefs to find congruence with these theories. This traditional approach inadequately addresses the social injustices that may be perpetuated by selecting theories that further oppress clients and other marginalized communities. Prilleltensky (1997) introduced a social justice paradigm, emancipatory communitarianism, to address the limitations of existing theories on the basis of their underlying values. The authors discuss how incorporating emancipatory communitarianism and values discussions into counseling theories pedagogy can enhance critical thinking and self‐exploration among developing students. Implications for counseling pedagogy, practices, and research are discussed.  相似文献   

深化理论研究提供理论支撑   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
党的十六大把“三个代表”重要思想同马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论一道确立为党必须长期坚持的指导思想,使“三个代表”重要思想的研究工作达到了新高度,提高到了新境界。十六大以来,教育战线兴起了学习贯彻“三个代表”重要思想的新高潮,推动了研究工作的不断深入。教育战线“三个代表”重要思想的研究工作有这样几个明显特点。一是同马克思主义理论的研究紧密结合。“三个代表”重要思想与马列主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论是一脉相承又与时俱进的科学体系。加强“三个代表”重要思想的研究,使我们进一步深化了坚持和巩固马克…  相似文献   

Counselors and advisers at the postsecondary level frequently work with students with disabilities, yet most have had very little training in this area. The authors discuss general interaction guidelines for working with people with disabilities. They also examine 7 themes that frequently arise when counseling or advising students with disabilities and provide suggestions for addressing the issues associated with these themes.  相似文献   

To assist counselors who are supervising students working with clients infected with HIV, this article uses Loganbill, Hardy, and Delworth's (1982) framework to highlight important issues that counselors-in-training are likely to face.  相似文献   


We examined the relations between clients' expectations about counseling and their ratings of working alliance dimensions. Thirty-seven clients seeking individual counseling at university-based counseling facilities completed the Expectations About Counseling-Brief form (EAC-B) prior to their first counseling session and the Working Alliance Inventory (WAI) after their third session. Results of multiple regression analyses revealed that clients' expectations for personal commitment were positively related to their WAI ratings for agreement on tasks and agreement on goals. Expectations for counselor expertise were inversely related to client WAI ratings for agreement on tasks. No significant relations were found for expectations for facilitative conditions or for WAI bond ratings. Implications for counseling and recommendations for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

影响中年教师走进新课程的心理分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
该文章从思维定势、自我防御和服从三个方面,对影响中小学中年教师走进新课程的心理层面进行了初步的探讨.旨在为学校管理者能使中年教师尽快走进新课程提供参考.  相似文献   

The authors assessed 3 of the currently available implicit association tests designed to measure attitudes toward persons with disabilities. The Revised Multiple Disability Implicit Association Test, the Implicit Association Test for Attitudes Toward Athletes With Disabilities, and the Disability Attitude Implicit Association Test were related to each other, demonstrating some consistency in measurement. They were mostly unrelated, however, to more traditional, explicit measures of attitudes toward persons with disabilities. In addition, although the implicit association tests were not related to socially desirable responding, the most psychometrically sound explicit measure (The Interaction With Disabled Persons Scale) was related to socially desirable responding.  相似文献   

美国《时代》周刊报道说,美国职场即将迎来7600万"Y一代"人,这些20多岁的人的特点是:只想做有意义、有用处的事情。在中国,"Y一代"对个人成长的期许以及对工作价值的判断等各个方面都与他们的父辈有着本质的不同,企业要想聘用"Y一代"中的青年才俊,就要充分考虑他们的特点,这样才能把他们留住。  相似文献   

This article addresses three major issues in the training of minority counselor education students: sensitivity to client; cultural differences in counseling; and relationships between the counselor trainee and his or her clients, professors, classmates, and agency–placement supervisors.  相似文献   

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