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TOO MANY QUESTIONSThere was this Christian lady that had to do a lot of traveling for her business so she did a lot of flying. But flying made her nervous so she always took her Bible along with her to read and it helped relax her.One time she was sitting next to a man. When he saw her pull out her Bible he gave a little chuckle (轻笑) and went back to what he was doing. After awhile he turned to her and asked “You don't really believe all that stuff in there do you? ”The lady replied “Of course I do it is the Bible. ”  相似文献   

Imagination Several weeks after a young man had been hired,he was called into the personnel[人事部]director's office. "What is the meaning of this?" the director asked, "when you applied for this job,you told us you had five years of  相似文献   

One day a little girl was sitting and watching her mother do the dishes at the kitchen sink[水槽]. She suddenly noticed that her mother had sev eral strands[绺] of white hair sticking out in con- trast[形成对比] to her dark brown hair. She looked at her mother and asked, "Why are some of your hairs white, Mom?" Her mother replied, "Well, every time you do something wrong and make me cry or unhappy, one of my hairs turns white."  相似文献   

A man went tothe optician(配制眼镜的技师)to have hiseyes tested.The optician sat him down andshowed him a test chart(视力表).  相似文献   

This is kind of scary (吓人的,可怕的), it's a joke, but somehow it all seems to make sense! On the first day God created the cow.  相似文献   

Fit WitHoping to lose some weight, a friend was counting calories (卡路里), reducing her fat in-take(摄人量) and walking her dog twice a day, steadily increasing the distance. But after a month she had only lost one pound. A short time later she brought the dog to the vet (兽医) for a checkup."Is your dog eating well? " the puzzled vet asked. He's lost ten pounds.  相似文献   

Math,Physics,& PhilosophyDean,to the physics department.”Why do I always haveto give you guys so much money.for laboratories and expen-sive equipment and stuff.Why couldn’t you be like the mathdepartment-all they need is money for pencils,paper andwaste-paper baskets.or even better.like the philosophy de-partment.All they need are pencils and paper.”  相似文献   

Boss’s idea When my printer’s type began to go faint,I called a repair shopwhere a friendly man told me that the printer probably needed only tobe cleaned.Because the shop charged 50 pounds for such clean-ings,he told me,it would be better for me to read the printer’s di-rections and try the job myself.Pleasantly surprised by his words,Iasked.”Does your boss know that you discou rage business?””Actually it’s my boss’s idea,”the employee replied”Weusually make more money on repairs if we let people try to repairthings themselves first.”  相似文献   

(一) In Chinese class, the headteacher said to the whole class, "Remember, everybody! Rome could't have been founded within one day! " Certainly his words are quite reasonable. That's to say, all the students should study harder. However, what is interesting is that the next class is a history lesson. By the middle of  相似文献   

-,HalftheTimeAmotherwastalkingtoherlittleboy熏“Now熏Billy熏youshouldn’tbeselfwithyourtoys.I’vetoldyoutoletyouryoungerbrotherplaywiththemhalfthetime.”“That’swhatI’vebeendoing熏”saidBilly,“Itakethesleddoingdownhill熏andhetakesitgoingup.”玩一半时间一位母亲对她的孩子说:“听着,比利,你在使用玩具上不应该那样自私。我已经跟你说过要让弟弟玩一半时间。”“我一直就是这样做的呀,”比利说,“我把雪橇滑下去,然后他再拿上来。”YouCan’tFlyTeacher押Ihearyouliveclosetotheriverbutyouneverlearnedtoswim.…  相似文献   

Football Wedding Two guys are talking about their boss's upcoming wedding.One says, “It's ridiculous. He's rich  相似文献   

we just go off route 119 Sitting on the side of the highway waiting to catch speedingdrivers.a State Police Officer sees a car puttering along at 22MPH.He thinks to himself,“This driver is just as dangerous asa speeder!”So he turns on his lights and pulls the driver over.  相似文献   

That Man Knows the FutureNasreddin was cutting a branch of a tree inhis garden.While he was sawing,another manpassed in the street.He stopped and said,  相似文献   

Taking a Taxi The old lady was going to take a taxi."Driver," she said, "I want you to take me to the station.""Yes, madam," said the driver.  相似文献   

Ike:Myroofleaks.Mike:Whydontyoufixit?Ike:Canttoday,itspouringdownrain.Mike:Whydontyoufixitwhenitstopsraining?Ike:Becauseitdoesntleakthen.幽默(英文)@连琴  相似文献   

Spend All Mr Black gave his wife money every Friday evening, but she always spent it before the next Wednesday, so that for the next three days she had none. Every Tuesday evening Mr Black asked her,  相似文献   

A statistician wanted to take a plane to SanFrancisco,but he was very afraid of bombs.Hegathered some figures and did some calcula-tions.He found that the probability of having  相似文献   

One day a lady saw a mouse running across her kitchen floor.Shewas very afraid of m ice,so she ran out of the house,got in a taxi andwentdown to the shop.There she boughta m ouse-trap.The shopkeepersaid to her,“Putsom e cheese in it,and you w illsoon cat…  相似文献   

When Mr Jones went to restaurant one day,he left his coat near the door.There was nothing in the pockets of the coat when he left it, so he was very surprised when he  相似文献   

ice cream:凡荣登“翻译优胜榜”者,均可获得一份好礼!所以请参与者务必写清真实姓名、详细地址和邮政编码。Not So Easy The four-year-old was absolutely fascinated with his grandfather's false teeth.After staring trans- fixed whlie they were re-  相似文献   

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