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<正>幼儿园科学教育活动的设计是对科学教育活动的各个要素进行处理,从而形成特定的相互关系的过程。即对科学教育活动的基本要素,包括目标、内容、教材、学习活动、媒介、时间、空间和环境、教学方法等,按一定的方式进行编制和处理。科学教育活动设计根据其操作性和具体化的不同,可以分为不同的层次。科学教育活动设计是指具体教育活动层次的设计,是根据已经拟定的计划或目标,对某一具体科学教育活动进行的设计。幼儿园科学教育活动包括预定性科学教育活动、选择性科学教育活动和偶发性科学教育  相似文献   

幼儿科学教育日益受到关注与重视,而教师在组织科学教育活动的过程中则存在着诸多的困惑与问题.本文从教师的实践需求出发,对幼儿科学活动中的"探究"进行了解读,并对幼儿科学教育活动内容的选择、科学教育活动中的"科学性"问题、核心科学概念以及科学探究活动的过程等问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

幼儿科学教育活动中值得探讨的几个基本问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
幼儿科学教育日益受到关注与重视,而教师在组织科学教育活动的过程中则存在着诸多的困惑与问题。本文从教师的实践需求出发,对幼儿科学活动中的“探究”进行了解读,并对幼儿科学教育活动内容的选择、科学教育活动中的“科学性”问题、核心科学概念以及科学探究活动的过程等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

幼儿科学教育活动,是幼儿通过教育接受科学知识的主要途径。幼儿科学教育生活化,是让幼儿科学教育活动贴近幼儿实际生活。众所周知,幼儿的生活经验和思维能力刚刚开启,对事物和现象的本质非常模糊。因此,教师在幼儿科学教育活动中,需要将科学教育活动与幼儿日常生活及生活现象紧密联系,利用幼儿的现有生活资源认识科学,才能最大限度地培养幼儿对科学的兴趣,激发幼儿科学的思维方式。  相似文献   

陶行知的"生活即教育"是其教育思想的核心。幼儿的科学活动不是被动地接受科学,完全是自己主动地探索科学,在生活中进行教育,在教育中进行生活。因此,运用"生活即教育"理论,以大班科学活动"杯子叠叠乐"为例,从"科学活动内容的选择来源于生活;科学活动的开展融合于生活;科学活动知识的转化回归于生活"这三方面来阐述如何将这一理论运用到教育实践中。  相似文献   

科学教育活动作为一项重要的人类活动,对于培养健全人格,促进人的全面发展有十分巨大的作用。幼儿教育体系中包含科学教育活动的诸多因素,是我国科学教育的重要载体,在提升幼儿探究能力与创新精神,促进幼儿的全面发展方面扮演着重要角色。本文旨在从家庭教育资源角度出发,在相关教育理论的指导下,对幼儿科学教育活动中科学高效应用家庭教育资源的方法进行探究,以期为科学教育活动实践的开展提供借鉴,实现幼儿的健康全面发展。  相似文献   

在幼儿园开展科学教育活动,是对幼儿进行科学素养的早期培养,教育的内容应包括科学知识、科学方法和科学精神。教师在对活动进行设计与指导的过程中,要结合幼儿的学习科学的心理特点,引导学生主动探究科学知识。本文对幼儿园科学教育活动设计时应注意的事项进行分析,并就幼儿园科学教育活动的设计与指导策略进行探讨。  相似文献   

为了使幼儿科学活动真正成为对幼儿的启蒙教育,进行幼儿科学活动生活化的探索是非常必要的。我们从选择贴近幼儿生活化的科学教育内容人手,密切联系幼儿的实际生活,将科学教育活动渗透于日常生活中,并创设自然化的科学教育活动环境,引导幼儿观察身边的科学事物和现象,以及充分利用家长、社区资源,使幼儿在与生活经验、社会自然密切相关的科学实践活动中,培养幼儿对科学的兴趣。从而让幼儿的科学活动生活化,来源于生活,回归生活,使科学教育真正融人生活之中。  相似文献   

物理与学前科学教育活动指导课程整合优化要对准幼师专业特点,对接幼儿园科学教育活动的需求,全面优化幼师物理课程,提高物理教学实效;注重发挥科学教育活动指导课的衔接作用;加强任课理科教师幼师专业化。从这三方面探讨学前教育专业科学课程中最关键的两门课程物理和学前科学教育活动指导的整合优化的策略,以促进幼师生科学教育素养的形成和教育教学能力的提高。  相似文献   

1997年,我们上海市常熟幼儿园实施了一项以科学教育为手段,以培养幼儿认知能力为目标的实验研究。研究结果表明,幼儿科学教育实施的整个过程,需要儿童各种认知能力的积极参与,反过来幼儿认知能力的提高又为进一步深化科学教育奠定了基础。该实验研究还初步构建了由正规科学教育活动与非正规科学教育活动组成的幼儿科学教育课程模式。本文仅对正规科学教育活动与非正规科学教育活动的内涵及相互关系谈点自己的看法。正规科学教育活动是教师根据幼儿认知发展水平和科学教育的目标与任务,选择一个单元内容,引导幼儿主动探索,从而使幼儿获得科学知识及方法的一种学习活  相似文献   

In response to Tali and Yarden’s presentation of their efforts to teach socioscientific issues, the discussants address issues of authentic versus simulated activities; teachers as learners or co-creators with their students; educating people to contribute to science-based decisionmaking; the development of such socioscientific competence; the relationship between group or participatory processes and individual development; framing real world cases for every age of student; making space to delve into the historical and social background to any scientific theory, practice, or application; educating teachers who can coach students in socioscientific inquiry; and facing off against the traditional and resurgent emphasis on highstakes, content-oriented testing of students in science.  相似文献   

The Universidade de Caxias do Sul (UCS) elaborated the cooperative project called ‘The engineer of the future’, with the objective of promoting science and engineering among high school teachers and students. This project aims to improve the quality of the teaching and to increase the interest of students in technological areas, leading to a future career in engineering. The activities of this project were planned to give meaning and foundation to the teaching–learning process of science and for the application of theory in the solution of real problems, while articulating scientific, economic, environmental, social and political aspects and also to reinforce the important role of engineering in society. Amongst the activities to be offered to high school teachers and students are a specialisation course for teachers based upon new educational methodologies, workshops in different areas of science and technology, a programme entitled ‘Encouraging girls in technology, science and engineering’, science fairs and visits to the industries of the region. Activities with the engineering instructors of UCS are also being developed in order to help them to incorporate in their classes more effective pedagogical strategies for educating the engineer-to-be.  相似文献   

本文从我国基础教育实际出发,主张充分发扬东方人特有的整体思维优势将系统科学、思维科学特别是复杂性科学引入到教育领域中来.以系统的眼光、整体视野对智能开发与人才培养进行系统研究,整体开发,全面培养,综合创新,使教育能按照科学发展观的要求实现科学育人的目的。  相似文献   

ICT教育与科学技术密切相关,科学性是其基本属性。但除此之外,作为教育的子集,ICT教育应当还与道德性和艺术性相关,才能体现出其“育人”的本质。这三种特征亦决定了人们对ICT教育中各种活动的把握方式。本文将从科学性、道德性和艺术性三个方面具体阐述其在ICT教育中的实践和意义。  相似文献   

Technology stems from science. Science represents important and specific values in the whole of human culture. The history of scientific and philosophical ideas is an exciting and thrilling story with an open end. Such topics can contribute to educating the whole and balanced engineer.  相似文献   

培养创新意识挖掘创造潜能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了培养创新人才,哈尔滨工业大学实施学院借鉴美国MIT工程教育,转变观念,设立“创新学分制”,充分发挥学生的主动性,激发学生的创新意识,并阐述了学生参加科研活动对培养创新能力所起到的重要作用和成效。  相似文献   

范叶云 《成才之路》2021,(14):52-53
教师在科学课教学过程中,要重视课外科技创新活动的开展,以增加学生对科学知识的积累,唤起学生的科学兴趣,提高学生的科学素养。要注重方式多样化,发掘课外科技活动的潜力;注重创新自主化,增强课外科技活动的活力;注重活动系列化,提高课外科技活动的吸引力;注重活动实践化,加大课外科技活动的动力。  相似文献   

In this essay I offer a set of characteristic scientific activities, accompanied by principles to be used as guides in performing these activities, and dispositions that are desirable for the person performing these activities to have. This set is intended to provide a rough and ready elaboration of scientific thinking as a goal for our schools and colleges.
Although they are here labeled scientific, they are intended to apply to other activities than doing what is standardly called science. This wider application is part of the justification for offering science in our schools and colleges. We want people to think scientifically about many other aspects of their lives, as well as about science content.
There is no suggestion that science content is not important, nor that scientific thinking should be taught apart from science content. In fact I think that a very good way to teach scientific thinking is by infusing such instruction in the instruction of science content. See Swartz (1987) for a discussion of infusion, and Ennis, (1985, 1989, 1990) for treatments of the subject-specificity issue that is generally raised when thinking and content are discussed.
This essay contains one brief case study that exemplifies most of the activities, principles, and dispositions suggested as goals for the schools. I realize that the validity and comprehensiveness of these goals has not been here demonstrated. The scientists, science educators, philosophers of science, and critical thinking specialists to whom1 have shown them are in general agreement about them, but the ultimate test will be in whether the goals are widely adopted and successfully serve as guidance in the promotion of scientific thinking.
I hope that this elaboration of scientific thinking and its formulation in terms of a suggested set of goals are "dear and precise as is needed in the situation".  相似文献   

新教员应从强化首位意识 ,矢志三尺讲台 ;强化改革意识 ,更新教育观念 ;强化精业意识 ,苦练育人硬功 ;强化科技意识 ,培养科研能力等四个方面锻就执教硬功 ,走好育才之路  相似文献   

Contemporary policy statements from government and reforms to science curricula in schools emphasise the importance of educating a scientifically literate public for democratic participation in science and technology. While such an aspiration is seemingly uncontentious and appears consistent with progressive educational thinking, the reality of democratic participation is problematic. I propose four frameworks for describing democratic participation in schools. The first two – deficit and deliberative democracy – fulfil a limited role for democratic participation. ‘Science education as praxis’ and ‘science education for conflict and dissent’ present more radical programmes but reflect tensions with the dominant discourse of scientific literacy and citizenship as reflected in school curricula. To operationalise aspects of democratic participation, teachers need to make explicit the role of scientific knowledge and decision‐making within each framework. While radical change is likely to meet with resistance, this process will in turn generate new discourses about the problems and opportunities of democratic participation.  相似文献   

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