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Establishing stability, defined as observing minimal measurement error in a test-retest assessment, is vital to validating psychometric tools. Correlational methods, such as Pearson product-moment, intraclass, and kappa are tests of association or consistency, whereas stability or reproducibility (regarded here as synonymous) assesses the agreement between test-retest scores. Indexes of reproducibility using the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ; Duda & Nicholls, 1992) were investigated using correlational (Pearson product-moment, intraclass, and kappa) methods, repeated measures multivariate analysis of variance, and calculating the proportion of agreement within a referent value of +1 as suggested by Nevill, Lane, Kilgour, Bowes, and Whyte (2001). Two hundred thirteen soccer players completed the TEOSQ on two occasions, 1 week apart. Correlation analyses indicated a stronger test-retest correlation for the Ego subscale than the Task subscale. Multivariate analysis of variance indicated stability for ego items but with significant increases in four task items. The proportion of test-retest agreement scores indicated that all ego items reported relatively poor stability statistics with test-retest scores within a range of +1, ranging from 82.7–86.9%. By contrast, all task items showed test-retest difference scores ranging from 92.5–99%, although further analysis indicated that four task subscale items increased significantly. Findings illustrated that correlational methods (Pearson product-moment, intraclass, and kappa) are influenced by the range in scores, and calculating the proportion of agreement of test-retest differences with a referent value of +1 could provide additional insight into the stability of the questionnaire. It is suggested that the item-by-item proportion of agreement method proposed by Nevill et al. (2001) should be used to supplement existing methods and could be especially helpful in identifying rogue items in the initial stages of psychometric questionnaire validation.  相似文献   

本文以武汉市普通中学的58名高中一年级学生和本地区大专院校的52名97级专科学生作为被试,对《运动中任务定向和自我定向问卷》与《学业中的任务定向和自我定向问卷》进行了初步检验。  相似文献   


The Sport Orientation Questionnaire (SOQ) was developed as a multidimensional, sport-specific measure of individual differences in sport achievement orientation. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses revealed a stable, three-factor structure across three separate samples of university and high school students. The three separate but related subscales of competitiveness, win, and goal orientation demonstrate high internal consistency and stability over time. The SOQ competitiveness score differentiates students in competitive activities from those in noncompetitive activities, providing evidence for construct validity. The overall factor stability, reliability and validity evidence suggests that the SOQ can be a valuable measure for the investigation of competitiveness and achievement behavior in sport and exercise settings.  相似文献   

探讨传统语词干扰任务是否可以移植到运动员群体。试验一采用语词干扰任务,30 名运动员分成6 min 无干扰基线组、6 min 语词干扰组、 9 min 语词干扰组,探讨干扰时间与损耗效应关系。结果:3 组在Stroop 任务表现上不存在差异;完成任务的主观难度和努力程度不存在差异。试 验二采用新研制的9 min 比赛录像干扰任务,20 名运动员分成9 min 无干扰基线组和9 min 比赛录像干扰组,探讨比赛录像干扰任务与损耗效 应关系。结果:与无干扰基线组相比,比赛录像干扰组完成任务的主观难度和努力程度更高,Stroop 任务上的色词不匹配反应时更长。这提示,新 研制的比赛录像干扰任务是诱发运动员损耗效应的有效手段,该结果为运动领域的自我损耗研究提供方法学上的贡献。  相似文献   

自我不仅仅具有意识的规定性,而是表现为身与心的统一,超越则是对自我的一种扬弃。人非特定化的特点构成了自我与超越关系运行的逻辑起点,人的需要是自我与超越关系运行的动力,认识自我与超越自我是人类追求自由的基本途径。体育活动从根本上来看就是人在肯定自我基础上对自我的一种批判和扬弃,对自我与超越关系从哲学的角度加以剖析将进一步加深我们对体育文化实质的认识。  相似文献   

本文的目的是验证自主选择在认知失调与运动员自我损耗之间是否起到调节作用.40名大学生运动员(男:36名,女:4名,年龄为M=20.170,SD=1.186岁.)参与该研究,本实验采用2×2两因素组间设计,首先让各组完成5min不同的认知失调任务,然后测试各组在Stroop任务上的成绩.结果发现:认知失调只有在控制选择情况下比控制组在不一致错误数更多,F(1,18) =13.50,p=0.002,η2=0.429;而在自主选择情况下,其在Stroop任务成绩上差异均不显著,F(4,15) =2.834,p=0.062,η2=0.430.从研究结果可知:认知失调使运动员产生自我损耗的条件为控制选择,而在自主选择条件下,认知失调不会产生自我损耗,即自主选择在认知失调与运动员自我损耗关系间起调节作用.  相似文献   

The Shoulder posterior circumflex humeral artery Pathology and digital Ischemia – questionnaire (SPI-Q) has been developed to enable periodic surveillance of elite volleyball players, who are at risk for digital ischemia. Prior to implementation, assessing reliability is mandatory. Therefore, the test-retest reliability and agreement of the SPI-Q were evaluated among the population at risk.

A questionnaire survey was performed with a 2-week interval among 65 elite male volleyball players assessing symptoms of cold, pale and blue digits in the dominant hand during or after practice or competition using a 4-point Likert scale (never, sometimes, often and always). Kappa (κ) and percentage of agreement (POA) were calculated for individual symptoms, and to distinguish symptomatic and asymptomatic players. For the individual symptoms, κ ranged from “poor” (0.25) to “good” (0.63), and POA ranged from “moderate” (78%) to “good” (97%). To classify symptomatic players, the SPI-Q showed “good” reliability (κ = 0.83; 95%CI 0.69–0.97) and “good” agreement (POA = 92%). The current study has proven the SPI-Q to be reliable for detecting elite male indoor volleyball players with symptoms of digital ischemia.  相似文献   

This article challenges measurement specialists and other physical education and exercise science professionals to explore alternative models that are not based on classical test theory. Examples illustrate how the many-facet Rasch model has been used to solve measurement problems associated with performance assessments in the fields of medicine, business, and sport. A second challenge calls for more collaborative research efforts that address measurement problems in physical education and exercise science. The measurement subdiscipline will advance in the 21st century if these challenges are met.  相似文献   

笔者从信息化社会教育的特点将对当代体育大学生的自我意识产生的影响来讨论体育大学生自我意识的教育和 培养工作,应积极面对这一转换,并更加自觉地掌握其新的特点和规律、引导和帮助大学生完成自我意识的转变和新 生。  相似文献   

目的:编制青少年体育核心价值观问卷,并检验其信效度。方法:根据前期扎根理论成果,结合文献资料和专家访谈法形成初始问卷,以初测对象306名青少年对初始问卷进行项目分析和探索性因素分析;以复测对象260名青少年对复测问卷进行验证性因素分析、信效度检验后形成正式问卷。结果:青少年体育核心价值观问卷共包含35个条目,分属健康、道德、能力、安全、交往、竞争、精神、终身价值观8个维度,共解释总变异的67.357%;验证性因素分析结果表明,问卷拟合指数良好(χ2/df=1.98,GFI=0.89,CFI=0.95,IFI=0.96,NNFI=0.93,RMSEA=0.056);总问卷内部一致性达0.95,各维度α系数介于0.77-0.954,重测信度介于0.763-0.938;效度分析各维度之间以及分维度与总问卷之间相关性显著。结论:本探究所编青少年体育核心价值观问卷具有良好的通俗性、区分度、信度和效度,可以作为我国青少年体育核心价值观的测评工具。  相似文献   

The goal of the current study was to establish the factor validity of the Questionnaire Assessing School Physical Activity Environment (Robertson-Wilson, Lévesque, & Holden, 2007 Robertson-Wilson, J., Lévesque, L. and Holden, R. R. 2007. Development of a questionnaire assessing school physical activity environment. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 11: 93107. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) using confirmatory factor analysis procedures. Another goal was to establish internal reliability and test–retest reliability. The confirmatory factor analysis results of this study supported a slightly altered version of the Questionnaire Assessing School Physical Activity Environment's school physical activity environment subscale. Internal reliability was adequate, while test–retest reliability was questionable. In brief, the pattern of findings indicated that while the original Questionnaire Assessing School Physical Activity Environment is likely adequate for some research purposes, a slightly modified version (Questionnaire Assessing School Physical Activity Environment-R) was psychometrically stronger. However, given the distinct differences in samples used in the original validation study and the current study, more research on the psychometric properties of the Questionnaire Assessing School Physical Activity Environment is needed to determine if the current results and Robertson-Wilson et al.'s (2007 Robertson-Wilson, J., Lévesque, L. and Holden, R. R. 2007. Development of a questionnaire assessing school physical activity environment. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 11: 93107. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) results are sample specific.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to determine the test-retest reliability of existing tests of health-related fitness. Participants (mean age 14.8 years, s?=?0.4) were 42 boys and 26 girls who completed the study assessments on two occasions separated by one week. The following tests were conducted: bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) to calculate percent body fat, leg dynamometer, 90° push-up, 7-stage sit-up, and wall squat tests. Intra-class correlation (ICC), paired samples t-tests, and typical error expressed as a coefficient of variation were calculated. The mean percent body fat intra-class correlation coefficient was similar for boys (ICC?=?0.95) and girls (ICC?=?0.93), but the mean coefficient of variation was considerably higher for boys than girls (22.2% vs. 12.2%). The boys' coefficients of variation for the tests of muscular fitness ranged from 9.0% for the leg dynamometer test to 26.5% for the timed wall squat test. The girls' coefficients of variation ranged from 17.1% for the sit-up test to 21.4% for the push-up test. Although the BIA machine produced reliable estimates of percent body fat, the tests of muscular fitness resulted in high systematic error, suggesting that these measures may require an extensive familiarization phase before the results can be considered reliable.  相似文献   

为了更好地了解运动员的心理韧性水平,编制运动员心理韧性问卷。通过对世界级水平冠军运动员的访谈,根据提及人数编码的权重,编制了运动员心理韧性问卷初卷,对158名运动员进行施测,进行项目分析和探索性因素分析,形成17个题目的运动员心理韧性个人力分问卷和18个题目的运动员社会支持分问卷。其中个人力分问卷包含观察学习、挫折中成长、不放弃努力、积极认知和未来取向五个因子,方差累积贡献率为72.78%,问卷内部一致性系数为0.93。社会支持分问卷包括教练支持、家人支持和团队支持三个因子,累计贡献率为61.17%,问卷内部一致性系数为0.92。对333名运动员进行正式施测,通过对两个分问卷进行验证性因素分析,结果表明两个分问卷拟合指数均达到测量学标准,表明问卷具有较好的结构效度。运动员心理韧性问卷具有良好的信、效度,可以作为运动员心理韧性水平的有效测量工具。运动员的心理韧性状况较高,应注重提高我国运动员的观察学习和社会支持,以提高我国运动员的心理韧性水平。  相似文献   

避免过度训练的最佳方法是系统的监测和有效的预防。Kellmann&Kallus研制的运动员运动员应激-恢复问卷(RESTQ76-Sport)是一个简单、有效的监测过度训练的心理学量具。对RESTQ76-Sport量表的跨文化检验结果显示,两种文化背景中,运动员过度训练的主观感受的因素结构不同。  相似文献   

采用标准化的问卷编制程序,编制了《中国射击运动员恢复——应激问卷》,并对该问卷的信、效度进行了检验,结果表明,中国射击运动员恢复——应激问卷具有较高的信、效度,该问卷由应激和恢复两个因子组成。应激因子由情绪应激、休息受干扰、社会应激、心理耗竭、疲劳5个分量表组成,恢复因子由总体感觉良好、身体健康、睡眠质量、社会支持、自我调节、自我效能6个分量表组成  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、逻辑推理等方法,比较系统地论述了比赛需要的基本内涵与特征,比赛需要的导向作用与训练要和比赛需要的训练学要点。  相似文献   

肖春梅 《中国体育科技》2012,48(3):100-103,128
目的:研究不同平衡训练方法对提高老年人抗摔倒平衡能力影响.方法:通过对36名分为单项平衡训练组(ST)、固定双重任务训练组(FP)和不定双重任务训练组(VP)健康老年人(70.65±5.48岁),进行为期8周、每周3次、每次45min的不同方法的平衡训练.在训练前、后分别进行BBS、TUG、ABC、SOT、LOS指标测试,进行统计分析讨论.结果:在CDP标准测试条件下SOT、BBS、ABC测试,3组训练后都有显著提高,P<0.05,FP、VP组比单项任务组明显高,FP组P<0.05、VP组P<0.001.LOS测试,3个对照组测试结果无统计学显著性差异.TUG测试,3组训练后都有显著降低,P<0.05,FP、VP组比单项任务组明显降低,FP组P<0.05、VP组P<0.001.VP组比FP组测试指标表现出更好的平衡功能.结论:单项任务的平衡训练可以使老年人在双重任务条件下的表现部分提高,而双重任务条件下的平衡训练表现能更好地优化老年人在双重任务条件下的稳定性.VP条件下双重任务训练,注意力同时分配在认识与平衡任务上,是最佳化提高老年人平衡功能、防摔倒的训练方法.  相似文献   

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