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康德从质、量、关系、情状四个契机对美进行了分析,得出鉴赏是关联着想象力的自由的合规律性的对于对象的判定能力,从而构成主体心意诸能力中的想象力成为产生美的不可缺少的因素。又自由即美,美即游戏,那么想象力的自由游戏即美。本文试图以康德的审美四契机为出发点来进一步论证其美即想象力的自由游戏观点。  相似文献   

世纪之交,以长达80年之久的有关"大学如何影响本科生"研究的成果为基础,美国本科教育质量评估的路径发生了重大转变:从以资源和声誉评估为主导转变到以学生为中心的教育实践的评估。本文评述了这一转变的历史,并以NSSE为例介绍了这一新方法的具体运用。在此基础上,进一步分析了其内在逻辑及其价值,并指出这一质量标准及其评估方法对改进我国本科教育评估工作的意义。  相似文献   

This mixed-methods study focuses on narratives that undergraduates tell about pivotal moments (i.e., turning points) in their prior history with math. A key objective was to examine whether these turning points would be associated with participants’ current math affect, math motivation, and future plans with math. Undergraduate participants (N = 210) completed quantitative measures assessing math anxiety, math self-expectancy, and math value, and also wrote narratives about a turning point with math and their future math plans. Thematic analysis revealed four themes in the math turning point narratives: (1) redemption, (2) contamination, (3) consistently positive, and (4) consistently negative. Quantitative analyses indicated that participants who wrote consistently positive narratives reported significantly lower math anxiety and higher math self-expectancy and math value relative to participants who wrote other types of narratives. Further, participants who wrote consistently negative turning point narratives were more likely to indicate that they would avoid math in the future. These results suggest that an individual’s memory of their early math experiences can color their math affect, math motivation, and plans for pursuing math in the future, even years after the experience has occurred. Implications for math education are discussed.  相似文献   

Positive turning points touch upon the essence of education. They epitomize its power and reflect its core agenda: maximizing human capital. Paradoxically, previous studies have not looked into this important phenomenon. The current exploratory study fills this lacuna by building on extensive empirical research of key educational experiences to shed light on four aspects of turning points in students' educational careers. Data come from a sample of 3045 key educational experiences. The article uses a narrative analysis to describe four features in students' changing trajectories, suggesting that the opportunities to experience a positive turning point are organizationally produced and socially distributed to the advantage of higher socio‐economic status students. It is concluded with pointers for policy and practice and opens up questions for future studies in this important domain.  相似文献   

电大《现代文学》辅导课教学,要讲究集中性、独创性和灵活性。其艺术性体现在:丢卒保车,即抓住要点,紧扣特点,突出重点;避旧趋新,即有新见解,取新角度,立新格局;化死为活,即做到方法灵活、语言鲜活、风格松活。  相似文献   

This study examines friendships that have ended. Five recalled trajectories for dissolved friendships were found. Certain turning points were generally associated with increases in friendship closeness, while others were associated with decreases in closeness. In addition, gender differences were found for several of the turning points reported. Implications are discussed for interpersonal communication research based on a traditional linear conceptualization of relational development and deterioration.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代以来,西方哲学界流行着一股城市批判理论的“空间转向”思潮。由这股思潮催生的空间研究范式认为,城市空间不是一种纯地理学概念,而是个体生存状况和社会正义状况的一种哲学阐释。城市空间的理论属性表现为自然属性与社会属性、物质属性和精神属性的统一;其主要问题是以正义和活力为核心要素的空间秩序问题。厘清上述问题,对于分析和解决我国城市问题具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

新课程的价值追求与语文教学的转型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世纪之交,基础教育课程改革在世界范围内受到了前所未有的重视,我国的教育发展也进入了一个崭新的课程改革时代。课程改革要求语教学必须走出过去目标单一、过程僵化、方式机械的“生产模式”,在追求教育民主、国际理解、回归生活、关爱自然和个性发展等课程理念的基础上,以《语课程标准》为依据,重建语知识教学观、阅读分析观、作教学观以及口语交际教学观等,加强语教学与现代教育技术的整合,努力实现语新课程教学的转型。  相似文献   

运用松弛匹配方法的基本思想,给出了用汉字轮廓点的差分作为轮廓跟踪及折断点选择的算法,提高了轮廓折线化速度;分类按汉字四周的外轮廓线分三级进行匹配,提出了动态有序弹性匹配方法,使全域松弛匹配得以在局部区域进行,从而有效地提高了匹配速度;在进行第一级初分类时,采用多个模块,有效地提高了按偏旁位置分布进行分类的正确率;最后利用内轮廓折射与字典逐字匹配,达到对离线手写印刷体汉字识别的目的。  相似文献   

国际教师教育范式转移及其哲学基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪80年代以来,国际教师教育研究与实践出现了一种话语上的转向,这种转向实际是教师教育范式的转移。新的教师教育范式在目标确定、组织管理和课程教学等方面都呈现出新特征。与建立在客观主义哲学基础上的传统教师教育范式不同,新的教师教育范式以主观主义哲学为基础,两种哲学对知识与人性的不同看法是两种教师教育范式差异的根源。  相似文献   

21世纪将是国际互联网规模和速度发展最快的时期.电力线宽带接入网络具有无需任何布线、高速传输、服务范围广、质量高、效果好、价格低、使用方便等优点.因此,PLC技术将是突破Internet普及瓶颈的重要技术之一.  相似文献   

改进传统的活动形状模型法,准确地提取人脸特征点后,利用人脸特征点初步估计人脸姿态,以初步估计值为初始值,通过线性回归迭代算法,精确估计3D人脸空间姿态。实验结果表明,本文提出的新方法不仅可以获得稳定和唯一的3D人脸空间姿态.而且与同类方法比较具有较好的姿态估计精确度。  相似文献   

This study employed turning point analysis to examine developing mentor relationships and the association between mentor relationships and individual‐organizational relationships. Graduate students from three communication departments reported turning points which they experienced during the early development of their mentor relationships. Findings indicated that many turning points occurred of which have previously been assumed to occur in later stages of relationship development. Some types of turning points were associated with greater changes in identification with the mentors. Others were associated with greater changes in identification with the departments. Results call broad phase models of mentor relational development into question. Secondly, results indicate that mentor relationships are not necessarily associated with individual‐organizational relationships. Mentor relationships, then, should not be assumed to benefit organizations.  相似文献   

考虑了一类具有转向点的奇摄动二阶线性边值问题。在一阶导数的系数分别具有一个和两个零点,即转向点的情形下,分析可能出现的角层现象,并用匹配渐近展开法导出该问题的零次近似复合展开式。  相似文献   

试论我国破产程序启动机制的不足与完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
破产程序的开始与进行有赖于一定的破产启动机制。我国现行破产法确立的完全申请主义启动机制,存在着明显的不足和缺陷。我们应在申请主义为主、职权主义为辅的整体构架下,进一步完善和充实原有的破产申请主体制度,形成一种开放式、多元化、外向型的启动机制。  相似文献   

Understanding the reasons that individuals drop out of high school is fundamental to improving intervention efforts to promote graduation. The authors present a mixed methods analysis of the reasons individuals drop out of high school before graduating. Using a survey methodology with young adults who left school before graduating (N?=?1,047, M age?=?21.5?years, SD?=?2.2 years, age range =18–25 years), the authors assessed ongoing life stressors, as well as the turning points individuals identified as the top reason for why they left school. Qualitative analysis provided seven categories of turning points: mobility, family, peers, school engagement and environment, health, crime, and multiple categories. More than half of respondents indicated that the reason they dropped out was related to school engagement and environment. Results showed differences across profiles of lived experiences, reported turning points, and sex.  相似文献   

普通高校成人高等教育发展的战略思考和实践探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新时期成人高等教育发展已进入一个新的转折点,在新的历史起点上,成人高等教育如何以科学发展观为统领,实现自身的可持续发展,必须在科学定位、特色创新和铸造品牌上下功夫,在不断优化中创造新的辉煌。  相似文献   

秦至汉魏时期民众岁时观念在继承前代思想的基础上 ,呈现出新的时代特性。虽然人们在时间生活的总体上仍依循着自然时序 ,但岁时信仰中的神秘因素在向日益世俗的方向发展 ,先秦岁时的政治指令性质也逐渐转变为社会规范的性质  相似文献   

不同的历史时期,经济环境,文化内涵导致了祥林嫂与海丝特·白兰性格发展和命运走向的不同。本文在浅析两位女主人公差异的基础上,着重透视了它们所面临的男权主义统治的共同背景,从而揭示出她们丧失自我主体成为物化了的附庸的共同本质,以及他们成为男性文化下贞洁、禁欲等女性价值观念的牺牲品的共同遭遇;并剖析出作者本身在深切关注女性生存状态的同时不自觉流露出的男权意识。  相似文献   

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