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The Mastery Learning Program was initiated in the City Colleges of Chicago to improve student achievement levels and reduce course attrition rates. During the first year, 37 instructors implemented these new instructional techniques in introductory courses in nine subject areas. Data were gathered from 77 classes involving 2,249 students. Results indicate that in most of the subject areas, students in mastery classes scored higher on final examinations, attained higher course grades, and were less likely to withdraw than students taught by more traditional methods.  相似文献   

The study describes teachers' collective work in which they developed deeper understanding of their own students' mathematical thinking. Teachers at one school met in monthly workgroups throughout the year. Prior to each workgroup, they posed a similar mathematical problem to their students. The workgroup discussions centered on the student work those problems generated. This study draws on a transformation of participation perspective to address the questions: What do teachers learn through collective examination of student work? How is teacher learning evident in shifts in participation in discussions centered on student work? The analyses account for the learning of the group by documenting key shifts in teachers' participation across the year. The first shift in participation occurred when teachers as a group learned to attend to the details of children's thinking. A second shift in participation occurred as teachers began to develop possible instructional trajectories in mathematics. We focus our discussion on the significance of the use of student work and a transformation of participation view in analyzing the learning trajectory of teachers as a group.  相似文献   

论合作学习与成就目标理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合作学习的研究虽已有百年的历史,但却是近年来在西方兴起的一种教学策略。成就目标理论是在20世纪70年代提出的一种动机理论。合作学习教学策略的实施和成就目标定向之间有一定的联系,而发现这种联系对我国现行的教育发展能够起到一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

This study reports the results of a research project conducted as part of high school teachers' efforts to bring about reform of science education in their school. Two classes of Grade 8 students (N = 43) taught by the same teacher were monitored in terms of students' perceptions of their learning environment, achievement levels, and conceptual understanding of research. Quantitative methods (questionnaire, tests and examinations, GPA) and qualitative methods (interviews, videotaped lessons, artifacts) were combined while the learning environment was changed to a student-centered open inquiry format. Not unexpectedly, relationships between the Autonomy and Student-Centeredness scales of the Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (CLES) and immediate (unit test) and delays post-tests (examination subsection) were detected. On the other hand, although student-student interactions in small-groups and whole-class sessions were a significant part of the learning environment, the Negotiation scale was not related to achievement. Three case studies of representative students (in terms of achievement and perceptions of the learning environment) are featured, further underscoring the importance of monitoring reform of teaching at the classroom level.  相似文献   

This study investigated the chemistry laboratory classroom environment, teacher–student interactions and student attitudes towards chemistry among 497 gifted and non-gifted secondary-school students in Singapore. The data were collected using the 35-item Chemistry Laboratory Environment Inventory (CLEI), the 48-item Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI) and the 30-item Questionnaire on Chemistry-Related Attitudes (QOCRA). Results supported the validity and reliability of the CLEI and QTI for this sample. Stream (gifted versus non-gifted) and gender differences were found in actual and preferred chemistry laboratory classroom environments and teacher–student interactions. Some statistically significant associations of modest magnitude were found between students' attitudes towards chemistry and both the laboratory classroom environment and the interpersonal behaviour of chemistry teachers. Suggestions for improving chemistry laboratory classroom environments and the teacher–student interactions for gifted students are provided.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe the development, validation and use of the Constructivist Multimedia Learning Environment Survey (CMLES). This questionnaire assesses teachers' and students' perceptions of the learning environment when students use online multimedia programs while teachers use constructivism as a referent for their teaching. The design of the questionnaire was based on a constructivist approach to learning and focused on the process of learning with the multimedia program and on the nature of that program. Before the use of the CMLES becomes widespread, it was important to determine whether it is valid and reliable. Therefore, a study involving 221 students in 12 high school classrooms into statistical validation and interpretive validation of the questionnaire was undertaken. For this sample of Grade 10 and 11 students who completed the actual and preferred forms of the questionnaire, the CMLES scales demonstrated a high degree of internal consistency reliability (with alpha reliability coefficients ranging from .73 to .82), as well as satisfactory factorial validity and discriminant validity. Therefore, the study supports the reliability and validity of the CMLES for assessing students' and teachers' perceptions of one important aspect in evaluating learning environments which promote the use of multimedia programs and constructivist learning approaches.  相似文献   

This study examined how scaffolds and student achievement levels influence inquiry and performance in a problem-based learning environment. The scaffolds were embedded within a hypermedia program that placed students at the center of a problem in which they were trying to become the youngest person to fly around the world in a balloon. One-hundred and eleven seventh grade students enrolled in a science and technology course worked in collaborative groups for a duration of 3 weeks to complete a project that included designing a balloon and a travel plan. Student groups used one of three problem-based, hypermedia programs: (1) a no scaffolding condition that did not provide access to scaffolds, (2) a scaffolding optional condition that provided access to scaffolds, but gave students the choice of whether or not to use them, and (3) a scaffolding required condition required students to complete all available scaffolds. Results revealed that students in the scaffolding optional and scaffolding required conditions performed significantly better than students in the no scaffolding condition on one of the two components of the group project. Results also showed that student achievement levels were significantly related to individual posttest scores; higher-achieving students scored better on the posttest than lower-achieving students. In addition, analyses of group notebooks confirmed qualitative differences between students in the various conditions. Specifically, those in the scaffolding required condition produced more highly organized project notebooks containing a higher percentage of entries directly relevant to the problem. These findings suggest that scaffolds may enhance inquiry and performance, especially when students are required to access and use them.  相似文献   


Advocates of educational reform often describe classroom instruction as inauthentic. That is, most classroom learning activities are structured around artificial contexts for learning, and students only engage in tasks and remember information at superficial levels. Some teachers are attempting to break traditional classroom practices by creating authentic contexts for learning. To date, most of the research on authentic classrooms has described the processes teachers have used to develop the classroom environment (learning activities, resources, etc.); however, few have examined authentic classrooms from the students' perspective: “What do students think about authentic classrooms?” The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine a unique learning environment at a large, Midwest high school to understand how students perceived that environment. Most of the students reported a positive experience and described the classroom as fun and exciting with real-world relevance. However, there were several students who did not share these views, and many students were not successful.


培养学生的探究学习能力是高中化学教学的重要课题.教师在教学过程中根据教学内容和学生实际优化实验,创设教学情境,进行开放性教学,鼓励合作探究并重构评价方式,从而不断提高学生的探究学习能力.  相似文献   

以温州大学为例,以问卷调查的形式,就学生的对英语学习的感知作了调查。尤值得一提的是,利用教学系统模式对学生的特点、教学过程和输出以及这些变量相互间的关系进行研究。通过对问卷调查的定量和行星分析得出结论,为更好提高大学英语教学质量提供一些参考。  相似文献   

化学教学中研究性学习的实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究性学习鼓励学生以类似科学研究的方式,进行主动探究、自主学习。在化学学科领域里渗透研究性学习有利于素质教育的全面实施,有利于培养学生的创新能力、实践能力、问题意识、合作意识,以及关注化学与自然、社会、生活的联系,而不仅是化学知识的传授和掌握。化学教学中研究性学习的实施,将促进教师的教育观念、教学内容、教学方式以及学生学习方式的根本变革,推动化学教育教学改革进一步深化,全面提高化学教学质量。  相似文献   

A high school English department collaboratively addressed the issue of college-readiness in writing while utilizing a focused four-phase leadership model to guide their efforts. Although this discussion highlights the strategic use of writing rubrics, it is the intention to share the benefits of using the four phases of collaborative teacher leadership model with a clear path that strategically uncovers instructional problems, identifies solutions, and analyzes data within a sustainable process. This discussion illustrates how the leadership model guided the department in identifying core causes of students' struggles with academic writing and solutions of strategically using writing rubrics to guide students to higher levels of mastery.  相似文献   

新课程改革的实施,为高中生物课堂教学提出了全新的要求,教师在开展高中生物课堂教学的时候,不仅要重视生物知识教学,还要注重培养学生的探究精神和综合素养,进而促使学生在生物知识探究中,提升自身的综合素质,最终获得长远的发展。文章以高中生物教学为中心,对探究性学习模式在其教学中的具体应用进行了详细的研究和分析。  相似文献   

孙传远 《中学教育》2010,(12):27-32
本研究采取整体分层抽样的办法,对上海中小学教师的专业性学习现状进行调查研究.研究结果表明,上海中小学教师的专业性学习状态较好,即教师比较认同学习应与外部关联、建立了教师学习共同体、开展了专业性学习以及积极寻求自我改变等。但教师学习的专业性还不强、教师自主学习的状态不佳。差异性检验结果显示,除自主学习外,女教师明显好于男教师;在教师学习的外部关联、教师学习共同体、教师专业性学习和自主学习等方面,小学教师的专业性学习明显好于初中教师和高中教师,初中教师也好于高中教师。  相似文献   

In society, there is a growing need for graduates who possess competencies consistent with deep learning. This means that, amongst other competencies, graduates should be capable of dealing with the complexity of the tasks in which they will engage in professional situations. We tried to increase the depth of students learning by changing the format of a so-called assignment-based learning to a problem-based learning course. The goals of this research were to determine if students, firstly, perceived the redesigned course as being more challenging and, secondly, adjusted their learning strategies towards deeper learning. Participants were two groups of second-year International Business Studies students attending the International Business Strategy course in consecutive years. Students perceptions of the learning environment and their learning strategies were measured in both the original (n = 406 students) and the redesigned course (n = 312 students) using the Ramsden Course Experiences Questionnaire and the Biggs Study Processes Questionnaire. In contrast to our expectations, the results indicated that the students from the redesigned course showed a higher degree of surface learning and a lower level of deep learning than the students from the assignment-based learning course. Additionally, the students perceived the new learning environment to be less positive in terms of the clarity of its goals, the usefulness of the textbook and the workload. Improvement in terms of students perceptions of the learning environment and their learning strategies could be expected to be fostered by the implementation of a more advanced staff development program, focusing the curricular assessment system on problem-solving skills, supporting the students in the development of the skills necessary to cope with the demands of the redesigned course, and giving them more opportunities to experience this instructional approach.  相似文献   

知识观、学习观、教学观的调查研究--来自中学的报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
无论是教师的教学还是学生的学习都以对知识的信念为基础 ,有怎样的知识观就有怎样的教学观和学习观。本研究对教师的知识观与教学观、学生的知识观与学习观进行了初步的调查 ,并就其现状、关系与问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

关于以学为中心范式相对于以教为中心范式对学生学习能否产生以及多大程度上产生更加积极的影响,现有的研究文献存在着不一致的讨论,更有学者认为以学为中心范式不适合于中日韩等东方国家学生。对两种教学范式与我国中学生的学习动机及学习行为之间的关系,以及这种关系的学科和年级差异展开实证研究,结果表明,以学为中心与以教为中心范式均与学生的学习动机及学习行为有关变量显著相关,以学为中心范式与学生学习动机、行为变量的相关水平显著高于以教为中心范式,教学范式与学生学习动机、行为变量的关系存在着显著的学科和年级差异。  相似文献   

Due to apartheid policies, Black African learners in South Africa have been severely disadvantaged in school science. Despite policy changes to redress these historical imbalances, Black African learners continue to underperform in science. Previous research has identified motivation as a key factor that impacts performance. Achievement goal orientation is a construct of motivation that explains learning behaviour. In an attempt to address the problem of learner motivation, this study investigated the effect of inquiry‐based learning on the achievement goal‐orientation of grade 10 physical sciences learners at historically disadvantaged township schools in South Africa. In South Africa, the term “township” usually refers to under‐developed urban areas that were historically created for “non‐whites” during the apartheid era. The findings showed that the experiment group of learners who experienced inquiry‐based learning significantly gained in mastery goal orientation, while the control that were taught through a traditional direct didactic approach had an insignificant change in their mastery goal orientation. From these results, it can be concluded that inquiry‐based learning does support a mastery goal orientation in learners. This orientation is regarded as desirable because mastery approach goals could support positive outcomes in conceptual learning, leading to an improvement in science achievement of learners.  相似文献   

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