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一些学者对初中生数学成就动机与自我调节学习及学业成就之间的关系进行了相关研究,但研究多有片面之处,因此,对这3个方面进行整合的实证研究是十分必要的.成就动机是取得成功或实现一个渴望的目标的倾向性或内部动因.数学自我效能感与数学学业成就存在显著正相关,对数学学业成就有显著的回归效应.自我调节学习行为对数学学业成就存在显著的回归效应.认知策略的使用与自我调节学习行为的关系是十分显著的.数学成就动机的各个方面都和自我调节学习存在一定关系.  相似文献   

成就目标、自我效能、学习策略和学业成就的关系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对545名中学生进行测量,以探讨成就目标、自我效能、学习策略与学业成绩的关系。结果表明:掌握目标、成绩目标与自我效能、学习策略有显著的正相关,回避目标与自我效能、学习策略存在显著的负相关,自我效能与学习策略有显著的正相关;掌握目标、自我效能和学习策略与学业成绩有显著的正相关,而回避目标与学业成绩则有显著的负相关;学习策略直接影响学业成绩,成就目标和自我效能对学业成绩的影响是间接的。  相似文献   

Interference and inhibition processes as discussed by Dempster and Corkill (1999) are useful on two levels: first, metaphorically in terms of general themes for educational psychology, and, second, in terms of psychological mechanisms for understanding learning. At the same time, there are a number of issues that must be addressed in future theory and research before interference and inhibition processes can be accorded a primary explanatory role in models of learning, including the operation and sequencing of interference and inhibition processes in relation to other cognitive, motivational, and self-regulation processes; the definition and construction of the relevant–irrelevant information dimension; the role of interference and inhibition in the active selection of goals, strategies, and behavior; the stability and trait-like nature of interference and inhibition; the range of generality and applicability of interference and inhibition in relation to all other aspects of learning and behavior; and the utility and power of interference and inhibition as explanatory constructs.  相似文献   

The principal aim of this research is to contrast empirically a hypothetical model developed on the basis of the fundamental assumptions of current self-regulated learning models. In line with evaluation criteria of model fit, a high rate of congruence between the hypothesized theoretical model and the empirical data was observed. Analysis of the effects between the variables of the model revealed the following relevant aspects: students' predisposition to feel responsible for the results of their academic behavior (internal attribution) is related to positive self-image (academic self-concept), both being important conditions for development of learning-oriented motivation (learning goals). All of this involves selection and use of learning strategies for deep information processing (deep learning strategies), which leads students to assume responsibility with high levels of persistence, perseverance, and tenacity so as to achieve goals defined by the motivational orientation. This persistence and effort to achieve the proposed goals has in turn a positive and significant effect on academic achievement.  相似文献   

小学生的成就目标和自主性动机之间的关系研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
动机是小学生学习的动力系统,从认知的角度来研究动机的内部结构及作用是当前心理学界的重要课题.研究者用量表法对小学生的自主性动机、成就目标的发展趋势以及二者的相互关系进行了探索.发现,随着年级的上升,自主性动机的发展在不同的维度上呈不同的发展趋势,在成就目标中,掌握目标呈上升趋势,成绩目标呈下降趋势.而且成就目标的不同维度对小学生的自主性动机有着不同的影响.掌握目标的智力观、成功观、失败观和成绩目标的评价观、失败观以及年龄对自主性动机都有显著的影响.  相似文献   

学习动机、外语学习策略与学习成绩之间的关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对455 名本科大学生的学习动机状况和外语学习策略使用情况的测查,将教育心理研究中的动机构成因素和外语教学研究中具体运用的外语学习策略结合,探讨了学习动机、外语学习策略与学习成绩之间的关系。  相似文献   

中学生考试焦虑与成就目标、学习策略及学业成绩的关系   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
问卷调查与研究显示:中学生的考试焦虑在性别、年级和学校类型上均无显著性差异,且普遍存在中度以上焦虑;重度考试焦虑对学业成绩有显著削弱作用;学生的成就目标定向和自我调节学习策略对其考试焦虑的干预具有重要意义。  相似文献   

学习目标的有效与否直接影响学习的结果和效率,而学习目标的有效性又依赖于学习者对其他的认可和内化程度。应从学习目标的界定、特点、结构体系及构建过程去探讨有效学习目标的心理构建及形成。  相似文献   

The authors argue for the inclusion of students’ subjective sense of belonging in an integrated model of student persistence (Cabrera et al., J Higher Educ 64:123–139, 1993). The effects of sense of belonging and a simple intervention designed to increase sense of belonging are tested in the context of this model. The intervention increased sense of belonging for white students, but not for African American students. However, sense of belonging had direct effects on institutional commitment and indirect effects on intentions to persist and actual persistence behavior for both white and African American students.  相似文献   

The authors examined whether motivational goals influenced the participation and performance of low-achieving students during collaborative problem solving with a high-achieving partner. Thirty-five pairs of 4th- and 5th-grade students were randomly assigned a set of instructions designed to induce students to adopt a learning goal or a performance goal. The following day, the students were individually given a posttest on problems similar to those worked on collaboratively. The low-achieving students given learning-goal instructions performed better on the posttest problems and perceived their partner's competence as more similar to their own than did the low-achieving students given performance-goal instructions. No differences in overall amount or level of low achievers' participation during collaborative problem solving were observed. Implications of the findings for the use of peer learning in heterogeneous classrooms are discussed.  相似文献   

基于疫情期间上海39所本科院校在校生线上提供的64949份有效问卷,本研究设计了《本科生在线自我调节学习量表》并进行信效度检验。回归统计结果表明:家庭第一代大学生在线自我调节学习的自评得分均值显著低于非家庭第一代大学生,在控制学习动机与就业焦虑这两个潜在影响机制之后,这种差距明显缩小乃至不再显著;学习动机的解释力度最大,尤其是“努力解决学习中的问题”与“喜欢阅读与专业相关的书籍”这两项与内在动机相关的行为表征;就业焦虑对本科生在线自我调节学习有显著的负面效应;加入交互项之后的回归结果支持学习动机这一潜在变量的调节作用,进而揭示未来对家庭第一代大学生在线学习的有效干预可侧重于内在动机的激发。  相似文献   

This study examines the conditional and interaction effects of each of four dimensions of the epistemological beliefs of college students regarding the ability to learn, the speed of learning, the structure of knowledge, and the stability of knowledge on six measures of the motivational components of self-regulated learning strategies (intrinsic goal orientations, extrinisic goal orientation, task value, self-efficacy, control of learning and test anxiety). Students with more sophisticated beliefs about the nature of knowledge and learning were more likely than their peers to use educationally productive motivational strategies in their learning. Beliefs about one’s ability to learn and the structure of knowledge had the most significant and substantial effects on students’ use of self-regulated motivational strategies. Although a student’s belief about the stability of knowledge by itself had a statistically significant effect on only one motivational strategy, this belief did have four statistically significant interaction effects with beliefs about ability to learn and the structure of knowledge. Implications of these findings for theory, research, policy and practice are examined.  相似文献   

Models of achievement goals suggest that different tasks and contexts influence the goals students adopt at a given time. However, many studies of achievement goals rely on measures assessed at the class level, analyze results with a variable-centered approach, and employ self-report questionnaires, which may reduce understanding of the contextual factors that arise as students interact with tasks. We compared a behavioral, task-level measure of middle school students' achievement goals to a self-reported, class-level measure and analyzed both measures' relations to task performance and quarterly grades using both variable-centered and person-centered approaches. Task-level goals predicted task performance but not quarterly grades, while class-level goals predicted grades but not task performance. The two measures of achievement goals were not related. This work demonstrates the importance of measuring goals at multiple levels and suggests opportunities for changing students' behaviors and achievement through motivation at the task level.  相似文献   

The focus of this study is on the role of achievement goals in students’ persistence. The authors administered 5 puzzles to 96 college students: 4 unsolvable and 1 relatively easy (acting as a hope probe). They examined whether and how persistence may deteriorate as a function of failing the puzzles, as well as whether and how persistence may rebound after an event of success. Time spent engaging in the task comprised the dependent variable persistence (representing a behavioral aspect of engagement). Results suggested that mastery-oriented students persisted significantly longer compared with performance approach–oriented, performance avoidance–oriented, and amotivated students across failure trials. However, performance approach–oriented students were more likely to rebound after experiencing success. Qualitative data provided insights into the affective processes that accompanied engagement with the task.  相似文献   

为了探究大学生归属感对自主学习的影响作用机制,采用自主学习量表、成就目标量表、专业归属感问卷、同伴归属问卷对767名大学生进行测试。结果显示:专业归属感与自主学习呈显著正相关,能正向预测掌握趋近目标与成绩趋近目标定向,可负向预测掌握回避目标、成绩回避目标定向;同伴归属能显著预测成绩趋近目标、成绩回避性目标定向;掌握趋近、掌握回避、成绩趋近目标定向在专业归属与自主学习中起中介作用,且同伴归属在专业归属与掌握趋近目标间起调节作用。  相似文献   

刍我导向的学习:概念与策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自我导向的学习是指由学习者自己评价学习需要、确立学习目标、寻求学习资源、选择学习策略和评鉴学习结果的学习活动。它是一种独特的学习形式,其学习策略包括:明确的目标、必要的认知策略以及相应的动机策略等。教师的教学水平与风格、学生已有的学习经验以及无意识认知、情绪等都是对自我导向的学习产生重要影响的环境因素。在学生自我导向的学习活动中,教师应该成为互动的伙伴和学习环境的设计者。  相似文献   

In our study, we describe a situation where students take ownership of their learning and, on their own initiative, use digital tools actively in their learning activities. In our research we were interested in students who used weblogs and in the dynamic relationship between students and the weblogs they create. In particular, we were interested in how self-regulated learning was facilitated both by the technology that enables the creation of the weblogs, and in the content, or open writings, that are posted on the weblog.
The article begins with an introduction to weblogs. We then present the results of the analysis of the affordances of weblogs to facilitate self-regulated learning. We used a category system developed by experts from the universities of Aalborg, Amsterdam and Bergen to structure our study of the weblogs which we received from Bergen students. One of our most interesting findings was that students' reflection on both their own learning and access to other's reflections on their learning was a powerful tool to collectively develop a conceptual understanding of a topic. We could call this collective self-regulation.  相似文献   

A micro-level approach to the study of relationships between component processes within self-regulated learning in young adolescent students is described. Using this approach, contingencies between self-regulatory processes can be identified and insight into factors that promote students’ use of self-regulatory strategies can be investigated. Evidence is presented showing how the influence of mastery achievement goals on specific task goals can be mediated by students’ state of interest. Further development of this approach requires consideration of the measurement issues associated with using single items to measure on-task states. Evidence for the reliability and validity of single-item measurement of states is considered in relation to areas of psychological inquiry that regularly use single-item measures and we conclude that further development of these types of measure has the potential to expand our understanding of self-regulated learning.  相似文献   

The calibration and self-regulated learning literatures were reviewed. Calibration is a measure of how accurately individuals assess their confidence in their own knowledge. Self-regulated learning is a process of developing goals, using strategies, and monitoring performance in order to complete tasks. Individual characteristics, self-testing, and feedback are common components of both calibration and self-regulated learning; however, the specific aspects of these components often differ. Different levels of calibration might suggest different applications of self-regulated learning or different phases in task completion or learning. Certain types of self-regulation might impact calibration. These reciprocal effects between calibration and self-regulation are unclear and should be evaluated. Determining whether self-regulated learners can and should become well calibrated also is an important instructional design issue. Suggestions for research are presented.  相似文献   

A conceptual framework for assessing student motivation and self-regulated learning in the college classroom is presented. The framework is based on a self-regulatory (SRL) perspective on student motivation and learning in contrast to a student approaches to learning (SAL) perspective. The differences between SRL and SAL approaches are discussed, as are the implications of the SRL conceptual framework for developing instruments to assess college student motivation and learning. The conceptual framework may be useful in guiding future research on college student motivation and learning.  相似文献   

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