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高职院校公共英语是一门基础课,对专业技术课的学习起着承上启下、垫脚石的作用,然而多数学生对这门课程失去兴趣,以至于放弃学习。本文从成就动机理论出发,浅谈如何激起他们的成就动机来学好这门课程。  相似文献   

The act of newly qualified teachers leaving the profession is a growing challenge, both in Norway and internationally. To address recruitment difficulties, there is a need for further knowledge of prospective teachers’ career motivations. The current study validated a Norwegian translation of the Factors Influencing Teaching Choice (FIT-Choice) Scale. Using a sample of 635 preservice teachers, confirmatory factor analyses were conducted. The results indicated that the translated scale offers a valid measure of Norwegian students’ motivation to become teachers. Self-perception of teaching-related abilities was one of the main motivational sources, together with the desire to shape the future of children and adolescents and an interest in teaching. Findings are discussed in relation to previous studies based on the FIT-Choice Scale in other countries.  相似文献   

Research shows that personal and classroom goals are important for pre-service and practicing teachers’ personal and professional outcomes; however, no research has examined changes to these types of motivation across the transition from student to teacher. This study followed pre-service teachers (n?=?47) into practise and assessed changes in self-reported personal and classroom goals using surveys and focus groups. Correlations, repeated measures analysis of covariance and reliable change indices were used to assess stability/change in the quantitative data. Qualitative data were analysed for themes and largely supported the quantitative results. The results showed that teachers were at least as personally oriented towards mastery-approach in their practice as they were during their pre-service education but less personally performance focused. In terms of classroom goals, performance practices increased whereas mastery practices decreased, particularly for secondary school teachers. Although practicing teachers are personally mastery-oriented in their teaching, their intentions to establish classroom mastery goals appear difficult to enact in practice.  相似文献   

科学、有效的课堂观察是课堂教学质量评价的基础。由于提高课堂观察能力可以提升教学质量,教师所掌握的观察技术可以提升其教学的专业化水平,目前这已逐渐成为一线教师认可的一种专业学习方式。文章阐述了几个重要的课堂关注点和课堂观察表,供广大物理教师在课堂听课后进行评课时参考。  相似文献   

Models of achievement goals suggest that different tasks and contexts influence the goals students adopt at a given time. However, many studies of achievement goals rely on measures assessed at the class level, analyze results with a variable-centered approach, and employ self-report questionnaires, which may reduce understanding of the contextual factors that arise as students interact with tasks. We compared a behavioral, task-level measure of middle school students' achievement goals to a self-reported, class-level measure and analyzed both measures' relations to task performance and quarterly grades using both variable-centered and person-centered approaches. Task-level goals predicted task performance but not quarterly grades, while class-level goals predicted grades but not task performance. The two measures of achievement goals were not related. This work demonstrates the importance of measuring goals at multiple levels and suggests opportunities for changing students' behaviors and achievement through motivation at the task level.  相似文献   

培智学校课堂教学是特殊教育课程体系的重要组成部分,课堂教学是教学实践的主阵地,课堂教学评价是提高课堂教学质量的关键环节。基于培智学校课程标准,坚持培智课堂教学的宗旨和价值取向,归纳当前培智学校课堂教学评价存在的问题,提出完善培智学校课堂教学评价的应对举措。  相似文献   

Teachers make up one of the lowest income groups in Turkey. Research tells us that with their large class sizes, poor structural and physical characteristics of the classes, and the inadequate professional conditions offered to teachers, education at the university level is not up to modern standards. The aim of the study reported in this paper is to examine sources of motivation and demotivation among teachers at a public university in Istanbul. Three hundred teachers (M = 112, F = 188) aged between 33 and 65, were asked two open‐ended questions regarding their motivational and demotivational tendencies towards their profession. Motivating aspects/factors of teaching have been compressed and categorised under four main units: Students, Career, Social Status and Ideals. Demotivating aspects/factors have been compressed and categorised under five different headings: Students, Economics, Structural and Physical Characteristics, Research and Working Conditions. Results show that students are the main source of motivation and demotivation for university teachers. Besides students, while career is a secondary motivational factor, economics and research are secondary demotivating factors.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate 8th graders with different learning styles their motivation outcomes after implementing 10 weeks (40 hours) inquiry-based teaching. Two hundreds and fifty four 8th graders were involved in experimental group, this group of students experienced inquiry instruction. Two hundreds and thirty two 8th graders were involved in control group, they were taught by traditional science teaching. Students' motivation toward science learning questionnaire (SMTSL) (Tuan, Chin & Shieh, 2005) were implemented in both groups in the beginning and at the end of the study. Students in the experimental group filled out learning preference questionnaire (Lumsdaine & Lumsdaine, 1995) in the beginning of the study. Forty students which represent different learning styles were chosen from five experimental classes to conduct post-test interview. Paired t-test, MANOVA, analytic inductive methods were used for analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data. Findings indicated that after inquiry instruction students' motivation increased significantly (p<.001) than students who enrolled in traditional teaching. Four different learning styles of students increased significantly (p<.005) in SMTSL scales: self-efficacy, active learning strategies, science learning value, performance goal and achievement goal. No significant difference was found among four learning styles of students' motivation after inquiry teaching. Interview data supported that most of students with different learning styles were willing to participate in the inquiry learning activities, while they hold different reasons for their engagement. Findings confirm inquiry-based science teaching can motivate students with different learning styles in science learning. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

运用问卷调查对232名小学教师职后学习动机与学习途径进行探讨。结果表明:小学教师的学习动机以获得知识型、自我实现型和适应社会型为主,最常用的学习途径是与同事日常交流、校内听课、教学反思等;小学教师的学习途径与学习动机之间存在显著相关。但是,不同类型的小学教师职后学习动机和学习途径方面都表现出了程度不同的显著差异。  相似文献   

文章对来昆明参加国家汉办汉语文化短训班的53位泰国和韩国汉语教师进行了问卷调查。当被问及在汉语教学工作中最重要的因素时,他们将重点放在了与汉语教学直接相关的价值与教学目标这两方面。当谈到对待现有工作的态度以及从工作中获得的奖励时,他们强调了工作给予的内在收获,而不是外在的奖励。关于工作价值题项的因子分析表明,有五种明确的基本需求及需要动机:关系,外部,自我实现,自主性和组织机构支持等动机。对工作奖励题项也进行了因子分析,出现了以下七种因子,这些因子与工作价值因子有部分重叠,即职业地位,关系/内部奖励,外部奖励,工作/事业满意度,名誉,得当的管理与自尊奖励等动机。根据以上数据,文章认为,就工作与事业的满意度而言,比起教师现正从事的具体工作,他们会对其职业的选择感到更加满意。  相似文献   

高校教师作为高素质的人才,是国家的科研主体。每年我国高校教师发表的论文数量是很可观的,但与国外的高校相比,原创性的科研成果却很有限。教师缺乏科研创新的激情,创新能力低,造成了“学术贬值”。影响高校教师科研创新能力的因素很多,但目前科研创新中的外部激励机制的激励效能不高是一个主要的原因。根据高校教师及科研创新的特点,科研创新的动力需要转型,即从外部激励机制转向内部激励机制。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the types, sources, and cognitive levels of tasks that included real-life situations used in science and mathematics lessons in the classrooms of two 5th-grade teachers at an urban elementary school in Turkey. A qualitative approach was used to analyze data that included classroom observations, teacher interviews, and document collection. Results showed that in contrast to mathematics instruction, science instruction often relied on real-life situations in explaining scientific concepts. Mathematics lessons mainly included textbook-oriented real-life situations. On the other hand, the science lessons relied primarily on teacher- and student-oriented real-life contexts. While science instruction included personal, social, global, and historical situations, mathematics instruction involved only personal and educational situations in making real-life connections. Results further showed that, in contrast to science instruction, many of the real-life tasks used by the teacher in the mathematics lessons were cognitively demanding.  相似文献   

Achievement Goals and the Hierarchical Model of Achievement Motivation   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The achievement goal approach has attained prominence in the achievement motivation literature and has produced a valuable empirical yield. However, the precise nature of the achievement goal construct is in need of scrutiny, as is the issue of how achievement goals and their antecedents combine to produce competence-based self-regulation. In this article, we address these important conceptual issues in the context of the hierarchical model of achievement motivation. The approach–avoidance distinction, which has been an integral part of the achievement motivation literature since its inception, is highlighted throughout.  相似文献   

中专学校对生物等非专业课课时安排相对较少,且学生学习基础相对较弱。因此在教学中需要更加重视激发学生学习生物的兴趣,以提高生物教学的课堂效率。师生间的感情融合、教师的激情感染、成功的豪情鼓舞、积极的语言和表情激励,都能有效地激励学生的学习兴趣,调动学习积极性,提高学习效果。  相似文献   

Although autonomy-supportive teaching has been linked with increased student performance, this contention has not yet been explored in an experimental study. This article presents a small, pre/post control group experimental study evaluating the effect of procedural and cognitive autonomy-supportive teaching on student learning and motivation during a 7th-grade reform-based science lesson on motion. In a 2 × 2 factorial design, the 4 treatment conditions featured high and low levels of procedural and cognitive autonomy support. As hypothesized, there was no effect of procedural autonomy support. However, to the authors’ surprise—and in contrast with their hypotheses—students in the low cognitive autonomy-supportive conditions learned significantly more, perceived significantly more choice, and rated instruction as more positive than did students in the high cognitive autonomy-supportive conditions. Results are framed in the context of achieving reform in science teaching.  相似文献   

于守刚 《成人教育》2019,39(4):81-84
介绍相关动机理论,聚焦近二十年期间外语教师执业动机实证研究的三个阶段性特征(择业动机分析、动机减退分析、动机动态探索),指出动机分析为考察外语教师的心理需求与价值取向提供了一个独特的视角,并为外语教师的继续教育提出了四点建议:深化继续教育内涵、调整继续教育理念、丰富继续教育模式、促进继续教育常态化,以推动继续教育从短期的知识技能培训转变为终身学习能力的培养。  相似文献   

运用麦克利兰的成就动机理论 ,采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、实验对比法和数理统计法 ,在高师体育教育专业体操教学中进行激发与维持学生成就动机的实验研究 .结果表明 ,实验班成绩优于对照班 ,且有非常显著性的差异 ;在体操教学中激发与维持学生的成就动机 ,可以有效的提高体操教学的效果和学生的体操成绩  相似文献   

采用运动承诺量表、运动动机量表和学校人际归属量表,对参加运动技能学习的普通女性青少年进行测试,探讨教师支持对女性青少年运动投入、运动动机、技能学习成就的影响。结果显示:(1)教师支持通过运动动机和运动投入这两个中介变量间接影响运动成就。(2)教师支持直接影响女性青少年的运动动机和运动投入。  相似文献   

近年美国提高中小学教师队伍质量的核心举措   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了实现<不让一个孩子落后法案>确立的目标,从根本上扭转中小学生学业不佳的局面,美国政府将提高基础教育教师队伍素质作为改革的突破口,采取了一系列重要措施.主要包括:颁布和实施"高质量教师"法案;启动"教师互动项目";创设电子化教师专业发展平台;建立开放的教师聘用制度;奖励做出卓越贡献的优秀教师.  相似文献   

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