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Previous Possessions, New Obligations was launched by Museums Australia Inc. in 1993, the International Year for the World's Indigenous People, as a policy framework to guide the development of relationships between museums in Australia and Indigenous Australians. The policy was based on consultation with Indigenous people to develop protocols, policies and procedures for more sensitive collection management and for including Indigenous people in research and public programs; and to address issues of governance. It expressed the values that would underpin new relationships between museums in Australia and Indigenous Australians. An evaluation of the policy was conducted in 2000 in a collaboration between the Australian Museum Audience Research Centre, Sydney, and Museums Australia Inc., Canberra. The evaluation found that the policy had substantially met its goals, particularly in establishing the primary rights of Indigenous people to control their cultural material in museum collections. However, a range of substantially new issues emerged which require new policy responses and initiatives.  相似文献   

The simmering controversy over the Smithsonian's Science in American Life exhibition that led to the ensuing visitor study by the Institutional Studies Office is reexamined in terms of issues of American identity. A brief historical overview reveals that, for most of the twentieth century, the American scientific community received enthusiastic public support for its perceived service to national goals and ideals. In the past decade, however, after experiencing unexpected budget cuts to research, scientists have questioned the depth of that public support in what has become known as the Science Wars. Science in American Life was soon engulfed by that broader, often acrimonious debate about science and society which involved notions of pure and applied science. The role of American identity in the dispute over the exhibit is analyzed in terms of scientists' criticisms of three of the exhibition's case studies.  相似文献   

回顾中国共产党领导下的档案事业百年发展历程,旨在把握我国档案工作特质并展望未来动向.通过梳理与分析官方发布的各时期规划文件、政策法规、统计报告、领导讲话、文章、新闻等数据,中国档案事业在战略规划、档案工作体制与机构体系、档案政策法规体系、档案资源体系、档案利用体系、档案安全保障体系、档案信息化体系、人才队伍建设和培养体系等方面的发展情况得以明确.同时,也可由中国档案事业发展历程发现一代代档案人用崇高信仰建中国特色档案事业,用忠诚信念筑完备的档案管理体系,用服务信条推档案传播利用创新,用坚定信心创档案全面发展未来.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]调查研究欠发达地区农村公共数字文化服务供给与利用现状,深入了解农村地区公共数字文化服务供给与利用存在的问题,把握村民心理。[方法/过程]采用网络调查和田野调查相结合的方法对湖南省衡南县两处村庄的公共数字文化服务供给与利用现状进行调查,采用走访观察、深度访谈和焦点访谈的方法收集原始访谈资料,并运用扎根理论进行质性研究。[结果/结论]调查结果显示,负面的环境因素、服务供给、个人因素和服务需求使得村民对公共数字文化服务利用率极低、认识趋向消极,两村存在着基础利用条件不佳、供给不到位、宣传力度不足、规划管理不合理、知晓度和利用率低等诸多问题,进而提出相关建议,以期为推进欠发达地区农村公共数字文化服务建设提供参考。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代中后期,西方受众研究领域经历了一次"民族志的转向",引发了学界的广泛争议。在回顾既有文献的基础上,本文对此轮范式之争的脉络进行了全面细致的爬梳与分析。对"编码一解码"模式的质疑、固有的学术政治规范以及媒介消费的全面兴起,促成了接受研究向媒介民族志的转向,带来了研究对象的语境化和政治立场的位移;面对多重挑战,"民族志转向"的倡导者们继续强调媒介民族志研究在全球化、数字化时代的独特价值和意义。  相似文献   

The standards of the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges provide accreditation guidance for two-year libraries in their jurisdiction. These standards are the basis for a successful evaluation of the libraries. However, the ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education and the associated workbook provide significant guidance and assistance in crafting a successful assessment. The library at Windward Community College is used as an example of successful employment of this strategy to provide a thorough assessment, which was validated by the ACCJC accrediting visit. Appendices provide materials used by Windward library in the successful evaluation and are recommended for use by other libraries.  相似文献   

电视剧是当代中国社会与文化现代化进程中的一个关键脉络,对电视剧事业发展的考察构成理解当代中国社会文化变迁的一个重要的论域.本论文试图对当代中国电视剧体制与生产的发展历史提供一种批判性反思.论文从对传统研究范式的批评出发,将电视剧事业视为由多种社会关系交织而成的"电视剧场",通过考察其体制与生产的发展.旨在揭示"电视剧场"如何结构化为一个自主性的体系,并说明它同当代中国社会变迁的关系.  相似文献   

One-shot instruction in academic libraries is a librarian-controlled bibliographic instruction that responds to the point of information need for subject-related courses. The assessment of teaching effectiveness tends to take a summative approach, which provides an answer to what students learned but does not address how they learned. This column theoretically explores the framework of Ideas-Connections-Extensions (ICE) in library instruction and the classroom setting, which demonstrates learning outcomes and explores the learning journey, and integrates assessment, learning, and teaching through collaborative efforts by academic librarians and classroom faculty.  相似文献   

"十四五"是在全面建成小康社会基础上开启全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程的第一个五年,是中国共产党开启新的一百年历程的第一个五年,也是新冠肺炎疫情引起国内外格局重大变化之后的第一个五年.在这个新的发展阶段,出版业要以新的发展理念迎接新的发展格局,助力实现社会主义文化强国的宏伟发展目标.为实现这一目标,提高社会文明程度、提升出版公共文化服务水平、健全现代出版产业体系就成为"十四五"时期出版业的重要任务和使命.  相似文献   

人工智能技术的兴盛,不论在理论发展或是研究方法层面,都给传播学科的受众与效果研究带来了新契机。本文立足于国际前沿和本土研究的视角,通过与祝建华教授和杰佛瑞·汉考克教授的学术对谈,探讨了智能时代受众研究和媒介效果研究的前沿动向和理论思考,分析了数据时代传播研究方法的变迁,同时展望了传播学研究的未来发展趋势,并针对中国情境下的受众与效果研究如何更好地走向国际化,给出了相应建议。技术与数据为用户研究增添了新的细节,微观和中观层面的理论聚焦依然重要,多元方法、计算技能和数据伦理需要重视,理论化和普适化是中国传播学者尚需提升的能力。  相似文献   

“大医精诚 无问西东:中西医结合抗击新冠肺炎疫情纪实展”作为中国科技馆2020年策划并推出的应急科普展览,是快速开发应急科普展览的一次成功尝试。本文总结和梳理了该展览在主题提炼、设计思路、形式设计、展品征集等方面的做法和经验,提出了对于应急科普展览在策展机制、选题策划、展览内容和形式以及延伸传播方式等问题的思考和对策,以期为科技馆界进一步做好应急科普工作提供参考。  相似文献   

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