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Interactive Multimodal Learning Environments   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
What are interactive multimodal learning environments and how should they be designed to promote students’ learning? In this paper, we offer a cognitive–affective theory of learning with media from which instructional design principles are derived. Then, we review a set of experimental studies in which we found empirical support for five design principles: guided activity, reflection, feedback, control, and pretraining. Finally, we offer directions for future instructional technology research.  相似文献   

网络环境中的交互学习   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
基于计算机课件和网络资源的学生自主学习越来越受到重视,教师由“台前”走到了“幕后”,学生也由被动接受变为主动学习,但是无论教师和学生的角色如何变化,教学方式如何改变,教学过程中的交互仍然起着很重要的作用。本文重点探讨网络环境中交互学习及其实现的有关策略。  相似文献   


The design of an effective interactive learning environment requires understanding the intricate relationships among people, tools, and problems. Many end‐users do not have the necessary skills, nor the time or patience, to compose programs from computer science‐sanctioned programming primitives. End‐users require environments that elevate the task of programming to the manipulation of components that are directly pertinent to the problems to be solved. This article introduces the Agentsheets programming substrate employed by designers to create interactive learning environments that are geared toward end‐users solving specific problems. A number of educational and industrial applications are used to illustrate the design and use of Agentsheets environments in domains such as art, artificial life, environmental design, games, kitchen design, and visual programming.  相似文献   

This review describes parts of our research program on example-based learning that relates to recent efforts to incorporate interactive elements into learning environments designed to support learning from worked-out examples. Since most learners spontaneously study or process examples in a very passive or superficial manner, this review focuses on how a variety of specific interactive elements in example-based leaning environments are capable of encouraging learners to actively process the examples. The review begins with an overview of the literature on worked examples and the associated self-explanation, which is important given that the quality of self-explanation is a major factor in determining whether learners benefit from studying examples. The review notes that example-based learning environments tend to be effective but often promote passive processing. It then highlights the strengths and limitations of three types interactivity introduced to example-based learning environments. The review concludes with a discussion of the role that these interactive elements play in these learning environments.  相似文献   

当前HTML5交互动画界面已经成为智能移动终端和桌面浏览器无缝衔接的开放平台.通过梳理Norman教授的情感化设计三层次理论,构造并详细论述了交互动画界面情感需求二维模型.在此基础上通过实例分析对HTML5交互动画界面的用户情感化设计进行深入探索.  相似文献   

如何将网络信息资源合理加工、转化并应用到数字化学习中,是我们必须思考的一个命题。网众互动生成是数字化学习资源建设的一种新视角和途径。该文对数字化学习资源网众互动生成机制的相关概念、资源表现形式、理论模型、主要生成模式进行了解析,以期抛砖引玉,促进网众互动生成机制在数字化学习资源建设领域的应用和推广。  相似文献   

This article reports the development and implementation of a strategy designed to bring persistent attention problems in class (off-task behaviour) under the control of teachers and students. The strategy enables the teacher to recognise the demotivating meaning that a task situation can have for a student. By pinpointing this situation in short dialogues with the student, the teacher encourages the student to make his or her own task proposal with the intention of turning the task into a feasible challenge. The strategy was designed from a cognitive-motivational interpretation of attention problems, and it is given shape in four programs for elementary schools. The theoretical frame of reference, the characteristics of the strategy, and the implementation of the programs are set out. Furthermore, an evaluation study is reported. The results indicate that teachers using the strategy can deal more effectively with students who have task behaviour problems. The students' on-task behaviour in this study increased in units of time from 60–70%. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This concluding paper summarizes the main points and recommendations of the previous papers in this Special issue within a conceptual framework of cognitive load theory. Design of efficient interactive learning environments should take into account main features and limitations of our cognitive architecture. The paper provides a brief overview of this architecture and sources of cognitive load, considers their instructional implications for interactive e-learning environments, and analyzes methods for managing cognitive load and enhancing instructional efficiency of such environments.  相似文献   

新传播环境下,新媒介管理者遭遇到话语权回归难掌控、信息庞杂难处理、利、欲引诱下的信息可信度低等新问题。新媒介素养是指重新认识新技术条件下的信息生产,努力掌握新媒介的使用技能,倡导理性、文明的交往方式。培养新媒介素养的途径是将媒介素养纳入学校教育体制,政府以身作则并努力提高服务和依法管理水平,把媒介自身作为普及媒介素养的高效平台。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的飞速发展,交互式电子白板应运而生,其在教育领域中应用越来越广泛。教师在教学中运用交互式电子白板,可以为学生提供了丰富的学习资源、宽广的自主学习空间,实现师生之间、学生之间以及教师、学生、交互式电子白板之间的有效互动。因此,教师应积极解决运用中出现的问题,以发挥出更大的作用。  相似文献   


Participating in user-centered design provides potential users of interactive risk visualization tools agency in influencing tool development. This article identifies and characterizes pathways for agency that users may experience as they participate in design of interactive tools for visualizing environmental risks. We present an empirically based conceptual framework for better understanding user agency during visualization tool development based on findings from interviews with professional visualization tool developers and discuss practical implications and future research recommendations.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲地质环境与灾害性地质问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文讨论的珠江三角洲地质环境与灾害性地质内容,主要包括地震与地壳稳定性,软土地基,灰岩地区的地表塌陷,围垦与港湾航道建设的矛盾等问题,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

互动式授课型课件开发中的问题和解决方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
网络课件开发目前没有规范的方法,网络课件的质量及开发效率与开发方法密切相关,章根据笔自己开发课件的经验,提出了互动式授课件开发中的问题及解决方案,并给出了课件实际使用的反馈结果。  相似文献   

良好的交互性是多媒体作品的根本,是多媒体众多特征中的基本特征。通过交互设计使产品与受众之间建立一种互动关系,使多媒体在使用中更加人性化。优秀的交互式多媒体作品在艺术特质和审美价值上也应具有特定的要求。由于交互式多媒体的设计必定是按照艺术美和技术美的原则进行的,因此交互式多媒体的设计也应属于艺术设计的范畴。  相似文献   

互动课堂的困境与师生行为边界分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对互动教学的研究实际上是理论强于实践,互动教学难的问题不仅在于教师还在于学生,教师单方面的主观愿望并不能达成互动教学目标,师生分层是导致互动教学难的症结,因此不同水平和愿望的师生对互动教学效果的反映有很大差异。分析互动教学中存在的问题并在分层教学的同时探究合理化的互动教学模式以提高教学效率,应该成为促进互动教学效率提高的突破口。  相似文献   

随着可用的无线移动设备的不断增长,人们对信息检索的需求也越来越大。基于时间的调度服务和基于坐标的定位服务被视为情境感知应用的两个基本点。目前,基于时间的情境感知服务已经应用较多,但存在不能个性化测量等问题。基于坐标的定位服务能否成为常用的基于时间服务系统的替代方法?基于时间和空间维度的RSS信息检索小应用程序的用户研究显示:两种应用程序都有助于接收信息、支持学生组织自己的学习,但是在个人空间中不论基于空间的服务还是基于时间的服务,效果均不突出,而且位置信息被视作不太适宜的环境信息。  相似文献   

多维互动模式下的课程实施策略是基于该环节的特点以及现实中可能出现的问题提出的,旨在通过多维互动,实现师生双方的共同发展。该过程摒弃以往互动中表层化、表演化、模式化的弊端,以师生双方的共赢为终极目标,让互动环节焕发出本真的魅力。  相似文献   

新一轮职业院校教育改革,提倡构建积极、和谐、主动、适宜,师生共同成长的新型师生互动关系。职业院校思想政治课堂上师生之间存在"程序化"互动,即互动形式单一、效率低等问题。因此有必要研究职业院校思想政治课堂师生互动问题,针对现状与问题提出有效的解决措施,有助于提升思想政治课程教学质量与效率。  相似文献   

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