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The world is a more interesting and safer place to live because of the efforts of Dr. Charles H. Thornton. Throughout his career Dr. Thornton has been able to translate simple structural elements into unique solutions for the construction of long-span structures and high-rise buildings. His leadership role in the analysis of structural failures and his translation of knowledge obtained from the analysis of these events has clearly provided the public with safer structures. Dr. Thornton has also been a leader in the motivation of high school students to pursue careers in engineering, architecture and construction.  相似文献   

钱学森与科学学   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈益升 《科学学研究》2009,27(12):1769-1771
 钱学森先生(1911-2009)是享誉海内外的杰出科学家和我国航天事业的奠基人,钱学森先生还是我国科学学研究的主要倡导者和科学学学科的主要创建者。本文为悼念钱学森先生,从早期研究、率先倡导,到奠基之作、资深顾问、相关领域研究等等方面,简要地论述了钱学森先生对我国科学学事业的贡献。  相似文献   

~~projects by Chinese and Ger-man biologists. Based on thesuccess of the guest lab, a pro-gram to set up research groupsof junior scientists was initi-ated in 1994 and to date fourhigh-ranking young scholarshave joined the Shanghaiinstitutes. After obtaining theirPh. D degrees in the US, PeiGang and Hu Gengxi were in-vited to serve as heads of twogroups, in 1994 and 1996respectively. With the jointsupport from the Chinese andGerman sides, the junior sci-tical platform for cDNA array, the…  相似文献   

Arecent study published in 20 March issue of the prestigious journal Nature by Dr. LIU Chuanzhou from the CAS Institute of Geology & Geophysics and his co-workers challenges the conventional wisdom that the Earth's upper mantle is homogeneous.  相似文献   

Tracing through human migration history with the help of genes, Dr. SUBing and coworkers from the CAS Kunming Institute of Zoology (KIZ) lately revealed the evidenceof a much earlier modern human settlement in East Asia than people previously thought.  相似文献   

高校教师素质提高的误区和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑颖 《科教文汇》2012,(15):9-9,22
近年来,我国高校每年都大量引进博士.教师的学历层次在不断提高,但这并不意味着教师素质的同步提高。本文在目前高校教师比例中博士为主的情况下.提出高校教师应具备的基本素质以及高校在提高教师素质方面存在的误区和对策建议。  相似文献   

Together with two colleagues from Europe and US,Dr.LI Ligang from the CAS Shanghai Astronomical Observatory has been awarded the Doornbos Memorial Prize for his outstanding contributions to the studies of thermal convection inside the earth and a planet,dynamo theory,and simulation.  相似文献   

Dr. SUN Liangting from the CAS Institute of Modern Physics has been awarded the Richard Geller Prize for his outstanding contributions to the development of Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) ion sources, especially an all-permanent magnetic one.  相似文献   

生理心理学是一门研究心理、行为以及神经活动之间内在联系的科学,与生物学、生理学、神经科学、信息科学、社会学等学科都有密切的关联。本综述在介绍生理心理学基本概念的同时,也在以下几个方面强调了生理心理学的特点和发展规律:生理心理学的研究以行为、心理、意识为出发点而使得它不完全等同于神经生理学和神经生物学;生理心理学的研究从功能、机制、个体发展以及进化等不同的角度展开,并强调多角度研究的联合性和系统性;生理心理学实验研究的发展与人类科学技术的进步相同步,因而它有很强的学科交叉和融合潜力;生理心理学实验方法的多样性和互补性构成了它的研究框架的多层次性;生理心理学通过对脑机制统一性的理解促进了对各种心理过程统一性的理解;生理心理学在对精神异常的神经机制的探索中有重要贡献。最后,本文也对计算生理心理学做了展望。  相似文献   

Dr. Alexandra Navrotsky is currently a Faculty Member at the University of California, Davis, and holds a joint appointment in the Departments of Chemical Engineering; Materials Science; Chemistry; Geology; and Land, Air and Water Resources. Dr. Alexandra Navrotsky is being awarded a Franklin Medal for her work in crystal chemistry and in many different allied disciplines. Just the enormous volume of her accomplishments is award worthy. At press time she has 370 journal papers, 15 written, reviewed and/or edited books and 51 review papers and/or book chapters. Dr. Navrotsky has contributed thermodynamic data on hundreds of binary and ternary compounds, has generalized these data into concepts of bonding energies, and has used physics and chemistry to importantly contribute insights into ceramics, metallurgy, materials research, mantle petrology and, of course, crystal chemistry.  相似文献   

心理学是一门实验科学,心理学的研究对象——人的心智及其生物基础,使得其研究途径变得异常复杂。心理学研究方法的鲜明特点是大量借鉴了其他学科的思想、方法和技术,同时,心理学家发展出各种精巧的实验设计和实验范式。20世纪末认知神经科学及其方法学的发展是心理学实验研究方法发展的重要里程碑。结构方程模型、多层分析技术等多元统计方法的发展将心理学研究拓展到教育、管理、经济、医药、社会等应用领域。中国心理学坚持实证研究、追踪国际前沿和为社会服务,其重要科学和应用价值已经显现出来,但在科研人员数量、追踪研究、疾病心理学研究、跨学科研究等方面亟待加强。  相似文献   

With support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China and U.S. National Science Foundation, a Sino-US research team headed by Prof. Sun Hang from the CAS Kunming Institute of Botany (KIB)and Dr. David E. Boufford from Harvard University has recently completed a two-month botanical field trip to the Hengduan Mountain Range in south China.  相似文献   

Scientists continually work with information to move their research projects forward, but the activities involved in finding and using information and their impact on discovery are poorly understood. In the Information and Discovery in Neuroscience (IDN) project we investigated the information work involved as researchers make progress and confront problems in the practice of brain research. Through case studies of recent neuroscience projects, we found that the most difficult and time-consuming information activities had parallels with Simon’s explication of weak methods in scientific problem solving. But, while Simon’s weak/strong distinction is an effective device for interpreting information work, his general conception of how discovery takes place is artificially constrained. We present cross-case and case-based results from the IDN project to illustrate how the conditions of problem solving Simon associated with weak methods relate to information work and to identify additional weak aspects of the research process not considered by Simon. Our analysis both extends Simon’s framework of what constitutes the discovery process and further elaborates how weak approaches influence the conduct of research.  相似文献   

At a distance of about 5,000 light years from the Earth ,lies the Rosette Nebula, aninterstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen gas and plasma named "rose." In the densest ridge of its parent molecular cloud, a team of international astrophysicists led by Dr. LI Jinzeng with the CAS National Astronomical Observatories witnessed the emergence of a baby massive star from its cocoon.  相似文献   

CAS biophysicists have made new discoveries about the p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75^NTR). Under the guidance of Prof. JIANG Tao of the CAS Institute of Biophysics (IBP), Dr. GONG Yong and Dr. CAO Peng revealed crystal structure of a symmetrical complex of the neurotrophin-3 and p75^NTR,  相似文献   

从机构知识库与传统数据库的区别,即机构知识库收集的内容外化为社会资源、内化为个人知识出发,分析机构知识库的学科信息特色及内容类型.以上海生科院神经所的机构知识库建设为例,提出了嵌入式机构知识库的构思,即“流程”“环境""人员”“服务”四嵌入,以及机构知识库具体服务功能的初步设计;提出了科研知识环境下文献情报机构要以机构知识库的建设为切入点,发展融入科研流程的全谱段数据,提供嵌入到用户科研环境和科研过程中的动态学科化知识服务.  相似文献   

The liquor from pitchers of Nepenthes, which were entirely free from insect captures, contained a protease which exerted its activity in a slightly acid medium. Catalase, urease, esterase, diastase, invertase, maltase, lactase, and emulsin were not present in the pitcher liquor.A substance, which reduced Benedict alkaline copper solution, was frequently, but not invariably, present in the pitcher liquor; it was probably sugar derived from the nectar.The pitcher liquor contained chlorides, and did not contain phosphates and saponins.A composite sample of the secretion of the leaves of Dionæa muscipula was examined, and was found to contain a protease which was active in the presence of 0.2 per cent. hydrochloric acid.The leaves of Dionæa miiscipula have been analyzed; and their composition is reported.The author is indebted to Dr. Walter Steckbeck for the photograph of Dioncæa muscipula and to Dr. John M. Macfarlane for those of Nepenthes.  相似文献   

A research team headed by Dr. Zhang Yongqing (Yong Q. Zhang) at the CAS Institute of Genetics & Developmental Biology recently received a financial grant from FRAXA, a US foundation supporting top-notch research of Fragile X Syndrome, a special hereditary disease of mental retardation.  相似文献   

案情简介 原告:保时捷股份公司(Dr.Ing.h.C.F.Porsche AG,简称保时捷公司)被告:北京泰赫雅特汽车销售服务有限公司(简称泰赫雅特公司)案由:侵犯商标专用权纠纷 一审法院:北京市第二中级人民法院[(2007)二中民初字第P8683号]  相似文献   

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