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企业要在未来的竞争中保持竞争优势,必然要求职工成为不断创新的职工,教育培训机构必将成为持续开发智力资源,云集精英,永葆战斗力的团队。那么教育培训、终身学习是职工与教育培训机构不断成长壮大的动力源泉,也是企业核心竞争力的根本。因此,如何顺应时代发展,更新培训观念,创  相似文献   

教学团队是高等教育"质量工程"的重要组成部分。课程教学团队建设的本质就是以教学为目标,推动教学改革,提高教学质量。《林业有害生物控制技术》课程教学团队从注重师资力量培养、组织学习职教理论、开展职业教育教学研究、组织教师参加林业生产实践、注重职业技能培训等途径,提高教师的职教理论水平、专业技术水平、实践技能水平。  相似文献   

一、营造培训学习的氛围是搞好职工培训的重要条件 1、搞好职工培训工作,领导是一个非常重要的因素。只有领导重视,认识到位,将培训工作列入工作重点之一,提上议事日程,才会为职工学习创造良好条件。尊重知识,尊重人才,热爱学习的风气才会有形成的基础,职工学习积极性才会高涨。赢得员工对企业培训的支持,使培训和学习成为一种自发自觉的行动,并使之上升为对企业的责任感,从而使培训和学习自然地溶入员工的日常工作中,  相似文献   

<正> 山河屯林业局是个近百年的老企业,经营面积分布在黑龙江、吉林两省的三个县内。有44个基层单位,在近万名职工中,1968年以来参加工作的青壮年就占职工总数的44%。1981年贯彻中央“八号”文件,为了顺利地完成以“双补”教育为重点,开展全员培训的任务,该局结合林业生产特点,鉴于过去开展职工教育的经验教训,对林业职工生产、学习的特殊情况进行了分析,认为职工居住分散,工种庞杂,  相似文献   

刘翌杰 《林区教学》2010,(1):123-124
林业经济的发展最终取决于林业职工素质的提高和人力资源开发管理的程度。要促进林业企业发展必须要树立人力资源是第一资源的理念;必须要加大力度,明确知识俺系,改革培训方式,构建新的培训机制;实行“以人为中心的管理”,建立、完善林区内部的劳动力,特别是人才市场机制、竞争机制、激励机制,健全评估监测体系。  相似文献   

职工培训是加强铁路技能人才队伍建设、提高职工队伍素质的重要举措。创新铁路职工培训模式,可以从以下几个方面发力:一是完善激励机制,提高职工主动学习的积极性;二是简化优化培训,推进职工培训工作去形式化;三是建立弹性学习机制,活化培训和考核评价方式;四是实行网格化培训管理,推动基层培训减负;五是运用科技支撑,完善培训管理体系。  相似文献   

集中面授和网络学习有机结合起来的混合式培训模式,已经成为我国中小学教师教育技术能力培训的主流模式。然而,该模式在实施过程中也出现诸如集中面授和网络学习各自为政、主讲教师简单糅合导致培训"两张皮"等一些亟待解决的问题。为此,提出教育技术能力混合式培训中培训者团队的构建,阐述专家团队、主讲教师团队、助教团队和督学团队构建的要求和策略,以及在本轮培训中构建的培训者团队的运作。  相似文献   

正"人心齐,泰山移"。建设好团队是企业获得竞争优势的法宝。团队建设法就是用以提高团队成员技能和团队有效性的培训方法,培训内容囊括了对团队力量的感知、合作信念的检验以及培训计划的制定。团队建设法注重提高团队的绩效,建立新的团队或促进不同团队之间的联系。具体而言,团队建设法包括冒险性学习法、团队培  相似文献   

郑新波 《中国培训》2009,(11):41-42
考试是检验职工培训效果的一种必要手段,也是一条督促职工参加培训、学习知识、锻炼技能的有效途径。在现有体制下,开展一些必要的学习考试活动,辅以一定的考核激励机制,还能有效提高员工参加培训的积极性和培训效果。  相似文献   

“工欲善其事,必先利其器”。企业培训是人力资本投资的重要形式,是进一步发现人力资源和提高人员素质的基本途径。党的十七大提出“建设全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会”和“建设学习型政党”的要求。科技快速的更新,工作团队的发展,都迫使企业要立足于自身优势,必须大力抓紧内部充电,搞好职工培训工作。赵陵铺渠道管理处抓住有利时机,积极稳妥地开展富有创新意义、丰富多彩的职工教育活动,在基层职工队伍建设和人才开发方面形成了自己独特的培训模式的经验,令我们耳目一新。——编者  相似文献   

林业跨越式发展的新形势,对林业行业培训工作提出了更高的要求,也提供了难得的机遇。林业行业培训机构和培训工作者必须树立“人才资源是第一资源”的思想,努力增强培训能力,不断提高培训质量,再创新优势,寻求新发展。  相似文献   

对培育适应电网企业发展的学习型员工的作用和措施进行探讨。通过开展培育适应电网企业发展的学习型员工活动,可提高员工的业务能力、执行力和创造力,提升企业软实力。通过制订培育战略、建立健全学习机制、开展群众性科技创新活动、营造良好学习氛围、引导员工树立现代学习理念、搭建学习型团队、利用互联网平台开展培训等积极培育适应电网企业发展的学习型员工,不断提高电网企业核心竞争力和员工综合素质,推动电网企业健康持续发展。  相似文献   

In comparison with traditional education, distance education requires greater involvement on the part of all staff in the management and administration of constituent systems. Using a case study of the University of Leicester's Centre for Labour Market Studies, it is demonstrated that the team approach adopted by the Centre means that academic, clerical and administrative staff are all in some way involved in the management of the distance learning courses run by the Centre. This has implications for the training and development of staff at all levels.  相似文献   

当前,我国林业发展进入治理与破坏的相持阶段。这一阶段具有脆弱性、不平衡性、不确定性、反复性和艰巨性五大特征,生态建设的任务更加艰巨,责任更加巨大。要打赢相持阶段林业攻坚战,必须大规模开展培训,大幅度提高林业队伍的整体素质。  相似文献   

在调查研究的基础上,从林业人力资源现状、管理与使用、教育与培训等三个方面对我国西部地区林业人力资源开发现状进行了分析。同时,结合未来经济社会发展和林业建设的需要,对西部地区林业人力资源的需求进行了预测。进而提出要从加强领导、加快林业发展、稳定队伍、加强林业教育培训等十个方面进一步加强林业人力资源开发工作,促进西部地区林业的快速发展。  相似文献   

林业要实现跨越式发展,必须加强林业人才队伍建设。目前这一工作还存在人才总量不足,后备人才流入困难,培训能力有限等突出问题。为此,要从创新林业院校招生、教育培养体系,强化林业行业教育培训工作,构建林业人才终身学习体系入手,全面加强我国林业人才培养工作。  相似文献   

护理人员在职培训是护理专业技术人员不断进行知识技能的补充、更新、拓宽和提高的一种继续教育。为了适应医学科学发展需要,为患者提供更安全、高效的护理,建立一支业务素质高、结构合理的护理专业技术队伍非常重要。因此必须加强不同层次在职护士培训。结合临床实际建立完善的在职护士分层次培训方案;加强分层培训管理、确保培训计划的执行落实;选择成人学习为特点的培训,保证培训效果是关键。在职护士分层培训使护士既快又安全地获得专业训练,提高了综合素质,降低了职业风险,同时利于不同层次的护士向着护士成长规范化、专业化方向发展。  相似文献   


This paper reflects on the uptake of information technology (IT) as a delivery strategy in the learning and teaching processes and suggests that it is no longer satisfactory from the pupils' perspective to leave this to informal staff development strategies. The ability to use IT appropriately and effectively in the classroom must be thoroughly embedded in the pedagogy of teacher training institutions. For this to happen, these institutions need to adopt interventionist strategies for staff development so that learning through IT is a process that all student teachers experience, evaluate and learn to manage in the classroom situation. This paper examines a project for staff development in IT in a particular college and, following on the project's success, offers it as a possible model for successful staff development in IT.  相似文献   

Research indicates that engagement acts as an important precursor for learning, yet sustaining the engagement of pupils with special educational needs can be a challenge for classroom staff. An Active Support staff training package, Interactive Training, has been demonstrated as an effective way of increasing engagement in adults accessing learning disability services. In theory the logic of Active Support Interactive Training could extend to a school environment, with the aim of achieving similar outcomes. The current study evaluated a special school-adapted version of Active Support Interactive Training with the aim of increasing engagement in pupils during group-based learning. Findings showed an increase in engagement in pupils for all three settings (classrooms) immediately after intervention, which continued to either increase or stabilise at three-month follow-up. Further research could test the engagement behaviour of staff pre- and post- training intervention and explore practice leadership within the school leadership team to address maintenance.  相似文献   


Academics who lead large teaching teams of often inexperienced sessional staff have a dual role in professional development. They are both provider and participant. Academic leaders need to develop skills to fulfill their role effectively as the primary professional development provider for their team through opportunities to enhance skills in a range of areas; these areas include team leadership, team management and teaching for learning. In this scenario, there is a multilayered structure of provision of development opportunities. One level is that provided by the team leader and directly related to the needs of the team members and the requirements of the subject. The second level caters for the needs of the team leader in developing skills to effectively perform all the responsibilities of their role. Provision of professional development opportunities that cater for these may be the responsibility of the School, Faculty, Department or Staff Development Unit, depending upon the Institutional context. This paper will present a case study of the professional development programme offered to a large teaching team by an academic team leader. Some implications and issues arising from the case study that need to be addressed by professional developers and academic team leaders to enable and support the improvement of student, staff and organizational learning through professional development programmes will be discussed.  相似文献   

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