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The networking of knowledge in the Internet age is calling into question the relationship between experts and non‐experts in the development, preservation, and communication of knowledge. There is a growing movement towards knowledge co‐creation and “mutualization.” These changes in the roles of expertise will have implications for museums as traditional gatekeepers of knowledge. This paper will explore social tagging as one tactic for broaching the divide between experts and non‐experts in the online museum. Although tagging cannot mutualize museum knowledge itself, it can increase access to online collections, provide insight into users and their frameworks of perception, and begin to turn the online collection catalogue into a living historical document in its own right.  相似文献   

中国古籍插图研究(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国古籍插图博大精深,源远流长.中华民族自古以来图书并称,图文并重.版画插图艺术经历代发展,至明代登峰造极.这份宏富而宝贵的文化遗产亟待发掘整理,取精用弘.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):482-486
Cultural departments in newspapers are reported to be encountering increasing pressures towards the production of news and more “journalistic” expression. However, journalistic values do not fit unproblematically into the dualistic professionalism of cultural journalism. The article elaborates an insight into the practice of arts journalism as an act of framing between the epistemic paradigms of journalistic and aesthetic tradition. The traditions are inspected as Bourdieusian fields, and the boundary-crossing between the fields is clarified by close-reading texts with deviations from the typical framings, accompanied by social tensions and indignation among the actors of the artistic field. By investigating the reconciliation between the two epistemic frames of cultural journalism, the journalistic and the aesthetic paradigm, certain restrictions between the generalist and specialist role-shifts can be found. This distinctive boundary between the fields leads into the question about how the newsworthiness of culture could be defined without losing the sensitivity to the characteristics of arts and culture, operated by their own logic.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This paper reports on the training of medical practitioners in information literacy. The course is carried out by an academic medical library in collaboration with its parent institution and the local physicians' licensing body. SETTING: The University of Zagreb Medical School (UZMS) developed an extensive continuing education programme for residents and practitioners, in partnership with the Croatian Chamber of Physicians. Within this programme, the Central Medical Library (CML) offers a hands-on course on searching and appraisal of medical information. DESCRIPTION: Continuing professional development (CPD) helps physicians update and develop the skills and knowledge they require in their everyday practice. The ability to locate, critically evaluate, and use medical information is an important component of CPD. The CML has developed a course entitled "Finding and Appraisal of Medical Information" which has been reviewed and accepted by its parent institution and the physicians' chamber. The course has been introduced in 2005 on a half-year base. OUTCOME: The course provides participants with the information on the most important medical information resources and with the basic skills needed for their effective usage. An evaluation questionnaire is used to assess the effectiveness of the course.  相似文献   

This article reviews the “The Gown Must Go to Town” exhibition staged in the Museum of Science and Technology, Accra, highlighting its theme as well as the Afrocentric philosophical messaging of the exhibits. Centered on the dynamism of the city, the exhibits carried conceptual information tailored to comment on the disastrous environmental consequences of the twenty‐first century inventive technological hardware, fibers, and plastic waste (and its mismanagement) that plagues the city. It made powerful visual statements, in an artistic way, of how to control these problems. However, I argue that because of the limitations placed on Ghana, Ghanaian art should pay more focused attention on industrial art instead of conceptual art. This review by no means brands conceptual art as inferior to industrialized art, but it maintains that it is through a focus on industrial art that the nation could meet its own functional and decorative needs, and cease doing so by extensive importation. This argument is based on the fact that conceptual art took its root from Africa in a non‐academic format that has long been practiced in the continent for centuries, and therefore not an emergent art in the African artistic milieu—as it is perceived to be.  相似文献   

The need to provide bibliographic access to a collection of original medical illustrations led the Library of the University of California, San Francisco, to search for a bibliographic control system and, not finding a satisfactory one, to develop one of its own, Part 1 of the report details the planning for such a development, including the need for bibliographic control of illustrations, the goals of the proposed system, design decisions and changes required, the type of system chosen, special subjects indexing needs, the required output, and staffing and budgetary needs.  相似文献   

陈晨 《编辑之友》2018,(5):28-32
出版产业进行数字出版转型探索已有十余年时间,但从模式成熟度以及产业收益率角度看,出版产业的数字转型成效并不理想.近年来,依托互联网兴起的如网络文学、知识变现等内容产业持续获得用户青睐,发展势头迅猛.作为老牌的内容提供商,出版单位拥有海量的图书资源和作者资源,在发展模式多元、分发渠道多样的当下,不应故步自封、闭门造车.出版单位应深入了解互联网运行模式,或积极尝试与技术平台商合作,或自主转型为平台商,利用知识付费的风口占据主动.文章从知识付费领域发展现状入手,对出版产业进入知识付费产业的方式方法以及运行模式进行归纳梳理,指出在知识付费视阈下出版产业运营模式需要注意的三方面问题,包括出版角色和功能需再定位,借势合作问题诸多、需谨慎推进,以及版权归属,希冀对我国出版产业的转型发展有所助益.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To meet the information needs of isolated primary care providers and their patients in the US Navy, a digital health sciences library, the Virtual Naval Hospital, was created through a unique partnership between academia and government. METHODS: The creation of the digital library was heavily influenced by the principles of user-centered design and made allowances for the nomadic nature of the digital library's patrons and the heterogeneous access they have to Internet bandwidth. RESULTS: The result is a digital library that has been in operation since 1997, continues to expand in size, is heavily used, and is highly regarded by its patrons. CONCLUSIONS: The digital library is dedicated to delivering the right information at the right time to the right person so the right decision can be made, and therefore the Virtual Naval Hospital functions as a knowledge-management system for the US Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.  相似文献   

Scholarly journals, especially in non‐English‐speaking countries, may perform very different functions depending on whether they are published for national or international audiences. Four hundred and sixty‐six academic physicians and non‐academic general practitioners in Croatia were surveyed on their knowledge about two Croatian medical journals: Lije?ni?ki vjesnik (published in Croatian) and Croatian Medical Journal (published in English). The physicians were also surveyed about the importance of all national and international journals published in Croatia, and the types of articles they thought should be published in these journals. More respondents rated national (n = 329, 72.6%) than international journals (n = 275, 63.5%, P < 0.001, Wilcoxon test) as very important for the medical profession. On the other hand, publishing in international journals was more often rated as important than publishing in national journals (n = 184, 42.5% vs. n = 125, 27.8%; P < 0.001, Wilcoxon test). Guidelines for clinical practice were rated as the most important publication item in national journals, and original scientific articles in international journals.  相似文献   

Conflicts can occur between the principle of freedom of information treasured by librarians and ethical standards of scientific research involving the propriety of using data derived from immoral or dishonorable experimentation. A prime example of this conflict was brought to the attention of the medical and library communities in 1995 when articles claiming that the subjects of the illustrations in the classic anatomy atlas, Eduard Pernkopf's Topographische Anatomie des Menschen, were victims of the Nazi holocaust. While few have disputed the accuracy, artistic, or educational value of the Pernkopf atlas, some have argued that the use of such subjects violates standards of medical ethics involving inhuman and degrading treatment of subjects or disrespect of a human corpse. Efforts were made to remove the book from medical libraries. In this article, the history of the Pernkopf atlas and the controversy surrounding it are reviewed. The results of a survey of academic medical libraries concerning their treatment of the Pernkopf atlas are reported, and the ethical implications of these issues as they affect the responsibilities of librarians is discussed.  相似文献   

Over the past ten years, there has been a growing interest in integrating arts and humanities in medicine to increase learners'' empathy and resilience; improve personal well-being, communication, and observational skills; enhance self-reflection; and promote professionalism. These desired skills and qualities are becoming increasingly important for the physicians of tomorrow. Parallel to curricular interventions of integrating arts and humanities to medical education, there has been an increasing research interest in investigating the impact of such interventions on medical students with respect to improving and sustaining students'' empathy as they progress in their medical education and develop their professional identity. Research has yielded interesting findings on the types and effect of the interventions in the medical curriculum. The Association of the American Medical Colleges (AAMC), recognizing the unique and unrealized role of arts and humanities in preparing and equipping physicians for twenty-first-century challenges, proposed seven recommendations for advancing arts and humanities integration into medical education to improve the education, practice, and well-being of physicians and physician learners across the spectrum of medical education. Institutional initiatives of arts and humanities integration in the medical curriculum in response to the AAMC''s recommendations afford health sciences librarians expansive opportunities and a new landscape of playing an important role in these initiatives. With their diverse educational background in arts, humanities, social sciences, and many other disciplines and fields, health sciences librarians are poised for meaningful contributions to their institutional goals in developing a humanistic, compassionate workforce of future physicians.  相似文献   

The medical library assumes increasing importance to teaching and research. While funds for research, medical education, and improved facilities for patients have been increasing and are relatively easy to obtain, however, it has been extraordinarily difficult to obtain funds for the building and maintenance of medical libraries. The National Library of Medicine is attempting to preserve the record of medical knowledge and by means of mechanization provide more efficient service to physicians and scientists, but one, or a few, great libraries cannot serve the medical interests of the country. Federal support such as the program of grants in the proposed Medical Library Assistance Act is needed to assist local and regional efforts to improve library service.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This article describes the contributions of medical librarians, as members of the Family Physicians' Inquiries Network (FPIN), to the creation of a database of clinical questions and answers that allows family physicians to practice evidence-based medicine using high-quality information at the point of care. The medical librarians have contributed their evidence-based search expertise and knowledge of information systems that support the processes and output of the consortium. METHODS: Since its inception, librarians have been included as valued members of the FPIN community. FPIN recognizes the search expertise of librarians, and each FPIN librarian must meet qualifications demonstrating appropriate experience and training in evidence-based medicine. The consortium works collaboratively to produce the Clinical Inquiries series published in family medicine publications. RESULTS: Over 170 Clinical Inquiries have appeared in Journal of Family Practice (JFP) and American Family Physician (AFP). Surveys have shown that this series has become the most widely read part of the JFP Website. As a result, FPIN has formalized specific librarian roles that have helped build the organizational infrastructure. CONCLUSIONS: All of the activities of the consortium are highly collaborative, and the librarian community reflects that. The FPIN librarians are valuable and equal contributors to the process of creating, updating, and maintaining high-quality clinical information for practicing primary care physicians. Of particular value is the skill of expert searching that the librarians bring to FPIN's products.  相似文献   


Management has always been about communications. Business strategy in particular can only work, if implemented. Part of the process is communicating strategy to all company's stakeholders. The more team‐orientated a management style the more communications becomes a key success factor. By the same token, there has never been a management discipline for communications in its own right comparable to all the others that have developed over time: Neither Marketing nor HR nor even Finance were part of the original settings as, for example, laid out by Erich Gutenberg in the 1960s. All these “subs”; were initiated by increasing specialisation of business administration and developed to mature disciplines.

This article will argue for yet another management discipline, communications management. The reasons are mainly twofold: on the one hand there are increasing needs on different types of communications even without the world‐wide web (such as financial communications), which must be integrated in one holistic approach. And on the other hand there are increasing new challenges caused by the digital economy (such as customer related communications), which will have to be integrated in an even advanced holistic management approach. This article will combine both reasons, but mainly focus on the first aspect.  相似文献   

鉴于重要关键词对于文本有着重要的强文本表示功能,关键词抽取和筛选在信息检索、信息抽取和知识挖掘等领域中有着重要的作用。在调研当前关键词抽取的方法后,结合医学领域已有的叙词表和工具以及BM25F加权词频公式提出基于医学文本的重要关键词抽取和筛选的技术方法。该方法主要解决两个关键问题:关键词的识别和抽取、关键词重要性的衡量和筛选。以2001-2007年骨关节炎领域的文献集合为数据来源,对该技术方法进行实践尝试,并验证其实际有效性,为知识挖掘中的重要关键词抽取提供一个行之有效的途径。  相似文献   

Rich HTML可通过内容分析、知识标引,以及文字、图、表的结构化,实现碎片化条件下的深阅读。文章对Rich HTML的基本原理、特点及其在国内外医学期刊中的应用情况进行了研究,同时结合《检验医学》应用Rich HTML进行网络传播的实践,分析目前中文医学期刊在应用Rich HTML中存在的人员资金、链接版权、功能拓展等问题,以期为Rich HTML在医学期刊网络出版中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

何婷婷 《大观周刊》2012,(16):161-161,163
随着现代艺术的不断更新与发展,在商业插图方面,除了追求国际性的融合趋势以及现代性的文化革新之外,应该更多的强调地域性和民族文化特征,将民族图形与商业插图表现形式相结合,使商业插图的艺术表现有更多施展空间,艺术发展更加多元化。  相似文献   

论医学科普文本的易读性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李法宝 《编辑学报》2009,21(3):207-209
易读性是指文字、图像等文本符号易于被读者迅速阅读、准确理解.加强对医学科普文本的研究,既是为了适应医学科普期刊市场竞争的需要,也是为了更好地满足社会和公众对医学科普知识的需求.  相似文献   

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