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英国与爱尔兰的关系是从中世纪直到现今为止最复杂、最棘手的问题。其矛盾可追溯到种族、宗教、政治经济等多个方面。天主教、英国国教和新教虽都属基督教,但相互之间分歧不小:英格兰征服爱尔兰及对其大片土地的没收,造成英国外在地主与爱尔兰佃农的尖锐冲突。美国、法国共和主义的胜利和影响,激发了爱尔兰人两个世纪多的反英斗争。而北爱问题则主要由于苏格兰移民的进入以及近代工业的发展。  相似文献   

一直到中世纪晚期,爱尔兰仍然保存着农村公社的土地占有制;在法律上,土地属于整个部落所共有。爱尔兰人为了保卫自己的土地以及自古相传的公社秩序,在历史上曾向英格兰入侵者进行过长期的斗争。英格兰的统治集团,认为爱尔兰是自己第一块殖民地,很早就图谋把爱尔兰公社的土地,变成英格兰王室和地主的私产,特别从十六世纪中期起,就采取剧烈的直接没收的政策,把英格兰殖民者迁移到爱尔兰,建立起种植  相似文献   

《土地法》中有一个矛盾,即一方面规定了农民集体土地所有权,另一方面,又取消了它,这导致农民集体土地所有权处于无司法保护的状态,也间接地导致了我国耕地资源的快速减少。这一矛盾是与《土地法》的立法理念相关联的。  相似文献   

公私观念源于对土地和财产的所有权,各种公私观念的核心是为了解决公与私利益之间的矛盾。中国早期公私观念中推崇"大公无私",贬斥"以私害公"是一个基本取向,并由此衍生为一种社会行为准则和规范。公私观念模式的基础就是实现和完善"公",以公为中心,以公为主体。尚公意识被后人不断地优化,成为人们的政治信念、道德理念和价值目标。公与私在现实中往往处于矛盾的状态中,公私合一、公私兼顾是难以实现的,公与私始终处于背反的境地。这种矛盾主要体现在利益的冲突上,而解决这一矛盾的准则是以"公"为先,只有一切为了公利,维护公利,才是解决这一矛盾的唯一途径。最终使得"天下为公"成为社会行为的根本准则,作为一种精神追求和道德行为规范,对稳定社会秩序有着积极的作用。  相似文献   

作为中世纪英格兰佃农抗争领主的庄园法庭与习惯法的关系是一体的。庄园法庭的裁判机制保证了法庭不是完全反映领主意志的工具,有相当数量的佃农在法庭上获胜的案例表明佃农能够利用庄园法庭来保护自身的权利。习惯法的核心价值体现了等级社会的等级权利,佃农在庄园法庭上成功地维护了自身权利,但以现代价值观念来看,那些结果多数还是不利于佃农的。因此,必须以历史的眼光来考察庄园法庭和习惯法。  相似文献   

我国在土地和建筑物权利的相互关系方面采纳了二者不可分离的模式,这种模式有利有弊。随着我国国民经济的快速发展和住房制度改革的不断深入,尤其是住房金融等一系列配套政策的逐步建立,国内住宅市场迅速发展,土地使用权与房屋所有权之间的矛盾越来越突出,其中土地使用权期限与房屋所有权完整性之间的矛盾日益突出。  相似文献   

“三权分置”改革中的土地经营权是指土地经营权的所有人拥有耕地、从事农业生产和获得利益的权利,土地经营权是基于土地所有权或基于土地承包经营权经营管理土地的权利。承包农户可以在承包地上设定土地管理权。集体经济组织可以在其所有的荒滩、荒山、荒丘、荒沟上(以下简称“四荒地”)设立土地经营权,并将其移交给其他经营管理对象。基于土地承包经营权所产生的土地经营权性质应该是不动产用益物权,由于土地承包经营权所具有的成员权性质,承包农户在承包土地上为自己所设定的土地经营权也相应的具有成员权特点;基于土地所有权所设立的土地经营权(“四荒地”的土地经营权)作为物权已得到法律上的确认。  相似文献   

西欧农奴和中国佃农是封建社会的主要劳动者。他们在生产过程中的状况,对封建经济的发展起着决定作用。本文试图通过对他们的社会地位和生活状况的差别的比较,以探讨其对经济发展的不同影响。一、农奴与佃农在生产中的不同地位我们要分析封建社会的发展,就必须把它当作以对抗为基础的生产方式来考察。而在这一对抗中,生产者处于何种地位,是生产的关键问题。由于中西封建社会土地制度的不同,使农奴与佃农在生产中的地位也存在着差别。  相似文献   

清代前期,江西地主阶级追逐地租的欲望有增无减。围绕着分配问题,阶级与广大佃农之间的斗争进一步激烈,斗争的原因大致是佃农反对地主的夺佃、佃农急取永佃权、佃农要求减租、佃农反对交纳押租、预租以及反对地主的残酷镇压等几类型,其中,由地主阶级残酷镇压引起的佃农抗租起义,将清朝前期佃农抗租斗争推向了新的阶段,使清朝的封建统治处于风雨遥之中。  相似文献   

笔者通过对我国农村土地承包经营制度存在的问题的揭示,论证了制度安排的实质就是权利的分配、产权的分配。所以,实现农村土地制度安排的公平与效率也必须从产权分配改革入手,从土地集体所有权的实现形式上解决土地所有权虚王的突出矛盾,从承包经营权的物权性立法上保护农民的利益,从土地规模经营和土地流持上实现农业生产的效率。  相似文献   

英国行会学徒制的发展在时间跨度上从12世纪初期一直延续到20世纪中期,分为传统行会学徒制、国家立法学徒制和工业革命学徒制三个阶段。在传统行会学徒制中,劳动雇佣关系、师徒技能传承关系以及社会身份关系之间相互嵌入,为传统行会学徒制的技能形成奠定了社会基础。资本主义自由市场的力量释放颠覆了传统行会学徒制赖以存在的社会基础。商人直接支配生产改变了行会经济中的生产关系,商人阶层成为剩余价值的占有者,同时也导致师傅阶层出现分化,出现了所谓的小师傅阶层。工业革命后,学徒制管制权力由行会转移到技工工会,学徒制逐渐沦为劳资斗争的工具。引发英国行会学徒制陷入危机并走向瓦解的深层根源在于社会结构的转型变迁。  相似文献   

作为跨越英国和爱尔兰两种不同的国家背景的女性作家,玛利亚·埃奇沃思在《拉克伦特堡》中,通过男性叙述者萨迪·奎尔克,叙述了一个走向衰亡的爱尔兰封建地主家庭的故事,并且展示了整个封建父权社会性别政治中的权力关系,而男性叙述的性别政治所展示的权力关系又进一步揭示了英国与爱尔兰两国间宏大叙事中的权力关系。  相似文献   

This paper examines the post-compulsory education and training (PCET) systems of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, using cohort survey data for the early 1990s. It compares these systems with respect to four issues of current policy concern: participation, inclusiveness, academic drift and parity of esteem. It asks how a system's performance on these four criteria varied according to the degree of 'unification' of PCET, that is, the extent to which academic and vocational tracks were linked or combined within a unified system. In the early 1990s Scotland was the most unified system (with the weakest divisions between tracks) and Northern Ireland the least unified (with the strongest divisions between tracks). The paper finds no clear link between unification and participation in PCET. The two systems with the highest levels of participation were Northern Ireland and Scotland, respectively the least unified and the most unified systems. However the Scottish system was slightly less inclusive than the other three systems, as indicated by a slightly stronger association between participation and prior attainment and/or social class. Academic drift - measured by participation in academic rather than vocational tracks - was more pronounced in Scotland than elsewhere. There was no clear association between unification and parity of esteem, as indicated by the relative educational backgrounds of entrants to vocational and academic tracks: entry to academic rather than vocational courses was more skewed towards high attainers in both Scotland and Northern Ireland than in England and Wales. Participation in the academic track was also relatively skewed towards males in England compared with elsewhere. The paper concludes that there is unlikely to be a simple causal connection between unification and participation, inclusion, academic drift or parity. However it suggests that a strong work-based sector is more important for participation and inclusiveness, while a strong full-time vocational sector is more important for parity and for avoiding academic drift.  相似文献   

This paper argues that there is scope for considerable change and improvement in the way in which Poetry is taught at Key Stage Two in Northern Ireland. In making this case for significant improvement, the paper has three interconnected parts. In the first part, a range of critical ideas highlight the richness of poetry as a literary genre. Secondly, a number of pedagogical ideas are presented, which emphasise the enjoyment of poetry as an end in itself. In the third part, there is firstly a comparative evaluation of the statutory requirements for teaching Key Stage Two poetry in Northern Ireland and England. Secondly, the results of a questionnaire, which was distributed to a reasonably representative selection of Literacy Coordinators in primary schools across Northern Ireland, are evaluated. The results suggest that there is Indeed considerable scope for improvement in the teaching of poetry at Key Stage Two in Northern Ireland.  相似文献   


This article examines the introduction of national standards and guidelines for the use of information and communications technology (ICT) in initial teacher training in England and Northern Ireland. The context for the increased focus on ICT in teacher education is described for each part of the United Kingdom (UK). Comparisons are drawn between the two areas of the UK to show how schools and teacher training institutions have attempted to meet the standards within each political context by examining the positive features of three case teacher training courses, two in England and one in Northern Ireland. From this, inferences are drawn about the level of intervention by Government and whether greater government control has reduced or increased the integration of ICT into the cycle of teaching and learning.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the evolution and impact of a policy initiative intended to recognise and regulate a new entry route into British higher education: namely, that associated with access courses aimed primarily at adults and provided mainly by colleges of further education. The framework of quality assurance created to achieve this goal is examined from two vantage points. The first comes from within the central body established by the national government to develop and implement the scheme across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The second is that of one of the agencies in England licensed to recognise access courses at a regional and local level. As an early expression of a shift in government policy in the direction of a mass system of higher education, the framework represented on the one hand an exercise in legitimation and, on the other, an element in a larger process of change in post-secondary education. However, the ability of the initiative to shape priorities on the ground, or to embrace other transformations in and around access education, was always limited.  相似文献   

Kathy Hall 《Compare》2000,30(1):85-101
This paper offers a conceptual evaluation of primary assessment policy and the policy process in the Republic of Ireland. It considers, in particular, the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment's policy document, A Programme for Reform: curriculum and assessment policy towards the new century and within that, the policy statement, The Curriculum at Primary Level: programme development and pupil assessment and it also refers to the primary teachers' union stance on assessment. It critically evaluates the Irish policy position on assessment in the light of recent literature in this field. The main argument of the paper is that the proposed policy is preoccupied with measurement issues and it does not sufficiently recognise the complexity of implementing formative assessment. The paper also seeks to explain the nature of current policy in Ireland with reference to the decision-making process and comparisons with other systems outside Ireland, particularly England/Wales, are made, where appropriate.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the common educational challenges faced by curriculum developers in the UK at the turn of the 21st century and the steps taken to address them by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority in England and the Council for Curriculum Examinations and Assessment in Northern Ireland. The paper explores how the solutions emerging during the three curriculum review phases of 1998–1999 and 2005–2007 in England and 2000–2004 in Northern Ireland came about largely as a result of collegial working between the two bodies. As well as considering steps taken to develop aims that would drive curriculum change and a curriculum that would address the learning needs of students in the 21st century, the article also considers the lessons learnt about managing and supporting curriculum change. Developments in England and Northern Ireland serve to illustrate that an effective curriculum needs to: articulate clearly the key aims that will shape and drive it; be sufficiently visionary and flexible to allow teachers to respond to the needs of students now and in the future; and provide on-going support to help embed and sustain change. The three are inter-related and successful curriculum development involves considering them together.
Carmel GallagherEmail:

Ian Colwill   is a freelance educational consultant. Until his recent retirement, he was a member of the executive of the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority in England with responsibility for curriculum development. He began his career teaching history in a secondary school in inner London before becoming an advisory history teacher for the Inner London Education Authority. He has since held senior posts in a succession of bodies advising the government on curriculum and assessment development with responsibility for developing and revising the national curriculum and producing a wide range of support materials. Carmel Gallagher   is currently a Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the UNESCO Centre, University of Ulster. Until recently, she was the manager in charge of Curriculum and Assessment Development at the Northern Ireland Council for Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA), a post from which she has been seconded. She began her career teaching history in a large comprehensive school in West Belfast during some of the worst years of the Northern Ireland Troubles. She was seconded from this post to a number of curriculum development projects before she became the officer in charge of the history curriculum at the newly formed Northern Ireland Curriculum Council (NICC). Soon after this organisation merged with the Northern Ireland Secondary Examinations Council to form CCEA, she took over responsibility for the curriculum review process from 1996–2006, the production of a wide range of support materials and the development of an implementation strategy.  相似文献   

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