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This paper discusses the use of organisational theory in a research and development project at the University of Queensland. It focuses on the introduction of a student evaluation of teaching scheme for feedback purpose and for use in annual appraisals, as well as for tenure and promotion decisions. It is a case study of planned change introduced into a traditional university within the framework of the literature on change, university systems and the academic profession. The paper demonstrates that organisational theory helps (a) to clarify the context and the conditions which facilitate introduction of change in a traditional university, and (b) to evaluate strategies to initiate and implement change. When the student evaluation of teaching system was developed and first promoted in Semester 2, 1982, 37 staff members had their teaching evaluated. Since then it has grown to a regular evaluation of teaching in over 300 class sessions, with 150–200 staff members participating each semester, and about 15,000 students returning questionnaires. This makes it a unique scheme in Australian universities.  相似文献   

以黄冈师范学院为例,采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、实验法、数理统计法等研究方法,对新课改下普通高校乒乓球课程考核评价进行分析研究。结果表明:在乒乓球课程评价内容上,纳入学生的学习态度、体育理论及教学比赛的评价,使评价内容多元化,能够促进学生学习的积极性和学习效果的提高;在乒乓球课程评价方法上,实施不同层次的分层次考核,对学生的学习过程和学习效果进行综合评价,有助于形成既注重过程评价又注重效果评价的综合考核评价体系。  相似文献   

长期以来,在线课程研究与实践一直被“高辍学率”困扰。传统文献对其原因的消极解读是在线课程定位失准、对在线互动机制理解片面、在线学习评价主体错位的结果。因此,本研究对将“高辍学率”理解为在线课程和课程学习者失败的合理性提出质疑,从学习者投资理论的视角,对在线课程与学习者的关系进行重新诠释。研究发现,在线课程“辍学”是学习者的一种主动选择,同时也是线下教师策略整合及在线课程资源属性的体现。基于“高辍学率”现象中隐藏的积极意涵,研究进一步从教学组织过程、学习评价模式、共同体实践等方面对在线课程学习机制进行了重构。  相似文献   

活动理论是由前苏联著名心理学家列昂捷夫所创立的一个心理学理论体系,对世界心理学的发展产生了很大的影响。本文以近20年来的文献为基础.从理论介绍、概念建构、应用研究以及评价四个方面回顾了我国活动理论的研究现状,并在反思国内活动理论研究现状的基础上,对活动理论研究的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Development research methodology (DRM) has been recommended as a viable research approach to expand the practice‐to‐theory/theory‐to‐practice literature that human performance technology (HPT) practitioners can integrate into the day‐to‐day work flow they already use to develop instructional products. However, little has been written about how it can be applied in a workplace setting to allow HPT practitioners to consider this research approach for adoption into their own activities. This article provides a real‐world application of the DRM to help close this literature gap. After providing background information to establish the case context, the article presents an overview of how this research approach was applied to an effort to develop and validate a new instructional design framework for potentially training National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) astronauts for deep space exploration missions. The result of this case indicates that this research methodology provides a viable approach that HPT practitioners can integrate into their current practices to provide a practice‐based research baseline to contribute to the practice‐to‐theory/theory‐to‐practice literature.  相似文献   

Teacher performance evaluation plays a key role in educational personnel reform, so it has been an important yet difficult issue in educational reform. Previous evaluations on teachers failed to make strict distinction among the three dominant types of evaluation, namely, capability, achievement, and effectiveness. Moreover, teacher performance evaluation was usually restricted to task performance, neglecting contextual performance. Most researches done in teachers’ evaluation were only about college teachers. This paper suggests that teacher performance evaluation should find its theoretical foundation in teacher performance constructs. After making literature review, critical case study, critical interview, and qualitative research, the authors propose a new construct of teacher performance and make necessary analysis for the construct of reliability and validity in empirical approaches. Translated from Teacher Education Research, 2005, 1  相似文献   

明末会稽无名女子在新嘉驿题诗文,吸引了明末清初不少著名文人的关注与唱和,持续近半个世纪,成为古代文学传播史上一典型个案,值得重视。这里参照传播学思想,用文本细读方法,分析此个案所包含的文学传播意义。  相似文献   

Recent literature has emphasised the distributed nature of leadership in higher education (HE) and the multitude of actors and factors that contribute towards organisational outcomes. Gronn suggests, however, that rather than using such evidence to provide broad, normative accounts of leadership practice, greater attention should be directed to mapping the ‘hybrid configurations’ through which leadership practice emerges. This article responds to this call through an analysis of employer engagement activities in UK HE. Using a qualitative case study approach, it illustrates the complex, interdependent and contested nature of leadership practice in cross-boundary environments. The article concludes by suggesting how a hybrid perspective may enhance leadership theory and practice in tertiary education.  相似文献   

This paper traces the theoretical perspective of organisational change and development and relate it to an Australian case study. It starts with a review of literature on various types of change, strategies, and processes of change advocated by different scholars and organisational experts. It is followed by another review of literature on organisational development and how organisational change and development could be related to institutional mergers in higher education. This theoretical analysis is followed by the results of a research project on the merger between the La Trobe University and the Lincoln Institute of Health Sciences in Melbourne. For the collection of data, a case study approach has been adopted employing mainly qualitative methodologies. Thus the results are based on an analysis of the archival material, interviews with key personnel in both institutions and the amalgamated institution as well as observations by the researcher. On the basis of what has been achieved within a period of two years, it has been concluded that the amalgamation has been a qualified success and has contributed towards change and development of the amalgamated university.  相似文献   

The argument-based approach to validation has been widely adopted in validation theory. However, this approach aims to validate the intended interpretation and use of a single test or assessment. This article proposes an extension of the argument-based approach for validation of multiple tests. This extension is illustrated with the validation of a competency assessment program (CAP). This CAP was validated in collaboration with a quality manager of an educational program. In this case study, it became apparent that this approach fosters an in-depth evaluation of the assessment program and that the approach appears suitable for validation efforts of competency assessment programs. The approach guides validation research from a more general perspective, but also guides more detailed validation efforts.  相似文献   

目前对于新加坡华文文学的研究有如下特征:一是重点在对文学现象的宏观论述、文学史的研究、个案的研究以及问题的研究;二是重点在于后殖民理论和文化认同的研究;三是研究范围的不断扩大。同时,目前的研究也存在问题研究不平衡、理论单一的问题。  相似文献   

针对高校行政管理人员绩效考核的模糊性特点,将证据理论应用于对高校行政管理人员的绩效考核当中,并借助于有权重的证据理论合成方法对评价结果进行合成。最后,通过实例分析说明该方法具有实用性与有效性。  相似文献   

我国概念图研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自20世纪60年代,概念图一直是国外教学领域的研究热点之一。概念图有助于教师整理教学思路,有助于学习者进行知识建构,有助于学习者的自我反思和评价。以CNKI作为工具,通过对1998—2007年有关概念图的文章进行分析后,发现我国概念图研究存在着研究质量不高、结合课程改革的实证研究少、理论研究创新少等问题。  相似文献   

文学场理论从社会学角度展开文学研究,尤其关注文学创作的社会环境。然而,作家及其作品本身始终是文学研究的核心。所以,更加值得探讨的是文学场理论对该核心问题研究的意义。文学场理论揭示出在实际研究中需要注意资本与权力的影响,并且用历史的眼光来更加全面地评价作家和作品。但是,该理论未能就评判作品自身价值的基本标准给出一个满意的答案,理论本身也具有一定的历史局限性。  相似文献   

案例教学是经济管理类专业的教学内容之一,它可以发挥理论与实践衔接的桥梁作用。因此探讨案例教学的有效方法是非常有价值的研究工作。本文引入第三方评价的讨论方法突破了以往的模式,提高了学生参与案例讨论的积极性、普遍性和有效性,保证了案例讨论的秩序和效果。  相似文献   

"陌生化"理论是俄国形式主义批评流派提出的重要概念,俄国形式主义者认为文学的文学性是通过"陌生化"表现出来的,是艺术形式的"陌生化"使文学的文学性获得了实践的价值.文中用"陌生化"理论分析了玄学影响下的魏晋游仙诗发展过程中的三种变化,从而证明了俄国形式主义所提出的研究文学的理论值得很好地深入研究.  相似文献   

新时期以来,关于"文学评价"理论资源的研究成为学术界的热点话题并取得了比较丰硕的成果。其中,在宏观方面,研究者们主要从马克思主义文艺思想、传统文论、当代西方文学批评和"五四"时期的民主和科学等角度研究了它的现状及其表现,也提出了不少亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

中国现当代文学学科建设应有明确的思路,应遵循科学的治学、治史方法,这样,才能真正使学科焕发活力,形成前瞻性特色,以便不断开辟新的生长点,为文科实现自身价值摸索经验.本学科点有四个研究方向:现代文学、当代文学、影视-戏剧文学和儿童文学,有老中青三代人组成的、有一定影响力的教学-科研群体.  相似文献   

文章基于模糊数学理论构建了一个由9个类别共27项指标构成的高校体育工作质量评价指标体系,并以浙江某普通本科院校为实例加以验证。实例研究表明,评价结果与该高校体育工作的实际情况基本相符,可以为高校管理决策提供依据。  相似文献   

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