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The authors examined best practices in university‐level teaching, as premised on the evidence‐based teaching (EBT) literature found in fields external to counselor education. Findings were reported in relation to 3 areas: developing an effective learning environment, structuring intentional learning experiences, and assessing teaching effectiveness. Implications regarding the training of doctoral‐level counselor educators using EBT practices are discussed.  相似文献   

Researchers suggest an increase in self‐harm among men. Specifically, college‐age men appear to be at risk for self‐harming behaviors, and counselors often overlook these behaviors in treatment. In this article, the authors describe the issue of self‐harm and illustrate the use of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT; Linehan, 2014 ) with male college students. The authors use a case study to illustrate the use of a modified form of DBT with a male college student who self‐harmed. Limitations of this approach and implications for college counselors are also addressed.  相似文献   

Although clinical supervision is widely viewed as an educational process, counseling doctoral students may lack relevant background in pedagogy. In response to calls to incorporate learning theories and principles into supervision instruction, 7 evidence‐based science of learning principles as well as examples from 1 doctoral supervision course are described.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates the outcomes of taking a hermeneutic phenomenological approach to architectural design and discusses the potentials for imaginative reasoning in design education. This study tests the use of literature as a verbal form of art and design and the contribution it can make to imaginative design processes – which are all too often limited by physical constraints. It has been observed that a person reading a novel can choose to suspend their disbelief and become entangled in the events of the book – where they become involved with the art not only subjectively, but also as a form of play. In the words of Hans‐Georg Gadamer: ‘understanding occurs in interpreting’. This study asked design students to read three of Franz Kafka's books –The Metamorphosis, The Trial and The Castle– prior to designing a Franz Kafka museum. The students found themselves drawn into numerous worlds that they were compelled to play along with; and demonstrating the productive role that literature can play in studio design, the students were observed to reconstruct the text and authorial context as a spatio‐temporal frame of reference, in this case a museum, and thus provide museum visitors with a Kafkaesque spatial experience of the narrative world in terms of design.  相似文献   

A design studio is a critical venue for design students, as they are educated to develop design thinking and other skills through studio courses. This article introduces a design studio project in which Korean and Malaysian students worked jointly for one semester to design affordable urban housing. The Korean students were interior design majors and the Malaysian students were architecture majors; thus it was thought that the students' areas of expertise were likely to differ. It was also anticipated that the students would display cultural differences in terms of housing and planning practices. The motive for starting the joint design studio was the idea that a cross‐cultural collaborative working setting could redefine students' thinking styles and stimulate students to obtain non‐routine perspectives on the design of buildings and spaces. Through observation and interviews, we explored how students tackled affordable housing problems within the context of cross‐cultural and interdisciplinary design education. Collaborative learning in a joint studio situation supplemented students' expertise, re‐orienting approaches to design and opening up a holistic approach to the design issues of affordability, sustainability and community. Overall, the practical learning in the joint studio project validated the importance of exploring alternative solutions based on varied levels of information, and input of those from different educational and cultural backgrounds. The cross‐cultural and interdisciplinary collaboration allowed for a previously unavailable enhancement of design education by encouraging students to obtain divergent thinking for innovative design ideas.  相似文献   

As the economic pressure to teach more students with fewer (and less costly) instructors has increased in higher education, the utilisation of non‐career teachers has become more prevalent. Design education has not escaped this phenomenon; non‐career teachers, such as graduate and undergraduate students or design practitioners, have become commonplace in design education, including the design studio. The studio, however, is a unique teaching and learning environment in higher education. It poses distinct socio‐academic challenges for both students and teachers. The utilisation of non‐career teachers in studios raises a number of ethical and pedagogical questions. Teacher development is one serious concern. Here, the authors articulate the major challenges confronted by non‐career studio teachers, especially student teaching assistants, and strategies for their development.  相似文献   

This article discusses the practical and ethical challenges and benefits of using social media and video‐based research methods – also known as Photovoice – to investigate contemporary Communication Design education. The two visual research methods discussed include the social media mobile application Snapchat® and participant‐generated GoPro® video filming. The investigation focused on understanding students’ on‐the‐ground, lived experiences of studio learning within two distinctive higher education case study settings in the United Kingdom and Australia. This study employed Participatory Action Research (PAR) as an inquiry process and incorporated a methodological framework involving a combination of narrative inquiry, visual Participatory Design (PD) and visual ethnography. The findings of this study revealed the impact of specialised studio and classroom‐based Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) on student learning and engagement as the participants expressed differing responses to their own learning and community of practice at each site. The choice of arts‐based educational research methods used for this study allowed the relationships between place, lived experience, and community to be explored. Students, in effect, became investigators of their own practice through engagement in a rigorous set of visual methods, which placed the tools directly into their hands.  相似文献   

高校开设合唱与指挥课程是提高学生综合素质的重要途径和手段。在合唱与指挥课程中,高校应以学生为中心,采取课堂教学与课外学生分组训练相结合的方法,并将训练的结果在课堂上以展示学生艺术实践成果的形式反馈,这一做法可以有效调动学生主动学习的积极性,提高合唱与指挥课程教学的质量和效果。  相似文献   

师范生综合人文素质的培养,直接关系到将来中小学教师的素质。教育不仅要关注教与学的现实,更要关注教育中的人性,再现教育对人性的关怀。尤其要指导学生在实际的活动中学好本领,这样才能培养出具有综合性素质的人才。  相似文献   

While the interconnected and technological nature of the twenty‐first century can bring about many positive global connections, the importance of prioritising the development of the ‘inner world’ of designers is receiving less attention; similarly, time for contemplation, reflection and stillness is becoming scarcer. This article discusses mindfulness training from the Buddhist perspective, and how it can act as a pathway to personal introspection and as a supportive method for mental illnesses. With a special focus on design education, it discusses a novel framework, Mindfulness‐Based Design Practice (MBDP), and how it can potentially offer opportunities for design students to foster positive mind qualities such as mindfulness, compassion, resilience, and recognising the true nature of phenomena for becoming more ethical designers. Therefore, this article looks to bridge the gap between the significant lack of contemplative mindfulness‐based methods within the higher design education sector and the increasing mental health crisis within that sector. Thus, the primary concern of the MBDP is to advance both the individual and the collective development of the contemporary designer’s mind. Referring to the mind of the designer as the ‘inner designer’, this article forms an unfolding dialogue of the novel framework MBDP in support of mindful learning within twenty‐first‐century design education.  相似文献   

Business people in multinational environments must deal with a variety of situational barriers and cultural differences, such as time zones, languages, and common practice differences. Learning to accommodate these barriers and differences effectively often takes years of practice. Students who experience some of these barriers and become aware of some of the cultural differences while still in school have the advantage of beginning their practice early. Classroom to classroom videoconferencing (VC) provides an excellent discovery, or active, learning opportunity for business students to interact with, and learn more about, other's cultural similarities and differences. This article presents a case study that describes the videoconferencing interactions experienced by Japanese and U.S. undergraduate business students conducted in three successive years with three different sets of students on each side. In each year, students report learning a great deal about each other's cultures through the discovery learning process; at the same time, faculty learned that some types of discussion vehicles work better than others. Implications for how best to provide a cross‐cultural experience via videoconferencing for students who will soon be in the international workforce are discussed.  相似文献   

The time, material, and staff‐consuming nature of anatomy's traditional pen‐and‐paper assessment system, the increase in the number of students enrolling in medical schools and the ever‐escalating workload of academic staff have made the use of computer‐based assessment (CBA) an attractive proposition. To understand the impact of such shift in the assessment method, an experimental study evaluating its effect on students’ performance was designed. Additionally, students’ opinions toward CBA were gathered. Second‐year medical students attending a Clinical Anatomy course were randomized by clusters in two groups. The pen‐and‐paper group attended two sessions, each consisting of a traditional sectional anatomy steeplechase followed by a theoretical examination, while the computer group was involved in two similar sessions conducted in a computerized environment. At the end of each of the computer sessions, students in this group filled an anonymous questionnaire. In the first session, pen‐and‐paper group students scored significantly better than computer‐group students in both the steeplechase (mean ± standard deviation: 66.00 ± 14.15% vs. 43.50 ± 19.10%; P < 0.001) and the theoretical examination (52.50 ± 12.70% vs. 39.00 ± 21.10%; P < 0.001). In the second session, no statistically significant differences were found for both the steeplechase (59.50 ± 17.30% vs. 54.50 ± 17.00%; P = 0.085) and the theoretical examination (57.50 ± 13.70% vs. 54.00 ± 14.30%; P = 0.161). Besides, an intersession improvement in students’ perceptions toward CBA was registered. These results suggest that, after a familiarization period, CBA might be a performance equivalent and student accepted alternative to clinical anatomy pen‐and‐paper theoretical and practical examinations. Anat Sci Educ 11: 124–136. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

Design thinking is a collaborative problem solving and human‐centric approach that fosters innovation by elevating participants’ creative thinking abilities. Design thinking techniques and practices have been implemented into different curricula in secondary and post‐secondary education to address the need for new skills to be learned for the twenty‐first century. However, little work has been conducted to clarify how to evaluate the students’ design thinking skills gained in these courses. This study reports on a successful evaluation of an interaction design thinking curriculum in secondary level education. Several types of data sources, including participant observation, open‐ended questions and document analysis were employed to gather extensive data on students’ skills gained during the course. The results of the study inform design thinking researchers about how to evaluate design thinking skills of students in a secondary level design thinking course.  相似文献   

随着MOOC教学模式和"以学生为中心"的教育理念成为新时代教学发展的新趋势,高校公选课的教学模式改革迫在眉睫。实践表明,在线教学模式存在教学管理难度大、师生互动不够、考核评价不合理等问题。为激发大学生自主学习兴趣,提升公选课教学质量,进而提高学生的综合能力,探索一种融合传统教学优点与MOOC教学优势的混合教学模式十分必要。课题组以吉林大学"能源与环境概论"卓越工程类公共选修课为例,重点论述基于MOOC理念的混合教学课程设计与实践,以期为我国高校公选课的教学改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

基于新课程实施中课堂教学评价所存在的实际问题,从理论和实践两个层面,对课堂教学评价的基本特征及其实施策略进行分析.首先,阐明新课程背景下的课堂教学评价当以"解释者"和"批判社会建构主义者"的身份加以担当,并概括为六大特征;其次,以"阅读教学"为例,具体说明课堂教学评价特征和实施策略.  相似文献   

加强对高校职能、教辅部门服务教学中心工作水平评估,是完善高校内部质量保障体系建设,提高教学质量的重要途径。高校职能、教辅部门服务教学中心工作水平评估指标体系应从指导思想与定位、服务意识与理念、组织保障与制度建设、服务对象与范围、服务目标与标准、工作计划与措施、改革与创新、服务质量与效果等方面设计;其评估办法应采用职能、教辅部门自我评估和专家组实地考察评估相结合的方式进行;其评估结果应与职能、教辅部门领导任期内的业绩挂钩,与职能、教辅部门人事和经费配置挂钩。  相似文献   

针对高职维修技能性课程学习中面临的问题,构建了"典型项目实训—综合模拟仿真—生产实践服务"三级学习活动和"基本维修能力—系统分析能力—职业综合能力"三级能力培养的课程模式,并以冰箱空调维修课程为例,阐述了课程内容组织以及教学组织的具体实施过程。  相似文献   

Balancing the competing demands of research and teaching has long been lamented by academics. The challenges associated with Covid‐19 will make this increasingly difficult. An integrated approach to research and teaching, where students are directly engaged in the production of research, may provide a useful strategy to support ongoing research within the design disciplines whilst befitting student learning. The production of original research requires a willingness to engage in – and manage –uncertainty. Contemporary higher education acknowledges that global challenges are increasing in complexity and, thus, students require opportunities to learn to productively manage this complexity. Utilising teacher observations and student feedback, this article reflects critically on a studio model, iteratively refined over two semesters, with the deliberate intent of exacerbating the complexity already present within studio pedagogy for the production of new knowledge. It outlines a set of strategies for making manageable this uncertainty for students to ensure it is beneficial for their learning. It also identifies a number of challenges educators can face when assuming a duel role as teacher and research partner; and provides advice for negotiating these challenges.  相似文献   

When evaluating equity, researchers often look at the “achievement gap.” Privileging knowledge and skills as primary outcomes of science education misses other, more subtle, but critical, outcomes indexing inequitable science education. In this comparative ethnography, we examined what it meant to “be scientific” in two fourth‐grade classes taught by teachers similarly committed to reform‐based science (RBS) practices in the service of equity. In both classrooms, students developed similar levels of scientific understanding and expressed positive attitudes about learning science. However, in one classroom, a group of African American and Latina girls expressed outright disaffiliation with promoted meanings of “smart science person” (“They are the science people. We aren't like them”), despite the fact that most of them knew the science equally well or, in one case, better than, their classmates. To make sense of these findings, we examine the normative practice of “sharing scientific ideas” in each classroom, a comparison that provided a robust account of the differently accessible meanings of scientific knowledge, scientific investigation, and scientific person in each setting. The findings illustrate that research with equity aims demands attention to culture (everyday classroom practices that promote particular meanings of “science”) and normative identities (culturally produced meanings of “science person” and the accessibility of those meanings). The study: (1) encourages researchers to question taken‐for‐granted assumptions and complexities of RBS and (2) demonstrates to practitioners that enacting what might look like RBS and producing students who know and can do science are but pieces of what it takes to achieve equitable science education. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., Inc. J Res Sci Teach 48: 459–485, 2011  相似文献   

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