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Chinese leaders have attempted to alleviate international anxiety about its rise to global prominence describing its development as a ‘peaceful rise’ or ‘peaceful development’. Most recently, Chinese leaders have begun deploying a new term, the ‘New Style of Great Power Relations’ (新型大国关系). The purpose of this study is to examine the treatment of the ‘New Style of Great Power Relations’ as a political slogan within the Chinese media as a means to shape a geopolitical worldview among Chinese citizens and international actors. Researchers identified 541 articles from 25 different Chinese media sources selected to represent varying levels of government influence and editorial perspectives. This study found the concept primarily intended to engage the United States by stressing cooperative aspects of U.S.–China relations, but also challenges specific U.S. actions. Those U.S. policies challenged within the Chinese media are portrayed as inconsistent with the ‘new style’ concept’s principles. This forms a ‘rhetorical trap’, as it were for the United States, in that the framing of the discourse implicates U.S. intentions and policies as disingenuous unless the United States changes its policy stances. The essay examines the implications of the discourse for understanding Chinese political communication.  相似文献   

The National electronic Library for Health (NeLH) is now taking shape, as the virtual branch libraries begin to accumulate ‘books’, among their resources. In the Primary Care branch ( http://www.nelh‐pc.nhs.uk ), one of the first available books was the Statement of Fees and Allowances (otherwise known as the Red Book). While being held up as an example of what the NeLH can offer, this book and the story of its transformation from paper to Internet format is a powerful example of how much further the National Health Service (NHS) must go before it can claim to be fully exploiting the benefits of information technology (IT). This article refers to the author’s experience in producing electronic books for primary care using WaX software, and an example of a process change from paper to screen that was managed within a university administrative office. The author suggests that to reap optimal benefits from IT, the NeLH and its collaborators must address the fundamental issues of people and the paper‐based processes used by information providers. The NeLH must work with both NHS IT trainers and information providers in a three‐way collaboration involving key people and processes, to achieve the efficient production of an updateable and user‐friendly library of electronic books.  相似文献   

在文献载体类型不断发展,新技术的应用和检索手段在网络环境日益完善的情况下,传统的信息资源的更新、补充手段也面临许多新情况、新变化。 本文是美国EBSCO公司信息部亚洲地区负责人戴维德在总结了美国和亚洲地区一些大学和研究图书馆面临网络环境下藏书补充采取的新的方针和手段的基础上,提出了一些建议供我们参考。 戴维德先生希望他的这篇论文能在本刊发表,考虑到其论文涉及新技术条件下的藏书补充问题,我们拟将其论文按原稿发表。作为一种尝试,请读者对此提出意见。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to reflect on the development of an Erasmus Mundus Digital Library Learning (DILL) program to understand the impact of the changes in technology on the role, skills and competencies of the digital librarian in contemporary society. This reflective article is based on the writer’s experience as a participant observer of the DILL program on its 10?years of development. A literature review was also employed to gather information from scholarly articles that were analyzed to help answer the research questions. Analysis of data followed a thematic approach where key ideas were identified and grouped together into themes that have been used to structure the discussions in the article. The discussions in this article have implications for further developments of education for information, particularly relating to the development of digital library learning programs in different contexts. Any effective digital library program should focus on content within a specific context, with required technology and a unique digital library education curriculum that is separate from LIS syllabi. The program may also be more effective if its curriculum content is designed to evenly assess the professional knowledge, generic skills and specific personal competencies of today’s digital librarians.  相似文献   

Paul Manning 《Media History》2013,19(4):479-495
This paper draws upon archive material to explore the reasons for the absence of any drugs education films, or ‘mass-mediated drugs education’, during the immediate post-war period in Britain. The term ‘mass-mediated drugs education’ is used to refer to any drugs education messages communicated via the mass communication technologies of the twentieth century—the ‘high modern age’. While this might appear a rather narrowly defined interest in media history, the evidence offered in explanation provides some important insights into the assumptions made about mass media by British policy-makers and political elites during the ‘high modern age’ of mass communication. In contrast to Britain, during the same period in the United States, a plentiful supply of drugs education films was generated through the energies and interests of state agencies and moral entrepreneurs. Many of the US films of the ‘reefer madness’ era of the 1930s and the short ‘social guidance’ films of the fifties and sixties still remain in circulation, thanks to YouTube and other video file sharing sites where they are widely relished for their hysterical and wildly exaggerated treatment of the dangers of illicit drug use. However, in Britain there is an absence of any drugs education films or mass-mediated drugs education during the fifties and sixties, while the first government-sponsored mass-mediated drugs education was not produced until the mid-1980s, five decades after the first US films appeared.  相似文献   

Progress to open access (OA) has stalled, with perhaps 20% of new papers ‘born‐free’, and half of all versions of record pay‐walled; why? In this paper, I review the last 12 months: librarians showing muscle in negotiations, publishers’ Read and Publish deals, and funders determined to force change with initiatives like Plan S. I conclude that these efforts will not work. For example, flipping to supply‐side business models, such as article processing charges, simply flips the pay‐wall to a ‘play‐wall’ to the disadvantage of authors without financial support. I argue that the focus on OA makes us miss the bigger problem: today’s scholarly communications is unaffordable with today’s budgets. OA is not the problem, the publishing process is the problem. To solve it, I propose using the principles of digital transformation to reinvent publishing as a two‐step process where articles are published first as preprints, and then, journal editors invite authors to submit only papers that ‘succeed’ to peer review. This would reduce costs significantly, opening a sustainable pathway for scholarly publishing and OA. The catalyst for this change is for the reputation economy to accept preprints as it does articles in minor journals today.  相似文献   

In September 2017, Hurricane María rattled Puerto Rico and its Caribbean neighbors. To study this US colony’s post-hurricane crises, long-time histories and present experiences with what I call ‘energy coloniality’ and ‘energy privilege’ must be foregrounded. This approach allows for an understanding of this unnatural disaster as just one of countless systemic colonial and neoliberal entwined cruelties, driven by disaster capitalism. Informed by fieldwork and years of ‘e-advocacy,’ I critique four rhetorical problems that shape everyday and extraordinary emergencies in Puerto Rico. While I focus on this archipelago, hegemonic emergency discourses are widespread and linked to what I term the ‘emergency manager effect.’ This shock doctrine outcome is constituted by neoliberal and colonial governance and discourses, whereby undemocratically appointed overseers manage local places and peoples, who are perceived as anachronistic and incapable of solving problems independently. Delinking from these exploitative strategies and systems requires intervening in the entanglements of energy coloniality, energy privilege, and neoliberalism, as reckless extractivism continues to disproportionately target frontline communities.  相似文献   

Background and objectives: Clinicians report difficulties using research in their practices. The aim of the study was to describe needs and preferences for a mental health clinical question‐answering service designed to assist this process. Method: Multi‐disciplinary clinicians participated in a focus group; users of the service supplied feedback. Results: Fifty‐four clinicians received answers to 84 questions about mental health treatments. User ratings showed that the answers had multiple uses: informing health care (43), education (22), staff development (28) and research (12), and were considered useful, clear, relevant and helpful. Focus group participants appreciated critically appraised summaries of evidence and stressed the time‐saving benefit of the service. Clinicians without a medical training were least confident in applying evidence. Attitudes to research were positive, but concern was expressed about its potential misuse for political purposes. This appeared to arise from an ambiguity around the term ‘insufficient evidence’, which participants felt is widely misinterpreted as ‘evidence of no effect’. Conclusions: A highly valued, responsive service has been developed. A range of clinicians find critically appraised summaries of research useful. Education about the use of research may help clinicians to be more evidence based.  相似文献   

The role that public library collection development policies play in guiding selectors and informing users has been promoted as a pillar of good professional practice. While these policies purport to open up the methods and the criteria used in selection so as to promote transparency and a sense of professional objectivity, how they actually are developed and put into practice has remained largely implicit in the research literature. This analysis revealed that policies tended to focus on local issues and remained heavily materials focused. How collections are developed to support user’s information needs and substantive issues associated with topicality are largely unarticulated.  相似文献   

Using the example of communication about risk in a primary care setting, this paper puts forward a method of developing and evaluating a detailed search strategy for locating the literature for a systematic review of a ‘diffuse’ subject. The aim of this paper is to show how to develop a search strategy that maximizes both recall and precision while keeping search outputs manageable. Six different databases were used, namely Medline, Embase, PsychLIT, CancerLIT, Cinahl and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI). The searches were augmented by hand-searching, contacting authors, citation searching and reference lists from included papers. Other databases were searched but yielded no extra references for this subject matter. Of the 99 papers included, 80 were indexed on Medline. The Medline search strategy identified 54 of them and the remaining 26 were located on other databases. The 19 further unique references were found using the other databases and methods of retrieval. A combination of several databases must be used to maximize recall and to increase the precision of searches on individual databases, thus improving the overall efficiency of the search.  相似文献   

Purpose: To characterise the training needs of those providing clinical question answering services (CQAS). Participants: Seventeen specialist UK staff working in CQAS, 21 from general health library UK staff and eight international respondents. Methodology: A literature review examined documented training needs for CQAS staff. A follow‐up questionnaire examined prior training and experience and identified training needs for the surveyed staff. Results/outcomes: Ninety per cent of CQAS staff had worked in health services for 3 years or longer. Training received in preparation for the CQAS role comprised literature searching (including the PRECEPT/ADEPT and cochrane library courses) and critical appraisal. Skills considered ‘essential’ for clinical question answering were ‘literature searching’ (100%), ‘understanding the context of clinical questions’, ‘bibliographic databases’, ‘evidence‐based sources’ and ‘the Internet’ (all 93%). Main training needs for specialist CQAS staff include management and organisation of CQAS and technical skills in interpretation and presentation. Discussion/conclusion: CQAS staff require a formal training programme. Most CQAS staff considered that this should be a mandatory requirement.  相似文献   

中国特色社会主义进入了新时代,推动高质量发展是适应全面建成小康社会、全面建设社会主义现代化国家的必然要求,更是遵循经济规律发展的必然要求。公共图书馆事业经过近20年的高速发展,必须转型以适应社会高质量发展的需要。在新时代中应充分考虑社会转型、技术创新和群众需求正在加速促进公共图书馆的转型发展,思考公共图书馆事业未来的发展。今年是"十四五"开启之年,文章从"十二五"至"十三五"时期转型中的公共图书馆事业发展实践,公共图书馆事业面临的机遇与挑战,以及公共图书馆事业发展的逻辑等方面,思考未来公共图书馆高质量发展的路径。  相似文献   

This paper identifies and evaluates Malaysia's television policy in a period of change. A period, that is, which sees the transnational media becoming more dominant and influential in this region. A period, on the other hand, which also sees Malaysia's policy makers arguing in the international arena for ‘Asian’ values and, domestically, for ‘Islamic’ values.

By locating the development of Malaysian television and its contents within these wider proclamations of intent by the powers that be, this paper argues that while these declarations give the policy makers much political mileage and may help them ‘look good’ in the local and international arenas, in reality, all is not what it seems with Malaysian television.

What this paper argues is that while the rhetoric of ‘Western media/ cultural imperialism’ is constantly evoked by the policy makers in Malaysia to imply that they are ‘Malaysianizing’ the medium of television, current practices and trends indicate that it is very much ‘business as usual’, with Malaysian television being led further and further into the international marketplace and the attendant pressures this entails.  相似文献   

As the representative of prominent scientists, understanding the Nobel laureates’ research patterns throughout their careers are helpful to promote the science development. We use the BERT model to vectorize the laureates’ papers and calculate the similarity matrices among them, and detect the research topics of each laureate by Affinity Propagation clustering. We further propose relevant indexes based on Kuhn's ‘essential tension’ hypothesis and divide the laureates’ research topics into the Prize-winning topic, the topic semantically closest to the Prize-winning topic, and other non-Prize-winning topics. The empirical analysis of 117 Nobel laureates in Physics shows that they have a similar research pattern, that is, they tend to explore 2 to 3 topics alternately in different periods, but they usually identify the core research topics early and mainly focus on exploiting them throughout their careers, and other non-Prize-winning topics they explore are often related in some way to the Prize-winning ones.  相似文献   

The role of e-books in Korea has been a puzzle for the rest of the world due to its late acceptance and development in a country that has such a highly developed and wide ranging computer based technologies. The article provides a twenty-year history with a focus on the past 3 years of the emergence of the e-book and related smart phones as prime platforms and then the related development of content. The review also includes the entry of international players such as Amazon’s Kindle, Apple and Google with a summary of trends as the role of e-books continues to evolve.  相似文献   

李军亮  裴燕 《编辑学报》2019,31(1):20-23
介绍我国医学原创性一次文献连续型电子出版物数量、学科影响力,分析目前连续型电子出版物面临的问题,探讨我国医学原创性一次文献连续型电子出版物的发展方向。一方面,连续型电子出版物需不断提高自身学术质量、编校质量,加强推广与宣传,提升在学科中的影响力和行业中的认可度;另一方面,编辑部需创新人才管理体制,建立稳定、专职的复合型编辑团队;同时,在国家政策的引导下,光盘版连续型电子出版物应加快多媒体融合,推动光盘版向网络版出版的转型。  相似文献   

The primary goal of the present study is to discover new drug treatments by topology analysis of drug associations and their therapeutic group network. To this end, we collected 19,869 papers dated from 1946 to 2015 that are related to autism treatment from PubMed. We extracted 145 drugs based on MeSH terms and their synonyms (the total number is 6624) within the same ATC classification hierarchy and used them to find drug associations in the collected datasets. We introduced a new topology-driven method that incorporates various network analyses including co-word network, clique percolation, weak component, pathfinding-based analysis of therapeutic groups, and detection of important drug interaction within a clique. The present study showed that the in-depth analysis of the drug relationships extracted from the literature-based network sheds new light on drug discovery research. The results also suggested that certain drugs could be repurposed for autism treatment in the future. In particular, the results indicated that the discovered four drugs such as Tocilizumab, Tacrolimus, Prednisone, and Sulfisoxazole are worthy of further study in laboratory experiments with formal assessment of possible effects on symptoms, which may provide psychologists, physicians, and researchers with data-based scientific hypotheses in autism-drug discovery.  相似文献   


Accepting donations has been a fundamental aspect of librarianship for years. The world’s greatest collections, from Carnegie Libraries to the Library of Congress, have been built by the generosity of others. Yet, in the modern era, gifts-in-kind are offered more democratically and come with mixed quality. This has led to a shift in how libraries look at gifts-in-kind as often more burdensome than genuinely helpful. This is because gifts come with costs to the library that donors fail to consider, and some gifts are offered with ulterior motives. To navigate these burdens and still encourage a generous public, libraries must have a clear written gift policy to ease stresses and anxieties on both the donor and the institution. In the case of academic law libraries, they often don’t share the exact experience of other libraries; however, they face some of the same challenges and require a written gift policy all the same. Examining the gift policies of other law libraries can establish a framework of essential elements when establishing a new gift policy at an institution.  相似文献   

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