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This article reports on the findings of a study investigating creative risktaking behaviours of the commencing university students enrolled in three units across three disciplines: Interactive and Visual Design, Fashion Design, and Film, Screen and Animation. The study employs an action research methodology in order to help students develop confidence and competence in creative risk‐taking. Upon analysis from relevant literature three key provisions for the study are proposed, being: P1 An open and playful learning environment that encourages sharing and challenging multiple perspectives; P2 An adequate period of time for students to develop and revise creative concepts; and P3 Opportunities to assess their own performance in developing creative risk‐taking capacities. The study draws on the students’ written self‐reflections to identify the key challenges and opportunities in encouraging creative risk‐taking among first year students, which are challenges of collaboration; creative resilience and self‐efficacy; and balancing creativity with technical competency. The article suggests several ways that educators can encourage students to take creative risks within higher education in preparation for careers in the creative industries.  相似文献   

通过探讨广告图形创意中创造性思维的本质和规律,在广告图形创意中加强学生的创造性思维的训练,使学生在广告创意形象表现中丰富主题的审美内涵,增强广告视觉的艺术感染力和预期效果。  相似文献   

项目教学法在机械创新设计课程教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本次机械创新设计课程的教学设计以新产品开发为教学项目。本课程是发挥学生个人想象力和协调合作能力的开放性实验课。学生通过自己动手进行各种相关工程实践的创新设计,一方面获得基本实际技能的训练,培养独立思考和操作的能力,另一方面培养分析和解决实际问题的能力,激发创新潜能,从而为毕业设计以及今后从事生产技术工作打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

Understanding the enigma of how learners from the Peoples Republic of China enact and engage with creativity and creative design processes can be problematic for VCD educators. Central to the concerns are questions which relate to the relevance of Western creative and creative design process definitions, explanations and models. This review provides an overview and analysis of the literature in this area. Findings indicate challenges attributed to a dearth of empirical evidence from the Asian region. However, a number of studies were found, which enabled learner engagement with creative design process models. Such models may help illuminate complex pictures of learners’ interactions, artefacts, social, cultural and historic forces. The review highlights issues and common areas upon which to build and prompts theoretical and methodological approaches for future creative design process research.  相似文献   

This article draws on current research investigating the notion of design for an unknown future. It reflects on recent thinking about the role of creativity in design practice and discusses implications for the development and assessment of creativity in the design studio. It begins with a review of literature on the issues and challenges associated with the assessment of creativity in design education. It then discusses and distinguishes three significant assessment models in design and creative arts education and emphasises the importance of opening debate on notions of creativity within the discipline. Following this, the article examines recent developments in the way that creativity is being practised, driven, fostered and implemented in contemporary design practice, and argues that these recent developments must feature in current scholarship about the development and assessment of creativity in design education. The article recommends areas for future research that pay close attention to developments in the rapidly expanding field of design practice.  相似文献   

毕业设计中可以运用组合创造技法、移植创造技法、替代创造技法、变革创造技法、逆向创造技法、信息创造技法、仿生创造技法、机遇创造技法、列举创造技法、蜘蛛网技法等创新设计方法。掌握这些方法可以提升大学生的创新设计能力,为今后的工作打下良好基础。  相似文献   

机械方案创意设计模拟实施实验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
文章介绍西南交通大学研制成功的"机械方案创意设计模拟实施实验仪",开出的"机械方案创意设计模拟实施"实验,实现了培养学生的创新动手能力的教学改革目标。  相似文献   

Creativity tests, at best, measure only a small sliver of the whole of creative giftedness. These tests assess aspects of creative intelligence. But creativity is at least as much a conscious decision and even an attitude toward life as it is a traditionally defined ability. This article discusses how well-intentioned gifted educators may be following the wrong path by overly relying on tests of creativity to measure creative giftedness. This article presents a triangular theory of giftedness that conceptualizes creativity largely as an attitude toward life rather than as ability based.  相似文献   

This paper serves three purposes. First, it makes a case for seeing creativity as a key learning outcome in our times, and thus the core business of education. It then goes on to examine the nexus of creativity and pedagogy, showing the conceptual work done to demonstrate creativity as a learnable set of dispositions and capabilities. Finally and most importantly, the paper argues the value of a pedagogical approach the author calls “Meddling-in-the-Middle”, in augmenting and enhancing the repertoires of “Sage-on-the-Stage” and “Guide-on-the-Side” in order to build students' creative capacity. Examples are given of what these meta-approaches might look like in relation to the teaching of Shakespeare. The author concludes by arguing the important connection between Meddling pedagogy and creative capacity building.  相似文献   

With the emergence of an entire generation of technologically infused learners comes a new challenge for educators to combat their desire for technologically enhanced isolation. The impact of social media on self‐absorption and the ramifications of excessive screen time are already evident in our current generation of tech‐native students. Meanwhile, the need for more empathetic employees who show compassion toward clients, exercise tolerance for co‐workers and demonstrate cultural awareness in all aspects of their work is already being prioritised over discipline‐specific skills and even STEM expertise by current business leaders. Similarly, the demand for more empathetic creatives is being catalysed by a design industry that now values human‐centredness. Empathy brings the human component to user‐experience and interface design and is now widely acknowledged as the first step in any design process. As a corollary, the development of empathy as a pedagogical deliverable will not only be necessary for the workplace of the future but for future generations to become fully‐functioning members of society. This research explores how an inclusive art and design pedagogy can foster collaborative learner‐centred approaches to develop empathy as a key component of emotional intelligence. Our methodology for triggering meaningful experiences and transformational growth harnesses collaborative play as a way to engage learners in stimulating, socially conscious teamwork. By becoming more intentional about designing the future of higher education in order to nurture more empathetic career creatives, we also lay the groundwork in preparation for educating the most technologically advanced, yet potentially socially isolated learners of any generation yet.  相似文献   

多年来,机械课程设计一直以减速器为设计内容.在分析传统机械课程设计内容所存在不足的基础上,论述了在机械课程设计中开展机械创新设计的必要性和可行性.  相似文献   

近年来随着展示中的空间设计及展示道具和制作工艺的发展,人们也越来越感受到展示空间中设计的不断提高和创新,很多新的展厅、博览会展示方式、展示制作工艺、展示理念不断给人带来全新的视觉感受,不断丰富人们的视野,许多富有创意的展示设计思想在整体设计的制作与思考过程中洋溢着百花争艳的氛围,展示设计为产品推向市场、为现代经济与文化做出了许多贡献。展示设计的形式也随着时代的发展呈现多样化、创意化、个性化的发展趋势,怎样才能创作出一个好的展示空间;展示空间中的创意设计在当今社会有哪些表现形式;展示空间中的创意形式在设计过程中如何体现;通过本文将更加全面的了解展示空间中创意设计的体现形式和设计方法。  相似文献   


Proponents of building a “creative society” through educational innovation are calling for engaging learners in new modes of collaboration, problem solving, and original thinking. How might the enterprise of Jewish education contribute to this evolution in creative thinking and action? This article explores how “the Jewish sensibilities” can be adapted into a framework infusing Jewish “ways of seeing and being” into a vision of “Jewish education for a creative society.” The proposed conceptual framework aims to spark conversation, experimentation, research, and inquiry within the broader discourse of rethinking the aims of Jewish education for the future.  相似文献   

书是人类表达思想、传播知识和积累文化的物质载体,而书籍装帧艺术是这种物质载体的结构和形态的独特设计,包涵着设计者深厚的艺术修养和巧妙的思想创意。  相似文献   

Research concerning the basic course known as Foundations of Art and Design strengthens the pedagogical approach for K‐16 art and design education. The version of Foundations introduced to America by Josef Albers, although hardly changed, is shown to have continued, timeless relevance. Next, a sequential, implicit logic is revealed in linking the literature of the originators’ old intentions for the course, reflections by their students, and directions taken by later colleagues (particularly design scientists and the theorists addressing the current paradigm combining aspects of art, design, mathematics and science education), revealing some limitless, possible new dimensions. The first focus of this article points to the foundations course as a common denominator for the assimilation of complex new material through aesthetic play, paving the way for new cultural forms. A second theme begins to intertwine literature from many interdisciplinary fields, revealing a profound and deeply rooted pedagogical underpinning, accessible to art and design researchers and educators to aid with their move toward future transformation.  相似文献   

本文阐述帽饰图案的特点,设计帽饰图案的题材来源,以及图案在不同装饰工艺中所产生的不同工艺美感,结合实例来直观地感受帽子中创意图案所蕴含的聚光效果.  相似文献   

素质教育呼唤培养有创造力的学生,培养创造性思维的主阵地在课堂,合理有效的课堂教学问题设计对学生的创造性思维能力培养至关重要。  相似文献   

论室内设计教学中的创造思维   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
室内设计教学是创造性的艺术活动。在室内设计教学中需要解决的主要问题是如何培养学生的创造性思维以及如何培养学生具备科学分析的头脑和善于提出问题、创造性解决问题的能力  相似文献   

文章从心理学的角度就如何在艺术设计教育中培养学生创新能力展开论述。通过对艺术设计学科属性的探讨得出艺术设计活动过程中创造性思维的特点。并通过分析非随意创造性思维活动的加工方式和心理操作模型提出在艺术设计教育中应该注意艺术和文化对设计创新思维的促进作用,并同时指出培养理性思维的重要性。  相似文献   

知识经济时代的艺术设计人才必须具备创新思维。首先这是知识经济发展所需人才必备的素质,其次也是专业素质自身的特性所决定。艺术设计作为体现人类智慧与创造力的综合性学科,在国民经济发展、文化观念意识导向方面起着不可估量的作用。因此,建立适应时代需要的设计教育体系,并在教学实践中打破传统灌输式的教学方式,采取一些积极的措施,使创新思维的培养目标得以实现。  相似文献   

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