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Many so‐called brain‐based educational approaches have been strongly criticized for their lack of empirical support and occasionally for their use of pseudoscientific concepts. As a result, several use the term neuromyths to refer to false beliefs or misinterpretations regarding neuroscientific facts. We surveyed both teachers and student teachers concerning their agreement toward hemispheric dominance, modality dominance, and the Brain Gym© method. Results suggest that teachers as well as student teachers believe in the reality of hemispheric and modality dominance but only a few were aware of the Brain Gym© method. Correlation analyses show moderate relationships across different beliefs and/or their perceived benefits in education. Teachers believed more than student teachers in hemispheric dominance and its pedagogical relevance. Together with other studies, the results suggest that teachers and student teachers could benefit from appropriate training in this new field of research.  相似文献   

Neuroscientific knowledge has undeniably gained interest among educators worldwide. However, not all “brain facts” believed by teachers are supported by science. This study sought to evaluate the belief in these so‐called neuromyths among 3,451 Latin American teachers. We found that, consistent with prior research among teachers in other geographic areas, teachers in Latin America hold major misconceptions about neuroscience, especially as it relates to factual information about its structure and functioning. Differences across South American nations were observed with moderate and slight effect sizes for general knowledge of the brain and neuromyths, respectively. Teachers working in higher education had slightly superior performance. Teachers at all levels who reported knowing more about the brain, however, were more likely to believe invalid assertions known as neuromyths. These results shed light on trends in the field of education, hoping to encourage the development of strategies aimed at correcting the use of science as it relates to education. The implications regarding teaching practice, policy, and teacher training are discussed.  相似文献   

Teachers often face situations that require them to apply knowledge about the mind and brain to education. Past studies have indicated that even if teachers show interest in cognitive neuroscience, they show high rates of adhesion to neuromyths. In the most commonly used questionnaire, however, respondents do not compare neuromyths and correct information based on neuroscience. The present study proposes a multiple‐choice questionnaire that presents scenarios occurring in school. The most commonly used and the new questionnaire were administered to 174 Italian teachers. In the most commonly used questionnaire, teachers generally had the same likelihood of accepting neuromyths as the literature reports. In the new questionnaire, the levels of both general knowledge and beliefs about neuromyths were significantly lower. Moreover, it suggests that teachers' adhesion to neuromyths in realistic situations does not match their explicit beliefs. Thus, the present research proposes that the use of questions based on feasible scenarios is a useful method to assess neuromyths.  相似文献   

Understanding preservice teachers' misconceptions regarding the brain and neuroscience (neuromyths) can provide information that helps teachers to apply neuroscience knowledge in an educational context. The objective of this study was to investigate these misconceptions. Following preliminary research, a questionnaire comprising 59 challenging assertions in two categories (education and neuromyths) was developed as a data collection tool. The findings identify preservice teachers' neuromyths, which were found to vary by teaching area.  相似文献   

关于师德师风建设问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校是进行系统道德教育的重要阵地,师德师风建设是教师队伍建设的核心,加强师德师风建设必须以科学理论为指导。以教育法规为基本原则,以《公司道德建设实施纲要》为依据,以敬业乐业,勤力精业,教书育人为基本内容,一手抓教育,一手抓管理,全面提高教师的综合素质。  相似文献   

20世纪魁北克民族主义的发展及其根源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪,魁北克民族主义进一步发展。魁北克民族问题的产生有其深厚的历史、文化、语言、宗教背景,更与二战后的国际大环境有关。魁北克分离主义运动出自英裔和法裔两个民族在政治、经济和文化上的碰撞。历届加拿大政府采取了一系列措施,如推行多元文化政策等来化解魁北克民族独立问题,但都没有从根本上解决这一问题。  相似文献   

Neuromyths have been discussed to detrimentally affect educational practice, but the evidence for this assumption is still very scarce. We investigated whether 255 student‐teacher' beliefs in neuromyths are related to their academic achievement (overall grade point averages and first‐year practical courses). Believing or rejecting neuromyths that make no direct assumptions about learners' educability was not related to academic achievement. Believing in neuromyths that explicitly deny the educability of learners was only marginally related to academic achievement. We conclude that self‐reported beliefs in neuromyths do not differentiate between high‐ and low‐achieving initial teacher education students.  相似文献   

随着中小学新的课程体系和新教材的出台,每一位教师都面临着真正的严峻考验,能不能从传统教育中走出来,转变教育观念。其中具有决定意义的第一步:尊重学生。尊重学生的前提是师生平等,尊重学生的核心是尊重学生的个性,尊重学生的目的是为了学生的全面发展。  相似文献   

小学全科教师是能全面理解小学阶段国家所开设的课程目标、价值和内容,并能担任语文、数学、科学等多门学科教学的教师。小学全科教师具有内容上的跨学科特点、能力上的综合性特征和层次上的基础性特性。培养小学全科教师有利于学生全面发展、有利于减轻学生过重的学业负担、有利于跟上世界教育潮流。小学全科教师的培养要注意明确培养目标、设计课程计划和标准、注重培养方法以及重视培养评价。  相似文献   

The study examined the extent to which burnout levels of teachers working in international schools differed from the burnout level of teachers working in their country of origin. All participants of the study were Canadian citizens who were educated in Canada, held Ontario College of Teachers certification and were teaching credit courses in high schools offering the Ontario curriculum under the auspice of the Ontario Ministry of Education. All teachers completed the Burnout Test Form 1 – Revised (Jerabeck, Burnout Test Form 1 – Revised, 2001) online. The study found that international teachers had a statistically lower level of burnout than teachers working in their country of origin.  相似文献   

教学质量是学校生存和发展的关键因素,通过对某高校计算机教学中存在的问题进行分析并提出了相应的对策,以提高教学质量.  相似文献   

The study examined the extent to which burnout levels of teachers working in international schools differed from the burnout level of teachers working in their country of origin. All participants of the study were Canadian citizens who were educated in Canada, held Ontario College of Teachers certification and were teaching credit courses in high schools offering the Ontario curriculum under the auspice of the Ontario Ministry of Education. All teachers completed the Burnout Test Form 1 – Revised (Jerabeck, Burnout Test Form 1 – Revised, 2001) online. The study found that international teachers had a statistically lower level of burnout than teachers working in their country of origin.  相似文献   

简论教师团结协作精神的培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了教师团结协作精神的必要性及对教育工作的重要性,针对教师人际关系中存在的问题,探究了教师合作精神培养的方法和途径。  相似文献   

本研究采用《卡特尔十六种个性因素问卷》对国家级优秀教师、重点中学教师、一般中学教师(共135名)的个性特点进行了调查,测查结果表明国家级优秀中学教师与一般中学教师在稳定性、有恒性、实验性、自制性四个因素上存在着显著性的差异,而国家级优秀中学教师与重点中学教师在有恒性一个因素上存在着显著差异。这表明国家级优秀教师具有情绪稳定、有恒负责、探求新知、自律严谨的独特个性特征。  相似文献   

文章首先确定教师知识管理的概念,其次揭示了当前我国高校教师知识管理的现状和问题,最后就如何开展高校教师知识管理提出建议和措施.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to measure teachers' views about trust between teachers, trust between the principal and teachers, peer collaboration, positive attitudes towards the school and how these antecedents influence the academic pressure teachers put on pupils with respect to learning and learning intensity and performance. The methodology involved was a cross-sectional survey of 234 teachers from 11 Norwegian schools. The structural equation analysis indicated that principal-teacher trust has a moderately high impact on such constructs as “teacher-teacher trust” and “academic pressure” and that “teacher-teacher trust” has a moderately high impact on teachers' “peer collaboration”. “Peer collaboration” has a lower impact on “academic pressure”, while the impact of “positive attitudes towards the school” was moderately high. The article concludes with a discussion of the knowledge basis for understanding how social practice among teachers and school leaders in school communities is mobilised for a sustained focus on pupil learning. Implications for practice and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The Technology Proficiency Self-Assessment (TPSA) questionnaire was administered to 978 elementary and middle school teachers from Mexico City, and 932 elementary and middle school teachers from the Dallas, Texas, metroplex in the USA, in order to examine self-efficacy similarities and differences for technology proficiency self-appraisals in a cross-cultural environment. Results indicate acceptable reliability and clear cross-cultural discriminant validity among the four subscales of the 20-item instrument. Texas teachers perceived themselves as more proficient in using e-mail and the World Wide Web than teachers from Mexico City, while the differences between the two groups were not large for self-ratings of integrated applications or teaching with technology. It is concluded that the TPSA is a useful measure for assessing level of proficiency in using technology among teachers from Texas and from Mexico City. It is also concluded that the measure is appropriate for studying differences between teachers from the two cultural contexts. Suggestions for future research include the need to control for certain variables such as large differences in technology access and a Hispanic ethnicity factor that appears to be present in the Texas sample.  相似文献   

教研是教师幸福之源   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在现实教育中,大凡并不十分忙碌而工作成效显著的教师,莫不是勤于思考乐于教研(教育科研)之人。浙江省某高中有一语文教师,经过一些年的钻研,形成了独特的教学风格,以至经校长特许,他所教的学生一般不参加本校的语文考试,但高考揭榜时,他的学生语文成绩总是名列全校前茅。每当谈及此事,他谦逊的话语中流露着幸福感。  相似文献   

This quantitative study investigated the relationship between teacher dispositions, subject content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and reasons that school principals recommend non-renewal of probationary teachers' contracts. Principals in the Southeastern Unites States completed an e-mailed survey. Two nonparametric tests, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann Whitney U, were used to statistically analyze group responses. Principals reported that they observed most a lack of pedagogical content knowledge from ineffective teachers and they prioritized the importance of instructional skills in deciding whether to non-renew a teacher contract. Principals identified teacher integrity, dependability, and honesty as important dispositions. The studies' findings are important for universities that prepare preservice teachers and also for the planning of professional development initiatives. The study findings suggest that principals tend to view dispositions as personality characteristics rather than as teacher competencies and that teacher expertise in both subject content and pedagogy must be woven together.  相似文献   

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