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This article introduces a specific concept of consumer culture into the international and European discussion about new concepts and categories in comparative education. Basic meanings of consumer culture are presented in reference to consumer research, consumer culture theory, and a revisited concept of world polity. In addition to general reflexions, two educational programs from UNESCO—on sustainable consumption and lifestyles, and on cultural diversity and national cultural heritage—are analyzed to show how education and educational research can benefit from the concept of consumer culture. The article proposes to conceive consumer culture as the educational space of global cultural capitalism.  相似文献   

This article looks at women teachers' involvement in educational reform from a gendered perspective. Using qualitative data collected in interviews with secondary level educators, the authors show how women teachers' beliefs and actions towards reform efforts were influenced by their gender identity. Socialization of women as nurturers and caretakers created in many women particular notions regarding the appropriate role they should play as teachers. When an educational reform effort 'fitted' with these conceptions, women teachers became advocates for and participated in the reforms. The support and commitment by women teachers in turn facilitated the success of the reforms. However, it was also found that the overrepresentation of women in a reform effort had the potential of creating negative political ramifications. When the character or profile of the reform took on a gendered identity, it ran the risk of facing resistance by men teachers in the school, ultimately thwarting implementation.  相似文献   

论作为心理学概念的体验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体验是人的精神生活的重要内容之一,是个人在亲心经历或亲身经历的基础上,通过情感评价,对事物关系进行价值判断的心理活动。体验来自生活,是对某种生活的反思,具有直观性、整体性、独特性、情感性、内隐性。体验对于提高学生的认识水平,培养学生的主体性,促进学生的品德发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Religious Experience as a Jewish Educational Ideal   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

实施教育改革,首先要转变教育观念。作为班主任教师,要搞好班主任工作的首要问题是树立新的学生观,即民主的学生观和发展的学生观。  相似文献   

《宇宙新概念》作为武汉大学一门开设了二十多年的通识选修课,选课人数累计达3.5万余人。该课程2014年入选素质教育国家精品通选课,2016年开始在中国大学MOOC课程网上线,2017年获国家精品在线课程称号,两年多来网上累计选课人数达5.5万余人。2018年入选武汉大学第一批核心通识课。本文就《宇宙新概念》这门课程所解决的教学问题及其特点进行了较详尽的分析,以及如何通过教学方法、教学内容等的改革,来吸引更多学生选课,扩大课程的影响力,提高学生对天文学的认识和理解,由此帮助学生建立正确的世界观。  相似文献   

In diverse academic spaces around the world, sexual and gendered harassment is increasingly recognized as a problem. High‐profile cases continue to emerge that underscore how gendered harassment is normalized in elite research contexts. In this article, Liz Jackson and Ana Luisa Muñoz‐García analyze three recent policy cases for decreasing sexual and gendered harassment. These cases involve three levels of analysis and three cultural contexts. The first is that of the higher education community in Chile; the second is the University of Hong Kong; and the third is the Philosophy of Education Society, an international academic society based in North America. In each case we analyze how sexual and gendered harassment has been (1) conceptualized, (2) responded to, and (3) contextualized. Through their analysis of these cases, Jackson and Muñoz‐García invite readers to reflect on practical and philosophical recommendations for moving forward antiharassment policies and programs, seen broadly.  相似文献   

根据教育的全球化发展趋势提出教育工作者应更新办学理念 ,树立新世纪教育观 ,注重创新人才的培养 ,加强教师自身素质的提高  相似文献   

算法及其教育价值   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
2003年颁布的《高中数学课程标准(实验)》,其中“算法”是一个全新的内容.算法内容的教育价值主要体现在:(1)算法内容有利于培养学生的思维能力;(2)算法内容有利于培养学生理性精神和实践能力;(3)算法内容有利于学生理解构造性数学;(4)算法内容反映了时代的特点,同时也是中国数学课程内容的新特色.  相似文献   

教育增长与教育发展:历史、概念与政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
60年来,发展理论经历了从经济增长到经济发展再到经济、社会、人、自然全面协调可持续发展的变迁。我国教育正面临大改革和大发展。这一过程中,人们容易把教育增长即教育人数的增加、教育年限的延长和教育资源条件的改善当作教育发展,从而使教育发展面临GDP化、工业化、市场化和物质化的陷阱。而教育发展是指教育系统自身机能的改善和对社会教育需求的灵活满足,它包括教育的物质基础、结构、功能、教育机会数量、教育机会分配、受教育者素质变化、社会人力资源状况以及对社会的影响八个范畴。为了促进教育的发展,当前应在科学教育发展观的指导下,检视既有的教育发展道路,调整教育政策的价值标准、知识基础、政策领域和政策手段。  相似文献   

孔子的素质教育思想强调以自我学习和完善为核心,讲求人才的全面发展,注重因材施教和个性差异,重视观察与实践,强调学以致用。这些素质教育主张对当代素质教育改革具有一定的启发和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

"教育惩戒"的上位概念是"行政惩戒",研究行政惩戒是研究教育惩戒概念的必要前提。文献研究发现,"教育惩戒"的概念构成主要包含八个要素,未来的理论研究和立法规定应当从这些方面对"教育惩戒"进行合理界定。教育惩戒与管教、体罚(变相体罚)、训诫、申诫具有显著区别,立法上应详加区分。未来教育立法应当规定教育惩戒的概念、类型、设定,以及适用原则、适用程序、救济途径、"失范行为"构成要件等内容,只有这样,才能更好地发挥教育惩戒制度的积极作用。  相似文献   

In contrast to ancient times, friendship is rarely discussed nowadays as a resource in moral education. Even within Aristotle-inspired character education, where it could naturally claim pride of place, its coverage is miniscule compared, say, to that of the emulation of moral exemplars. The aim of the present article is to retrieve friendship as a moral educational concept: to explain how moral educational goals define and sustain deep friendships, and how the thorny issue of when friendships should be terminated is best understood in terms of considerations as to whether they have exhausted their educational potential. By arguing that education is the raison d'être of deep friendship, Kristján Kristjánsson shows how friendship is developmentally constituted and, in its most complete form as “character friendship,” educationally executed. There is no such thing as friendship per se, but rather friendship at a certain developmental niveau (or level), with its specific developmental assets and liabilities: qualitatively differentiated according to its educational affordances. While operating within a broad Aristotelian framework, Kristjánsson devotes two sections to charting the moral educational liabilities that may dissipate even the most complete friendships, a topic mostly overlooked by Aristotle himself.  相似文献   

本文论述了常州技术师范学院在建设面向21世纪人才培养系统过程中应该强化的教育观念:适应观念、质量观念、素质教育观念、创新观念、效益观念、特色观念;提出了若干深化教学改革的措施,对推动本院的教学工作具有一定的参考意义.  相似文献   

文章认为教育作为社会全面进步与民族整体素质提高的基础与途径,应着重将教育的观念引导到素质教育上来,并就这一问题从端正教育思想、转变教育观念、注重能力培养、改革教学方法二个方面进行了具体的论述.  相似文献   

关于教育观念的理论思考   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
教育观念是一个群簇而生的观念群,既因应着现实的社会需要,又体现着教育主体的价值追求和对教育的理想。教育观念有理论形态、制度形态和社会心理形态三种。在教育观念转化过程中需要分析教育观念的认可和认可度、实践和实践度以及合理性等几个范畴。  相似文献   

科学发展观是指导各行各业发展的一项国家战略决策。教育技术也应该在科学发展观的指导下推进,否则很容易会走弯路。教育技术的内部有几对对应的因素,如硬件与软件、老媒体与新媒体、人类智能技术与媒体物化技术、虚拟学习空间与真实学习空间等等的建设与应用都要正确认识,做到全面、协调,达到可持续的发展。同时也要注意教育技术与教育技术以外的若干因素的互动关系。教育技术实施的目的在于促进学习,离开了这一目的,教育技术就无真正的价值。科学发展观与正确的政绩观是紧密相连的,因此,我们对树立与落实教育技术的科学发展观既要有紧迫感和责任感,也要看到它的艰巨性、复杂性和长期性。  相似文献   

知识与经验的关系决定了经验在思维方式、教育认识、教育技术学三个层次的重要性.当前的一些热点实践证明了经验的重要性,同时反映了人们对它的渴求.从经验的角度去认识教育技术的本质及理论支点,需要关注的不仅是教育技术的理论建构,也包括它的实践需求.  相似文献   

在世界范围内,教育评估研究已经成为同教育理论研究、教育发展研究并列的教育科学的三大研究主流之一,教育评估同教育测量、教育评定和教育研究既有联系又不相同。本文首先讨论教育评估及其相关概念的定义和特征,随后简要回顾教育评估的由来和历史发展。  相似文献   

以人为本是当代社会发展的重要方向,在高校教务管理领域,以人为本理念的贯彻也可以有效提升高校教务管理效率与质量。本文通过实例,提出了在新形势下践行以人为本教务管理理念的方法,通过符合当代高校学生习惯和认知的沟通方式,引导其树立公民意识和社会责任感,为学生进入社会后的人生观、价值观塑造打好基础,从而助力全社会范围内契约精神的普及与道德意识的提升。  相似文献   

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