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The idea that assessment is intrinsic to effective instruction is traced from early experiments in the individualization of learning through the work of Benjamin Bloom to reviews of the impact of feedback on learners in classrooms. While many of these reviews detailed the adverse impact of assessment on learning, they also indicated that under certain conditions assessment had considerable potential to enhance learning. It is shown that understanding the impact that assessment has on learning requires a broader focus than the feedback intervention itself, particularly the learner's responses to the feedback, and the learning milieu in which the feedback operates. Different definitions of the terms “formative assessment” and “assessment for learning” are discussed, and subsumed within a broad definition that focuses on the extent to which instructional decisions are supported by evidence. The paper concludes by exploring some of the consequences of this definition for classroom practice.  相似文献   

《Issues in Education》1998,4(1):111-119

Schools' own capacity and responsibility for reflection and evaluation is now at the forefront of UK policy. This article posits an identifiable 'English model' of school self-evaluation, which can be contrasted with the model derived from a recent CIDREE project on school self-evaluation involving 7 other European countries. The 'English model' has various strengths, which can be characterised as instrumentalist, action-oriented, rationalistic and managerial; what seems to be missing from it are what the article calls 'the ethical, affective, non-rational and democratic modes of thinking'. The article argues that, since these are crucial dimensions in the process of education, they should also figure as key aspects or modes of evaluation. What might be the implications of this for current policy and practice?  相似文献   

Play fighting is a common form of play reported among species of mammals, birds, and some other taxa. The competition present in play fighting revolves around gaining some advantage, such as biting a partner without being bitten. The behavior simulated during play fighting need not be restricted to that present in adult serious fighting, but can involve competitive interactions derived from amicable behavior, such as sex and social grooming, or from nonsocial competition, such as predation. What unifies play fighting, irrespective of the functional behavior being simulated, is that it involves some degree of reciprocity, or turn taking, that requires that the competition be attenuated by cooperation. However, there are several different ways in which cooperation can be inserted into playful interactions, and these vary in use across different species. The moderation of competition with cooperation forces animals to monitor their own actions and those of their partners, and this common feature appears to be one vehicle through which the experience of play fighting in the juvenile period can train animals for greater psychological resilience. The monitoring and contextual adjustment of actions influences the development of executive functions of the brain, which, in turn, leads to the development of more adaptable adults.  相似文献   

What is this?     
"嘿……你认得我吗?""哎哟!谁,谁打我的头……"你!说的就是你,不要这么突然跑出来吓人啊!哼,就算你是我们今天请来的客人,也要乖乖守规矩才可以!咳咳,大家好,让我把台词说完……来,猜猜看今天来到我们这个栏目的朋友是谁吧!当然,按老规矩,要先给它画张像才可以!  相似文献   

What is this?     
"在每一个天空被洒满朦胧月色的夜晚,我从幽深的森林里启程,来到人们居住的地方,吸食人们的梦。我不会害怕在吃梦的时候吵醒熟睡着的人们。因为我生性胆怯,在夜色中,只会发出轻轻的、摇篮曲一样的叫声……"传说中我过着这样的生活。然而你真的知道我是什么吗?  相似文献   

What is this?     
也许你觉得我很可怕,但我其实是个傻娃娃!咦?你在笑什么,难道觉得我在说大话?哼,不要小看了我啊。如果你了解我,一定就不会这样嘲笑我了。我的名字?现在可不能告诉你,老规矩,来猜猜看吧!  相似文献   

What is transit?     
B. S. Shylaja 《Resonance》2012,17(5):487-492
The event of Venus passing in front of the Sun is called the transit. This is equivalent to an eclipse with the Moon replaced by the planet Venus. In this article, the rarity and importance of the event and the historical explorations are discussed.  相似文献   

What is it?     
Yon can find it everywhere.Yon can touch it or feel it.But it can’t be eaten and can’t be drunk.There is air in it.There is water in it.Because it has much nutrition(营养物)which plants live on it,and we  相似文献   

Feminism is the one or two hours you wait up for your female companion;Feminism is the sweat you generate when escorting  相似文献   

What is this?     
"我,我的名字?""唉,别问了,有毒的海水就快流过来了……你觉得我很漂亮?谢谢谢谢,我要走了……回见!""喂!等一等啊!"唉,我们今天的这位嘉宾实在太害怕了,不过这也不能怪它,求生要紧嘛!好在我们给它做了一段匆匆忙忙的现场采访,那么,让我们来看一下吧!  相似文献   

What is good?     
“What is the real good?”I ask in musing mood.“Order,”said the law court;“Knowledge,”said the school;  相似文献   

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