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We examined summary indices of high school performance (coursework, grades, and test scores) based on the graded response model (GRM). The indices varied by inclusion of ACT test scores and whether high school courses were constrained to have the same difficulty and discrimination across groups of schools. The indices were examined with respect to skewness, incremental prediction of college degree attainment, and differences across racial/ethnic and socioeconomic subgroups. The most difficult high school courses to earn an “A” grade included calculus, chemistry, trigonometry, other advanced math, physics, algebra 2, and geometry. The GRM‐based indices were less skewed than simple high school grade point average (HSGPA) and had higher correlations with ACT Composite score. The index that included ACT test scores and allowed item parameters to vary by school group was most predictive of college degree attainment, but had larger subgroup differences. Implications for implementing multiple measure models for college readiness are discussed.  相似文献   

为比较结构方程模型和 IRT等级反应模型在人格量表项目筛选上的作用,以《中国大学生人格量表》的7229个实际测量数据为基础,针对因素二“爽直”分别以Lisrel8.70和Multilog7.03进行结构方程模型和等级反应模型的参数估计与拟合,比较两种方法的项目筛选结果.二者统计结果均认为项目5、6、7、8拟合度不佳,在结构方程模型上表现为因子负荷较低,整体拟合指数不理想;在等级反应模型上表现为区分度参数和位置参数不理想,相关项目的特征曲线和信息曲线形态较差.但结构方程模型倾向于项目6、8更差,而等级反应模型则倾向于项目5、6更差.结构方程模型和 IRT等级反应模型对人格量表项目的统计推断结果从总体上讲是一致的,但在个别项目上略有差异.二者各有优势,可以结合使用.  相似文献   

Sχ2 is a popular item fit index that is available in commercial software packages such as flexMIRT. However, no research has systematically examined the performance of Sχ2 for detecting item misfit within the context of the multidimensional graded response model (MGRM). The primary goal of this study was to evaluate the performance of Sχ2 under two practical misfit scenarios: first, all items are misfitting due to model misspecification, and second, a small subset of items violate the underlying assumptions of the MGRM. Simulation studies showed that caution should be exercised when reporting item fit results of polytomous items using Sχ2 within the context of the MGRM, because of its inflated false positive rates (FPRs), especially with a small sample size and a long test. Sχ2 performed well when detecting overall model misfit as well as item misfit for a small subset of items when the ordinality assumption was violated. However, under a number of conditions of model misspecification or items violating the homogeneous discrimination assumption, even though true positive rates (TPRs) of Sχ2 were high when a small sample size was coupled with a long test, the inflated FPRs were generally directly related to increasing TPRs. There was also a suggestion that performance of Sχ2 was affected by the magnitude of misfit within an item. There was no evidence that FPRs for fitting items were exacerbated by the presence of a small percentage of misfitting items among them.  相似文献   

应用项目反应理论对中考命题质量进行分析,可以排除抽样干扰,准确评估试题的难度,客观精细地描述试题的区分度,评估整套试卷和各试题对学生能力估计的精度,查找赋分标准和阅卷过程中存在的问题。  相似文献   

高中学业水平考试:功能、命题与成绩使用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱宇 《考试研究》2008,(2):107-115
高中学业水平考试是新课程改革背景下出现的新型教育考试。它考查中学生的知识掌握水平、学科素养、学习能力,应该成为高校招生的重要评价指标之一,并能为社会用人单位提供有用的信息。高中学业水平考试的命题组卷,应关注的首要指标是试题有无较全面地覆盖课程标准要求的内容,以及试题的难度范围是否足够广泛。作为高考招生的指标之一,高中学业水平考试成绩合格或达到一定等级应该成为一个关键的录用前提条件。至于考生取得哪个等级的学业水平考试成绩可以被录用,则最终取决于招生院校和专业的要求。  相似文献   

Item response theory “dual” models (DMs) in which both items and individuals are viewed as sources of differential measurement error so far have been proposed only for unidimensional measures. This article proposes two multidimensional extensions of existing DMs: the M-DTCRM (dual Thurstonian continuous response model), intended for (approximately) continuous responses, and the M-DTGRM (dual Thurstonian graded response model), intended for ordered-categorical responses (including binary). A rationale for the extension to the multiple-content-dimensions case, which is based on the concept of the multidimensional location index, is first proposed and discussed. Then, the models are described using both the factor-analytic and the item response theory parameterizations. Procedures for (a) calibrating the items, (b) scoring individuals, (c) assessing model appropriateness, and (d) assessing measurement precision are finally discussed. The simulation results suggest that the proposal is quite feasible, and an illustrative example based on personality data is also provided. The proposals are submitted to be of particular interest for the case of multidimensional questionnaires in which the number of items per scale would not be enough for arriving at stable estimates if the existing unidimensional DMs were fitted on a separate-scale basis.  相似文献   

The U.S. government has become increasingly focused on school climate, as recently evidenced by its inclusion as an accountability indicator in the Every Student Succeeds Act. Yet, there remains considerable variability in both conceptualizing and measuring school climate. To better inform the research and practice related to school climate and its measurement, we leveraged item response theory (IRT), a commonly used psychometric approach for the design of achievement assessments, to create a parsimonious measure of school climate that operates across varying individual characteristics. Students (n = 69,513) in 111 secondary schools completed a school climate assessment focused on three domains of climate (i.e., safety, engagement, and environment), as defined by the U.S. Department of Education. Item and test characteristics were estimated using the mirt package in R using unidimensional IRT. Analyses revealed measurement difficulties that resulted in a greater ability to assess less favorable perspectives on school climate. Differential item functioning analyses indicated measurement differences based on student academic success. These findings support the development of a broad measure of school climate but also highlight the importance of work to ensure precision in measuring school climate, particularly when considering use as an accountability measure.  相似文献   

伴随着个性化学习需求的增长,自适应学习系统的研制已经成为教育领域的研究热点。该文首先通过问卷调查了解了高中英语词汇自适应学习系统的需求;然后在文献综述的基础上,提出了本系统开发的重点内容和理论基础;接着介绍了系统功能模块的具体实现;最后,阐述了系统在教学实践中的适用对象和时间。  相似文献   

高中作文层级教学的实施途径包括专题教育、课堂渗透、研究性学习和专题网站学习;学生作文能力应从选材立意、结构布局、语言表达、作文规范、作文修改等方面进行评价。  相似文献   

A polytomous item is one for which the responses are scored according to three or more categories. Given the increasing use of polytomous items in assessment practices, item response theory (IRT) models specialized for polytomous items are becoming increasingly common. The purpose of this ITEMS module is to provide an accessible overview of polytomous IRT models. The module presents commonly encountered polytomous IRT models, describes their properties, and contrasts their defining principles and assumptions. After completing this module, the reader should have a sound understating of what a polytomous IRT model is, the manner in which the equations of the models are generated from the model's underlying step functions, how widely used polytomous IRT models differ with respect to their definitional properties, and how to interpret the parameters of polytomous IRT models.  相似文献   

高校后勤社会化模式的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高校后勤社会化模式的选择,其实质是选择后勤生产关系形式,对于发展后勤生产力和社会化进程影响极大。后勤生产资料所有制关系是区分社会化进程的基本标志,企业实体的发展是评价后勤社会化模式选择实践效果的主要标准。本对于高校后勤社会化三个阶段的多种模式进行了分析,对比和评价。  相似文献   

综合素质评价是新一轮考试招生制度改革的重要举措,它对推进学生全面发展与个性发展、高中学校特色发展、落实素质教育具有重要意义。然而,综合素质评价结果纳入高中招生录取时困难重重:责任方遭遇评价指标科学性不够、操作困难,评价结果可靠性、公平性备受质疑的困境;使用方遭遇综合素质评价在招生录取中发挥作用有限的困境;管理方遭遇政策实施者偏离政策原本意图,综合素质评价制度体系失衡、合法地位未确立的困境。为此,应转变传统考试评价观念,确立综合素质评价育人新理念;转换传统评价思路,基于学生的不同背景进行整体评价;明晰政策规定,让综合素质评价与中考招生录取“硬挂钩”;加快综合素质评价配套制度建设,加强对政策的解释宣传。  相似文献   

写作需要思维、思维需要建模。而现今的写作思维训练存在着训练层面定位不准和训练方法难以操作两大弊端。为了改变这一现状,我们必须 写作教学中走出思维建模是限制僵化思维、排斥写作灵感、构建写作模式和教学模式四大认识误区,明确思维建模的导主式操作、适应性发展、合作式促进、监控式调整和激情参与五项原则,探讨开启思维之源和拓宽思维之路的基本方法。唯其如此,中学写作教学中的思维训练才具有操作性,才会更有成效。  相似文献   

在实施大学公共英语分级教学中,很重要的一个环节就是测试与评价的设计,包括学生分级测试的设计和分级教学后的测试与评价。该文从分级教学的理论和要求出发,试着探讨在教学过程中应如何设计不同层次的评价方式和测试方式,体现分级教学的个体认知能力的差异和学习需求差异,以便更好地完成分级教学的目标。  相似文献   

This research evaluated the usefulness of 3 approaches for predicting college grades: (a) traditional regression models, (b) high-school-effects models, and (c) hierarchical linear models. Results of an analysis of the records of 8,764 freshmen at a major research university revealed that both the high-school-effects model and the hierarchical linear model were more accurate predictors of freshman GPA than was the traditional model, particularly for lower ability students. Counter to expectations, the hierarchical linear model was not more accurate than the high school effects model.  相似文献   

“高中作文层级教学”课堂实施的原则是根据以学生发展为本、给学生提供多种学习途径的思想制订的。课堂实施原则包括读写结合原则、“层”和“级”结合原则、模块教学和系统训练结合原则、课内作文和课外练笔结合原则。课堂实施模式是在继承传统教学成功做法的基础上,通过不断探索和总结经验形成的,包括写前指导课模式和写后指导课模式。  相似文献   

This study established a Chinese scale for measuring high school students’ ocean literacy. This included testing its reliability, validity, and differential item functioning (DIF) with the aim of compensating for the lack of DIF tests focusing on current scales. The construct validity and reliability were verified and tested by analyzing the established scale’s items using the Rasch model, and a gender DIF test was conducted to ensure the test results’ fairness when distinct groups were compared simultaneously. The results indicated that the scale established in this study is unidimensional and possesses favorable internal consistency and construct validity. The gender DIF test results indicated that several items were difficult for either female or male students to correctly answer; however, the experts and scholars discussed these items individually and suggested retaining them. The final Chinese version of the ocean literacy scale developed here comprises 48 items that can reflect high school students’ understanding of ocean literacy—which helps students understand the topics of marine science encountered in real life.  相似文献   

"红黄蓝"绩效管理模式立足于"打好基础,促进发展,追求卓越"的办学理念,其主要特征为:崇尚民主,以人为本;关注个体,团队协作;注重过程,动态评价;依据绩效,持续改进。这种注重绩效改进的管理模式,对学校发展起到了良好的促进作用,产生了很大的生命力。本文从它的提出背景、内涵、特征、操作流程和实践价值等五个方面,对这种管理模...  相似文献   

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