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Single‐best answers to multiple‐choice items are commonly dichotomized into correct and incorrect responses, and modeled using either a dichotomous item response theory (IRT) model or a polytomous one if differences among all response options are to be retained. The current study presents an alternative IRT‐based modeling approach to multiple‐choice items administered with the procedure of elimination testing, which asks test‐takers to eliminate all the response options they consider to be incorrect. The partial credit model is derived for the obtained responses. By extracting more information pertaining to test‐takers’ partial knowledge on the items, the proposed approach has the advantage of providing more accurate estimation of the latent ability. In addition, it may shed some light on the possible answering processes of test‐takers on the items. As an illustration, the proposed approach is applied to a classroom examination of an undergraduate course in engineering science.  相似文献   

基于Flash8软件的多项选择题在教学、考试中是一个重点,也是一个难点。以多项选择题的设计与实现为例,通过添加相应的元件、对应的变量和相应的处理代码,介绍了Flash的具体操作步骤方法。  相似文献   

Management science professors who teach large classes often assess students with multiple‐choice questions (MCQs) because it is efficient. However, traditional MCQ formats are ill‐fitted for constructive feedback. We propose the reward for omission with confidence in knowledge (ROCK) format as an original formative assessment technique to help guide feedback associated with MCQs in an introductory undergraduate management science course. Our study contributes to theory by empirically showing that students can self‐assess their state of knowledge, signal it to the professor, and use proper answering options. In practice, ROCK is an easily implementable MCQ format that allows professors to gain information on student learning based on answers selected. ROCK identifies lack of knowledge or misinformation at both individual and collective levels thus providing opportunities for better feedback in class and during office hours. Limitations of the application of ROCK are also discussed.  相似文献   

Instructors can use both “multiple‐choice” (MC) and “constructed response” (CR) questions (such as short answer, essay, or problem‐solving questions) to evaluate student understanding of course materials and principles. This article begins by discussing the advantages and concerns of using these alternate test formats and reviews the studies conducted to test the hypothesis (or perhaps better described as the hope) that MC tests, by themselves, perform an adequate job of evaluating student understanding of course materials. Despite research from educational psychology demonstrating the potential for MC tests to measure the same levels of student mastery as CR tests, recent studies in specific educational domains find imperfect relationships between these two performance measures. We suggest that a significant confound in prior experiments has been the treatment of MC questions as homogeneous entities when in fact MC questions may test widely varying levels of student understanding. The primary contribution of the article is a modified research model for CR/MC research based on knowledge‐level analyses of MC test banks and CR question sets from basic computer language programming. The analyses are based on an operationalization of Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Goals for the domain, which is used to develop a skills‐focused taxonomy of MC questions. However, we propose that their analyses readily generalize to similar teaching domains of interest to decision sciences educators such as modeling and simulation programming.  相似文献   

解答考研数学试题中的选择题,常用方法有五种:直接法、排除法、特例法、代入法、图解法。如何迅速准确求解选择题对考研致胜非常重要。文章主要以考研真题为例介绍选择题的五种主要解法。  相似文献   


We conducted a randomized factorial experiment to determine how displaying school information to parents in different ways affects what schools they choose for their children in a hypothetical school district. In a sample of 3,500 low-income parents of school-aged children, a small design manipulation, such as changing the default order in which schools were presented, induced meaningful changes in the types of schools selected. Other design choices such as using icons to represent data, instead of graphs or just numbers, or presenting concise summaries instead of detailed displays, also led parents to choose schools with higher academic performance. We also examined effects on parents’ understanding of the information and their self-reported satisfaction and ease of use. In some cases, there were trade-offs. For example, representing data using only numbers maximized understanding, but adding graphs maximized satisfaction at the expense of understanding.  相似文献   

本从化特征与课程内容、化交流与课程变迁、化变革与课程发展三个方面,论述了化与课程之间的紧密联系,并在此基础上阐明了课程是社会化的价值选择。  相似文献   

Implications of the multiple‐use of accountability assessments for the process of validation are examined. Multiple‐use refers to the simultaneous use of results from a single administration of an assessment for its intended use and for one or more additional uses. A theoretical discussion of the issues for validation which emerge from multiple‐use is provided focusing on the increased stakes that result from multiple‐use and the need to consider the interactions that may take place between multiple‐uses. To further explore this practice, an empirical study of the multiple‐use of the Education Quality and Accountability Office Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics, a mandatory assessment administered in Ontario, Canada, is presented. Drawing on data gathered in an in‐depth case study, practices associated with two of the multiple‐uses of this assessment are considered and evidence of ways these two uses interact is presented. Given these interactions, the limitations of an argument‐based approach to validation for this instance of multiple‐use are demonstrated. Some ways that the process of validation might better address the practice of multiple‐use are suggested and areas for further investigation of this frequently occurring practice are discussed.  相似文献   

通过高新技术改变人体原有的基本性状的基因增强技术已经成为了当今社会伦理争议的主要焦点之一。随着基因改良技术的流行,人们对于不是基于疾病治疗而是为了达成追求人类的欲望而利用基因增强技术干预人类的基因序列,存在着各种意见的分歧与质疑,当然也就不可能在短时间内达成统一的意见。对于基因增强技术的实践运用还需要进行严谨的科学验证与全面的伦理剖析,需要制定相应的策略,从而既不会影响医学事业的进一步深入发展,也不会伤害人类的需求与阻碍社会的进步。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的发展,企业之间的兼并和购买行为已经十分普遍。并购不仅仅是企业实现组织调整、产权重组、产品结构调整的重要方式,更是实现生产资源在全社会范围内有效配置的手段。并购涉及的内容很多,诸如并购的动机、并购的战略、并购中的会计处理和融资问题等等,但中心问题还是目标企业的价值评估。本文的主要讨论了各种主流的价值评估方法,并比较其优劣和适用条件,最后分析得出关于企业应该如何选择最优的评估方法的结论。  相似文献   

Marsh and Hau (1996) based the assertion that parsimony is not always desirable when assessing model fit on a particular counterexample drawn from Marsh's previous research. This counterexample is neither general nor valid enough to support such a thesis. More specifically, the counterexample signals an oversight of extant, stochastic models justifying correlated uniquenesses, namely, moving-average and autoregressive moving-average models. Such models provide theoretically plausible motives for a priori specification of error correlations. In fact, when uniquenesses are correlated, stochastic models other than the conventional simplex and quasi-simplex models must be tested before positive identification of the process is possible (Sivo, 1997). In short, exchanging the mechanistic penalties for model complexity for the mechanistic specification of untenable measurement-error covariances offers no solution. Parsimony has not been dismissed based on the argument Marsh and Hau presented concerning longitudinal data.  相似文献   

客家文化研究的价值选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在客家文化研究中要把握正确的价值选择 ,要用全新视角来审视客家文化 ;要以客家民系海纳百川、兼容并蓄的博大胸襟 ,采取“扬弃”的态度 ,弃除陈腐 ,积累并更新民族性内核。我们的价值选择是 :面对风云变幻的当代世界 ,凡是有助于将国家民族引向光明的事物 ,我们都应该给予充分关注并使之成为迈向新征途的力量源泉 ;至于那些颓废倒退的事物 ,应该让它们和逝去的岁月一同逝去  相似文献   

讨论了数学选择题在转化错误方面的优势与转化错误的基本策略.  相似文献   

In recent years, research and practice focused on academics and students working in partnership to co-design learning and teaching in higher education has increased [Deeley and Bovill 2017. ‘Staff student partnership in assessment: enhancing assessment literacy through democratic practices.’ Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 42 (3): 463–477. doi:10.1080/02602938.2015.1126551]. Student generation of content has been advocated as a means of fostering deep learning and high levels of students engagement, leading to enhanced conceptual understanding [Draper 2009. ‘Catalytic Assessment: Understanding how MCQs and EVS can Foster Deep Learning.’ British Journal of Educational Technology 40 (2): 285–293.]. However, within the discourse exploring staff-student co-creation, some concerns have been raised about whether students ought to, or indeed can, meaningfully act as partners in assessment [Cook-Sather, Bovill, and Felten 2014. Engaging Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.]. This paper describes the introduction of a co-creation assignment into an undergraduate tax module. Students’ and instructors’ perceptions of several aspects of the assignment were examined, facilitating the cataloguing and elucidation of the tensions involved in assessment co-creation. The paper suggests techniques to manage these challenges effectively, thereby providing a case study for others with an interest in implementing assessment co-creation within their own disciplinary context.  相似文献   

利用误差理论在实验中的具体应用,改进教学方法,提高学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的实验能力.  相似文献   

医学生在实验报告书写中存在的问题及其矫正方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
医学实验报告是医学科学研究的第一手资料,医学生写好医学实验报告可为今后撰写医学科研论奠定良好基础。据调查,医学生在实验报告书写中存在图、表、字、词、句等方面的诸多不足之处.很有必要采取相应措施加以矫正。  相似文献   

在对外直接投资的产业选择及区位选择上,国外学者提出了不同的理论。但在实践中,对外直接投资产业选择和区位选择是紧密结合在一起的,不可割裂开来单独分析。中国在对外直接投资中进行产业选择时,要充分考虑东道国的宏观影响因素和行业影响因素;在亚洲、非洲、欧洲和美洲等不同市场,中国应结合其不同区位特点和中国行业实际,在对外直接投资时做出合理的产业选择。同时,我国不同的产业部门在对外直接投资的区位选择上也应有所区别和侧重。  相似文献   

Although multiple choice examinations are often used to test anatomical knowledge, these often forgo the use of images in favor of text‐based questions and answers. Because anatomy is reliant on visual resources, examinations using images should be used when appropriate. This study was a retrospective analysis of examination items that were text based compared to the same questions when a reference image was included with the question stem. Item difficulty and discrimination were analyzed for 15 multiple choice items given across two different examinations in two sections of an undergraduate anatomy course. Results showed that there were some differences item difficulty but these were not consistent to either text items or items with reference images. Differences in difficulty were mainly attributable to one group of students performing better overall on the examinations. There were no significant differences for item discrimination for any of the analyzed items. This implies that reference images do not significantly alter the item statistics, however this does not indicate if these images were helpful to the students when answering the questions. Care should be taken by question writers to analyze item statistics when making changes to multiple choice questions, including ones that are included for the perceived benefit of the students. Anat Sci Educ 10: 68–78. © 2016 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

人生价值选择是在一定的人生价值观和人生价值目标规定下的主体人生道路的选择。人生价值观的正确与否,对人的一生至关重要。为此,就要树立符合历史发展方向的、为人民服务的、奋斗进取的人生价值观,反对个人主义、拜金主义、享乐主义的人生价值观。  相似文献   

从人文角度入手辨析了校园体育文化的概念,探讨了校园体育文化的价值观,进一步阐述校园体育文化与人的发展和社会和谐发展的关系.师生的全面发展和校园的和谐进步则为校园体育文化的价值核心.  相似文献   

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