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本文从维果茨基的社会文化理论的视角探讨外语教师的语言知识的建构,认为外语教师的语言知识,不论是关于语言的知识、运用语言的知识,还是教学的语言知识都应被视为是从社会环境的经验中产生的。外语教师的教学的语言知识至少应该涉及关于语言的知识,对外语学习过程的理解,以及批判的语言意识等几个方面。这几个方面的知识都与教师原有的生活经历和知识基础相关。外语教师的学习和教学经验决定了其教学的语言知识基础,这就意味着教师的自传应置于外语教师发展中的重要的地位。  相似文献   

哲学人类学从传统上无需辩驳是致力于"人类1.0"的,人类1.0符合人类自身体出生就存在的默认的规范性期望。然而,这一关于存在的存在轨迹总是被引向两个不同的方向,一个使我们更深地嵌入自然,另一个则让我们超越自然[1]第二章。本文将从"人类2.0"的"后-"和"超人类"的视角之间的一个新兴分支的角度来考察这两种景象——首先从概念上考察,然后就他们具体的生存条件和教育需求的各自含义来进行。同时,这两种情形清楚表明"人类2.0"是关于功能对形式的符合或信息对媒介的符合。最后,文章将转入考察"人类2.0"的神学基础,并与将科学看做人成为神的顶点这一认识联系起来,通过人成为神这一过程,经由一种世界和自我转化的持续进程,进而意识到我们这一存在的神性的潜在。  相似文献   

Urgent societal challenges have led to unease in our socio‐cultural interactions and the production systems that underpin our lives. To confront such challenges, collaboration stands out as an essential approach in accomplishing joint goals and producing new knowledge. It calls for interdisciplinary methodologies such as co‐design, an approach capable of bridging multiple expertise. The core activities of co‐design are based on the premise of collaboration and on developing creative social environments. Yet achieving collaboration through co‐design is challenging as people need to understand each other, and develop trust and rapport. We argue that ‘informal‐mutual learning’ is central to building mutual understanding. This article explores how we create spaces for collaboration through co‐design by examining the social environments supporting them. It examines the value of collaboration and its impact upon participants within an action research project conducted in Scotland. We identified Cultural‐Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) as a suitable theoretical framework. It offers support for holistic inquiry into participation and learning. Its strength was in the attention that it pays to multi‐dimensional human interactions within the social environment. This led to an understanding of the concepts of boundary‐crossing and boundary space examined through a CHAT lens. The findings shed light on four designerly conditions supporting informal‐mutual learning when engaged in collaboration during co‐design situations: choreography and orchestration, aesthetics, playfulness, and quality and quantity of participation. The findings enable us to elaborate on the theorisation of boundary space, a theoretical space for the assemblage of multiple levels of expertise to achieve collaboration.  相似文献   

《象棋的故事》是茨威格生前最后一篇短篇小说,小说中B博士的遭遇反映了茨威格晚期的遭遇与内心的痛苦,茨威格对于纳粹法西斯的罪恶进行了严厉的控诉与谴责。茨威格在创作这篇小说当中,具有强烈的空间意识,从空间视域的角度来重新解读这篇小说,对于我们理解这篇小说中人物的空间体验、精神体验以及重新解读小说具有重要意义。  相似文献   

以多丽丝的部分代表作品为例,结合上世纪社会历史文化背景与作者人生经历,解读多丽丝小说中的"他者"情怀。正是对于"他者"的关注与书写使多丽丝文学作品中的人道主义具有了穿越时空、跨出国界的艺术魅力。  相似文献   

文学意象是作家的主观体验与外界的客观物象撞击的产物。月作为一种文学意象在中国历史文化和文学艺术中占有十分重要的地位,极大地丰富和拓展了诗文的内容。月在古代诗词意境的构造上广泛而多样,其审美意义表现为时空美、情爱美、喻义美。本文试图通过对古诗词中月意象审美意义的分析,来领略诗歌创作的多样化艺术风格和鲜明个性特色,领略古诗词给我们带来的美好享受。  相似文献   

This essay explores the author's experiences as a teacher, a reader, and a researcher in terms of some now-conventional knowledge about postmodernity. Using the term "postmodern research landscape," the author explains how the commonplaces of interactions among readers, teachers, and researchers co-emerge with ongoing senses of socio-spatial identity, and how these identities, in turn, shape the contexts in which persons experience personal and professional aspects of their lives. These ideas are used to map a more specific and particular understanding of postmodern action research practice.  相似文献   

For most of us, sex is a subjective, lived experience that is as unique as our genetic make-up, our upbringing, our thoughts, values, feelings, beliefs and ideas. It is through our erotic interactions, or the absence thereof, that we form aspects of our fluid and mutable erotic paths and identities. Despite the proliferation of sexual imagery throughout our culture, many of us still struggle with what sex means to us, what we do, how we experience it and what that says about who we are as people. Some who struggle with this may seek the services of a psychosexual sex therapist. This paper aims to explain how such services function, why they are necessary and how the use of sexually explicit material, in some psychosexual therapeutic contexts, can help unravel the mixed responses we have to sex and our social conditioning, and enhance our overall relationship to eroticism, pleasure and general well-being.  相似文献   

通过调查分析发现,影响大学英语四级考试选词填空阅读理解有多种因素。其中词汇知识和语法知识是两大重要因素,语篇知识、母语负迁移、阅读理解监控能力与情感因素也在不同程度上制约着学生对篇章的理解程度。  相似文献   

This paper explores how newcomers experience their transition to work as they strive to move from a position of ‘educational’ knowledge to professional knowing. Hence, we focus on how newcomers learn to transform knowledge to knowing at work. We do this through the analysis of two ethnographic case studies: one with a focus on new office workers and the other on newly employed paramedics. In our analysis, we approach knowledge as a question of knowing through practise. This enables us to recognize the complexities of learning at and for work and learning and knowing as integrated processes, where learning is situated, relational and mediated. We find that newcomers’ learning occurs through social interactions and participation, not simply by joining in but involving complex interactions to first find and grasp the pathways or the ‘codes’ (established organizational culture) that enable fruitful participation. Getting access to colleagues and thus, established practice is already considered important support for newcomers to learn to enact ‘educational’ knowledge professionally. However, we find that what is most important for newcomers is how they become knowledgeable as they recognize that it is not their educational knowledge, but working out how to engage and participate in the social practices, that counts.  相似文献   

池莉小说塑造了众多不同类型的女性形象 ,描述她们的挣扎、反抗、突围与选择 ,从个体生命的体验中表现出女性群体顽强的精神与生存能力 ,体现了作家对生命意义的独到理解和对平民价值的认同 ,以及平等对话的创作意识  相似文献   

This study explores Knowledge Building as a principle-based innovation at an elementary school and makes a case for a principle- versus procedure-based approach to educational innovation, supported by new knowledge media. Thirty-nine Knowledge Building initiatives, each focused on a curriculum theme and facilitated by nine teachers over eight years, were analyzed using measures of student discourse in a Knowledge Building environment–Knowledge Forum. Results were analyzed from the perspective of student, teacher, and principal engagement to identify conditions for Knowledge Building as a school-wide innovation. Analyses of student discourse showed interactive and complementary contributions to a community knowledge space, conceptual content of growing scope and depth, and collective responsibility for knowledge advancement. Analyses of teacher and principal engagement showed supportive conditions such as shared vision and trust in student competencies to the point of enabling transfer of agency for knowledge advancement to students; ever-deepening understanding of Knowledge Building principles; knowledge emergent through collective responsibility; a coherent systems perspective; teacher professional Knowledge Building communities; and leadership supportive of innovation at all levels. More substantial advances for students were related to years of teachers' experience in this progressive knowledge-advancing enterprise.  相似文献   

This study reviews six traditional approaches to hermeneutics and presents a dialogic understanding of hermeneutics. It concludes with specific applications of hermeneutics to curriculum development practices in schools with a focus on inter‐subjectivity. While 20th‐century access to post‐structural notions of subjectivity through aesthetic experience began to engender a language of possibility rather than a language of certitude for hermeneutic inquiry in curriculum studies, it nevertheless did not fully account for interpretation as a productive and collaborative act in the inter‐subjective sense of being for the other. This study explores the dialogic emergence of this language of possibility through a review of historical and contemporary approaches to hermeneutics, and subsequently proposes an alternative understanding of hermeneutics and aesthetics to offer a reconceptualized vision of the interpretive process for curriculum studies.  相似文献   

This paper explores possibilities for more democratic approaches to researching learning in and through everyday workplace practices. This links with a concern with who is able to speak in representations of learning at work, what is able to be spoken about and how knowing, learning and experience are inscribed in theories of workplace learning. I propose that Rancière’s notion of ‘the distribution of the sensible’, which draws attention to an aesthetic dimension of experience, knowledge and politics, provides a useful way of exploring learning in and through everyday workplace practices. The approach points to the possibility of knowledge without hierarchies and a shift from a knowledge – ignorance binary. An understanding of experience as aesthetic enables accounts of learning which counter the story of destiny in literature on learning in and through everyday practice. It also points to a very different way of doing academic research. The presupposition of equality is the point of departure in this approach and the purpose of research is the verification of equality (rather than the verification of oppression). The paper makes a significant contribution to literature on learning in and through everyday workplace practices by disrupting a prevailing view that knowledge is necessarily tied to identity.  相似文献   

散文的本质特性决定了它的独特艺术魅力,这也就决定了它能够至今始终保持文学本色不变。这是因为在散文中有一个与现代人的思维情感表达方式相吻合的伸缩自如的表达空间来做基础。这个空间由散文的密度与厚度两个部分组成,密度以创作主体的生活体验和阅历为基点;厚度则是指作品反映出来的总的感情倾向。两者巧妙地结合就构成了一个适宜抒写主体感受,以个体审美意识调动群体审美意识的作者与读者双向交流的艺术空间。  相似文献   

This article employs an autoethnographic, rhizotextual approach to analyse the compositional processes involved in the construction of two poems by the same author. What the analysis reveals is not only the internal thinking of the author in the process of composition but how the socio‐cultural standpoint of the author is implicated in the texts. It is posited that, in addition to the author's own lived experience informing composition, rhizotextual analysis enables us to extend beyond the self to interrogate the ‘secondary worlds’ of others and to form an empathic relationship to the ‘Other’. The findings of this article have implications for teachers’ knowledge of the socio‐cultural contexts of written composition. An authoethnographic, rhizotextual approach allows personal insights into the self, both as a writer and a person. This approach has implications for classroom practice, particularly for writing around issues of identity located in social class, gender, ‘race’, disability and sexual orientation, as well as the growing body of work on the teacher as a writer.  相似文献   

A bstract .  The Schefflerian notion that teaching intentionally tries to bring about knowledge has been spiritedly challenged by Catherine Elgin. Perhaps, in light of our enlightened understanding of the limits of our claims to knowledge in the scientific realm, knowledge emerges as too ambitious a goal for teaching to set itself. In this essay, George Pollack explores the maneuvers Israel Scheffler employs to deflect the onslaught of this challenge. Pollack addresses this issue by examining the so-called rationality constraints on teaching championed by Scheffler. The thesis that these constraints are definitive of teaching is, the author argues, not arrived at on conceptual grounds, but draws for its support on the several strands of epistemological reasoning woven together in Scheffler's celebrated work, Conditions of Knowledge . The notion of a dynamically engaged-in teacher-pupil interaction, harnessed to a mutually shared system of beliefs, is shown to take on a heightened prominence.  相似文献   

作为知识载体的课程文本难以满足现代社会对学校课程又好又多的苛刻要求,课程文本变革势在必行。兴起于美国的"概念重建运动"主张重建课程文本的概念,但单纯强调主体体验和对话的"话语文本"难以作用于实践。深度学习理念使人们认识到课程文本必须以知识学习的深度为基础、体现学习的过程性,才能融入主体体验。深度学习引领下的课程文本通过构建目标和实践体系,形成自我与他人、自我与知识深度互动的对话平台,既满足知识教学的需要,又为学生探究、体验、反思提供空间。  相似文献   

人类的解放和自由是有条件的,是一个漫长的历史过程。技术实践对人类的解放与自由具有根本性的意义,技术上的每一次进步,都是人类迈向解放与自由的一步。现代技术正在为人类开拓着多种可能的解放之路,主要表现为:摆脱种种危机的技术,筑牢自然解放的根基;改变生活方式的技术,探求社会解放的新路;开拓生存空间的技术,踏上空间解放的旅途;改变发展方向的技术,感受基因解放的自由。  相似文献   

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